HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 04-31_L -= �O RE"'OLL'TION. M4 31 A AL,Oi "i'iivU PLAINS S'isCiil- r,,.T Y Oii P uBLi li:.i'nU `kj t zI ;T IN T'ir 11Y Ur J ALi H 0 ttly i A . BE IT RESOLV__j nY THE COUNJIL CIT ; I i'Y Or as follows; That the plans and specifi,ations for the followinC work to be done and imMroverrrent to be made in the 'Jity of Bakersfield, County of Kenn, c,tate of California., to -wit: SEC'T'ION 1. (PA'JiNU). That the alley in Block 153, City of �3akersfield, from the northerly line of 23rd tree +t to the southerly line of 24th Street, and for the full width of said alley, be gredea and a pavement of cement -,oncrete. five (5) inches in thickness be laid thereon. EJTICN 2. (GH,AL, Al]. of the above work and improverncnt shall be done to such grades as have been estet.lished by Or-".inance 175 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted r'ebruary 20, 1911. All in the City of al-ersfield, ;ounty of \.ern, State - of' ;alifornia. SEJ`I'i0ivt 3. (1'LA,�:` All of said work and. improvement is to be done `n accord- ance with the -clans -no specii'i ;ations pren^.red bl- the City .zngineer Of said .;ity an:] submitted this ag of 1937., said plans being entitled_ "II "_id kt .: `L�. it v en i said specificf� bons be;_n entitled FOB. TNT': L !',nOV A ?'1' OL' PUBLI ") i_ P� 0V : -- -, 1T ':I'STRI,'T NO. �/� " be arc the ssrre are hereby adopted as and for the r1ens anJ spec fi.;-.tion for doin_: said. work. I 'H`�'REY thet the lo--eeolnC.• iesnli.itinn v.-Qs passe. end adopted by the .,ouncll of ti%e lity or gal -ersfield, on the & Lqy Of 2931, by the folloxvif-.E. vote: AYES' BEKSOH,PRLOCK, CORBETT, HEAD EH.JOHME014, V.rf.TlV%VA=XM NOES: - --------- ---- --------- ... ........... ..... ....... ___I -.A ----------------- . . ........... ................. y J l6r-IF -,nd Ex-0!-fi,-!io "miler k of the ,01-u-'Cil of the I'lity of l3al<elsljeld. h ay of 19 -31. b A oY tY,e 1i. 17 of 3 r