HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 25-46_ d];;OLUT IO I'T y a i 10L-L TIOW OiTUI;i,Ii�1U — E, CLOSIiTG OL' POrff IO!16 6 2 5 46 O '' 31st, L ii Tll ;i S'l:t ALTS, CERThIt1 nLL: YS - - Ii`T 7'HL CITY Ol�' Betu1`TLli, CriLII'O ti•TIe. 1Z IT _' 6GLVED 13Y 11LE COU'isCIL 02 i'iL CITY O+ nisi: itu 'I' LL, as follows : v IEILeS, the Council of the City of Uai%erslield did on the 21st day of January, 194.6, pass its ;resolution of Intention ?o. 650 to order the following work to be done, to wit: That the following described portions of 31st, L and L, Streets, and certain alleys be closed, and the lands included ,::ithin the bound- aries of such portions, as described, be abandoned; save and except the T�crpetual right and easement to use and enjoy any or all of the property described herein for the purpose of constructing, reconstruct - ing, installiiZg, laying, maintainin- or repairinZ the following: i sewer line and all of its component )arts used or enjoyed in connection there-,';iti1; also any other instrumentalities of sanita- tion; also ).,rater pines, fire hydrants aid appliances for fire pro- tection and all appurtenances thereto belonging; also hater pipes and connections for the distribution of a domestic water supply; also any other public system or thing and all of its component y)arts ilhich may be used _ nd_ enjoyed in connection therewith that the City of Ea.,ers- field may desire to place or to have placed therein: (a) all that portion of 31st Street lying between the westerly line of Jewett Avenue and -the northeasterly riSht of way line of the ;southern Pacific 11ailway. (b) ell that portion of L btreet lying between the northerly line of 31st atrect and the southerly line of 32nd atreet. (c) ell that portion of I:` Street lying bet,reen the northerly line of ?1st Street and the southerly line of 32nd Street. (a) "'1e alloys runninE; northerly and southerly Bloc:. 002 and thrcu h r'ractional .L�loc : 570, and 2rac- tionai Tloc',. S03. ,-,11 of the aUOve described property is -as shown and delineated 1. on .:ap of the City of 13a�.ersfield recorded 'tove:rber 2j, l3� , in 30o'_c 1 of ,laps at pan-es 13 and 14, i1ecords of .:ern County, California. till of the lierein proposed work an6 improvement shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled 11411 4CT TO PLUVIAL FOR THE' LaZI 1':; OU7', Ut' 1 I dG, iuCTL IDI u, I;�Ei1Ii G, STTikIGfIT PIING OR CLUSIi G UP) Ii' :ll1OL;� U`i I1-1 ra 1T, of i'Z ST= L.1LT', quh S1 , Lhli , BELLY, COUtT 01i PT,',C7'' ;a`1Tt I'? :1UlICII riLITI �S .li1ID TO S '-; `_. �1r l,Ii�rll liii li-o -T Ol,l ?IJ;i:�J cl?7J .11%:zLlrlT� iii t�Vll .iLL Lli:'TL �Jli(.:�uu�i::i � (.U�i ;� rU1-1PC)SL", approved ?:arc.;. o, 1133;x, and. tike several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. :.nor further particulars reference is 1icrebly :;lade to ,,esolution of Intention o. 650, on file in the office of the City Cler of the City of Isa'_ ersfield. ?_L? ,�, the street Superintendent of the City of Balcersfield. did thereupon cause notices of the passage of said:esolutio, to be posted and. publisiied for tell (10) days in ',lie manner as rec_uired by law; and a6l no objections have been filed against said ,i:Or'_i and improvement, and more than ten (10) days have elapsed after the expiration of the tirhe of publication of said notices of the passa e of said resolution and the Council of tlhe City of Bakersfield has acquired jurisdiction to order said c;orr ,s proposed in said - ,resolu- tion to be done; Jr, IuLY 'ML ED that said l:Or - -i and ii..provement be done as aforesaid and as specifically described in said - esolu� -ion of Intention t1o. '050, and that said. portions of 31st, L and :: Streets, and certain alleys, as said streets and alleys are shown and delineated on ':. ap of the City of 3a'._ersfield recorded -lovember 2-'j, 1393, in soo_�: 1 of i -aps at 1,aZes 13 and 14, Ilecord.s of -.ern County, California, be closed. -- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- 2. i'i� < {�l�Zi 1 'Lhai; tlE3 fore0inZ lie OlUtlOt1 C,'aS yctSSP,(.i and adopted uy the Council of the City of _ja1ersfield, at a regular meetin- thereof held on the 13th day of ,'ebruary, 194 , a the follov;in;,- vote: AYES: CArNAKIS, CROSS, NORRIS, RYDER, SICMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN :OES: - - - -_ '—Iza, -xa .... ............... . ........... „„ City Cler'L> anEx-Officio Cler "_: of the Council of the City of uulkersfield. t,FP :UVyD tills 13t_'i y of :'ebruary, 194D. l.i�YC1; the City of Bakers: icld.