HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-0181.fi REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: CITY ENGINEER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 James Maples,Assessor- Recorder SABRINA Kern County Official Records Pages 7 DOCUMENT #:0202053858 4/05/2002 8:00:00 11111 111 11111 HIII 11111 1 111 1111111111111111 1111 Fees.... 25. 00 Taxes... *ezezesaasa■ Other ... TOTAL PAID.. 25.00 Stat. Types:1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (SECTION 66499.35, GOVERNMENT CODE) The City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, designated by ordinances of said City as Advisory Agency with respect to Parcel Map Waivers, Lot Line Adjustments, and Certificates of Compliance and acting herein on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, hereby states that the real property described and shown on Exhibits "A" and "B ", attached hereto and made parts hereof, complies with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Chapter 16 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code regulating divisions of land. The above - mentioned real property is a result of Lot Line Adjustment 02 -0181, being an adjustment of the boundaries of those portions of land shown as Parcels 1 & 3 on that Certificate of Compliance for Parcel Map Waiver No. PO1 -0579, recorded August 30, 2001, Document No. 0201126868, Official Records, also being portions of the SW 1/4 of Section 5 and the SE 1/4 of Section 6, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M. D. M., in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. Property Owners: CAPROCK FIVE, LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 113 INTEREST; FRANMAR COMPANY, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 113 INTEREST; AND DEL LA GO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED 113 INTEREST. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 390-310-04 & 390- 04 -18. This Certificate of Compliance is being issued and recorded for 2 parcels. This certificate relates only to issues of compliance or noncompliance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. The parcels described herein may be sold, leased, or financed without further compliance with the Subdivision Map Act or any local ordinance enacted pursuant thereto. Development of the parcels may require issuance of a permit or permits, or other grant or grants of approval. Dated March 21, 2002 RAUL M. ROJ44 %...IF RCE No. 39880 Expiration December 31, 2005 City Engineer City of Bakersfield Signature must be notarized 0909 S ;\Land Division\M 7 Land Div\LLA \02 -0181 coc.wpd Page 1 of _7_ Pages State of Gp, 1K) r7 7 1 a County of F On Ma- before me, ,y'faw A&50, ?,a lez (DATE) , N* OTAR. Y PURL L ") personally appeared &0 -0 *' (NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S)) personally known to me -OR 0 ���xoxy to be the 1 itarsonK whose name(* subscribed to the hin instrument and �knowledged to me that Lheje�t ex cuted the dame in i wit authorized c city:l�1, and that b is 0 signature n the instrument the personW, or the entity upon behalf of which the person( acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. (SEAL) (SIGNATORE OF NOTARY) ATTENTION NOTARY The information requested below and in the column to the right is OPTIONAL. Recording of this document is not required by law and is also optional. It could, however, prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to any unauthorized document. 1 THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Type of Document 1` izi Llylf.-j t,� a. 0191 MUST BE ATTACHED -� ,ate this TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages Date of Document DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above od)w WOLCOTTS FORM 63240 Rev. 3 -94 (price class 8 -2A) Q1994 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. ALL PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT WITH SIGNER CAPACITY /REPRESENTATION/TWO FINGERPRINTS RIGHT THUMBPRINT (Optional) W W _ m 2 D 0 a. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SI(iNERIS) ❑INDIVIDUAL(S) CORPORATE OFFICERS) 6?jq/nee,r O es) OPARTNER(S) OLIMITED ❑GENERAL. OATTORNEY IN FACT ❑THUSTEEIS! ❑GUARD IAN /CONSERVATOR BOTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: (Name of Person(s) _or Entity(ies) C! RIGHT THUMBPRINT (Optional) i LL 0 CL 0 CAPACITY LAIMED B SIGNER(S) ❑INDIVIDUA (S) CORPORAT OFFICER(S) (TITLES) OPARTNERISI DL ITED ❑GE ERAL ❑ATTORNE IN FACT ❑TRUSTS (S) ❑GUARD AN /CONSERVA OR ❑OTHE SIG R IS REPRESENTING: (N a of Person(s) or Entity(ies A446 4E o? 0 7 IIIII67775 IIII IIIIII 8 39f EXHIBIT "A" LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 02 -0181 BEING AN ADJUSTMENT OF PARCELS 1 AND 3 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. P01 -0579, AS EVIDENCED BY THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AS DOCUMENT NO. 0201126868, O.R., ALSO BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5 AND THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARC R "A" Beginning at a point on the centerline of Camino Media from which point the centerline intersection of Camino Media and Scarlet Oak Boulevard, per Parcel Map 'No. 10291 recorded in Parcel Map Book 48, Page 86 in the Kern County Recorder's Office, bears S89 °1 1'24 "E, 1135.43 feet, said point also being the beginning of a 815.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Northerly; thence Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 1 000'35 ", an arc distance of 13.57 feet; thence S00 04836 "W, 550.12 feet to a point on the North line of said "Parcel 3 thence N8901 1'24"W, along the North line of said "Parcel 3 ", 90.50 feet; thence N00 048'36 "E, 151.00 feet; thence N8901 1'24"W3 305.77 feet to a point on the Easterly right -of -way line of Forum Way, per Parcel Map No. 6547 recorded in Parcel Map Book 29, Page 83 in the Kern County Recorder's Office, said point also being on a 1070.00 foot radius non - tangent curve, from which point the center of said curve bears S74053'1 9"E; thence Northerly along said curve and said Easterly right -of -way line through , a central angle of 06 045'35 ", an arc distance of 126.24 feet; thence N21 °52'16 "E, along said Easterly right -of- way line, 278.82 feet; thence N65009'1 7"E, 27.42 feet to a point on the Southerly right -of -way line of Camino Media; thence N18 026'17 "E, 90.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right —of -way line of Camino Media, being a point on a 725.00 foot radius non - tangent curve, concave Northerly, from which point the center of said curve bears N18 °26'17 "E; thence Easterly along said curve and said Northerly right -Of- -way line through a central angle of 17 035'08 ", an arc distance of 222.52 feet; thence S00 022'47 "W, 45.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 3.61 Acres, more or less. PAGE 3 OF 7 PAGES PARC R "R" Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section 6; said corner also being a point on the centerline of Ming Avenue; thence N890111 9 "W, along the South line of said Section and centerline, 431.57 feet; thence N00 °48'41 "E, 55.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of Ming Avenue; thence N44 01119 "W7 28.28 feet to a point on the Easterly right -of -way line of Forum Way; thence N00 °48'41 "E, along said Easterly right -of -way line, 400.94 feet to the beginning of a 1070.00 foot radius tangent curve, concave Easterly; thence Northerly along said curve and Easterly right -of -way line, through a central angle of 14 018'00 ", an arc distance of 267.05 feet; thence S89 °11'24 "E, 305.77 feet; thence S00 °48'36 "W, 151.00 feet to a point on the North line of said "Parcel 3 "; thence S8901 1'24"E along said North line, 775.32 feet to the Northeast corner of said "Parcel 3 "; thence S00 049'44 "W, along the East line of said "Parcel 3 ", 589.41 feet to the Southeast corner of said "Parcel 3 ", said corner also being a point on the South line of said Section 5 and centerline of Ming Avenue; thence N89 °1 0'32 "W, along said South line and centerline, 662.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 16.15 Acres, more or less. DELMARTER AND DEIFEL games K. Delmarter R.C.E. 17564 Exp: 6 -30 -05 a a No. 17564 fri * Exp.6,/3q/o5 SHEET 4 OF 7 PAGES V) Z Q ;0 0 W 0 M N > co N) C) Ln > a) m 0) > o M -o >;O z r- > m > 0 0 �mo�0 r- r- > r- M m z > ;0 r- m m 0 U) Co m ;:0 ;u *6 OLD RIVER R ;0 > 0;u W M ROAD L4 (n ;0 m m m00Z > 0 M U) z U) ;0 > m :0 m M > ;0 z ;0 m 0 m --1 0 ;0 W 0 -0 0 0 U) -0 0 0 L4 > 0 -n 0 00 z 3: 0) 0 rn > C) p co m;o > > 0 M cn z 0 x 0 0 0rZ'p 0 z r- Ln ;u ohm M m C), 0 0 0 0 L4 < C? 0 0 > In > -n -.& r- ��DO ;0 m co m 0 0;0 A 0 cu co a3 ;0 Im 0 C) w r- C13 m z Z z r-im — v m m > > Z r-I 0 -n z 0 rri 0 0 > 0 > Z > Fn 0 (A > 00mo m > m X: -Mi r. > ;0 U) ;u -0- 0 L4 L4 01 > M ;0 U) U) > z L4 U) M z M 0 -n > 0 Fn 0 F1 m m 00 0 Z r- m SCARLET 0 0 :c 0 0 > V, �0 -n M 0 0 M > cu z OAK BLVD. > -0 z n 0 - m m C) M > mmq 0 z 0 c ;:0 0 z .0: m ;u C) m -0 C) > > zz Z -0 > !-,-< > GOSFORD ROAD m 0 -0 ;0 < ;0 > > m m m 0 �;. ;u 0 c > -0 C: m vo > 0 x C/) •n m m to CA 4p -.0 0 z z CA_4 > C, m M 0 CP* cn '-I x 04, -0 CA LA N3 > Om C C) w [\) m 0 - 0 z L> C) 0 < 0 8 G M > Tj ;u z U) 00 > C);u co ;u 00 ;0 -0 -0 -0 -0 C) U4 m 0) 00 x 0 x 0 p>q p > Ct (=) , po ---I Z > (S) 0 0 > > > 0 0 (31 rrl 0 W M C) 0 co 00 00 -F-u -9 ZE p- --q 0 C- m c 0 "-0 77 500 MM *-j m 00 m 0 rri %.400 ---1 c z > 00 > (A m M > m m 0 0 -on m 0 U) > LI) :,i > U) v OMO m 0 m m m -n 0 > mm > 0 m 0 m m 0 m0 !77;z -0 -0 r- C) r- C) > ;0 w 00 m z -n -0, M z ion 0 0 MM M x 4 m m 0 0 0 c -0 0 ;0 0 Ln pm m m 0-0 -0 ;0 C) -0. -0 0 rn > 0 m z z z -n ± K omm m m m m m m - -0 > r— K: --4 ---1 --1 MOC -n 0 C Z Z Z 0 M M M m m z x r z C� 0 m Z 0 ;0 -0 z (f) ozz mzz > 0 w z m m x 0 0 1-42 5mo 0— m 0 ;0 > Zi M M > M pZ zZ 0 (A ;0 Z -A z Z Oz > > > 0 C-) > 0* M 0 m (C) 0 0 > > --I Ul 0 w x • > 0 > -n > "I > z z 0 0 C-) z 0 ;0 0 z m ;0 z z > cf) Ln C.) 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M Z --i 0 Al", -0 ;o 0 mm 0 _T1 0 70 L4 N 00*48 41 E 475.94' ''`— _ cio Li N r '- C5 N 00*48'41 " E -0-1 f /1111 U, il'' cn 400.94p (401-17#) L4 I *,-% L4 c •� 76 > 7 W Ln OD o 00 U1 ;o z Cr4 < -P.- I I I > U1 m CD 00 Ls4 r- 0 w L4 L4 Co Ln C) cn co Ln z - % �4 N; U4 0 M co > 0 ;o OD > woo -a z Ln (A 0 U) 00 to m 16 Ln 0 co 00 O 0) or-0 L4 L7 07 q�s 7/ -b co 0 0 1. \<�, z A, EAST LINE SECTION 6, 30/27 0) N 00"48'36" E 550.12 0 N01 01 50 r 505.12' RAD. -- N00"51"I 9"E 515.62'— L NOO*48'01 "E \ 5 RAD. \ N00*49'30"E II RTD cc I RAD. 5 1451145'1 > I I z cn 00 o ;:o II�-2 > 0 P X 1­0 to m 00 00 co z w m 46 OX 0 G-) z ;u m 46 0 CF) 4b. a N fig K) C) 0 Uri (A co OD Ln > Cp z C) c) 0 OD c� I I 00 co 60 K I 01 00 71, z 2 4, 0 C7 > L14,1 00 Z co I Z z 0 0 < > m (oil m c: co 00 m co rn 114 b Cn �, I I 11 m 589.41' ! I � 5 i !� 50.00' 530.66 ­_505.00 ca I I 4, 539.66 515.50 Ln . :p" I N 00*4944" E 11139.41' (A 41, cp :-4 4b, UNA Ln PARC�EL A b PARCEL B 41 m NO. P99--04-57 b T 0 PER CER. 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