HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-34RESOD TION h 1 O 34 A I3F.'SOLUTIOiI ORDERING TI-Th CLOSING OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 287 IN THE CITY OF BAXLI- .`FI�LD, CKLIFORPIIA BE, IT BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY GF BAKER'1IELD, as follows: 'M, 1E,IiEAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 9th day of October, 1933, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 613, to order the following work to be done, to -wit: That the following; described alley be closed and the lands :included within the boundaries as described be abandoned; save and except the perpetual right and easement to use and enjoy any or all of the property described herein, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing;, laying, maintaining or repairing the following: A sewer line and all of its component parts used or enjoyed in connection therewith; also any other instrumentalities of sanita- tion; also water pipes, fire hydrants and appliances for fire pro- tection and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also water pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other public system or think and all of 1.ts con.^ponent parts which may be used and enjoyed in connection therewith, that the City of Bakers- field may desire to place, or to have placed. therein: The alley in Block 287, City of Bakersfield, as said block is shown on that certain map entitled "Map of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California" filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, November 25, 1898. All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Le_,islature of the State of California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYIIvt', OUT, OPEN- ING, EX`iT:jDING, ;!IDENITtG, STRAI`HTii IhG OR ( ".LO .IDiG UP, III ':UOLE OR IN PANT AA]Y ST= T, `QUARE, LAN', ALLI-Y, COUItT OR PL.=, ':ITHIN MUNICIPALITIES AND O CO',:DEMN AidD ACQUIRE ANY AND ALL LAND NEC- ESSARY OR CONVENIENT FOR THAT PURPOSE" approved March 6th, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention No. 613 on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. 1HEREAS, the Street Superintendent of the City of Bakersfield did thereupon cause notices of the passage of said Resolution to be posted and published for ten (10) days in the manner as required by law; and 'NHEREAS, no objections have been filed against said work and improvement, and more than ten (10) dabs have elapsed after the expiration of the time of publication of said notices of the passage of said Resolution, and the Council of the City of 3ak- ersfield has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said Resolution to be done; NOW, 2HEREFOPI, IT IS ,iE -_EEY ORDERI'D, that. said work and improvement t,e done as aforesaid ar.l as specifically described in said. Resolution of Intentions No. 613, and that said al.le-,, as shown as "Iyiap of thG City of Eakersfie' d, Kern County, California" filed in the office of the Ccv.rty Recorder of Kern. Co:n.ty, Hovember 25, 1�� ^, `,`e anal the stone is hereby X1026(.-; subject . to the exception and reservation a)ove set out. I IyRF tr ER`.CIFY thn t the foreg inc,, Resolution was passed and adopted bye Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the �, day of _, 1934, by the Pnllowin3 vote: - RYESs BOOEN, GIST, SIEMON, SMITH, SOLLERS, W ALTERS, WILSON NOES,.. RESENT, City Clerk and Ex- Officio Cler�t� of the Counci of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this I aaj of , 1934. o, of the City of cakersj'11 ='.1.