HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-40Y_ lt 17 40 ' :1 :.LC 'T_"s�i 6; Al:lNUjaJ'._'IOPd 01,1)7i ;RLF TIT ? CL06 I;1G 0"" THE: ALL17 Il'T LU=, 357 I;7 ml.i,,, CI9'Y (::' ;::.� ^R.I-'I'. -'h?), Cr,1,.T.i- :;':;''Ti• ;. sI7ll,u, as fo1:!_o,:s: 75y ,,' =T(. C,'O', -17CTL ): CI'_"X )V .l3 .'''(. ('nuncil of the City )f B;a':ersficl�, (Tic on the 14th klay of fugust, 1330., pass it:s of No. 523 to orc:er t'r.e .'OJJQJ, I Tor- to iJC ;'O(re That the following described alley be closed and the lands included within the and enjoyed in connection therewith, that the City of Bakersfield desire CONDEMN AND ACQUIRE ANY AND boundaries of such alley, as described, be abandoned; save and except the may to place or to have placed therein: ALL LAND NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT FOR THAT PUR- perpetual right and easement to use The alley in Block 3S7, City of Bsk- POSE." approved March 6, 1889, and and enjoy any or all of the property ersfield, as said block is shown on that the several acts amendatory thereof or described herein for the purpose of con- certain map entitled "Map of the City supplemental thereto, structing, reconstructin g' g' installin Y of Bakersfield, Kern County, Califor. For further particulars reference is ing, maintaining or repairing the fol. nia," filed in the office of the County hereby made to Resolution of Intention lowing: Recorder of Kern Count California, y, Number 628, on file in the office of A sewer line and all of its component November 25, 1898. All of the herein proposed work and the City Clerk of the City of Bakers - field• parts used or enjoyed in connection therewith; also any other instrumentali. improvement shall be done in pursuance ties of sanitation; also water pipes, fire of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "AN ACT TO hydrants and appliances for fire pro- PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT, tection and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also water OPENING, EXTENDING, WIDEN - pipes and con- nections for the distribution of a do- ING, STRAIGHTENING OR CLOS- ING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN PART mestic water supply; also any other Public system or thing and its ANY STREET, SQUARE, LANE, all of ALLEY, COURT OR PLACE WITH - component parts which may be used IN MUNICIPALITIES AND TO the Street uul,n 'int,-n(,er :t ;1 '•;_2e City ')f field di(, thereupon cGu.z-e notices of t 'flc, passage o._ st-A . :(es,olutlon to be postrl; and publisher". for ten (10) clays in tl,F maruzer as re- quirad by law, and '+ti i;rlt�a, no objectioris have been file -9 a -gins t said -,:Tor': an(' i:liurovcanc;nt, anc. � -orc than ten (10) ays 1 1 -v, elapses: ai't �.r the ex- 1 ration of the tirie of nzoltcatian of SELjr notices of the passage of sal" li: solV.tlail nfl.. "Flr6G li �'•.i. Cil 1. 1' .iii: Ity r i' ,ers- v. l ii 'F. )J u.. }gas G.egni e13. jur_.sdictioi to or.(er saic wor_7. ass i)r,tl)osec' in sait' Re: ,olu.tion to be dome; Tla {r.. �:1 -.Till IT _._ 7'a:2-/ i (r_�.....�....'�U T.'..;;r.' ,:cil'' :!or'•- and -1- Sai(, IL-50 1;1,ion of 63, anC, thdt s&.-TLI. •:lleY ir, Block 357 be closed, as said block is shown on that certain map entitled I'Map of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California", filed i the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, T r 'o, . 130-3 I , . �, . --- - - - - -- 000--- - - - - -- r, r ssolutior. 'as CZ-11TIVY t�-i-at; tree Ori:-ioin � I -assetf_ and adopted by t•,e CoUjjci", D- -ij-,y of on the �O C,.ay of :,Tay, 1040, by c,hc foilowint,; vote; AYES,BODEN M ARM ADUKE.M.MILLAW,HORFOS,&MrrH,SOLLERSWILSO14 NOM.......... .... ABSENT -- " - ,"ity I. 1- -7-1- -, - — =7 Council 'If 'J'.0 City *aV of -"a- IuLj.yo-fj of t.1 'ity of 7 C, 'tt7