HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-38RESOLUTION 1025 38 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CLOSING OF A POR- TION OF 11TH STREET AND THE ALLEY IN BLOCKS 12 13 36 AND 37, LOWELL ADDITION, IN THE CIfy U BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: ZIEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did on the 13th day of June, 1938, pass its Resolution of Intention No. 624, to order the following work to be done, to -wits That the following described portio of streets and alleys; and that t lands included within the boundaries such portions as described, be aba doned; save and except the perpetu right and easement to use and enjo any or all of the property describe herein, for the purpose of const-etin reconstructing, installing. laying, mail tafnfng or repairing the following: A sewer line and all of its compouci parts used or enjoyed in connectio therewith; also any other instrumental itics of sanitation; also water pipes, fir hydrants and appliances for fire pro tection and all appurtenances theret belonging; also water pipes and con nections for the distribution of a do mestic water supply; also any othe public system or thing and all of it component parts which may be use and enjoyed fu connection therewith that the City of Bakersfield may de sire to place, or to have placed therein Eleventh Street between the east erly line of Q Street and the easterly boundary line of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield, the land necessary and convenient to be aban- doned for said purpose being particu. larly described as follows: Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of the easterly line of Q Street and the southerly line of 11th Street, as said streets are laid down and shown on that certain map en. titled "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield ", recorded in the office of the Comnv Recorder of Kern County, Jauuary I1, 1892, and as amended January 7, 1891, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of said Q Street to its point of inter. section with the northerly line of said 11th Street, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Ilth Street to its point of intersection with the east - rh• boundary line of the Lowell Ad- dition to the Town of Bakersfield, thence southerly along the easterly boundary line of said Lowell Addition to its point of intersection with the southerly line of said 11th Street, thence westerly along the southerly line of said Ilth Street to its point of inter - ection with the easterly line of said Q Street and the point of beginning. Excepting, however, from the above described parcel of land a portion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersec- tion of the southerly line of said Ilth street with the westerly line of R Street, as R Street is laid down and shown on said map, and running thence northerly along the said westerly line of said R Street to its point of intersec- tion with the northerly line of said Hill Street, thence easterly along the northerly line of said 11th Street to its point of intersection with the east- erly line of said R Street, thence utherly along the easterly line of said R Street to its point of intersection with the southerly line of said Ilth Street, thence westerly along the south- erly line of said 11th Street to its in- tersection with the westerly line of said R Street and the point of beginning. Also, further excepting from the said above described parcel of land a por- tion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersec- tion of the southerly line of said Ilth Street with the westerly line of S Street, as S Street is laid down and shown on said Map, and running thence northerly along said westerly line of said S Street to its point of intersec- tion with the northerly line of said 11th Street, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Ilth Street to its point of intersection with the cast- ns erly line of said S Street, thence south - he erly along the easterly line of said S of Street to its point of intersection with n- the southerly line of said 11th Street, al thence westerly along the southerly line Y of said Ilth Street to its point of inter - d section with the westerly line M said g, S Street and the point of beginning. t- Also, further excepting front the said above described parcel of land a portion tt thereof described as follows: t Beginning at a point in the southerly line of said 11th Street distant therein c one hundred twenty (120) feet easterly from the easterly line of said Q Street o and running thence northerly along a Ifne one hundred twenty (120) feet east- " erly from and parallel with the easterly r line of said Q Street a distance of s eighty -two and one -half (82%) feet to d a point in the northerly line of said Ilth Street, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Ilth Street a distaneeof twenty -four (24) feet, thence southerly along a line one hundred forty -four (144) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of said s Q Street a distance of eighty -two and one -half (82V,,) feet to a point in the southerly line of said 11th Street, thence westerly along the southerly line of said 11th Street a distance of twenty - four (24) feet to the point of begin- ning. Also, further excepting front the said above described parcel of land a portion thereof, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly Ifne of said 11th Street distant therein onehundred twenty (120) feet easterly front the easterly line of said R Street and running thence northerly along a If one hundred twenty (1 20) feet east- erly from and parallel with the easterly line of said R Street a distance of eighty -two and one -half (82 /) feet to a point in the northerly line of said Ilth Street, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Hill Street a distance of twenty -four 124) feet. thence southerly along a line one hun- dred forty -four (144) feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly If,,, of said R Street a distance of eighty - two and one -half (82y,) feet to a point in the southerly line of said Hill Street, thence westerly along the south- erly line of said Ilth Street a distance of twenty -four (24) feet to the point of beginning. That the following described portion of that certain alley running northerly and southerly in Blocks 12, 13, 36 and 37, Lowell .Addition, as said Blocks 12, 13, 36 and 37 are laid down and shown on that certain map entitled "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield," recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, January 11, 1892, an4 as amended Jan" ary 7, 1897, from the southerly line of the alley running easterly and westerly in said Block 12 to the northerly line of 8th Street, as 8th Street is laid down and shown on said "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield" be closed, and that the lands included within the boundaries of such portion t as described be abandoned. s That the lands necessary and con- venient to be abandoned for said pur- pose are particularly described as fol- lows Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of the alley running easterly and westerly in said Block 12 with the westerly line of the alley running northerly and south- erly in said Block 12, and running thence easterly along the said south- erly line of said alley running easterly and westerly in said Block 12 a dis- tance of twenty -four (24) feet to its point of intersection with the easterly line of the said alley running north- erly and southerly fit said Block 12, thence southerly along said easterly line of said alley to its point of intersection with the northerly line of 11th Street as Ilth Street is laid down and shown on said "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield," thence westerly along the northerly line of said 11th Street a distance of twenty - four (24) feet to its point of intersec- tion with the westerly line of said alley running northerly and southerly in said Block 12, thence northerly along the westerly line of said alley to its point of intersection with the southerly line of said alley running easterly and west- erly in said Block 12, and which point is the point of beginning. Also, a parcel of land particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of said Ilth Street with the westerly line of the alley running northerly and southerly through said Blocks 13, 36 and 37, and running thence easterly along the said southerly line of said Ilth Street a distance of twenty (20) feet to its point of intersection with the easterly line of said alley, thence south- erly along the easterly line of said al- ley to its point of intersection with the northerly line of said 8th Street, thence westerly along the northerly line of said 8th Street a distance of twenty (20) feet to its point of intersection with the westerly line of said alley, thence u xtherl}• along the westerly line of said alley to its point of intersection with the southerly line of said 11th Street and the point of beginning. Excepting, however, from the above described parcel of land a portion thereof, described as follows: The intersection formed by said al- ley running northerly and southerly in said Blocks 13. 36 and 37 with 9th Street, as 9th Street is laid down and shown on said ••Map of the Lowell Ad- dition to the Town of Bakersfield." Also further excepting from the said above described parcel of land a por- tion thereof, described as follows: The intersection formed by said alley running northerly and southerly in said Blocks 13, 36 and 37 with 10th Street, as 10th Street is laid down and shown oil said "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield." All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursu- ance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAY- ING OUT, OPENING, EXTENDING. WIDENING, STRAIGHTENING OR CLOSING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN PART ANY STREET, SQUARE, LANE, ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES AND 1-0 CONDEMN AND ACQUIRE ANY AND ALL LAND NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT FOR THAT PUR- POSE" approved March 6, 1889, and he several acts amendatory thereof or upplemental thereto. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Resolution of Intention Number 624, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. Wfm?ms, the Street Superintendent of the City of Bakers- field did thereupon cause notices of the passage of said Resolution to be posted and published for ten (10) days in the manner as re- quired by lap; and WHEREAS, no objections have been filed against said work and improvement, and more than ten (10) days have elapsed after the expiration of the time of publication of said notices of the passage of said Resolution.and the Council of the City of Bakers- field has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said Resolution to be done; NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in said Resolution of Intention No. 624, and that said portion of 11th Street and the alley in Blocks 12, 13, 36 and 37, as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of the Lowell Addition to the Town of Bakersfield" recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, January 11, 1892, and as amended January 7, 1897, be closed. --- - - - - -- 000--- - - - - -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of , 1938, by the following vote: RYES, WID%M. GMT, K%M't8£.4SI, C .MTLLAV1' E-NO- E1, IMLL• ,3, VJIL30X AMENT _4111 City Clark an x- f io Clerk of t e Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED me thisj4/ day of - e-�-�� , 1938. of the City of Bakersfield.