HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 21-4040 ilaSOLU`111 C.: =: V 1 0.• `1' =_i i222 iER P tt - C ST IriT 110. 631° OF Sc i =i CIT'Y', PUI SU TT ^1 TO nL>>OLUI_OI. OF T "td.!CIT 11DCP ED L' Sr'_iD COT'l C T L OIT 'Iia] 21S'2 OF OCTODEr', 1040. P�ySOL1', by_ t_` C- C ovrcil cf' the C_t - of }ahersf _elc -, California., oavin,;- in open_ session on the 2515h day of ?Tovem- uer, 1940, o_oened, e-,-aminec_, and publicly., all sealed pro?osals or -:)fic.s for tiie construction of the follotir- inL� Dior to be done and 'u:proveiments to be made in said city, to-wit The `;radin and l:)avin� w4.til as -halt concrete i:.,ave- rtlent, constructio_r: of cement concrete cuibs and "utters and the const'riict_ on of part circle corra ated- iron and cement concrete culverts, in Tvient;j - ;:'first Street between the east line of 'L Street and ti!e eC -st line of ;w Street in saiCL City, 311 as -,,ore pal'ticularly described. in eSOli:c'ti0 ?'_ of 1-1ten- tion ?,)a3ser, and adopted per the sa_f_6. Col- ,Ylc_ -a. an the twer tly- first day of October, 1941, and. on f .le ;_', the off9.ce of t1--e Glt Cle.rr: of the Oity of a.lrersi'iEld, California. ='or furtl -,.er pe.rticula.rs refere -noe is hcreh -, :Iac'.a to said Resolut_.on. of Tnte *_ t-ion a_zd_ also to the - Ola'�,s, -)ro- files, cross - sections and soecifica'tions for "Public Tranrove- sent District iVO. 631' on file in the office of the CitJ o trie Ci t;,r of } alcersf_e1C., and a.11 of --?d. _;lars, _)rofiles, cross-sections and specifications heretofore a.-_)roved y the joLTjc'_1 of said City are incor -jo -'ated 'herein and a part hereof, aild refer ellcce is h -creby : -, ade thereto for a more )artiCU.lar description of said WCrh. - 1 - The Said Cownc_1 has deter?rined and d.eclare(f- that the collterlplateC. '::Orl7 anC. irapros.'erwer_t 'r_ere- rbefore montioned was, in the opinion of the said. Council, of nore than local or ordir_a_r;;.ublic benefit, and the said Council has made a portion of the costs —011-d eXT)enses of said tirorl> charCea:ole upon a. district. F-or a particular deseription of the said district, referenco is hereby made to scid -,esolution of Tntention. The said. Council has dete2nuined and declared and notice is hereby riven that t':_e City of Ba? :ersfield will, out Of its "Gas Taxi l"'and for Stl'OetS of 1:a j or Iil!;ortance" pay the sunl of i ;115,000.00, and out of its 'Street Improvement I allcit's _:,a , an additional suns of 4CC!.00 tocrarC. tl2e costs a.zC. e per_ses o_° said roar overlent, and tl_e 1i.a- bility and. Obli --at Oil to : Y;T Su Ch OULMs So _rovided in :._le eS011',t "i0: of lntents.on herein reforred to shall accYLle and become fI -x:ed upon the date o_° the conf i- ,--mat I on of the assessment by the Council of said. Gity. The said Council :.as deterllined and declared and notice is hereby liven that serial bond -s '"lo re" resent un -,paid assessments and to bear interest at of filve per cent {5`) per annual sliall be issueL. here-under in the :tanner -orovided in the " -- nm.rove- -mer_t ?and Act of 1515 ", anworoved rune 11, 1`)15, and all acts aY,lend2.tor�� t1 ereof, the last ir_stallment Of vdi'.ich fonds shall Y:latlll'O fOL;.r tai) -ears frOii ti-e second day of July nest succeed'nc- 1C 11onths from their date. - 2 - All of ';Iie vroi-I,,- o-,,Ceied shall be do-no and 7 . c'arou-h in of an �Ic;t- cI' the -,e-,i&lature of t' l-le -,tate o' - 177, G 4- designated the --.T-)roVe�,,-,ent A � of 19].l" a��i)roved z,-pril ?, 1911, and all acts a-.ionLotca.,-,' the:--co?, e;cco-,Dt for the issuance of bonds as herein _)rovided. The said Council hereby all of the said -..:,ronosv.-`s or bids except the herei-r1aftei, r-.entioned, and '..,-ereby awards the cont act for said viork. and inlDrovement to the lowest, resrons^."ble. bidder, to- sprit; To I/ U at t' he prices named in bid -for sfl�--.,d vrorle- on �ilo th,e office of the City ;; I e, r'..: ow the C 4 t of California. The City I`ler_,- ILS izereb f..I.-'rectea, to cause a notice- of awanrd of cont-met to, 'be L-i the al-Z- form ieqr,.Ilred by law by two (2) insorti-xI.r, --,rinted, published and. of general t an fn jc,.,e of Be.!'ersfj.eid, 11'alil'orn-*-., c^2-,lc;- pose by sa -d Cour-c'Ll. 11 f T that the fore,,oln- resolutlon of zVu a i:, d of Contraot eras passed a-ad adopted Councll of t'ie ,it-r of eld at- a t1iereo.-5, held on the da;T of — -ollowl - the I in- 'vote: AY ES. BOD EN, M ARM ADUKEtiM.MILLAM,MORRIS.Il MIT h,SOLLE RS, WILSON NOES-- ABSENT D e e o the of -,a'- ,, rafl, I d ,,'a 1 L fo rnia . is -da7r of 6 - �7- , 01 7