HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-38b22 38 A . .6 Rte .S J L, j- T., .- ON RESOLUT 1HL' 7ORh 110 PUBLIC 1 110. 623, T T ` -i HE CITE' OF C -'.1w I! P O.-HIIT !A . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO'UNC'11: 02 ThE CI'TY OF 3A RS 11::,LD, as follows: "11 1— Bakersfield U , HEl"S, the Council of t'ie City' of Balcerqfleld did on the 9t1i day of 1v1a7, 1938, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 623, to order the ivorl: described therein to be done and J--,npzc;ve.-.,9nt to be made in said City; and ',"AREAS, said Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published twice imsie(ftiate17 after the paisa-e of said Resolution, as required by law, in the The Bakprc2isid Californian, a daily nel,vspaper published and circulated in said City, and designated by said Council for that purpose, as appears from the affidavit of J. L. Meserve-Y, 2ri_-lcipai Clerk of The Bakersfield G,allfornian, now on file in the; of f- :e of t City of said City; and ior, of I-n- noj3e3 of t" e p_. °a 7 t-3,ition No. 623, -.Leaded "AOTI'l-E 01�^. -.-iere duly and legally .. -biE. a postad alon.o, the lines of said contemplated xorli: and inproverient and iia frint of tie, pro.De-ty liable to be eose.>sod, a-lal along all th,3 open streets vithin such district, at not Taore than 3100 feet apart and riot less than three in all in each street in fore and manner as required by law as appears from the of 'Nalter Parent, W110 11 jtin� — ao'Lices --rit' ,Ipo,.-I the coripletion. of te 00, -P of said i forth n f iled 0 said affidavit in t'.',-e office of the City Clerk malting oath that he completed t e posting of said notices on t.ie 17th day Of I&Y, 1938; and 11 1-c-EAS, said posting vms fu!!- cormlotec' more t",.a- ten days bnfor^ tr date set for hearia-1 and objection!3; and ._e c tfD the -Jme set for hearing of sal-d objections in s 'd I Tntai,tic.n , 7-s more than fifteen and less than a, R--solaticn of 3 forty days from t',e date of the passage and adoption of Ssiu Resolu- t I oil; the ,-ublic Interest N 0,% _6_ 11 t'- � and conv'nlence requirn the deSCribed 1-r. .,eqolutlsj-1 Of j-, tention ,4o. 623 to be done, of t _n City of Bakersfield hereby order--. the rjorj: to 00 dc_---, as is described in saki es laticr. if 1--a- te-aluLon ITo• 623, and for furtIler p2.1;tI-culars refereiice is hereby Made to said lResolutio-I of intention on file "Fit',:' the City Cler"_-, , sf,i, wor": shall. be dor.e it accordance --iitll the plan and specifica- tions of, file vith the City Clark, ref:-"_-,ace -'Lo -filich is hereby made for furtiier PE-Pticul9,10s; The UIty Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to nost 7� notice t0.­et­e2' sj,)auifi,_a'6Ions ther-l"Or, 0cn-cP_'cu- for five days, on or nea--, ti-e cloor of i Coano-11 Chai7ifbers Of t-IG Gou_ _ij of tI -,a _ of z, -nsfi,l sealed proposals Or , t b�,�ce eL CI I bido for dcL16 t',ae -0---, e, r ":7, also (�_Irect t pub- he ed 0 a notice i`-IvIti-_I6 S'.'..cIi pro )orals ails. referrla6 t t'2,la 2peclfica- tions so postec', or oi, file, ti,-if-ce in the The Bali:er3field Celiforrilarn, - a a da'JIT ne-7spaper published and cilrcalated in sa id ity ail d hereby de s i ern^ field f or th,_-, I.- pur,�o s e • The / 3__r $ay of — s 1033, is hereby dec.*,�na"-ed IS�jj•l fi:-,ed as the day on up to t�,(-, ho- "r of 5 0�clack P. :,!. the said --cro-nosaiT or bids --e receLved, and a!ll bi-IS So received by sp Id Council it Opel, se,131011 at 3 o I -,lock F. M. of t1ae sai'd, day, sn�! the -,ald notic::­. -,-,ail so spac' fy- I H222"ff CMTI� T that the foregoin6 Resolat_'on -7as pa ' -sed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bekei-3-fled, on- the 31st L I day by the following vote: y of IkIlay, 1938, , m LLAN, SMITH, SOLLERS, WILSON RYES, mt GIST, KAMUM -MI .......................................... . ...... ............ .................... Y City Cler---: and Ex-02:4, fj�oGleic of the Co, -I — J. _Ucil of the City of Bakersfield- Dt' is �613r 'CIUL, of May, 1038. MAYOR.