HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2012_WB_AGENDA_PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water board Regular Meeting of Sentember 19, 2012 Kern River at Hobo Campground Water Resources File Packet WzATEF IROARD HaFo�d Hanson, Voce Chaor RusseN Johnson AC�LN INE 3. MNU7ES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2012 and special meeting of July y 11, 2012 for approval - For Board review and Action 4. 1PU&JC KA7EMEN7S 5. KERN MVER LEVEE D�SVRJCY A. Update regarding O.S. Array Corps of Engineering Levee Inspection of August 9, 2011 results and Water Department Actions - For Boar! Information B. State Department of Water Resources 2012 Preseason Flood Coordination Meetings - For Board Information C. Update regarding FEIVIA Certification - For Board Information A. fern Diver & Isabella reservoir Operations Deport - For Board Information Be Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project - For Board Information i BA K E R S F I E L D WzATEF IROARD HaFo�d Hanson, Voce Chaor RusseN Johnson AC�LN INE 3. MNU7ES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2012 and special meeting of July y 11, 2012 for approval - For Board review and Action 4. 1PU&JC KA7EMEN7S 5. KERN MVER LEVEE D�SVRJCY A. Update regarding O.S. Array Corps of Engineering Levee Inspection of August 9, 2011 results and Water Department Actions - For Boar! Information B. State Department of Water Resources 2012 Preseason Flood Coordination Meetings - For Board Information C. Update regarding FEIVIA Certification - For Board Information A. fern Diver & Isabella reservoir Operations Deport - For Board Information Be Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project - For Board Information Water B&3rd Agenda Se tembnIN 190 201 Page 7. DEFERRED SUSNESS 9. Zvi SC ELLANEOUS A. Kern Ground Water Management Committee - For Board Information B. Public Utilities Commission Affiliated Rules - For Board Information -' CIC= SF�i) SE.SSICi)N �C_:11C�)N ,ART CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: Se ,tember 140 201 Water Board Meeting 3. IV j N U7ES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2012 and special meeting of July 11, 2012 for approval - For Board Review and Action MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, May 1 b, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1, CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:00 p,m. 2, ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson Absent: Member Johnson 3, MINUTES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, 2012 for approval. Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, 2012. APPROVED ALL AYES, JOHNSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT None b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, reviewed the graphs, gave a brief update, and stated the State DWR snow survey forecast of May 1 St is 49 %; the July runoff is 230,000 ac -ft, downgraded to 220,000 ac -ft the previous Thursday, The runoff is coming off slower. Also, there will be water in the Kern River in connection with the Amgen event, Board information only, no action taken. B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, May 1 b, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 1, CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:00 p,m. 2, ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson Absent: Member Johnson 3, MINUTES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, 2012 for approval. Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, 2012. APPROVED ALL AYES, JOHNSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT None b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, reviewed the graphs, gave a brief update, and stated the State DWR snow survey forecast of May 1 St is 49 %; the July runoff is 230,000 ac -ft, downgraded to 220,000 ac -ft the previous Thursday, The runoff is coming off slower. Also, there will be water in the Kern River in connection with the Amgen event, Board information only, no action taken. Bak ersfVd Caffornia, May 16, 2012 - Page 2 6. REFOUS con�onuqd B. Isabella Dam - Safety Modification Project Norge 8. NEVI' BUSINESS A. 2012 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, gave a brief update and stated the 2012 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule will be effective on June 1, 2012, if approved. MOt§cn bY HGnSon to GPPFOYG the 20 Y2 Wateff' Price and Sand Sc7§9 Schadu§q. A FFRO VF_ D A L L A YES, JOHNSON A: SEN l Bo Kern River Interest Cost Sharing Agreement. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, gave a brief update and stated the City's cost will be 14%, approximately $42,00® over three years. MO�§Ofl by HOns0fl �O 90FWGFd ohs XGFfl R§YGF §fl�eres� Cos Shafing Agre(sman� 1392wse n BuGnE Y§6tB WB�GF B�OrBgs 0§3�r§c�, Cky 0fir Bakeraffe§d5, Kee County WaW Agency, Kom 09ka Wa�er 0§0�r§ctsnd X0§1h Kom Wa�qr Storags oja�rgc� �O�hGf u§§ CC § YCounc§§f orapproya§. APPROVED AU AYESg JOHNSON ASSENT Bakersfie0d, CaDofornoa, May 16.,2012 ® Page 3 9. M �SCELLANEO S 10. WA7E R BOARD FA7EMENM 11. CLOSED SESSS ON A. Conference with legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (One matter) Chairman Couch recessed to Closed Session at 2;25 p.m. Chairman Couch adjourned from Closed Session at 2:52 p.m. ' _' C LC_ l 11152!1 LC�) SESSIOO N �CTIC�)N Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announced there is no reportable action from Cloa)ed Session. 13. Q ®JOURNMvEN7 Chairman Couch adjourned the regular meeting at 2:53 p.m. David 'ouch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, C C Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board WA7ER BOARD UadM Couch, Chair HaFo�d Hanson, Muce CGuaur Raasse�� Johnson, MV ember WN U7S OF 7HE SPECS AL Mi EETNG ATER :Q W ARD - GITY CGF :AKERSFIELf� V V V.a7 d ll ll \`c7 s vS.l a 1 / g J U1 / I T, 20 � 2 - 5: T 5 P.M. Council Chambers, City Hall South 1501 Tr uxt un Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 M 0 N UMS l . C:AI l_ 11 C)RC1yER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 5:18 p.m. Present: Chairman Couch, Voce -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3e PUBUC KAY iv EN7S None INTRC�)C UC:TC�RY RE ARKS E Y CHAIRMAN B A K E R S F I E L D WA7ER BOARD UadM Couch, Chair HaFo�d Hanson, Muce CGuaur Raasse�� Johnson, MV ember WN U7S OF 7HE SPECS AL Mi EETNG ATER :Q W ARD - GITY CGF :AKERSFIELf� V V V.a7 d ll ll \`c7 s vS.l a 1 / g J U1 / I T, 20 � 2 - 5: T 5 P.M. Council Chambers, City Hall South 1501 Tr uxt un Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 M 0 N UMS l . C:AI l_ 11 C)RC1yER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 5:18 p.m. Present: Chairman Couch, Voce -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3e PUBUC KAY iv EN7S None INTRC�)C UC:TC�RY RE ARKS E Y CHAIRMAN B kersf dd, Ca fornia, Judy 11, 201 2 -- Page 2 5. H EAR G A. Public hearing to receive comments regarding the adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report DEIR) for the Kern River Flow and Municipal Water Program (Applicant: city of Bakersfield ). Written correspondence has been received from Robert A. ore dson; Robert A. Danford, The R.W. Bowman Group; harry Love, Conservation chair, Kern Audubon Society; Marianne Gartenlaub, 4th Grade Teacher, and Madi FIsea, President, Kern Audubon Society. Art chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated staff and consultant have been working together as a team over the past 21 months on the Draft Environmental Impact Deport and introduced consultant lien Schwan, Ph.D., Horizon Water and Environmental. Ken Schwarz., Ph.D., horizon Water and Environmental, gave an overview and PowerPoint presentation of the Environmental Impact Deport (DEIR) for the Kern River Flow and Municipal Water Program. Chairman couch opened the public hearing at 5:45 p.m. chairman couch closed the public hearing at :51 p.m. Chairman couch stated that the public comment period on the EI R remains open until 5:00 p.m. on August 6, 2012. MoNon by Hanson �o Togo aN COMMen�s �0 Buff qo� Tosponsos and dl Tqc� S�agq �o pTepaye a FQnaO E R and goTwaTd �o cod councN qoT �haQT Tavv aw and --onsodeFallone APPROVED ALL AYES Bakersfd , Caffor )Da, Jdy 11, 2012 - Page 3 f•�_ WATT :C�)�F'�C�) STA1 = ENTS Russell Johnson thanked everyone that attended the meeting, and stated this is a significant project and the public comments portion is the most important part of it. Chairman Couch thanked everyone that attended the meeting and asked staff when responses to comments will be received. City Ailorney Virginia Gennaro stated the responses to comments received will be contained in the Final Ells and be presented to Council in the Fall of 2012. 7. AD C�)l1�'N CNT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CMC Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting September 19, 2012 '_ KE N ' IvEf� LEVEE L�IST�'IC�T A. Update regarding U.S. Army Corps of Fn ineers Levee Inspection of August 9, 2011 Results and Water Department Actions -For Board information Water Board Meeting September � ember 19, 2012 5. KERN RWER LEVEE DDS7 HOC T con -Hnued B. Sate Depa tment of Water Resources 2012 Preseason Flood oordin t' � uon Meetings - For Board Information RES 0 U R, C E A., r7, unci. r o n IN, L= law ?A 7-­7FWT`:X7 -""SOURCES �DRICLCGY AN[ `LCK" A 7 DNS OFFICE al M1 L AM INC, AVENUE, SUIT6 200, P.O. BOX 219000 S A C R A M, FIN TO, CA 95821-9000 j« 4 i, '9 5) 574-26C5 C 4 rT %ER' SFI�VP August'29v 2012 ca DISTRIBUTICN-i ](`N,N MEETINGS BJECT: 2012 00D (%00,RDINA, �,� As �_..-nergency responders, c- managers That de,-F,' with P 7' - -..0 :7 epC,1,,7tane1,,_,_:1z --id response, unear the Fl,(:)OdSA d Emerge i e m e Fc, e L %%.0 would like cc Resncnse. 1':)rCgrC-A-m,the --epay "men" of VV, a eT' R�, a S 0 U 7,*r. *0 e, S you to a ie7t 'th,:.s vear's P-a-_,---,-son Food d;Lna,4 J uon meetira, as been scr'edulst,, ­i yox area.. 1 4n You are Feceiving this letter because you e..'Lth1a_.7 ate ,--endad one of last season FOccd Cocr _v_leetin 9 s or are, incLuded I'M D�-NR D�recLoi�� contact lfst. The forM-t L .1 "1 Ir j 'o encourage the e^xchcal-ige od' -�cod, fcF I-' ese meef,�ngs has been TeVsstdl L State, and federal agenc[,�Is. as between, lloca' season pre are � �", 11 S ;a r,, � L A tentat've agenn'. a 's w*th 41he Icc;::qt�on and 'I'me of the mee`4 *_-ng '.r.,e]ng held 'M R wH-1 bed' _S not Fresno. As your, 'vvT see c7- the agenda, �s year CM t0p'�_f covered in ��E­,st pr-,'E'Iseason me4=t' U � , C�, , ,ngs such as threat and -assessments, grants, flood systel.—L , vul�c,..ai,-abilities, and other related *L',Gpjcs. We encourage you to attend and participate in this multi-agency flood emergency preparedness effort. If you have any ques-"ons or need fuTVher please contract Wendy Stewart of 4 DVNR's F oodi Opelrcat.�Ons 'hje.M�ej7at wstevva ter. ca_,� (916) 574-2619. C, -_qov, or by phone at srger.,cy preparedness and response. VVe look forivard to vv,/ork1*r.,g w'�th,,� you on 1cot em 1"o &ncerely, f 0 N� VViHiam A- r r lei ef Mood Op=rcjtions Branc�n DW,s.'on of F ood W�ianag ern enn Enclosure F- sno fr- , e c p Dept, Pt )"'e S 1110 Fresno q I- District, I t. kngs River Ccn!--cni,ation Dist7;'r',-'t, Frcs:io, C'ty cf Merc�ad, Merced Clt�: Merced Public Works, Nre.- Versed Irrigation District, Merced RC-2C1d'7'(a-'ion District 739, Corcoran 76C c v � e c 11 a nia, o r c Aecic-7,iation District 780,,Corcoari, Re cl Caim at- c m District P- kO L 'Reclamation DF -rict C"3 6 , Fresno Rec�am, ation Ditst:*,rct 2099, Los Banos Los 3anos 0- Banos E nf 0 FE1, -].fst1-fct 207' "Cr"'Oran, RecCzrnatfcn Drst,jct 2.0.-S -,-/- . Corcoran Lctiver San Icaquin Levee Dos Paios Kern Rivet Levee District, Bakersfield Fresno Co 'mergEncy 113a.-`ces, Fresno Fresno Cc --lublic VVcrks, '--esno Fresno Cc,SlqeLrff, F-res.7c; Kern Co Df-ectcr of -'7,nginee -s & Surveys, 3ake--s-".P-.'Cf fern CEmcrgency`nftes, BakersfleGc" Kern Caun�.-y a rt Bak,,ers'dield Kings Cc Emergenc�i.Services, Hanford K'Ings Court y Shercff, Hdanford Madera Cc Emergency Serv'ces, (Madera Madera Co Engeneer ng Dept, Madera Madera Ccunty Sher�ff, Macera Mariposa Co Envircnmentall Heaflth., Mariposa [Variposa County Shefff, Mar�posa Merced Cc Emergency Services, Merced Merced Co Public VVorks, M�rced ,Merced County Sheriff, Merced Tulare Co Emergency services, visa Ha Tulare Co Rood Contrcl Dist, Visalia Tu fl 2 re Co P, u b I e c Wo r k s., V i S C- pia TuCare County Sher f, VisaHH.11 P,=SE7rCns A ep{`°y 201 T • mow..,_. _i..i{Jr �v � r r + LI/ � ^v,ra� � ��,� ;yam' �ry�'� � /U� f�°R�ay or ■yn d,I�I 1 .�y9 fir/ �Tl' •.Y0... J L. 4. '.t4- �tb `+�. `�r�'. ",y{„ -' ,j �F ati i i wiY9 YT 49 i'iF.. "sy rd Dist Fresro 5469 E, Cl :vs AvIlerf u Fresno, CA 2r.272-1 'Lr Updates 2. 2012 - . V� rt�r -"-[cs S 3. CCC Emel -c n v resources 4- Cal Fr 77' r 5. o' EPVA moles ant Res nsflC 'H'o'J s Cad E'N4A 6. PL 84-9�19 USACE T ReOonab fFocd Best Vulmerabilfty 1L S. County flnfcbrm tom' UL;dates 0 LE s 9. Emerge � ncy A tG n Cans & Reg n n - L_f: cts D R 1101. Levee Threat Nfictigation, Process D I. En n igs Levee Th, Feat Asses srr,, e rL DWR 13. Grants D 14. Flo Fxgh �nf r lllothus --raining DWR 15. F�e�d Representative DWR Flood Rr" ht sp cL lcst � . Web T cis D DE / '� F IG ( Tj :)S & Tricks 17. u sty �jsjp ns \pe -s 0 p en Wafer Board Meeting September 190 2012 5. KERN PHVER LEVEE DIS7 C7 c onn� nusd Co Update regarding FFMA Certification - For Board Information Mr. Art Chianello Water Resources Manager Kern River Levee District 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield,, California 93 )311 RE Recei--,)t of Code of 1 4 'ederal Regulations, Title 44, Section 65.10 (44 CFR 65.10) Data Sub-niissions for Provisionally Accredited Levees (PAI.,$) i Dear Mr. Chicanello: This correspondence is to confirm receipt of the August 11, 2011, data and dOGUmentation subri-iissioll regarding the Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) certifications for the Kern River South Levee — regarding Greater Bakersficld Levee Seal-nents (IDs #8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 99, 100, 200, and 201) in Kern County. In support of the levee certifications, the following information was submitted in both hard copy and on CD. I A report prepared by Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. titled, "City of Bakersfield Kern River South Levee — Greater Bakersfield, Levee Certification Report," dated July 28, 2011. 2. A report prepared by Soils Engineering, Inc. titled, "Geotechnical Investigation, South Kern Ini znl 1---) n Rivor Levee, ]VELA PAL Levee Certification, City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California," dated J Lily 21, 2010. If additional C',ata and documentation are required to complete this review, we will contact you. If you_ have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact rne by telephone at 510 -627- 7207, or by e-nia,.1 at edward.curtis@ ,1`ema.dhs.cYt:) ov. Sincerely, Edward Curtisc, Senior Engineer Mitigation Division cc: Alan Ta-.-idy, City Manager, City of Bakersfield Jason Meadors, Director, Water Resources Department, City of Bakersfield Don Richardson, Water Resources Superintendent, Water Resources Department, City of Bakersfield Aaron Leicht., Floodplain Administrator, Kern County Ricardo Pineda, CA DWRI, N1 -01P State Coordinator U.S. Department of Homehind Security I I 11 Broadway, Suite 1200 i:Jf .:r :. Y..q _ Oakland, CA 94607-40-52 MA jL r �J December 2. 12011 C I TY 0 8 A K RES Mr. Art Chianello Water Resources Manager Kern River Levee District 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield,, California 93 )311 RE Recei--,)t of Code of 1 4 'ederal Regulations, Title 44, Section 65.10 (44 CFR 65.10) Data Sub-niissions for Provisionally Accredited Levees (PAI.,$) i Dear Mr. Chicanello: This correspondence is to confirm receipt of the August 11, 2011, data and dOGUmentation subri-iissioll regarding the Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) certifications for the Kern River South Levee — regarding Greater Bakersficld Levee Seal-nents (IDs #8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 99, 100, 200, and 201) in Kern County. In support of the levee certifications, the following information was submitted in both hard copy and on CD. I A report prepared by Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. titled, "City of Bakersfield Kern River South Levee — Greater Bakersfield, Levee Certification Report," dated July 28, 2011. 2. A report prepared by Soils Engineering, Inc. titled, "Geotechnical Investigation, South Kern Ini znl 1---) n Rivor Levee, ]VELA PAL Levee Certification, City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California," dated J Lily 21, 2010. If additional C',ata and documentation are required to complete this review, we will contact you. If you_ have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact rne by telephone at 510 -627- 7207, or by e-nia,.1 at edward.curtis@ ,1`ema.dhs.cYt:) ov. Sincerely, Edward Curtisc, Senior Engineer Mitigation Division cc: Alan Ta-.-idy, City Manager, City of Bakersfield Jason Meadors, Director, Water Resources Department, City of Bakersfield Don Richardson, Water Resources Superintendent, Water Resources Department, City of Bakersfield Aaron Leicht., Floodplain Administrator, Kern County Ricardo Pineda, CA DWRI, N1 -01P State Coordinator Water Board Meeting September 190 2012 A. Fern rover & osa e00a Reservoir Operations Report - For Board information W c!) oc 0 m W Cl) W m .j mi ui ca 4 W 3 >- 0 cc .1 UJ U. 1�- o a LU N .J CM D LLJ cic CM 0 J LL D Z m W z m ui �e 0 0 C LO 0 LO N N r 0 LO LO 114- CY) CY) CIN003S H3d 133 piano cu CL co 2 -6 (1) LL CO 13 0 z C.) D (SlSOLBUDJud Ul U0148AG13) I-AW Ull. 3!DVUO.1S U- 0 U- U- C5 LL 0 U— o L 0 LL qLO N co 0 co - co co 0 co - N LO 0,,I- C) co o M LO co 00 0 o(o LO cc 0 ci 04 om LO M LO LO co LO 04 C) c6 LO co C:) P- LO 0 LO L6 r-, C) co LO LO C5 CO co eq IV CD LO LO N It cv N LO m N co LO LO LO LO LO c M LO A I � � i m Cf) C%j 6) 0 0 C LO 0 LO N N r 0 LO LO 114- CY) CY) CIN003S H3d 133 piano cu CL co 2 -6 (1) LL CO 13 0 z C.) D I (Q on 1,000 Ac Ft � b A K E .R I E ---- - ----- ..... . ..... ---, .-- ------ 119 YEARS of RECORD NUMBER % OF OF YEARS YEAR Q NORMAL 1 1894 295.4 64% 2 1895 694,7 150% 3 1896 372.9 80% 4 1897 654.3 141% 5 1898 135.3 29% 6 1899 213.7 46% 7 1900 196.9 42% 8 1901 582.0 125% 9 1902 389.6 84% 10 1903 399.0 86% 11 1904 316.6 68% 12 1905 366.4 79% 13 1906 1,391.6 300% 14 1907 678.7 146% 15 1908 260.9 56% 16 1909 1,219.0 262% 17 1910 352.1 76% 18 1911 701.2 151% 19 1912 251.8 54% 20 1913 211.7 46% 21 1914 685.0 147% 22 1915 455.2 98% 23 1916 1,571.6 338% 24 1917 560.3 121% 25 1918 334.8 72% 26 1919 343.0 74% 27 1920 430.8 93% 28 1921 321.3 69% 29 1922 617.7 133% 30 1923 332.5 72% 31 1924 926 20% 32 1925 313.1 67% 33 1926 232.8 50% 34 1927 521.7 112% 35 1928 193.7 42% 36 1929 219.5 47% 37 1930 232.6 50% 38 1931 98.1 21% 39 1932 526.4 113% 40 1933 299.6 64% 41 1934 116.1 25% 42 1935 350.6 75% 43 1936 581.6 125% 44 1937 852.0 183% 45 1938 961.8 207% 46 1939 268.3 58% 47 1940 510.6 110% 48 1941 995.7 214% 49 1942 522.9 113% 50 1943 697.2 150% 51 1944 405.4 87% 52 1945 597.4 129% 53 1946 390,7 84% 54 1947 249.6 54% 55 1948 240.0 52% 56 1949 209.9 45% 57 1950 299.9 65% 58 1951 261.9 56% 59 1952 1,119.8 241% 60 1953 329.6 71% NUMBER % OF OF YEARS YEAR Q NORMAL 61 1954 354.1 76% 62 1955 224.8 48% 63 1956 525.6 113% 64 1957 292.3 63% 65 1958 831.7 179% 66 1959 130.6 28% 67 1960 168.5 36% 68 1961 87.4 19% 69 1962 515.5 111% 70 1963 476.6 103% 71 1964 182.9 39% 72 1965 456.7 98% 73 1966 219.9 47% 74 1967 924.0 199% 75 1968 248.3 53% 76 1969 1,747.9 376% 77 1970 319.4 69% 78 1971 244.5 53% 79 1972 127.7 27% 80 1973 723.8 156% 81 1974 535.2 115% 82 1975 386.2 83% 83 1976 108.8 23% 84 1977 95.6 21% 85 1978 1,094.4 236% 86 1979 419.9 90% 87 1980 991.0 2130/0 88 1981 252.7 54% 89 1982 796.8 172% 90 1983 1,545.8 333% 91 1984 423.1 91% 92 1985 424.3 91% 93 1986 886.7 191% 94 1987 211.4 46% 95 1988 162.0 35% 96 1989 234.4 50% 97 1990 113.3 24% 98 1991 276.5 60% 99 1992 179.2 39% 100 1993 584.7 126% 101 1994 191.0 41% 102 1995 929.2 200% 103 1996 599.3 129% 104 1997 571.5 123% 105 1998 1,137.4 245% 106 1999 252.6 54% 107 2000 306.5 66% 108 2001 250.3 54% 109 2002 215.3 46% 110 2003 325.1 70% ill 2004 222.0 48% 112 2005 788.5 170% 113 2006 795.7 171% 114 2007 123.4 27% 115 2008 320.0 69% 116 2009 295.2 64% 117 2010 580.4 125% 118 2011 942.8 201% 119 2012 176.6 38% Water Bocrd Meeting b. REPORYS conNnued September 19, 2012 Bo Isabella Dana Safety Modification Project - For Board information MEMORANDUM September 14, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: ART CHIANELLO, WATER RESOURCES MANAGER e4 f SUBJECT: ISABELLA DAM RESERVOIR REMEDIATION REPORT UPDATE At the May lb, 2012 Water Board meeting, staff gave an update on the current path that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is taking to seek partial reimbursement from the Kern River Interests Group with storage rights for the cost of repairing the dam. It was reported at this time that the potential costs to the City would be approximately $111,000 per year, interest free, for 50 years assuming repair costs of $500 million dollars. During a July 26, 2012 conference call with the Corps, a preliminary design /construction schedule was reported, Design will begin in 2013 and end approximately 2016, Some aspects of construction, namely moving offices, will begin in 2014. The cost sharing proposal is to be presented to Corps upper management soon for final approval, and then presented to the Kern River Interests Group this fall for approval. The cost sharing formula has not changed since the May 1 b, 2012 Water Board update, A meeting with the Corps will occur in Bakersfield on October 10, 2012 where an update on the preferred design alternative, schedule, and cost sharing details is expected to be presented, Attached for reference, is the August Isabella Dam Safety Modification Study Situation Report from the Corps. 5:\2012 MEMOS \Water Board_Isabella Darn Safety Modification Study update_2012_09-14.doc B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM September 14, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: ART CHIANELLO, WATER RESOURCES MANAGER e4 f SUBJECT: ISABELLA DAM RESERVOIR REMEDIATION REPORT UPDATE At the May lb, 2012 Water Board meeting, staff gave an update on the current path that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is taking to seek partial reimbursement from the Kern River Interests Group with storage rights for the cost of repairing the dam. It was reported at this time that the potential costs to the City would be approximately $111,000 per year, interest free, for 50 years assuming repair costs of $500 million dollars. During a July 26, 2012 conference call with the Corps, a preliminary design /construction schedule was reported, Design will begin in 2013 and end approximately 2016, Some aspects of construction, namely moving offices, will begin in 2014. The cost sharing proposal is to be presented to Corps upper management soon for final approval, and then presented to the Kern River Interests Group this fall for approval. The cost sharing formula has not changed since the May 1 b, 2012 Water Board update, A meeting with the Corps will occur in Bakersfield on October 10, 2012 where an update on the preferred design alternative, schedule, and cost sharing details is expected to be presented, Attached for reference, is the August Isabella Dam Safety Modification Study Situation Report from the Corps. 5:\2012 MEMOS \Water Board_Isabella Darn Safety Modification Study update_2012_09-14.doc real estate land acq uisations. Coordination efforts continue with the U.S. Forest Service on real estate and recreation actions. The Division and District conducted a site visit with Congressman McCarthy on 16 August to dis --uss the recommended plan and path forward. The Division and Distric-d also met with the Kern River Exchange flub and the Lake Isabella Dam Task Force to address questions and concerns of the local communities. Met with Tubatuiabal tribe on 22 August to discuss the recommended plan and areas of concern. o Met with Southern Ca0fornia Edison on 21 August to discuss comments on the FinaO E S; the outcome of Senior oversight Group; the recommended alternative; and the morel Canal measures. I, I- I �I'�M �•. TIC. The current pool resides at 102,667 acre -ft, an elevation of 2547.26 feet (Osabella Project Datum) which is 29% of the restricted pool. As part of our interim risk reduction measures, Isabela Lake has a restricted elevation of 2585.5 feet. I� Final Dam Safety Modification Report October 29, 2012 Public Information Meeting Mid November 2012 Planning, Engineering and Design October 2012 - Sept 2015 Tiered NEPA Documents: Recreation / Fisheries Real Estate Late 2013 Begin Construction October 2014 i (Pending Approval) Project Webb page: http: / /www.spk.usca�;�.acmy.mil/ Missions /CivilWorks /Isabel la Dam. asp Sacramento District Homepage www.spk.usace.army.mil Phone: 9'i e -55 -5158 [E -MBQ�: Isabella @usace.army.mil 'You 04 Water Board Meeting 8. NEW US N ESS September 19, 2012 A. Kern Integrated Regional Wafer Management Plan (IRWMP) Agreement For Board Review and Action • BAKERS F I E L D MEMORANDUM September 14, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE-CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: ART CHIANELLO., WATER RESOURCES MANAGER 6�0 SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT THE KERN INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN(IRWMP) COST SHARING AGREEMENTAN D APPROVE ADDITIONAL FUNDING ($5..684) FOR THE CITY'S ANNUAL PARTICIPATION IN THE PLAN Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of the Kern IRWMP cost sharing agreement between the RWMG and the Agency and approval of an additional $5,684 (for a total allocation of $16,684) for the City's pro-rata share of annual costs to participate in the Kern IRWMP Background: A regional IRWMP, as defined by the State Department of Water Resources, is a collaborative effort to manage all aspects of water resources in a region. IRWMP crosses jurisdictional,watershed, and political boundaries; involves multiple agencies, stakeholders, individuals, and groups; and attempts to address the issues and differing perspectives of all the entities involved through mutually beneficial solutions. The City of Bakersfield and the other Kern IRWMP participants worked collaborativelyto develop the regional IRWMP. At the City's Water Board Meeting on January 18, 2012, the board adopted the IRWMP. The development of the plan cost the City Water Resources Department $31,269 in previous years. Being a part of IRWMP allows the City to be eligible for grant funding for regional water resources projects. An example of a project that the City is currently proposing through IRWMP is a water conservation project, where the City would collaborate with other water purveyors in Metropolitan Bakersfield to implement a regional water conservation program. S:\2012 ME'MOSWater Board Adopt IRWMP Funding Agreement 2012 091 O.doc September 14, 2012 Page 2 Kern IRWMP The final step in funding the annual Kern IRWMP program is for the governing board of each participant to adopt the cost sharing agreement. The Kern County Water Agency, the current plan administrator, will take the agreement to its Board for approval on September 27, 2012. City staff is recommending that the Water Board approve the attached final cost sharing agreement. Per the Participation Agreement for Development of an IRWMP for the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, each participant is responsible to pay their fair share cost allocation, which is calculated based on the operating budget for each participant. In January 2012, the Agency calculated the City's annual pro-rata share to administer the IRWMP to be approximately $11,,000. The Water Board approved the annual allocation of $11,000 to participate in the Kern IRWMP at its January 2012 meeting. This original estimate amount of $11,000 has been adjusted to a final allocation of $16,684 for the City,, as shown in the attached funding allocation sheet. City Water Resources staff has reviewed the revised proposed cost sharing allocation for the IRWMP participants and recommends that the Water Board direct staff to pay the City's allocation ($5,684)to participate in the IRWMP. Funding is available in the department's FY 12/13 budget. Attachments: Cost Sharing Agreement Funding Allocation Sheet SA2012 MENUMater E COST SHARING AGREEMENFI` For Implementation of the Kern IRWMP This Funding Agreement (Agreement), made and entered into on this day of by and between the Kern County Water Agency, hereinafter "Agency," and Members of the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Regional Water Management Group, hereinafter "RWMG." W I T N E S S E T H Whereas, the RWMG has developed the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (Kern IRWMP; and Whereas, the Agency and the RWMG Members (also called "Participants ") are parties to a January 29, 2009 "Participation Agreement" providing for development of the Kern IRWMP, to be effective upon approval of the Kern IRWMP; and Whereas, the Members have entered into a "Governance Structure" Agreement providing for implementation of the Kern IRWMP; and Whereas, the Governance Structure Agreement provides for, among other things, the Executive Committee in coordination with a legal entity willing to act on behalf of the Stakeholder Group to execute and manage contracts; and Whereas, the RWMG desires to hire a consultant to provide management services for the Kern. IRWMP ( "Consultant "); and Whereas, the RWMG, acting through its Executive Committee, has authorized the Agency to contract with a Consultant for management services for the Kern IRWMP in an amount not to exceed the amount shown in Exhibit A; and Whereas, the RWMG Members listed in Exhibit B, shall be responsible for providing funding for all costs associated with the provision of services by said Consultant, each Member contributing in accordance with the percentage assigned to such .Member in said Exhibit B. Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed as follows: (1) This Agreement shall become effective when signed by Members representing 80 percent of the Consultant cost contribution, as shown in Exhibit B. If Members representing more than 80 percent but less than 100 percent of such costs sign this Agreement, the percentages represented on Exhibit B shall be adjusted proportionally without need of formal amendment of this Agreement. (2) The Agency agrees to administer the Consultant's contract for management of the Kern IRWMP. (3) Each RWMG Member agrees to contribute towards the Consultant costs collectively shared by the RWMG in accordance with the percentage assigned to such Member in Exhibit B but not to exceed that Member's proportionate share of the total Consultant costs shown in Exhibit A. (4) The RWMG Members agree to pay invoices, to be received directly from the Consultant, within forty (40) calendar days from the date of receipt of said invoices. Page I 1 (5) It is mutually understood and agreed as follows: a. Withdrawal from the RWMG by any Member shall not reduce said Member's responsibility under this Agreement to make payments of its proportionate share of the full amount shown on Exhibit A. b. This Agreement shall terminate when (1) the Agency, Kern IRWMP Executive Committee or RWMG terminate the Consultant contract and /or (2) when all obligations financial or otherwise, incurred under this Agreement are resolved. c. Any and all liability or expenses (including attorneys' and experts' fees and related costs) to the Agency for claims by third parties or Consultants and injury to third parties or Consultants, arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be allocated among the Members on the basis of the percent of contribution required of each party under Exhibit B of this Agreement. The term "injury" shall have the meaning prescribed by section. 810.0 of the Government Code. This provision shall survive termination of this Agreement. d. Any correspondence, communication or contract concerning this Agreement shall be directed to the following: Kern County Water Agency Mr. James M. Beck General Manager P.U. Box 58 Bakersfield,, CA 93302 — 0058 Upon receipt of any formal notice concerning this Agreement, the Agency shall transmit same to each of the Members. e. In signing below, each of the parties warrants and represents to each of the other parties that each is a duly organized or constituted entity, with all requisite power to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, and that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary action of the board of directors or other governing body of such party, and shall not result in a violation of such party's organization documents. f. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. Signatures sent by facsimile shall be deemed originals and treated in all respects as originals. g. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of all parties; provided, however, no party shall assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of all other parties. h. The parties agree to take such further action and execute and deliver such additional documents as may be reasonably required to effectuate the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In witness whereof, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized to enter into this Agreement. Page 12 Accepted: Kern County Water Agency James M. Beck General. Manager Date RWMG Member Name Title Date Page 13 4---) C) CN ti CD It- 6 4-0 0 .0 .CL z U) .0 0) o U w 0 U) w r.L 0 L- a. a. sesuadxa CD n ol 0 1- 0! 4 1 Zo rl- 0 CD ko 0 ol M, I ! o LO co CD a) + joqel pajoi (R! ol C� CO kd: N cj- N q! ml 9. (m co t- CN LO ta (a 6q sasuiadX3 IBIOJL (D 0 cri r- i ! 01 • 0 co LO co: 0! 0 0 0� LO co C�. a) co N co 64 6,3.1 6. N V)! Vy va, V> dn)IjL ,W-qnS CO C 1 C) C CO! V! q co 619-1 CN, Lo LO 0: ol CO U> CO W LO M CO co V l CO 1 ol 1 01 611). C) 0 0 co PJEqOI!Jd :3 w 0 0 c1l: cc�! r, 1 0 co 0 cn PUP JSOAOJd a) U- r-- 0 v vl� i T--: c i C6 CN cc C.4 C) 0: C) 1 0 0 w; rte; 6c> 1 V9, 0 w i 01 0: of 0 Q> 1 (0: to 0 6FY 0 *% -Lumoo joqe-1 leloj U- 1 01 CO I ol v 6c). 1 w! m 1 C61 1 Ir- to: 6c> 0 14, Ln LO W 1 f ol O 1 CD i 1 oll i o l ol 0 O) w 1 C6,; c6i cry w! l 0 CD r-: 0 V le C4, 4 0 F- 0 =I 0: to t o f v o cf) CD: CN 1 oi 0 LO LO i i co 0 Go m P! v 0 0 0 - }sissy -uluipv ti I i N T-- 0 v Z-!OS-6U3 Tw-) C%A CN -r-- 0 i N i CN CN (Y) Iq lqt EIOS-6U3 0 o I N N V-!DS-6u3 0 0 9-!OS-6u3 LTO i i 0 0 0 0 9' - 'JS -6U3 La ,L-!OS-6U3 cc:4 C14 . ......... co C,4 CD CN 0 9-!OS-6u3 . .... ..... . ........ ...... ... .......... . c) CIA co co co co: .. ..... .. . co *4 C v 6-!OS-6U3 LO M N 1 0 0 0 l l l i 0 0 C/) co CL (D CL cu CL 1 1! 0 006 CLI I i 06, E cc IS mi cu a o o CD 1 ca i �e 1 061 c I Hi cc 0; E: CU, : C) . a) ;� CI I I CM! El a. E cu; I cu L- CM! 0 I ail co =1 1 c — El m 'a 0; CM CO r CU -0 -01 cnl 0- 1 061 C6 1 1 N rl -0- 1 `al 51 cu a) 1 a) (D' of 1 ol CLI L-: N i M:: CU f m v O = (n; vat U) U) ml ml ml ca cu 0- W; U) cn (n =1 CO 1 CO 1 m I ca a. 1 Kern IRWMP Funding Allocation Plan Management Costs Flat Rate $ 100,000 Total Costs $ 100,000 Participant Cost Share Total Revenues Allocation Percentage Unadjusted Cost Share Kern County Water Agency $ 15,000 $ 2,682.48 $12,317.52 $15,396,89 0.5312425% COUNTY $ 157.61 $293.95 $367.43 17.7223442% $ 15,063.99 Kern $13,347.39 $16,684.23 ) Fixed $ 15,000 CITIES $1,283.95 0.6777551% $ 576.09 $ 136.60 $439.50 City of Arvin 1.0892557% 1,580,185 0.527939% $ 449 City of Bakersfield $ 414.04 521,715,256 17.6121240,/o $ 14,970 City of Delano $ 104.34 1,587,299 1.5326130NO $ 1,303 City of Maricopa $619.39 48 2 3 6 0.016116% $ 14 City of McFarland $21,908.61 2,015,988 0.673540% $ 573) City of Shafter 8.0344186% 3,240,000 1.082481% $ 920 City of Taft $ 890.43 1,448,895 0.484075% $ 411 City of Tehachapi $ 828.31 3,187,979 1.065101% $ 905 City of Wasco $4,69832 3,409,670 1.139168% $ 968 Total $2,373,86 72,233,508 24.133156% $ 20,513 SPECIAL DISTRICTS 2.6489210% $ 2,251,58 $ 299.15 $1,952.43 $2,440.53 Arvin CSD $ 705.85 1,553,175 0.518915% $ 441 Arvin-Edison WSD $ 150.32 23.898, 443 7.984450% $ 6,787 Bear Valley CSD $294.26 33, 115,978 1.041046% $ 885 Belridge WSD $1,006.87 15, 107,769 5.047493% $ 4,290 Berrenda Mesa WD 3,8877810% 10,356,555 6.8011090,/o $ 5,781 Buena Vista WSD ...... .. .. . .... .. ............. .. 7, 8 2 6,3 7 6 2.614786% $ . . . ...... 2,223 . ......... ... . .......... . . . I Buttonwilliow CWD $ 931.79 1 9 13 0.064552% 4.5221575% 55 Dudley Ridge Water District $2,967.44 4,948,995 1.653455% $ 1,405 East Niles CSD $1,147.40 7,879,237 2.632447% $ 2,238 Frazier Park, PUD 0.2966353% 21,470,066 0.825247% $ 701 Golden Hills CSD $ 2,386.00 2,586,533 0.864159% $ 735 Greenfield CWD $ 39.85 1,4210,423 0.474562% $ 403 Henry Miller WD $4,678.50 3 ') 5 8, 8 317 1.122185% $ 954 Improvement District No. 4 $10,076.67 1.0,981, 33 3 3.668854% $ 3,119 Kern Delta WD 1.0790300% 11,564,236 3.863602% $ 3,284 Kern Water Batik Authority $ 1,262.00 9.3 12,200 3.111198% $ 2,645 Lamont PUD $ 375.50 ......... .... ............. .. . 3,406,473) 1. 1 8 100% $ 967 Lamont Storm Water District $ 83,329.85 16,319 .. ......... 0.005452% ... .. . ... $ . ......... ................. .. . 5 Lebec CWD 297,258 0.099314% $ 84 Lost Hills UD 584,616 0.195320 %a $ Lost Hills WD 131,451,194 4.494033% $ 3,820 Mettler CV1'D 01,942 0.020695 %0 $ 18 North of the River MWD .. .. .. ..... .. .. 4,1. 5... 1.. ,.. 8. 1.387126.% 1,. 1.79 01cese WD .. ..4...0 . )76,947 .. .. ......... .. . 0.125904% . .. . .... . $ . . .... .... . . 107 Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD 5,975,153 1.996294% $ 1,697 Stallion Springs CSD 882,34• 0.294790% $ 251 Tehachapi -Cummi ngs CWD 8,349,629 2.789604% $ 2,371 Tehachapi RCD ..... ....... I . . ........... 103',848 . . . ...... -0.034696% ..... .... . $ .. ..... . ... 29 Tejon-Castac WD 1,109,21.0 0.370586% $ 315 West Kern WD 19,962,800 6.669555% $ 5,669 Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD 3 3,97 1,200 11.349750% $ 9,647 Total $ 219,274,042 73.259279% $ 62,270 OTHER INTERESTS Long Canyon WC 17,81) 1 O.005977% $ 5 Mt. Mesa WC 120,079 0,040118% $ 34 Rainbird Valley MUC 41,254 0.0103783% $ .12 Vaughn WC 3,209,584 1.072319% $ 911 Oildale MWC 4,415,954 1.4753367% $ 1,254 Casa Loma WC . .. ........ ... California Water Service Total 7,804,760 2.607564% $ 2,216 Total $ 299,312,310 100% $ 100,000 Exhibit 13 Allocation w/cost absorption Cost Share Refund Applied Cost Share Remaining Contingency Buffer Fixed $ 15,000 $ 2,682.48 $12,317.52 $15,396,89 0.5312425% $ 451.56 $ 157.61 $293.95 $367.43 17.7223442% $ 15,063.99 $ 1,716.61 $13,347.39 $16,684.23 ) 1.5422042% $ 1,3 ) 10.87 $ 283.72 $1,027.16 $1,283.95 0.6777551% $ 576.09 $ 136.60 $439.50 $549,37 1.0892557% $ 925.87 $ 297.43 $628.44 $785.55 0.4871041% $ 414.04 $ 49.63 $364.41 $455.51 1.0717668% $ 91 1.00 $ 104.34 $806.67 $1,008.33 1.1462971% $ 974.35 $ 354.96 $619.39 $774214 24.2679697% $ 20,627.77 $ 3,100.89 $17,526.89 $21,908.61 0.5221620% $ 443.84 $ 8435 5 $359.48 $449.36 8.0344186% $ 6,829.26 $ 926.97 $5,902.28 $7,377.85 1.0475608% $ 890.43 $ 170.04 $720,38 $900.48 5.0790815% $ 4,317.22 $ 828.31 $31,488.91 $4,361.13 6.8436711% $ 5,817.12 $ 1,118.80 $4,69832 $5,872.90 2.6311497% 11497% $ 2,236.48 $ 337.39 $1,899.09 $2,373,86 1.6638028% $ 1,414.23 $ 315.76 $1,098.47 $1,373.09 2.6489210% $ 2,251,58 $ 299.15 $1,952.43 $2,440.53 0.8304116% $ 705.85 $ 38.19 $667.66 $834.57 0.8695666% $ 739,13 $ 150.32 $588.81 $736.02 0.4775321% $ 405.90 $ 111.64 $294.26 $367.83 1.1292076% $ 959,83 $ 154.33 ) $805.50 $1,006.87 3.6918148% $ 3,138.04 $ 559.22 $2,578.82 - $3,223.52 3,8877810% $ -3,304.61 $ 343.81 $2,960.80 $3 ),70 1,00 3 J. I -) '06689% $ 2,661 .07 $ 410.36 $2,250.71 $2,813.38 1.1452223% $ 973.44 $ 931.79 $879,65 $1,099.56 4.5221575% $ 3,843.83 $ 876.39 9 $2,967.44 $3,709.30 1.3958073% $ 1,186.44 $ 268.51 $917,92 $1,147.40 2.0087869% $ 1,707.47 $ 229.21 $1,478.26 $1,847.83 0.2966353% $ 252.14 $ 48.88 $203.26 $254.08 2.8070621% $ 2,386.00 $ 433,64 $1,952.37 $2,440.46 0.3729054% $ 316.97 $ 39.85 $277.12 $346.40 6.7112946% $ 5,704.60 $ 1,026.10 $4,678.50 $5,848,13 11,4207792% $ 9,707.66 $ 1,646.33 $8,061.34 $10,076.67 73.1684005% $ 62,193.14 $ 10,511.36 $ 51,681.78 $64,602.22, 1.0790300% $ 917.18 $ 183.91 $733.26 $916.58 1.4845998% $ 1,262.00 $ 191.59 $1,070.41 $1,338.01 2.5636298% $ 2,179.18 $ 375.50 $ 1,803.67 $2,254.59 100% $ 100,000.09 I $ 16,670.24 $ 83,329.85 $104,162.32 L.Bauer August 2012 01,1111,11, Is M NO, OMV� MM56= I 'I S, NEW BUSMSS con -Hnusd September 19, 2012 B. Improvement District No. 4 (ID4) Dry Year Supply options - For Board Review and Action MEMORANDUM Ssp�smbv � 49 20 � 2 TCi). WATF[? BOARD MEMBERS UAV0 COUCH CHAM HAROLD HA SC)N VICE C.:HAIss' RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: AR7 CH ANELLO9 WA7ER RESOD P —CES MANAGER L/ SUBJECY: KERN COUNTY WA7ER AGENCY 0 0 \ PROVEWNT DWRIC7 NO. A DEVELOPMENT OF A DRY YEAR WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT SA2012 ME OS \Water Board —Dry Weather Supply Agreement-2012-09 -14.doc G MEMORANDUM Ssp�smbv � 49 20 � 2 TCi). WATF[? BOARD MEMBERS UAV0 COUCH CHAM HAROLD HA SC)N VICE C.:HAIss' RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: AR7 CH ANELLO9 WA7ER RESOD P —CES MANAGER L/ SUBJECY: KERN COUNTY WA7ER AGENCY 0 0 \ PROVEWNT DWRIC7 NO. A DEVELOPMENT OF A DRY YEAR WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT SA2012 ME OS \Water Board —Dry Weather Supply Agreement-2012-09 -14.doc September 14, 2012 Page 2 Dry Year Water Supply Agreement with KC WA-1 D4 I ® anticipates that the treated water entitlement in the year 2035 for all I ®4 local purveyors will be 53,000 acre-feet. ID4 also anticipates that on average only 49,800 acre-feet will be available for delivery to the plant because I D4 is anticipating that they will receive only 60% of their State water entitlement. Shortages are projected to occur on an annual basis. SA201 2) MEMOM'Water Board—Dry Weath er Supply Agreement-20 I 2-09---14.doc Water Boc rd Meeting 9. NSCELLANEOUS September 1 ® 2012 A. Korn Ground Water Management Committee - For Board Information Keni Groundwater Management Committee September 17 (4� 8.-00 AM 1115 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 THIRD FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 2. INTRODUCTiONS 3. EI,EMENrj-,S OF GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 4. APPROACH TO KERN GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN a. TOC/Executive Sunimary/Chapter I b. 1)R'strict/Entity Data Form C. Conceptual Work Plan 5. DISCUSSION OF ORGAN nZA`flONAL STRUCTURE a. Participant List b. Organizational Framework (Executive / Management Committees) C. Coordinationfintegration With Existing Organizations 6. NE-ICT MEETING DATE &]"IME 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 8. AD."OURN January 2012 Agtnd2 Elemlz In response to California's increasing reliance ,upon groundwater and recent legislative actions promoting state rngWatory oversight of groundwater, it is proposed that water interests overlying the Kern County portion of the Tulare [Lake Basin form a Groundwater Management Committee ("Committee ") for the purpose of: 1. Coordinating groundwater management programs and activities; 2. lC entifyong and addressing issues pertaining to sustainable groundwater management; and 3. EztabHshong a framework for local groundwater management. The Committee will provide policy makers a foram to monitor and report local groundwater activities as well as identify and address any local groundwater issues. for Kern Co jnty, retention of local control as critical to the continued success of what is arguably the most complex and innovative water management system in the nation. plropc ss abjgctevq statement 717e objective of the fern County Groundwater P\\fiianagement Ocmm ttee cs to estal� fish a framework ("basin, plan ") for the active, corn rehsi7s�ve rnanc:.gernent of the groundwater basin underlying fern County to preserve and maintain local contro0 ( ,") and pFcv1de fang-term surety for all basin users. 77 Groundwater Conditions Lac as Management un.de� Au2haroty G anted by state stag AE3 3030 - 1993 Groundwater Diana ement Rannin cto AB 3030 was enacted to encourage local management of groundwater resources in lieu of state oversight. while most of the water districts in Kern County have enacted and adopted an AB 3030 plan, implementation and compliance is not consistent. 3 a- Background and Purpose (2) E32ckgir Fund & Puirpose January'?-012 Page 2 sB 193E - �n 2002 the Legislature passed sB 1938, strengthening the technical requirements of AB 3030 and requiring new 66Basin Management ®b�ectives" incUing objectives for quality, quantity, subsidence and monitoring. In an effort to rnairtain eligibility for grant programs, most water districts updated their AB 3030 plans to incUe the addito®nal requirements of s6 1938. SB 167, - lnte rated Gee Tonal Water Manaqement R nnin LRWM . The QR1wMP "encourages local water agencies to work cooperatively to manage local and 99 omportoc� water supplies to improve the quality, quantity and reliability. Most entities within Kern County who have authority /responsibility for water have PLANS ii various states of compliance and imp ementation. ME[=@) That the rcund� &later Management Committee be forrned to facF Late development cf ci7e integrated PLAN, for the purpose of actively managing the groundwater bash, uflizing the existing regulatory authority cited above, on behalf of the Kern County portion of the Tulare Lake Basin ( "Basin"). Water Board Meeting 9, v�li�IICELLANEOUS September 19, 201 Bo Public Utilities Commission Affiliated Rules - For Board Inf rmatuo 3 d6 J.S J.J. 1L E R I E L D MEMORANDUM Sapfa mb �� X69 20 2 70: WAUER BOARD NEME'ERS D T DU COUC'H, CH HAROLD HA SON, E C F I' RUSSELL J0H SCO) SUIBJ C7: CALDFORXn,/A FUENC U7UL7M CO v�hv� FSSIOG\ AFFF L�AUE® RULES Staff is Pii:inning on having additional meetings with Cal Water Management cind researching ether alternatives to determine the most prudent way to proceed in the esi- interest of Dur rate payers and the citizens of Bakersfield. We wii,� continue to update the Water Beard as we move forward. This reper, is for intermati`on only and no action by the board is required. S:\2012 IvEMCS \Water Board-Public Utilities Affiliated Rule.doc /mr Water Board Meeting CLOSED SFSS0ON A. I . Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (One ratter) 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Cede Section 54956.9 (Two potential cases) O A S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT � � WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: September 19, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 11-A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Russell Johnson, Commissioner APPROVED FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD v9� DATE: September 11, 2012 CITY ATTORNEY P/4-- SUBJECT: 1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b) (3) (A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter) 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Initiation of Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two potential cases) VG:dll S: \WATER \Waterboard \12 -13 Clsessionadmin \09- 12- 12.Potlit &lntlit.Docx 9/11/2012