HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-44rc&bULU.'1014 E14 44 A I-W ULU'i'lUs'a Ui3ilLttJ14(r `iris; I:LUblj.14 Ur' A i'U2{'1'lUl Ur' JtiuiJil', liv '1 i'LC+ l:l'1'Y Ur' Uet�rlt5r'Tr1T.L, Ctu:,Ir'Uttl�iA. 15 It ri}:ibULVt'�L yi nl; i.:(1u1YV1L Ut'' '12tH lil'1't Ui lltit�;;t{:it'Ii::Lli, e1� follows: 411iAlaS, the Council of the Uity of Bakersfield did on the 27th day of vecember, 1943, pass its Resolution of intention -Io. 642, to order the following work to be done, to -wit: That the following described portion of dames Street be closed, and the lands included within the boundaries of such portion of fames Street, as described, be abandoned; save and except the perpetual right and easement to use and enjoy any or all of the property de- scribed herein for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, laying, maintaining or repairing the following: A sewer line and all of its component parts used or enjoyed in connection therewith; also any other instrumentalities of sanitation; also =water pipes, fire hydrants and appliances for fire protection and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also water pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other public system or thing and all of its component parts which may be used and enjoyed in connection therewith, that the City of Bakersfield may desire to place or to have placed therein: All of that certain portion of James Street, as named and described in Ordinance No. 198, New Series of the City of :Bakersfield lying between the INortherly line of 24th Street and a line 17.55 feet Easterly from and parallel with the Easterly line of 1"211 Street as said 24th Street and 12" Street are shown and delineated upon a hap of the City of Bakersfield, recorded Aovember 23, 169d, in Loot; 1 of traps at pages 13 and 14, records of iern Uounty, California, said ".i" Street having been vacated by resolution of the Oity Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted ivovember 20", 1923, the land to be vacated 1. being more particularly described as follows: beginning at a point in the Southerly line of the said James Street distant 17.5)" feet from and measured at right angles with the Easterly line of the said T.011 Street; thence northerly and parallel with the Easterly line of 1"211 Street to the - dortherly line of James Street and the Southerly right of way line of Southern Pacific Com- pany's ,lain Line right of way; thence Southeasterly along the i,iortherly line of James Street and the southerly right of way line of the Soutaern Pacific Company's Lain Line right of way to the Northerly line of the said 24th Street; thence s7esterly along the JOrtherly line of 24th Street to the southerly line of James Street; thence i=tiiwesterly along the Southerly line of James Street to the place of beginning. All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "iii, ACT `.LO PROVIDE 2OR ' JIE LAYING OLJTi OP JII'Ilx, r;Xi'';iiilliiU, IDB,,'IAU, S'l`Rtil�iri'i iiTivG Ott 1-1061 iG UP, 4-iOL.6 Olt Ti,; Pett'l, .Ai11 61'.is2, S�U.AitE, L:,AiJBI .ALLEZI CObAT Ott FLaU :li`ilii ��u`ICIFII,I`1'TES eiill ` O UUiii3E . i .AAA AU'�UIkW hi'ly kivJ aLL LAii1J nir cLS�Att� Uit CU: +vLial iti` iU.r 'rhA'P i16Ai4i6.&I, approved iiiarch 6, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. 2or further particulars reference is hereby made to :resolution of Intention Jo. 642, on file in the office of the city clerE, of the City of Bakersfield. WiJEIU�A6, the Street Superintendent of tfie Uity' of Dakersfield did thereupon cause notices of the passage of said resolution to be posted and published for ten (10) days in the manner as required by 1 ay. ; and VTIJ Alt ab, no objections have been filed against said work and improvement, and more than ten (10) days have elapsed after the expiration of the time of publication of said notices of the passage of said :resolution and the council of the City of Bakersfield has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said resolu- tion to be done; 2. iV0',46 ` rUAOrO tE, 1`1 IS IjE E3i 01WE bW that said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in said �tesolution of Intention 1,4o. 642, and that said portion of James Street, as named and described in Ordinance �o. 198, iiew aeries of the City of :Bakersfield lying between the ;Northerly line of 24th Street and a line 17.55 feet Easterly from and parallel with the Easterly line of ' "l'" Street as said 24th Street and " "i"' Street are shown and delineated upon a Lap of the City of Bakersfield, recorded wovember 25, 1898, in book 1 of caps at pages 13 and 14, hecords of Kern county, ualifornia, said �11'11 Street having been vacated by Resolution of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted Aovember 26, 1923, be closed. ---- - - - - -- 000---- - - - - -- I rTh -LW3Y i EA'i'I Y that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Eaaersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held January 31, 1944, by the following vote: f.YES: CARNAKIS, MARMAC!1 "C, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERC ?.MMEN NO`-3: - X-0--e -- -------- --------- - ----- -- - ---- -- ^�. ABSENT: __ � '- ---------- - ----- ---------------------- ✓V L lSl�l�... City Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. HPPitOVED by me th 1st day of January, 1944 �the Y of City of Bakersfield. 3•