HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/2011 Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 2 Others Present: Jeremy Tobias, CAPA Emilio Wagner, CAPA Ramala Ramkisson, CAPA Ron White, GEYF Zac Griffin, Bike Bakersfield Bob Smith, Bike Bakersfield Kirk Swiggum, AYSO Region 73 2. ADOPT JUNE 13, 2011 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Bob Smith with Bike Bakersfield stated he understood from a previous meeting that if a “Road Diet” (which is the reduction of the number of lanes on the collector) was possible on collectors, a 7’ wide bike lane would be painted. Committee member David Couch asked staff if this was correct. Public Works Director Raul Rojas confirmed bike lanes would be widened on collectors, where possible. Committee Chair Sullivan asked if it was possible to have a designated staff member who could be in contact with Bike Bakersfield to inform them of any progress with widening of bike lanes on collector streets. Public Works Director stated the appropriate contact person would be Ryan Starbuck in the Public Works Traffic Engineering Division. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Recommendation regarding Sports Village Phase II – Tandy / Hoover City Manager Alan Tandy provided a brief overview of the concept plan of the Sports Village. Phase I was completed and has been operating since June, 2011. It includes eight lighted soccer fields operated by the American Youth Soccer Association, Region 73 (AYSO). Phase II will cost approximately $3.2 million, which will be funded through the Park Improvement Fund and a naming rights agreement. It will include four football fields, four additional soccer fields, a restroom/storage building, and the addition of 344 paved parking stalls along with the extension of a road from Phase I into Phase II. Sport lighting will be added in the future as funding becomes available. Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 3 Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated the partnership with AYSO to operate the soccer fields has been very positive. Negotiations are taking place with Golden Empire Youth Football (GEYF), a local non-profit youth organization currently using various football fields around the City and County. Kirk Swiggum, representing AYSO, stated that staff has been very helpful with their transition from the California State University Bakersfield fields to the Sports Village. AYSO saw a 90 percent increase in sign-ups for new soccer players after the move and expects to see additional growth in the next soccer season. Ron White, representing Golden Empire Youth Football (GEYF), stated they currently host their games on Kern High School District fields and the field at Bakersfield College. They accommodate games for approximately 2,500 participants. The use of Phase II of the Sports Village will allow GEYF to grow and double their participants over the next few years. GEYF would like to expand football into a yearlong sport. Public Works Director Raul Rojas commented that, as part of Phase II construction, a road was moved to the north to allow for the construction of four typical football fields. An alternative is also being drawn to accommodate additional parking. The plan should be available for approval in February, 2012. Advertising of the project should begin in March, 2012, and a contract should be awarded in May, 2012, with construction beginning in June, 2012. Phase II should be open for football and soccer in September, 2013. City Manager Alan Tandy stated that negotiations with GEYF for an operating contract similar to AYSO to pay for the maintenance of the fields they use are ongoing. During the bidding period of Phase II, the current agreement with AYSO would be amended to include the four additional soccer fields. An agreement with GEYF for maintenance of the four football fields would also be presented to Council for approval. The City would not bear the operating costs in the General Fund. Committee member David Couch asked if parking would be an issue if football was a yearlong sport activity. City Manager Alan Tandy indicated that additional parking would temporarily be constructed on the north side of McKee Road. In the future, when funding is available, it would become permanent. Committee member Rudy Salas asked if the temporary/permanent parking lot would interfere with the area designated for commercial development Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 4 and if it is determined in the future that additional parking was needed, how it would be addressed. City Manager Alan Tandy stated it will be sometime before any commercial development begins, due to the slow housing market, but that the current plan would allow the commercial development to share the parking area, similar to what is in place at the Park at Riverwalk. Recreation and Parks Director Hoover stated each field is being built with adjacent parking. If this issue should arise in the future, the plan would then be adjusted as necessary. Committee member Salas made a motion to forward the agreement to the full City Council for review and approval. The motion was unanimously approved. B. Discussion and Recommendation regarding an Agreement with the Community Action Partnership of Kern for Construction of a Ball Field of the Friendship House – Tandy / Hoover City Manager Alan Tandy stated that Councilmember Salas had requested staff explore opportunities to fund the completion of a ball field on land owned by the Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPA) located at the Friendship House Community Center in the southeast. He proposed a construction agreement between CAPA and the City. The City would provide $151,000 of City Park Improvement funds and allow CAPA to construct the ball fields with a supporting irrigation system. CAPA would be the operator of the fields and would pay for maintenance of the fields. Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated the field would be utilized as a multi-use field. Jeremy Tobias, representing CAPA, stated the field would be used for youth soccer, youth football, and softball practices and games. He also stated the partnership with the City would be a benefit for the area and a great opportunity for the neighborhood. Committee Chair Jacquie Sullivan asked for a proposed timeline. Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated that when the agreement is approved by the full Council, the funds would be transferred to CAPA for construction, and the exact time would be determined by CAPA. Mr. Tobias stated CAPA would move on the construction immediately. Committee member Salas made a motion for the agreement to be forwarded to the full City Council for review and approval. The motion was unanimously approved. Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 5 C. 2011 Aquatics Report – Hoover Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated there was an overall decline in pool attendance for several reasons. There were four fully operational pools this season, with an increase in overall attendance at each pool site. However, funding from First Five Kern was lost at the beginning of the summer season due to budget reductions. Subsequently, on July 1st, a grant from First Five Kern become available which provided $5 swim lessons for 0-5 year olds and their parents, creating a program called the Make a Splash Program. The program was awarded with a national award for Excellence in Water Safety. Aquatics Supervisor David Stricker provided a brief description of the Make a Splash Program. The program’s goal is to lower the drowning rate. Its four major components are: 1) Free admission for 0-5 year olds and their parents for recreation swim; 2) Two weeks of swimming lessons for $5 for everyone, including 0-5 year olds and adults; 3) Preschool and kindergarten presentations; and 4) CPR and first aid training. A USA Swimming grant was also awarded to expand the Make A Splash swim lesson a component of the program. Press releases and flyers at each facility are used to help advertise all the programs available and they are also advertised on the internet. Committee member Rudy Salas asked if staff tried to partner with different schools to help promote the various programs offered by the City. Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated most schools have eliminated partnering to promote programs for various reasons, including that some of the schools now have their own swim facilities. Aquatics Supervisor David Stricker stated they maintain communication with the activity directors of various schools, which helps, depending on the event and/or program. D. Discussion and Recommendation regarding Bike Transportation Plan Funding - Eggert Planning Director Jim Eggert stated in order to be eligible to apply for funding through the Caltrans’ Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) to enhance and/or construct new bicycle facilities, a Bicycle Transportation Plan (BT Plan) must be approved as a component of the grant application request. A BT Plan identifies specific projects which could be funded. The BT Plan Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 6 supplements the General Plan, as it becomes an implementation measure to provide funding opportunities for bicycle facilities. The completed plan must be approved by the Kern Council of Governments (KernCOG) and if adopted, the BT Plan would be current for five years and be used for State funding eligibility during that time period. Committee member David Couch asked if a plan was created and adopted, would it be possible to readopt the plan once it expires after five years. He also asked if the plan would concentrate on expanding the bike lanes only. Planning Director Eggert stated that with a plan previously in place it would be easier to readopt, but it would depend on any new requirements which would have to be implemented into the plan. Public Works Director Raul Rojas stated the plan would not be specific to making bike lanes wider; it would be general, to include developing new bikeways and bike paths. Planning Director Eggert also stated that the plan would help identify and prioritize projects. Planning Director Eggert informed the Committee that KernCOG recently began preparation of a countywide BT Plan which would only apply to the unincorporated area of Kern County. KernCOG has already awarded a contract to a consultant for preparation of the plan, making it problematic for inclusion of the City, since it would require renegotiations of the contract with the consultant, and funding to pay for additional work is uncertain. A funding source may be available through the Rose Foundation’s Kern County Air Pollution Mitigation Fund, a program which receives air pollution mitigation fees paid for by property developers to offset the cumulative air pollution impacts of new developments. The Rose Foundation supports and awards grants for projects designed to reduce particulate or ozone air pollution in the Valley portion of Kern County. Bicycle-related projects would qualify as this kind of project. Committee Chair Sullivan asked who would be preparing the BT plan and how long it would take to prepare the plan. Planning Director Eggert stated staff from the Planning Division would be heading the project and working in conjunction with Kern COG to ensure the two BT Plans are compatible and consistent with the General Plan, as well as with Bike Bakersfield, staff from the Traffic Engineering division of Public Works, Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda Summary Report Thursday, December 8, 2011 Page 7 and others. If funding could be secured, the City could pay for a consultant to prepare the BT plan. Staff has acquired the necessary information to apply for funding through the Rose Foundation. If the City does not qualify for the funds, staff would have to seek other funding sources to continue with a BT plan. If the Committee decides to move forward, staff would submit the necessary information to the Rose Foundation, who would then take the application to their Board for a decision; an exact turnaround time is unknown. If a grant is awarded, staff would take a few months to contract with a consultant, and it may take an additional nine months to complete the BT Plan. Bob Smith, representing Bike Bakersfield, stated they are excited about the BT Plan. Mr. Smith also stated he was aware of additional funding sources the City can look into if no funding is awarded through the Rose Foundation. Zac Griffin, also with Bike Bakersfield, stated funding from the Air District is moderately new and the Air District is always looking to award funding to qualifying projects. Committee member Salas made a motion to have staff proceed with the necessary process to apply for funding through the Rose Foundation. The motion was unanimously approved. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Salas asked if there was a plan regarding the reopening of the two pools closed during the aquatic season. Recreation and Parks Director Dianne Hoover stated staff was reviewing the costs to reopen Planz Pool and Siemon Pool and would have a report prepared at a later date to present to the Committee. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:05 P.M. cc: Honorable Mayor and Council