HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 16-444 6 4 4 11�;glmioa '-U,',OLVI'1041* 01WIMM TRE, CL0613G ()F L A) D112XII 'Tl"" I" CITY OF Dt,"'MR,01" Dt i ,r 1E, COUTr X -Z 7YF I L '0." `1 1 C Ty JA MI. as follm m the -,ouncil oll t1ic City of :!&'J�Mrsfilold diCl an t1je WiV,, day of -7ovenber, 1944, its "IesolUtion of Intention "To. r>44, to order t%e follovdnf- viork to 00 donol, to---=;At: 'izd- the following described jx)rtion of .nruee �:Areet and Bee&, . treet be closed, and the lands included within t1he bomukries of such -11ortions, 44.,� �1.wmrijed., ba aba-adoned; szva mu, o7wept ttie perpot,,ua rlz,ht easeuerit, I-,o -:jj;e a,, -j`, eyj -11 02 L oj V )r a property described herein for the purpose :)f conotxmicting, recomstruct- ingt installim.,,,, laYirk-,, maintaiaLru,,: or repairing! thle followings 1. smver line cav! all of its component parts used or enjoyec'. in connection therez.,W-i; also w,my other i.*1str=,e-ntLljUcz of sLnj-ta- tion; al,,,;o water. pilTe,;,, Are hydrants and appliances for zire protection and "I uPpurtomllces -;,rater pipes aM1 connec- tions for the distribution of ,.4 (IMIGS"Ic ;ratter' -mpply; also zmy other public system or thing and all of its component parts which rvuy be used cArSC On-joyed ill coaneel Ion t1mrevrith, that `,.,o, -(TELY of ',akersfield may desire to !Aace or to have placed ,'worctn: -11 that eerta.111 portion of -ruce ,treot lyin,-, i'mt%,men the southerly line or "-rmcctun "'Verme aril the northerly line of 14)th oxceptlrW, thoro!n',)n a strip of land ',;) "Got wide acm;:3 saij ,pruce ,treat, (listant -1:,2 fee4�, souiliorly :ron z-xi�l pamllal :':4th 111lo � 7 -, s naid troct.,; urn sl -1c, Sou't-herly line of - vixXtull xenll�,, 1) dolizmz,ted on o-7 16.ho of -Da',--orsilej-d recordo(i < ,ove.,-.ber in '- 00:"- I of paoas 1" aml 141 '�n I" . � -words of -'arn ".1minly, �Iz,!. (b) -".I! thatt cortain i-ortion oal 1",each. , treet lyirxr, 'Oet,3sozi the 'outherly lim of Triuctun -venue, z:ml !"4v wrf-,,orly lint, of .Arow-,A eptirk, Ic � , therefrom a strip of land 20 feet' , :jde acr�,3as sLjjcj 10 .,eech ,,treet, distant 122 feet southerly from am'! parkillal with the southerly line of Tmntun Avomwj zw idd jtrect4 'ro sho,:m tend delineated on 1.1p.11 of 0-1',n C_4"y of recorded '4,)v!?n1)er 1,19,319 in "'Ook- 1 0-111, pt. !­es I aml 14, if ..ern (,ountyf ll o" the 1wroi-n pro:x).-,wl wnrl- s,_,V, shr,,13. lie ioae, in imrsimneo o" cii riot t%p LO,!islattwo Of t'llf" f,'-"to ol' T a'C 4rcl' and the sev ori-il L, ct,3 aww 4"tory approvocl thereof or supplemontza thareto,, .-or further particulars re forence Is am-reby r:side to ',e.,;c1i,,tion o: Intontion "Ibe 644, on Ule In the office of t le 'M`V;y "he City of Balcer3fielde q :71 t"J'N L grant �_A f ' al "or"" 'Ac"11 did therevpon cw.iso ,toll-Acos of tlio of jaid oaolu"' Ion t-o '10 postorl and mblia%ed for t' ;n (11- x,o ie n,.imnor -ccu.Urc,,1 "by law; C'nd 1;. ., , L k' I :10 o'Ice "'t): 1.1 have bnc I � led '3ttll 'q MU inprovamont, u moro t%om ten y'L)) days 'uwe "Iuj,3odl a:Mo.L- t-ho oxPiralAwn o.2 t; ',c tine o.�' 0_' 3L,Ifa -10t._1CQZ; 0," of said �,�e3olution axO the Council o.' the Clty of ucr,uired Jurisdiction to order saitl an '.'v)pc3sed In R ;ald _0301u- tion to be aom; ry T,, j 71 C :r— T �,77- y, yam. "I"110" x�r"_ ..YW improverient be Oone v.s aforosaid an :ts described ".z. suit! -�eisolution of 'Tnte,­,ttlon 'To. "A41 portl'-az 0.�. ..�pmoe 3troet I�Aa­ bol I! e �,,vulierly line �if mxtivi -,.vcnu() and tho nortlierly lino o., f Strir of fw'A wide acvm, zlAd .:pruce > !,rcot �lmd- 'Daoch "'treeto aistant 1,12 foet southerly frOn awl parallel , Ith the .;;outhorly line of " "iLuctim 'No."luo, as said atreots are s I im-ra aid t,,. of 7'- 1.0-3 iojd, roCordot! ()Vor delineated on vP 011 1 () ty �,oid 14, ��ecf:xd�; Of cra v"01'Ll Califor'da., be closed• I 1kr!,1d;:3Y 'ClUITL-7 that the fortroin& "tesolution viag passed wid adopted OY ", the Council of the City of Dalter3fieldq sit a re7ular nesting thereof hold on the day of 1.4ecemberq 19449 qty the following votes AYES: C RNAKIS NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN, WILLIS I ---------------------------------------------- NOES: _ABSENT:__ ABSENT:C_� --- -- ------------- --- ------ --- ---- -- --- --- --- ---- I T a Y64 I jar Gity cieric and Nx-Orriolo 7157-, 'or the 11 � 4 %or4flol do "Ourwil 04, t'le �'Itv of Z;&' :ecomberj V,'140r• 3•