HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 13-357 .- RLSJL UTION Jo 1 3 35 A R SOLUr_PIOLI ORDERINC' THE OF' 25Th Th! =;;'E' 'Ii THE CITY OF F: T li '_:'IELD, GI,T :J Y�TIA. ;v .�1Vv ...L 0. T'H ,_'y Li �t__ra.,_ T��D, T as follows: `V';li:I UEAS, the Council of the C'_ty of Bakersfield dial on the Sth day of April, 1935, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 617 to order the following work to be, done, to -'Rit: That the following described portion Street and the southerly, line of 1511 southerly line of 25th Street a distance of 25th Street be closed; and that the Street as said streets ate shown on of 20 feet to the point of beginning; lands included within the boundaries of that certain map entitled "Map of the being the extension northerly of the such portion as described, be aban- City of Bakersfield, Kern County, Cali- alley running northerly and southerly doned; save and except the perpetual fornia," recotded in the office of the through Block 133, City of Bakersfield. right and easement to use and enjoy County Recorder of Kern County, Cali - any or all of the property described fornia, November 25, 1898; and running All of the herein proposed work and herein, for the purpose of constructing, thence easterly along the southerly line improvement shall be done in pursuance reconstructing, installing, laying, main- of 25th Street to the southwesterly line of an act of the Legislature of the taining or repairing the following: of Golden State Avenue as said Golden State of California, entitled "AN ACT State Avenue is established and ac- TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING A sewer line and all of its component gaited by "ACQUISITION AND IM- OUT, OPENING, EXTENDING, parts used or enjoyed in connection PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3," of WIDENING, STRAIGHTENING OR therewith; also any other instrumen- the County of Kern, California; thence CLOSING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN talities of sanitation; also water pipes, northwesterly along the southwesterly PART ANY STREET, SQUARE, fire hydrants and appliances for fire line of said Golden State Avenue to the LANE, ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE protection and all appurtenances there- northerly line of 25th Street; thence WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES AND to belonging; also water pipes and con- westerly along the northerly line of 25th TO CONDEMN AND ACQUIRE ANY nections for the distribution of a do- Street to the easterly line of Q Street; AND ALL LAND NECESSARY OR mestic water supply; also any other thence southerly along the easterly line CONVENIENT FOR THAT PUR- public system or thing and all of its of Q Street to the southerly line of 25th POSE," approved March 6, 1889, and component parts which may be used Street and the point of beginning. the several acts amendatory thereof or and enjoyed in connection therewith, supplemental thereto. that the City of Bakersfield may desire Excepting, however, from the above For further particulars reference is to place, or to have placed therein, described parcel of land a portion hereby made to Resolution of Intention That the following described portion thereof described as follows : Begin- No. 617, on file in the office of the City of 25th Street between the easterly line ning at a point in the southerly line of Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. of Q Street and the southwesterly line 25th Street 122 feet easterly from the of Golden State Avenue be closed and easterly line of Q Street; thence nor - the land included within the boundaries therly and parallel with the easterly of such portion as described be aban- line of Q Street 52.32 feet to the south - doned. westerly line of Golden State Avenue; thence southeasterly along the south - The lands necessary and convenient westerly line of Golden State Avenue a to be abandoned for such purpose are distance of 22.24 feet ; thence southerly particularly described as follows: Be- and parallel with the easterly line of Q ginning at the point formed by the in- Street 42.82 feet to the southerly line of tersection of the easterly line of Q 25th Street; thence westerly along the _y u.AS, the Street uperinto -ident Of t1fte field did thereuT)on cause notices of the pass_a_,e of said. _resolution to be posted and publ' -shed for ten (10) days `n the manner as re- quired by law; and `F ''REAS, no objections have been. riled- a;;ainst said work and iraprove -meet, and more than ten (10) days h .ve elapsed after the exoirat'Lo_i of the time of publ_.ca',_on of said notices of the passage of said l;esolution and the Council of the City of Lakersfield has acquired juris_iction to order said wor'_.. as proposed in said esolutio;- to be done, I`1 IS III]. BY L .._ I , that sa - -d work an ii;ipr•overaent be clone as aforesaid and as specifically described in sa'Ld Iescli.ltion of Intention. No. 617, and, that sail:. portion of 25th Street be closed, as said street shovin or. nap entitled t°:;ap of the City of E:?.cers i *eld, _,'ern County, Cal. fornia", filed in the office of -.1ie County hecorcier of .:err_ County, C:,.lifornia, 16overiber 25, 1898. ----- o0o ----- CE Li-- Y that tne forOZOin; c esol, _,.ti o_Z was passed anc'� adopted by the council of the , ty of on the /5 day of i,a- , 1935, :y the follo-,in;- vote: BAR'TLETT. BODEN, GIST, SIEMON, SMITH, SOLLERS, WILSON �e�ES:.._ ............... .. £, lee : an, Ex-Cfi ' ^ o Cle : k or t e (;ouncil of the City of Bakersfield. A F!"O" : this (.� day of _c,,�YOR of the "i y oil Ba',-_ersl9.e�c. ��