HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 096-12RESOLUTION NO. 096- 12 RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OR INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BY EMINENT DOMAIN (Code of Civil Procedure §1245.230) WHEREAS, Article I, Section 19 of the California Constitution and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1240.010 authorize acquisition of property rights for public use by eminent domain procedures; and WHEREAS, in order to improve traffic capacity and circulation in the area in and around State Route 178 and Morning Drive, and to promote the public welfare and safety, the City of Bakersfield intends to develop and construct an interchange at Morning Drive and State Route 178 (the "Project "); and WHEREAS, the public interest and necessity require that a portion of real property immediately adjacent to State Route 178, commonly described as APN: 531- 011 -06 (previously 531 - 010 -25) in Bakersfield, California, and more particularly described in Exhibit 1,r' attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property "), be acquired for the Project; and WHEREAS, notice of the hearing for this Resolution of Necessity was mailed to all record owners of the Property. At that hearing, all record owners had the opportunity to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in California Civil Procedure section 1240.030 in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, and, on the date and at the time and place fixed for hearing, this City Council heard and considered all of the evidence presented. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, based on applicable law and the whole record concerning this matter, including, but not limited to, the accompanying staff report, which is hereby made a part of this Resolution, as follows: 1. The City of Bakersfield hereby finds, determines, and declares the following: (a) The public interest and necessity require the proposed Project; (b) The proposed Project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; S: \C01JNCIL \Resos \12- 13 \R0N - PromotoraMocx July 16, 2012 a �-- m J r— O -- Page 1 of 3 Pages -- ORIGINAL (c) The Property is necessary for the Project; and (d) The offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "2," and incorporated herein by reference, has been made to the Property owner or owners of record. 2. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to commence and maintain a proceeding in and for the City of Bakersfield to acquire for the City of Bakersfield the fee simple interest in the Property. 3. The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the court for an Order for Possession Before Judgment in these proceedings. 4. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to draw its warrant in the amount of $88,000.00, the warrant to be made payable to the State Treasury Condemnation Fund and delivered to the City Attorney to be deposited with the payee as a security for the Order for Possession Before Judgment authorized. HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AUG 1 5 7017 , by the following vote: AY OCOUNCILMEMBER SALS, OES: COUNCILMEMBEIR ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER APPROVED AUG 15 2012 By HARVEY L. HALL, Mayor APPRO E AS TO F M: VIRGI IA _ ENNARq City , ttorr4 ANDREW HEGLUND Y Deputy City Attorney S: \COUNCIL \Resos \12- 13 \RON - Promotora2.docx July 16, 2012 WEIR, COUCH, HANKON, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON ERTA GAFFORD, CMC" 2 ilERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the of the City of Bakersfield -- Page 2 of 3 Pages -- pF g A KF9 U r OR ►GINAL CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, ROBERTA GAFFORD, Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, certify the foregoing is the full and true Resolution No. Mw -/Z , passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on August 15, 2012. S: \COUNCIL \Resos \12- 13 \RON - PromotoraIdocx July 16, 2012 ROBERTA GAFFORDX -- Page 3 of 3 Pages -- �OAK�c9 o � m U ORIGINAL State Route 178 Iutemban8e at Morning Delve 531 -010-25 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, OF TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE (1) NORTH 00° 40 55" EAST, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 1329.38 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, THENCE (2) SOUTH 890 34' 41" EAST, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 6329 FEET; THENCE (3) SOUTH 010 43'25" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 15.44 FEET; THENCE (4) SOUTH 00° 40' 55" WEST,.A DISTANCE OF 93.80 FEET; THENCE (5) SOUTH 420 42' 27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 42.21 FEET; THENCE (6) SOUTH 00° 0706" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 207.31 FEET; THENCE (7) SOUTH 040 27 02" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 92.51 FEET; THENCE (8) SOUTH 220 03'08" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 55.07 FEET; THENCE (9) SOUTH 500 09' 50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 138.43 FEET; THENCE (10) SOUTH 230 11'20* EAST, A DISTANCE OF 468.86 FEET; THENCE (11) SOUTH 080 07 28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 161.80 FEET; THENCE (12) SOUTH 420 31' 52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 85.61 FEET; THENCE (13) SOUTH 880,W 17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 225.49 FEET; o� g q IQ9 THENCE (14) SOUTH 680 20 28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 92.01 FEET; o ORIGINAL PW 1 of 2 EXHIBIT u --- L-2 THENCE (15) SOUTH 510 16' 34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 97.88 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE (16) NORTH 890 39' 23" WEST, ON AND ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 893.17 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA: 8.700 ACRES, MORE OR LESS ALL DISTANCES ARE GRID DISTANCES. DIVIDE DISTANCES BY 0.99995386 TO CONVERT TO GROUND DISTANCES. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A FREEWAY AND THE GRANTOR H =Y RELEASES AND RELiNQUI'SHES TO THE GRANTEE ANY AND ALL ABUTTER'S RIGHT'S DKLUDING ACCESS RIGHTS, APPURTENANT TO GRANPOR'S REMAINING P"ROPBRIY, IN AND TO SAID FREEWAY, OVER AND ACROSS COURSES (12) THROUGH (15� " DBD HEREINABOVE. .J0.6ji qd:: 600mb 1. Al/ 441 A KF'9a'-� �-- m U � Page 2 of 2 ORIGINAL State Route 178 Interchange at Morning Drive 531 -010-25 Joint Utility Easement THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, OF TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANOE 29 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89 03924" EAST, ON AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 893.17 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (1) NORTH 510 16' 34" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 97.88 FEET; THENCE (2) NORTH 680 20' 28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 92.01 FEET; THENCE (3) NORTH 880 44' 17" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 225.49 FEET; THENCE (4) NORTH 420 31'52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 85.61 FEET; THENCE (5) NORTH 080 02' 28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 26.49 FEET; THENCE (6) SOUTH 420 31' 52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 101.04 FEET, THENCE (5) SOUTH Sr 44' 17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 221.79 FEET; THENCE (6) SOUTH 68° 20' 28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 96.95 FEET; THENCE (7) SOUTH 510 16 34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 119.07 FEET, TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH LINE; THENCE (8) NORTH 890 39' 24" WEST, ON AND ALONO SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 24.16 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA: 0.179 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Page 1 of 1 o`` g AkF9� U p ORIGINAL State Route 178 Interchange at Morning Drive 531 -010 -25 Temporary Construction Easement THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, OF TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, MOUNT DIABLO MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 00°40'55" EAST, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 1329.38 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; TINCE SOUTH 89° 34' 41" EAST, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 63.29 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (1) SOUTH 890 34' 41" EAST, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 29.01 FEET; I iNCE (2) SOUTH 010 43'26" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 14.56 FEET; THENCE (3) NORTH 890 34' 40" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 19.03 FEET; 'THENCE (4) SOUTH 000 40155" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 90.99 FEET, THENCE (5) SOUTH 42° 42'27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 42.13 FEET; THENCE (6) SOUTH 000 07 06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 70.46 FEET, THENCE (7) SOUTH 47° 29' 49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 13.54 FEET; I NCE (8) NORTH 00° 07 06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 75.69 FEET; THENCE (9) NORTH 420 42' 27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 42.21 FEET; THENCE (10) NORTH 000 40' 55" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 93.80 FEET; o��AKF9m r- m V r O ORIGINAL Page 1 of 2 THENCE (11) NORTH 010 43' 25" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 15.68 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA: 0.057 ACRES, MORE OR LESS ALL DISTANCES ARE GRID DISTANCES. DIVIDE DISTANCES BY 0.99995386 TO CONVERT TO GROUND DISTANCES. p��AKF9J' -c� m Page 2 of 2 o ORIGINAL May 3, 2012 A pL 1OOlVMATlW1 ATM, qpw �p>itlNlO fboaft 178 Project JAM r0'f't��11MM��) OMstrirl'Joe Do 1 *1 � Dar pR01MOTORA or plop@* I The Cll d' widow f w PAW -179 Wd DAM I 1aen C Di�irii apd GIs ?AM* 1 din d p oo and aft" yD fo bid and womm bn. �q� pfr�ry oondaoMai � e, ndw.Alafal6 ,llsiMt �Mr I11111w �saaM. Tfwae VwVA tie t+rge" 1D oonsl A Dist - co. -R1e. IFA 06024M Parod No. 581411.wa19 Chi Tom fft No. DTI &1 ddnp.va Cditm OD oonsNuot an �e s� � wlds#+ the holway Yaw prop►° %w"idh +�" s --MY �M is M tb the projpot No b . due ID the ��p�oMSait pojsot: ttlls Clb► and I" wul of phis 9ft par, upoirb flhe Indspsn�rt nai ea11Ms apPrA1SM #Nol'IeN lAt by MIR Is wrM!e +N$* comb" � a� to vie your pmpe7 i #Aa v** Oft bfa�wi� rand Rouile 17+8. of �f aNsw Mr,� +w ow tort�p��oi A a�f ju�t.Wd� �araw �" .�..�'..•� p NNe d' d VF_ M on 7, —low I '= tin Cay I .. IrrM ...►p f ­_101000 frt is o.�isod by M Otte R es dt/AN aM Ae MOMW by Coftlft +Odd d P1�00 IM ItM,1MOfl I OR in �f =twww wpu v*h 0AKF9 ivt�nberNIS YW tho taso d � e oort�af iha a M. o sm to oblsin one. The My d _ U � O ORIGINAL City of Bakersfield • Property Management DMslon • 90o Truxtun Avenue, #300 Bakersfield - California • 93301 EXHIBIT 1, ; 19 (661) 3!26 -3479 • Fax, (661) 852 -2195 • R A I< E R$ F I E _L D May 3, 2012 A pL 1OOlVMATlW1 ATM, qpw �p>itlNlO fboaft 178 Project JAM r0'f't��11MM��) OMstrirl'Joe Do 1 *1 � Dar pR01MOTORA or plop@* I The Cll d' widow f w PAW -179 Wd DAM I 1aen C Di�irii apd GIs ?AM* 1 din d p oo and aft" yD fo bid and womm bn. �q� pfr�ry oondaoMai � e, ndw.Alafal6 ,llsiMt �Mr I11111w �saaM. Tfwae VwVA tie t+rge" 1D oonsl A Dist - co. -R1e. IFA 06024M Parod No. 581411.wa19 Chi Tom fft No. DTI &1 ddnp.va Cditm OD oonsNuot an �e s� � wlds#+ the holway Yaw prop►° %w"idh +�" s --MY �M is M tb the projpot No b . due ID the ��p�oMSait pojsot: ttlls Clb► and I" wul of phis 9ft par, upoirb flhe Indspsn�rt nai ea11Ms apPrA1SM #Nol'IeN lAt by MIR Is wrM!e +N$* comb" � a� to vie your pmpe7 i #Aa v** Oft bfa�wi� rand Rouile 17+8. of �f aNsw Mr,� +w ow tort�p��oi A a�f ju�t.Wd� �araw �" .�..�'..•� p NNe d' d VF_ M on 7, —low I '= tin Cay I .. IrrM ...►p f ­_101000 frt is o.�isod by M Otte R es dt/AN aM Ae MOMW by Coftlft +Odd d P1�00 IM ItM,1MOfl I OR in �f =twww wpu v*h 0AKF9 ivt�nberNIS YW tho taso d � e oort�af iha a M. o sm to oblsin one. The My d _ U � O ORIGINAL City of Bakersfield • Property Management DMslon • 90o Truxtun Avenue, #300 Bakersfield - California • 93301 EXHIBIT 1, ; 19 (661) 3!26 -3479 • Fax, (661) 852 -2195 Otfor to Pub Letter Pop SOM12 evift Oe that the Wprabai No been completed Prior to payment, along w1h .,W ft or invoice from an app *W mnpanry or Itl. We look bm ld io woddrp wilo ybu in the mn.osftn d #w awn d thin properly required for the modwo. Ptah ow i ie le d wm ftrloa► any arpwt of" projed or wwxtv aoquieitfo 1. Thw* you apdn for your oonaidarMai in Vda project. Webb ftd frVep" A$" ti (N1) 81844" owle (W) M4105-fox .u4 AoqLdWm -Aftp wid L"W Dow"m p..Vmtty Q~ or owns so sonWN" aa�nowNd�s iwdvibm OW to Porch LaMar and Iowree. (pMm rowm extra copy of Vile kilter aipned in return envelope ondomM OrAw b PunChrR Ur - ORMS 0INIrMr 9W* 8 11 vAKF9 s 11 � r v v ORIGINAL SPATE OF CAUPORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Okmn 7VA ea "a" r r w cis Coy. 1w1, u as be k* "WWOM b miff to pow +ad" =060&W 031Wa+" -� QN�rl�i?�� � 1. EDP �► DmftAsP. Prapsety Addw: NzQ jAu miss Dr. A t1wy.17S PrOp@Ay to be aoquired: LoomW Sahnsfneld, CA lbW :Property Am: SIAM ae. L7Ci nUT S- EX -15A (REV 6Ral0) I of 7 Proposed Part ® All ❑ Inatudiaf Acosss RiShts Yes ❑ No The nwzj* vW6w for to peeped to be acquired by the Stabs is based upon an appraised prepared in a000rdanos with Codso(CM P, 1 1nre 8aatdo IULSWA a) "Whir anwf ' 40ba dfor pme to be a case, balm wabs fAD as 1 and it bow, babes mobs ugb& 1 wtib the over wig to . mmb dp and awmg* O. bi The ihlr am&* value of props`ty+ I dads of vaioation as do mimed by M hair MMOWt Vahne as hoe : taiw is dw blonaat prime on the daft of vrlluation that would be arced t MAW no psadsnLr oe --- neeO ty tee ao ddnA aw diiytd bo Bali, I alms to bow but ender no nose ty Car so dab& auk doab W all dw =m and pare - fw whi& the pmpaety is adap6" n for whiob these is no YOWM A, osespa IMO marhat is its value ou tb0 method d valwtiosn that is just and 0489ble. Cods of Civil Prom iors Budou 1ldi.s81 ds rnw itfnslbst Value as ilsllows: A jest and 0gedta* noftd of drla mbingdw vdw daegm t, s WOW use property far which thew is no mama, ow"w nis maeioet it as sit hrth-in 8 m*n Silk d** ZvWWom OWW6 but subject to the a>oma dew set loetln ba avb+iividmn O of 80mtien �4 d>a►iisoae Cods. The mWw vWw for the prnpwW to be acquired by the 9bte is based upon Code of Civil Procedure Section 1888.90 as dd and abara Tnbsrest v~. Pee 8110010 Dabs of inspection: Oebaber 7, 2011 OA&d Updatsd ❑ Date of valuation: October 7, 2011 Oripiaal Updated ❑ Ambo" sonmW &1: One Family Dwelling Arse to be acquired: 8.780 ac. fee;bdm 0.179 ac. eassmant, 0.057 temporary WnWmdim mmmsut AKF9N S1&d and but uw Solid instil there w dummd for residential development. o`` 0 F- m Cu mmot use: Vacant ORIGINAL EXHIBIT AlH MUL SUMMARY STATFdDW (Cash.) 843u -15A (REV 6)2010) (ftmf) PM 2 o(7 Item Now Lump am Total = $ Total Arm = 8.879 ac. o``�AkF9� T U O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT A"KAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT (Goat) 3 Eu -ISA (REV WD10) p►anrN) POW 3 of? r Value of the Entire Property $ (tee wa^e w Value of the property bang acquired including the !b> ming improseisnts' Land: ; Gee L me 6) Imps~ $ $ (nee HE 6) Vahes of the remainder as part of the whde bshee the 8taws aaquiskion S Value of the r emaindsr as a serrate parcel kmr" $ Gee am 6) Sevstnnos Damages Gee page 4): NIA Cost to Once Damages $ $10.000 Incurable Damages: $ NIA Total Damages: $ NIA HsneH�s (sae pegs: _ NIA Net Damsps $ WA The amount of nay other oosaposat ion: $ NIA i[l�!' OQ�ATIDIiT l�AiOgEDST$0ii $ 86.900 Domdsd To $ NIA F-- m U � ORIGINAL EXHIBIT APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATnM?ff (Coat.) 84EX -15A MEV 612010) p%M#) hm4 of 9 Ism` Map Redesip and Revision fees Lump Bum Total (plasrafm 8splawtieu & calculstims, if applicable) Lump 8nm Total Ohnstive Eohma*n, & cs1=bAor^ if spplicabW Lump Sam Total Cloal Damages lees DsmftW 8ise f 10.000 i I O� � A KF9cP i-- m U � O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT APPRANAL SUMMARY 3TA NT (Coat.) s- EX -15A (REV 6007) P*mS4(7 1. a. s. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10. (` 0AKF -, y r- m U r O IGINAL EXHIBIT Aoma Amm. auMMAgV STAT 1T' (Coat.) 94EX -ISA (REV 6/2010) 1. The %im Co■puiwa qWuoh * based an the aoneid ration of ompmobb Ind sod is1ed e" luffle ted wlw by Was Cosspariso t App ash See a ebrst je peitwhW boas. 2. The cost is bow in an* rei0sonsout cat new of %epeoeeMenli loss i1e1100 was obtgdned f imow>Mdpble wndms. 1,�pr,sia�a f� sfl �awss vivo oClmpsrrv�smsntrs in PLce 8. The inown .opege A is based on pan and of income and b dolIE!a• OreeaD ppitx�tioer> ate Net Op attlos luacotr iailoslbsd vault by Inoane Approach 4. odw Indieaisd valor BMNs m from $8" b $31, oM MIMon of 00 OIL in =f4. ThN N lour 1hs iM odor of ft po". F wl �� of taw to his dolor, gird W* *c oenold$W- A*ftM*. s podw of Mrw>rRa�t a WNl to roil: NOIMM tb IM an i . IiMted. In ris M art � farwr o!r eMl at►. '1r> gat hom In ft at real MR ftm tMd NN pooj@dW an ■ WAINt = bNO *- $ see below $ N/A i N/A % i S i Mm. AN but Sob Dare Mir pI mgWft d NM. p looften bursa s• gill nrds 1br o�M111ii of N dssa6ad Mm, ww cogmWft f* ao* Of vw iM � d. us so 1o. In s OfMN ft at me uk sdoo of w" 11p w.Ms boo co d an t', a moo !N ownw vs tit ot`fti MMWARt lit low a I�riun. p� is yiOd r I" %Ir POW sn ImoiO. and sh" a1rM aw Mollp Md 10% Uft. ppurow, ! to alA ai iw101iY » wnpomy GON uoron now p * Is N vi*Wjldl". to Ilpid, �+. Cdr MME in as o Grp owl aaSAio. or •�M�wMwM�I ice. of per vrMur. raw of M of NMtlon. a>f1ht . s% rft of rrlun► an plop ft VAN. Wd win in ar Ailtnp t 00 ) moo d *am il* mow wt by a ad Grp FmW Ws arty Mold an un aA #Nr irrwMrrelM t M o`�0AKF9�r -n U � ORIGINAL Fee Tales Parch t,ktwwjmbwied Portion 6.030 so. ® s12,000W- = $72,300 Errourr*srud Portion 2.670 W. 0 $12,0001W. x 10% TORN $75,664 Round To snow Eammit, Tabs ParoN UnsnCUmbsne, Portion 0.179 ac. $12,0001ac. x 90% x $1,U3 Round To Tempormy Construd w Eassmsnt Far 1N■wEiost VOW 0.057 so. 0 $12,0=w. _ X694 mobeiRlde Fair Mariost t�snt CoMp = Durolan cot "R rd (9 mos. M.75 y sj LM Total Far Martoat f9.nt $41 Round To $110 TORN just oorjgw- @UP , is tlirsfarn surnrnoriaed as Fos Thos Ps s7d m E. aia . Taw Pam $1.900 Fdr MAIM Rant $100 cod to cure don TOW .hoot CCoonpaoaa � s�.e00 o``gAKF9� E- m U r- O ORIGINAL S c D E F d H 1 J APPRAISAL SUMMARY STAT (F"#) Pf OW ptlyaimll s c D E F 4 M J (COOL) mon"6 Ma. wm LP V.LLc we ftlhw dell as bNW : sl>LARrcFFNvvu" - MoOO: �n -o�ao6 21. ?2.26 EXHIBIT 8- EX•15A (REV 612010) wl 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 gAK, 9q F m U p ORIGINAL STATS OF CAUFOMOA • DSPAR....SM O)'''IUN6l'ORTATION EXHLBU SUMOW n wN, IN MT ly TO P OF S -EX -is (REV MW7) niL � (MANMUMTHMM Page 1 of 2 (Pam* Tbs. Cdi>1k Depa OMM of TMWWMM ss POP=ft to MMWrA6ft Hwy 179 snd binomsa Dr. Yost poap�ty locrled et N WN& do wn, and is doo iieeliwed by yaw oaft aoewoar ore i wted hle. 1itU ID of 1hslJsi�esa ltdoanior and Fnaperq► Aogtdeitioe Palioiee Aced ISYO emd the Cmulaia )Roach ANN. o s Bad Peepety Aogabidst i° t owner 8eom pwdow gad ptepwq� a o ieeoraot 1he(tei ar Mob Now wbM *6 ampows at S "eeeeste �: - ba Po'llihd w3tb aslw WY otdo "MW stow nd }gwty or ieee�t tbeeia. ore wdi ar tbs iobentedae� i. Yoa on w ftd to M w f A �Idw to vue tt; do sped POP orgr bairStd neiuo !� have blwoolm WWW s Yes ws aot sagriri to lNy towewr moee' a do pro MW POW aieesi pepp�ty'noea ores dldaAie b � b tbs PeeollPe of ftorpo ondon. Z. Tbs am wa dw b psoioo ow "Mme) ooneia by is 300 to be as ±uneoonowiic melts) w'iiolt No W. d by yos or, ii eppuooW ocogM by yon M a ream end whick hAme 000dpom es the lwi �'ooswyod. 3. AN bdldi�o. etsocler �' allboed to ebs bid deectibed in dis d door■taiM(p) aovwL� 1W eed awned by ehs �aeros(ai bealo ors. II ya. so a tom aw bai� vdre otbor dhgwil m of too brr bMa wade• The lrt0000t to�iosd is lu PAlwb� pied 00 • l � of s want psod ooatdsirs SI M2 as ad is z;;;ad Mad; mood sd decd end ovdbW in odor a Am rincbed 4. The nreloot able of tbs pnopaty baud pus srd b � apoa a t Whw vehxdiaa which is wed en die attacbw V*mdmt S..a, andeucb earessrt: a. the M mom of dw valued o( jwt oom3oiaeaian for Sw p q wV w be pwdwo* b. Ie 20law flea the vduatior ofie fidsaseloet alas afthsproperty is kapa C. Di mp* ary doge M or', imonrsa is 0 lair Medoff aiwr of dr rod b be prior 0 ft 0% of v&w dis woo by So Peiiio go -Me- t !bt vpiiia6 io b be MWAW a by So d lot Of wadi be ao�tiwd i�r � � +� antes for drat des to piwolod wills ft eMOerifM ooa*e■b aad b Dow aot irllloot EW of or Mo omn 3or OF D or oirrbo■alMo wbieb �MsantiW b Nadia ender as aPoee■ 'I�ostpeiliim. S. P uwa w Civil Code of WcOM" ftow 1213= doM you dent b OW* sa appealed, tM DWK#MW WM ply Sor tM aatud raeaosesbis 000 Up le 33.000 ="W b the ooallioso; s Yom, sot the Dqwhse t of TlatsopoWp" ( + mot order ft%Vpraiod• M=M yes estoriona s ae■sao�t wide tis adeabed apposioor, the Do�pesane■t w� aitt be a peg► to lore aoattiacr 0 AKF9s r- m v o ORIGINAL STATE OF CALtIKli U - DSPAWrMW, OF TRAit MAT1i0N EX> INT TN�l7A�!l�T (�` s -sx•28 MV i/S{107) M Pod{+ae 2 of 2 U+mm� b. The U%CWd sppeawer moat ba ii NOW wide the OAioe of llad AWabm (ciREA). c. Appe�eial ngmma mmt be made in wry i0 prborileed a dre of at War, A*Ndm: , M M $� 721,'tadfiala+li ofso alum OHM 1tsgie:.dow (1) dale dW do Yby w f!! *m i= ibr so . ' m, deer ppoa wbielr lfor Mrs � tM Qt a aaMraeet ewe se■ii. w1I�• . 1lepatlmeert lts w 7"rae�oee/ioer tMn via '1'be cobee must be 6. mw oNaer of a bakeee ds a peojwW to bs aogdmd, or omdm*d oe 80 cmmmbnl"g peopRgt vAM wM be by are pie of to regaiaaind p�raly, ;my be erN�ed to !bf the bw is ao e1�rR > '1D t� seai lane is aoeaie■oe Cis pemu me of geodm 1363 .310 ad 1263.+.520 of ebe Cade of merit iTwo.d�me. 7. It yo uldnm* dod b lrtjm Cie 8eeee'e am 2br yaw poparey, you save "MM to bwo dw aow" of so■*e■mlMn drAwmbMd bT a oom of bww k aoowde vft dw bm of Cis ateee of CaNbolL S. Yoo are aatiw b naive p bmft dW SON of Cal*mk of eH oc port of yam iawaleet i tbo not pfopiwiy aoq�t 10 be aogrtibod by! the Dapateareat of Teamperleda� as out in!Senalr illitormp Cods Soodm 104.2.md 104.12. o� 6AKF9� U r- O ORIGINAL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLRTTE OF AP I ,. That I bave 9 fospood dha pray poOy bars e�ioed oad dug 60 Y owswtbrsbo a st�dsd • b beporrrntetftdo eoflbs A ,asond l Id iapsalioo o has b l6s ow le�ai�M iet sdd sa bn ars Ti s�e "go" %VMa� , by Se.plerse�is ooa>talyd in Sidi end. T4at so �e bait of �► and balm dw dOMIM oearNain Ia ffio appraild he& M �aeli acne SUN Md . � low aYah �e � n m basod is ooa. snijsot Yn>tid is oordhism dmWb 99 That I nndarlen1.60 snei.� is a be WW :ia oonnssUoo V" dO sogddtion of ri f t otw�►► Brr a ii wq bibs is - - pO-d by sbr C1ty dllaloieaI I gm a�noe afBsrle ad hrdoe�i !lade. TlrrtriaMit rtllwiwi b■r bsew io vrii shr and Faderal bdof I IIN gs In o(rada" ionsaio, ft- fm 490W efd* of anti bw aee >moos�pe• otdwvdw «�Ab apra�ali► rcs rl�.a�►�fada�le. '!bat neideers�► aarlpioy� eat mD► ooaeParMionlbr mab3a� aypen[ aad report aye is ash► Wl► conftm ivia dw valm f V lyd bwdL That I bove 0101410" a it p uprro or in my baeolh That I biro nrtrroa�Mi 11r tir oL#dal� ordn a c►�i�lo, ores I r s floaa lWr aib a by wo Moat aroortrspwod a pasond imma is M& . w wood Malse afaweh WMd0d b odrr irvr rii ad I WX SO& b we sq o— b�► b do.,r b7 dw prop mete mr, or wO I rn rdommed sh► MMided ae to sari . That my opiman d'dr sold f vie bidaded In 113b Aram s d mafie a part ba�rsf'6rir.>Ain+wos, sr oitsbs drp► of Oosebec 2011, is ifi�00D : awd �t suGh oonoladon wns dirt wrlttiosot ooilndoo, condor or is m e b valoa. i �r 177 0 AKF99 U p ORIGINAL 1� F N894'29 _56 "W 2669.66' PER 40 ASS•C5167NUMENT M S/4 SECTION 16 T29S.♦ 2 I Sd9.34' 41 "E ( 2 ) S01.43'25 'w (3) 15.44' DO.40'SS'w (4) 93.80' d?21 ?'2T'E 151 !! I II tt I ! ;,06 'E (6) Id W 11 i rl � 5045fT'02"E 17) It tl I t I I 1 I �Z• j� ;' oe'E c e) {! I 1 0 it I. t .11;50-E (9) II I I I I ! I I (! r I I l i I It II I ! II I ! ii i I I I I ( I I 1' TEL S"- j I i 9K• 29 G Il I 1 II It t tl I 1 II 1 t II !i 11 i 1 11 1.1 Rx gj1. 3 w PG.19'r3 FO. 1" IP. RC1EiT1,6?11F4 F. THE SIJL•? n 0! T. • RZ9E• f p110,KCT 1116M1T OF WAY SECTIIN f91SMDMIY Pam SSECTION 1 WJM AS KSIVI IMIEQ ♦ LE6i 10 00 LESS �► L it RS & B AND APN 531-0-10-75 • VS; 28'E 111 ) '!31'52'Et123 L P . , L P g orm) 4 NET )* 81. SSt AC 77 .31W AC (NET)OO 76.M AC 76. 131 L 11tRw M:T) . 100 AC 10 T. AC us •• AC .4M 6. AC Q) 122 AC 11111.►ill TO.34t AC (w"w TO.M AC I N illow T0. 104 AC 1C 'D' 1 . AM! SLWE�EASEMENTS %WE AND j MENTS. f t r r COUNTY ROAD- / � t N0. 912 , 'tai I/ mo 44' 1 T "E 225.49' 113) 8K.8 P. bb! N1��' Zd "E 92.01 ` (14) j I 591.16' 340E 97.88' (A5) I W96 39' 23'11 993.17' ( 16 ) '1,. -mr. lilmo . naT[: Norl atof, vtdbr *toms by g. 2499 2618.09' 5 d J ALFALFA APN 531 - 010 -27 Al I misCa)trol � r I a 8 - to oon�rt to 9r eistomm. T. =9tf� r 2EaM tvo M. 16. �� � gAKF9 S uIMNIEV O;AR � �� 1 _ m v O ORIGINAL Imo_ _, t ' 1 A- P- A.._ •:..�► 4 p.. ' 1* t 1 to N W I I ! OR11R IL 9TA>G't Mgt! I 110 #-NW M111WIOIti.e+' 14 State lCombe 178 4t Ik&- I og Drive 5314425 THAT PORTION OF 'ICE SO= HALF OF ' SOUTMES'T QUARTER OF S#�CTIAN 16, OF TOWNSIP 29 SOUTH, *ANM 2P.IAV, Wl0UNT &. , IN THE CITY OF BAKMtWMM, COIMTY OF KON, STATE OF CA A, AS FOLLOWS: BEGMMu 3 AT THE SOUTHWEST COKM OF SAID SOUTH -WEST QUARTER: 1H CE {1) NORTH 00° 4W 53" $AST, ON AND ALONG TH E'9V=l IMB OF SAID A D .. OF 132936 ' .'O THE NORTH LINE OF"m IMM MlY OF SAID XoLr jW$3T QUARTER; THENCE (2) SOUTH 69° 34' 41" BAST, ON AND ALOM SAID NMM LTNE, A DISTANCE OF 6329 FBET; THM4 B (3) SOUTH 010 43' 25' REST, A DISTANCE OF 15.44 FEET: nENCE (4) SOUTH 000 40' 55" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 93.10 FEET; T HMM (5) SOUTH 42° 42' 27" FAST, A DISTANCE OF 42.21 FEET; 'I' Mum (6) SOUTH 000 07,06P EAST, A DISTANCE OF 307.31 FEET; THHNiCE ('n SOUTH 040 2702" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 9151 FEET: TA !iG'8 ($) SOUTH 220 03' 06" BAST, A DISTANCE OF 53.07 PER! (9) SOUTH 500 09' 50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 136.43 FBBT; '!'HBNCH (10) SOUTH 23° 11' 20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 461.66 FF.FT; THENCE (11) SOUTH 060 02' 28" BAST, A DISTANCE OF 161.80 FEET; THENCE (12) SOUTH 42° 31'52- BAST, A DISTANCE OF 85.61 FEET; T (13) SOUTH or 44' 17"' FAST, A DISTANCE OF 225.49 FXUI THENCE (14) SOUTH 61° 20' 28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 92.01 FEET, o�`�AKF9� U r-- ORIGINAL 'I'IMCE (15) SOUTH 51° 16' 34-- EAST, A DISTANCE OF 97.88 FEET, TO A PONT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SWn WOT QUARTE& 'I'Iii:1�iCE (ab) NO�t1'H 89" 39' ?. T, ON AND ALA SAS 9Qt H L A DWTANCE OF 103.17 FIM 'f. TO THE TVA POWT OF I�GI AREA: 8.700 ALBS, MM OR IM ALI. DOTAIM An a7 DWAy4M. DIVIDE DETANMB HY 9SM386 TO CONVERT TogMXMIMTANM. PURPO 88 OF A iAY AM THE T M ;,IpN?ilBYA NPl 't' Im 'T%* aga M ANY AND ALL ANUT'!"BR"S A' To . ! . 8A83 WAY, AND AaC COURM (14 THR (lSy. N• oF0AK' 99 i-- m U � O ORIGINAL cr emi ua. ~ i 1 = 0 I I f I 1 I I 1 �1 1 N �1 OI N Ir l �i I I Lb't99Z 3„SO,0 'C GOON 11 1 j ! 0 QW W�LV 4 t ci dc cm NAj.. in _ in .: m m I i w�0 O b y, N 1 � N I a r r r r i o a 'nip NO I UB 1)t a I fO. a ¢}�: °[sue go g'o= Jo • f i 'S a W.7-M m w�0 O b y, N J, N • /h10 r r Ys m #hl i t W, owl N O � N i N f s N in m i � o} I 1 iti N I r' o a i sW M1 !► i N Oi I� � o � Iwo adz r �o loo � r s► •j V Its; A U °_J§ ORIGINAL ` i w O N • /h10 F} r r m i � o} I 1 iti N I r' o a i sW M1 !► i N Oi I� � o � Iwo adz r �o loo � r s► •j V Its; A U °_J§ ORIGINAL ` i Stale l"te 178 at mu '0q Helve 931418-25 Jobt THAT PORTION OF TIDE SOUTH B" OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTM OF SOCTION 31T' � IAI�i, IN THE la, OF TOWNS'IM 29 SOIiTH,R 29 F•�k$'1', D CITY OF L4KwjpmA OOI)N'ff OF imm, STATE OF CALMOM& AS FOLLOWS: COIrRriE 4MG AT THE SoLgW 83T COQ OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, THRICE SOUTH 69°39' ' EAST, ON AND ALONG THE SOUTH L3NE OF SAID (UARTM A DISTANCE OF 593.17 POT TO THE TRUE POINT OF B80 00041M, THMgCE (1) NORTH 510 10 34" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 97.96 FEET; TE NCE (2) NORTH 66° 20' 26" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 92.01 FEET; Ti�I4CE (3) NORTH Sr 44' 17" NEST, A DISTANCE OF 225.49 FW ; TflljCE (4) NORTH 42" 31' 52" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.61 FEET; TNiCE (3) NORTH 060 02' 28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 26.49 FEET; (6) SOUTH 420 31' 52" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 101.04 FEET; 'IHI�iCE (S) SOUTH 65° 44' 19" EAST, A DISTAL OF 221.79 FEET; TAE (6) SOUTH 65° w 2#" BAST, A DISTANCE OF 96.95 F88T'; THlBNcB (7) SOUTH 510 16' 34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 119A7 FEET, TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH Tf NCE (6) NORTH W 39" 2ir WEST, ON AND ALONG #Alp $WJT I RM A MTANCE OF 24.16 FEET, TO THE TRM PORT M MOMMING- ARF-k- 0.179 ACRES, MORS OR LESS of 0 A KF9lp "'""" ORIGINAL FD. 4" ORS PER /4R W Com T29S.. 11121 E ..._.S696- �4x42' 9 4_ 1 -- __ - N89 0209r '5!s 8 M "W 26' 6; 9.66' 14 � ., FD. _ 1 _ " S P RCE 16714 CAP MONUMENT 5167 CENTER OF SECTION 1 834'41 -E ill TINTC R9E SOI 43'26 "W 14.56' POs- -� ( 11 l *I - 3' 25 "E ' 1 15.61 ` ! I 1 N89034' 40 "W ( 3 ) ! (� 19.03' ICI t. I e• o� 1 i in Io f II_,�„i,i, RESTRICTED ACCESS PIIo=T EAS UPT BOUNDARY -- - - - - -- EXISTING- � -- - - - - -- ESS16TU6 �LI SS)EtT ! � AS DESCRIBED t I. 1 1 • AMA o I (OMSa 81.552 AC E INET)* 76.541 AC 542.42' 27 "E (5) TAM 057 �C i 42.13' TAM ) IN)* 0.020 AC j I I to) ` 61.4116 AC ;. I i i t ♦ )0 76.621 AC t I I ♦ ♦ i .. NTS ,n I I ♦% �' 10 FEET UT L1 AiEIE ! ♦ N 49) 1442.42'2p -W - ♦ i ♦ W , a i i I 42.21' _ O • � I I I � i � f g I s ! Cq i► I i ! ii ) O �p 1 ) $ R5 .g 8 AND I I H APr•! 531 -01 0-25 I� I I 1 ! I P'L-10 F!AQ)FIC TEL EEPigofic I + 8 ' 52197, F'C. X500 I i SCALE= I 55• VP 1-7 RiW i3EEv^ 1 4O - _ SK. 9,lf PC. 1923 I 1 i i I _ 35-SLOPE EASEMENT N-- -- -T- -- 8K. 6034, PG. 681 , - - - 3i' i"E 2676: 05' ®AGS F0' fl ALFALFA - 010 -27 g Cl - - LRVW.. APh 531 1 1 on SR1T6.Control SUry by NOTE: door t i stano6s ` �!r . *WA tq/t0/11 to 1 /11 All dlst�oneos a'b qrt� dlst ° • i tvidr m! by 0. 366 to corwort to Ord olstan F9 A ti0n p� "0 tsr Of Svc. 18. T. 2•+ R. n E:. M.D.S.M. A&c l nF WAR IMO �t t 1,WWTIr;03 wESTEOUARTERME d _ I.. ,r fw- I - o sue, � m U h M .oRliit 'a S*A* au"9E 171 w awvvo#o 't sir st amm Roate 178 �s� e 531-8-28 Terry CAN t THAT PORTION OF TIM 9OU'i� HALF OF TIE 90U'IH ST'' T ( SRCT 0 39 &',1�0!1`i[+ I'i THE li. OF TW 29 Ifl Crry CIF , ©iOM Y CO lO N, STATE OF AS FOLLOWS: 1CINt1 ATTMSOUWWWrCOMMOF SAID SO T QUAILIM4 'IIMCE NORTH 0lM40's -s" BAS'S, ON AND ALONG THE 'BS'f L NORTH QQ�ATM A DISTANCE OF 1320 -M Mr, TO TM LIM OF TO Sot= MU OF SAID SOuMM95T QUAILTE& THENCE WLT!'H W 34' 41" BAST, ON ARID ALONG SAM PMMDM� A 1111111�',w MTAOM OF 63229 F'BET, TC) TfM TICE(l) WU TH W 34' 41" EAST, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTH 124E, A DISTANCE OF 29.01 FEET, ZHENCE (2) SOUTH Ole 43,268 WART, A DISTANCE OF 14.56 FEET; TAE (3) NORTH Be 34' 4V" VINT, A DISTANCE OF 1903 FEET; T (4) SOUTH 009 4V 55" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 90.99 FEET; 'TII8i4CE (5) SOUTH 42° 42' 27" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 42.13 FEET; TH84CE (6) SOUTH 00° 07 06" EAST, A DISTANCE 01'70-46 TIC (7) SOUTH 470 2P 40 WM, A DISTANT OF 13.54 FEET; T (8) NORTH 000 07' W WEST, A DISTANCE OF 73.69 FIST; THETICE (9) NORTH 42° 42' 27" WM, A DISTANCE OF 4221 FEET; T IUM, CE (10) NOILT Ij 009 40 55" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 93 -0 FEET; 0AKe U � d ORIGINAL THENCE (11) Nop TH 01 ° 43' 25" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 15.68 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF WGINNNG. AREA: 0.057 ACS, MORE OR LESS ALL DISTAWMS ARE G= plgTANCES. CaRVBRT TO OWUND 1311STANCES. DIVIDE DISTANCES By 0.99915386 TO o``gAKF9� f- m V p ORIGINAL