HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/2012_WB_AGENDA_PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water Bo, ard Regular Meeting of May 16,2012 Bald Mountain Water Resources File Packet A K E R S F I F L D F. -AT BCARD e- Vice Chair 7�ssell Johnson C"' SAKE RSFi E �'lWlA7LZ-7,,,. 30APIXI:� -c- �Iled nesd a y Pu� vy I d-, 2 :�'L� 21. - 22 V\\/ater Resources 3ui[t rg .[7ce Room , Cr-,,nftsrc,, 1000 Buerc VlStC Roc d,, CA 9-6311 AGE ];= NJ, I. CALF. U0 01 DDI'ME-i51,12 2. ROLL 3. YMM7_7� A. C iMtes of recu'ar meeflrg of �anucry 18, 2012 for cppFovc'- For Boand Review and Act, ion 4. POUBUC 5. XERM -:112WER IILI=Tv:=� Ml. p"'llcy 6. RE p 0 71 S A. Kern River & Cs elf Reservocr Operaflons Repert - For Board infrormal�or B. Lake �&.abeNa Dam - Salrety Mcd[fi ccj,*r,0n Pro;ect - For Bo d �7formcjtoL 7. IDEFIWQIII�ED 21RUI-SIL-]NM M, 12%W BUSH-Vi MIZ-1 ew ad A, 2012 Water Prone and Sand Saie Schedule _. For Board Rev' " n At lion B. Kern Rivssn Onferest Cost, S;� m'ng Ag7eement - For Board Review and of[ r1 Water Soard, Agent VICE '16,2 CJ, 2 PCgG 2 LAX 9. 10. ITI,� zc VVith -C-CCI sess�on pu sucrlt�-c 54956.9 (Cn�= rrcj�-eF) of Govem Cote Secff'cr, I�Ie 1Z CLOSED SESSTL= akr A,\.C7--0LV L 13. AZ� j C) U PVXL FC LI\ 7 L- ART CHAANELLO, P.E. Wcter Resources Vanag ,er POS7 ED: Mav 11 2012 Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES May 16, 2012 A. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, 2012 for approval - For Board Review and Action MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF'THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Member Johnson Absent: Vice -Chair Hanson 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011 for approval. Motion by Johnson to approve the minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011. APPROVED ALL AYES, HANSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Terry Chicca, President, Buena Vista Water Storage District, introduced Roy Pierucci, President, Rio Bravo Water Storage District; Dan Bartel, Engineer - Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District; Eric Averett, General Manager, Rosedale -Rio Bravo Water Storage District; the "Districts" and submitted written material. Mr. Chicca spoke regarding the purchase of McAllister Ranch and their plans for the use of the property, B. Eric Averett, General Manager, Rosedale Rio Bravo Water Storage District, spoke regarding the Districts' perspective to issues raised by the City of Bakersfield, shared their research and how they propose to proceed with the McAllister property. C. Dan Bartell, Engineer /Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District, spoke regarding zoning relative to water facilities in the City of Bakersfield and the McAllister Ranch properties, and the concern of water sales out of the county, 0 B /0000 A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF'THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Member Johnson Absent: Vice -Chair Hanson 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011 for approval. Motion by Johnson to approve the minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011. APPROVED ALL AYES, HANSON ABSENT 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Terry Chicca, President, Buena Vista Water Storage District, introduced Roy Pierucci, President, Rio Bravo Water Storage District; Dan Bartel, Engineer - Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District; Eric Averett, General Manager, Rosedale -Rio Bravo Water Storage District; the "Districts" and submitted written material. Mr. Chicca spoke regarding the purchase of McAllister Ranch and their plans for the use of the property, B. Eric Averett, General Manager, Rosedale Rio Bravo Water Storage District, spoke regarding the Districts' perspective to issues raised by the City of Bakersfield, shared their research and how they propose to proceed with the McAllister property. C. Dan Bartell, Engineer /Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District, spoke regarding zoning relative to water facilities in the City of Bakersfield and the McAllister Ranch properties, and the concern of water sales out of the county, Bakersfidd, Caffornia, January 18,, 2012 - Pa go 2 4. PUSLC SUAMMENUS continued Alan Tandy, City Manager, stated staff will prepare a written report in response at a later time. A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report B. Capital Improvement Project Update of Block Pumphouses at Water Wells CBK 53 and 55. 7. DEFERRED SUS�NESS None. 8. NEW SU&NESS A. Resolution No. 01 -1 2WB of the Water Board Recommending Adoption of the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (RwlvlP). irv'40t§0n by JOhnSOn �0 ac§op� Reso§ufion No. ® 7 - Y2WS approv§ng Far�jc§p,o�jon Agreamsn� N ®a Y2 - ®T WE for Dqvq§qpmqff1� of an §n�qgra�qd Rqgj(3n0§ �qa�qr L WMGgem ell L Xan fcr�he Tu§abre Lake 3031n 11 fi§on ol Xern Coun�y bq�ffqqn iTern Coun y Wader Agency, Coun�y ®f Xarn, Cffy of Sak9rsf§9§d7 and �ha other 66po7goft§pafl�S. " APFROVED ALL A YES5, HANSON A05EXT n -,kersfie0d Caffornia., January 18), 2012 - Page 3 n CA S. NEW BU&NESS can�nusd B. Update on Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement with Kern Delta Water District for Stine Branch Al Canal along Gosford Road. C. Mainline Extension Refund Agreements, MOff0fl by Couch �O OPP§'OVG �hG MC§§Tfifla EX�Gflsjofl Refund A gwaagiianr s. APPROVED ALL AYES., HANSON ASSENT D. 2012 Water Board Meeting Calendar. MOff0fl by Johnson �o approve the 20Y2 Wader Board Meeffng7 caks)ndar. APPROVED ALL AYES, HANSON A0SENT 9. M SCELLANEOUS A. Discussion of City Annual Membership with Water Association of Kern County. IFdOffOn by Johnson to approve a WA KC_ membersh' Yea of an(c§ ,•§F(9CtGd StGff tO Y§fld OUt WhCI On CI•PYOVOd SGt FCtG is Wha C(nj§§j0)fn§a 0r(S)r. S9FV§C(S) COMPMY-5S 999 will b9.9 M(C§ th6 C:7§y will then pay a Pf0p0d§on(,7§ Y (9 9 Founded d0Wn Icy the n9ares thousafld. APPROVE ALL AYES, HANSOMAWENF Bak rsfidd, Caffornia, January 18, 2012 ® Page 4 ��! WATEF E:�C�)AF`Z[i� STATEMENTS None 11. CLOSED SESV ®N None 12. CLOSED SEMON ACTON None 13. A D O U R L! V M E LJ V 7 Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting of 2:35 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CSC Secretary, City of Bakersfield eater (hoard Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS May 16, 2012 A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information z 0 a J V V Q V a O Z U) Z Q in cr w z w Y x W 0 z T- oo T z W W - - - - - -- - - - - - -- NQ O 0 T T NO N ------ -� i i I r - - -- -- i i i - - - - -- - - - -- -- -------- - - -1 { ; i I - -- -- I - - - - -- U) O Q _N O N N Q T - T Q CV 0 d' -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -1- -- i i - - - - -- ______ _______ ___ -___ ___ ___ ___ __J____ _ ______ __ _ ______ 0, 00 1 0) Q O It T o N 0 O C\l O CO N cT � � --------------- ------- -------------------- _ ______ _______ _ __ i i Q O 0 � - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- E I - - - - - -- I ----------------------- ! { i i i - - - -- - i � I ` i I ---- - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � N N LO N7 It C') (( (sayaul) jualuoc) as ;eM 0 0 0 0 L6 o Li o .Q Q U L cz G r. 0 CD LL 0 �V ■O E �a CZ CL 0 ♦c Y / L U N L E 0 z W uj cc w cr- Q W V O W w Ui Q w LL co cc LU m U, O L� 11 V W 0 Cl) Ixmemo 0 LU Cl) W cc .j LU Cl) M� cr. as 4 W 0 .J W LL o a ui a O CM .j N a LLJ T- cr o 04 0 mi U. D z a: LLJ z ir ui �e 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO o LO o LO LO It It m Cl) N N T— CIN003S H3d 133-4oieno CM (D U) rN- M C\l 75 13 C\l C\j OF; CL cz e 7 L) 7 I (SIS8141UGMd Ul U011BAG13) MOO Ul 3!DVHO1.S I LO LL Cm C) U- C) C) U- LL LL 0 [7, C) U- oN C) C) CD 1" 0 co LO 0 0 00 C) 0 0 co C C 0 LO C) CD 0 6 C) 0) CD LO 0 0) C) co LO 0 4 00 LO 0 00 C) r-- 0 C� V) t-. L6 0 (0 0 C.6 LO C) 0 LO C) C) co rn CD to LO Nt co LO LO N LO LO Ln N_ Ln 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO o LO o LO LO It It m Cl) N N T— CIN003S H3d 133-4oieno CM (D U) rN- M C\l 75 13 C\l C\j OF; CL cz e 7 L) 7 I I 0 0 � 1 0 -W E cn 0 z cu I � f I i I � I� j r I 0 Ich 4-0 f y i � 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO o LO o LO LO It It m Cl) N N T— CIN003S H3d 133-4oieno CM (D U) rN- M C\l 75 13 C\l C\j OF; CL cz e 7 L) 7 Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS May 16, 2012 B. Lake Isabella Dam - Safety Modification Project - For Board Information Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS May 16, 2012 A. 2012 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule - For Board Review and Action C.ffr]ry (�y HAKERSKELD WATER RESOURCES DZPAR7MENT AGRI CULTURAL WATER ENTERPRRSE '2012 WATER PRICE AND SAND SALE SCHEDULE The followma recommended water prices reflect the current water supply conditions occurrIFIG tIll-OLM11011t the San Joaquin Valley. The rate for Kern River Canal & Irrigating Co. imaation water (item 3) Is established substantially in accordance with Public LJt1l1ty Commission guidelines. These water rates become tn effective on June I , 2012. 2012 Type of Water Water Year Surphis Kern River Water For irrigation or grOUndwater banking......... $110.00 , * I I * * I * * Kern River Canal & Irrigating Company ............................... 0.4 3 *3) Use ol"C'Ity Water Wells in 2800 Acres ...................................................... $40.00 *Plus power costs associated with operation of 2800 Acre water wells when applicable. Note: To encourage niaximum use within the Kern River grOUndwater basin, water prices i 'es number I and 2 n-my be Z-n in categories — reduced ClUring periods ot'niandatory flood control release and/or encroachment into the flood control storage space at Isabella Reservoir. For sand sales from ("Ity-owned river chaminel properties, the following rate would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes: ITEM PRICT 1) Sand Removal Sales ..................................................... $ 0-50 1 er cubic yard (plus sales tax when ap,,)ficable Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS May 16, 2012 B. Kern River Interest Cost Sharing Agreement - For Board Review and Action AGREEMENT NO. KERN RAVER DN7ERZFS COS7 SHAR�NO AGREFM ENV RELAY N(� 70 UNffEDD FAVES ARMY CORPS OF ENGJNEEQS REFRQ CTONS ON USE OF DSA o ELLA RESFRVOOR S70QAOE SPACE QEC�7ALS WHEQ7QS9 on ApN 20, 2006, the United States Army Ceres of Engineers ( "Corps ") convened a Seepage Advisory Pane0 for the purpose of eva�u fog i condition information regarding seepage e cendutuon at Asabel0 a A uxiDiary Dam. and to wake recommendations for short term measures to address the seepage situation.: and WHEREAS, on June 26., 2006, centred of operating storage and ebase of water at OsabeO� a Dam and Reservoir was returned to the Kern River Wctermastero and Kern River Interests C ost sharing Agree, r7- ent for Isabella Reservoir aria Dam S:\2012 C ONTRAC_:TWINAL Bakersfield -- Isabella Share Costs Agr.Docx April 24, 2012 -- Page I of 7 Pages -- WHEREAS, as o resUt of the ordered restriction on storage of is beiio Donn and Reservoir o substonfioi quantity of Kern, Son Joaquin, Kaweah, Tuie and other water, was forover lost to the re iono and WHERHAS9 the Corps has indicated that it intends to con du ct further investigation, monitoring, study and pianning to devepop both short end ion - term plans concerning seepage of Auxipiary Dana and related seismic and spiop way issues associated with psi eiia Dona and reservoir ( "Structural Investigations")- and WHEREAS, the Corps has indicated that unfl the structural investigations are comp ete it anticipates that the restrictions on fill storage at lsabello Dons and Reservcir will continue; and WHEREQS9 the Ponies have determined of necessary that the Cores commit oil necessary resources (financial, manpower, tome, etc.) and take all necessary action to minimize to the U est extent possUe., consistent with the puUic safety, the extent and duration of any operation restriction at lsabella Dana and Reservoir,- and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined that it is imperative that certain expert c nsUtants be retained to advise the Parties on issues regarding Isabella Dam and reservoir and to ensure the Corps complete the necessary Structural In esti afions expeditiously and with the least 'nm act on Isabella foam and Reservoir; and WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered into a cost sharing agreement on August 1, 2006 for such purposes mentioned above and that agreement expired in August 20070 and WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered into a cost sharing agreement on March 17, 2010 for such purposes mentioned above and that agreement expired in April 201 20 and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into a new cost sharing agreement to address payment of the issues mentioned above. NOW, 7HEREFOQE9 incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, it is agreed as fo l lows: Kern River Interests Cost shearing Agreement for Isabella Resc_,rvoir and Clam S; \ 2012 CONTRACTS \ FI NAL BcakersfiE_,Id -Isabella Shure Costs Agr.Docx April 24, 2012 -- Page 2 of 7 Pages -- 20 MANAGERS COo M K` EE. 2.2. Commffee Rssponsobo"HNaso The Committee shall have the following responsibilities: 2.2.1. Make o nonbinding recommendation to the Parties that certain Consultants be retained, including but not limited to, the following: 2.2. X14 Eng'Egw n An expert engineer qualified to advise the Parties with regard to technical issues relating to seismology, hydrology., seepage, dam safety, Corps rules, regulations and procedures, and other matters as determined by the Committee will be selected and retained by legal counsel for the Waterm ster on behalf of the Parties. 2.2. T .2. Gc vsmmenn a� RsOa cns: An expert in government relations qualified to advise the Parties with regard to Corps rules and regulations, le islofion, congressional funding and appropriations, and other matters as determined by the Committee will be selected and re,tained by legal counsel for the Watermaster on behalf of the Parties. 2.2.E oho La o An attorney advise the parties with regard to various legal matters concerning lsa ella Dam and reservoir, including but not limited to the corps restrictions on use of the conservation storage space, and additional issues. Kern River Interests Cost sharing Agreerrlent for Isabella Reservoir and [_horn S: \2012 CONTR(.::I:S \FINAL B akersfidd- Iscahellca Share Costs Agr.DC)Cx April 24, 2012 -- Page 3 of 7 Pages -- 2.2.x.4. 0�hwo Other such experts quaffieci to advise the Parties on o difion 0 matters as determined by the c=ommittee necessary to achieving the purpose of this Agreement wiH be addressed as necessary by the Parties. L7G Leo �O F mcV\iJuT C Any Y 1% proposes to retain Y oU ter Y IIin Y specific oxpert advisor ( "Cons0ant") shall be decided by the Parties by unanimous a reoment foHowing recommendation by the Committee. 2.2. 3. use Acccun�o The �`✓✓atermaster shall estab ash 2o2o6o Prepare and recommend to the Parties appropriate written consu�t Pion agreements; 2.2.7. Determine the appropriate scope of work and budget of any Consu0tant; 2.2.8. Supervise aH work of the Cons0ants; 2o2o90 Review and approve payment of Consu0tant invoices; and Kern River interests Cost sharing Agreement for Isabella Reservoir and Darn SA2012 C.OMRAC;TSVINAL Bakersfield lsabedla Share Costs Agr,Doc.x April 24, 2012 -- Page 4 of 7 Pages -- 2.2.10° flake other reports and recommendations to the Parties as appropriate. The Parties shall endeavor to reach a consensus on all decisions. � ar Z.3.T o CFundnng ConMbufi ons: The initial fundin( of the Account, periodic replenishment of funds to the Account, and payment of all tees, costs and expenses of the Consultants approved by the Committee., shall be allocated between the Parties as folio s: Buena Vista Water Storage District -- 2% City of Bakersfield -- 14% Kern County Water Agency 12% Kern Delta Water District -- 14% North Kern Water Storage District -- 28% o IlJ V LJ�SCELLamANEOUS 4. � o Notices: Written Notices to Parties hereunder shall be sufficient if delivered to the principle office of the respective Party. Kern River Interests Cost sharing Agreement for Isabella Reservoir and Dam S: \2012 CONTRACTS \FINAL Bakersfield- Isabella Share Costs Agr.Docx April 24, 2012 -- Page 5 of 7 Pages -- 4.2. Amandman�s0 This Agreement may be amended, or renewed, it writing at any time and from time tc time by unanimous - onsent of aH the Parties. 4-3. CcooMQW8 meft The foregoing constitutes the fuH and comp ete agreement of the Parties. There are no ora0 understandings or agreements concerning the subject matter of this Agreement not ret forth in writing here "ne 4.5. MURD�e Oro ona se This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an on inaL 4.7. FTeced1C n[ a. The terms and conditions of this Agreement do net constitute and shaH net be construed to be any form of precedent with regard to any future agreement among the Parties with regard to a Kern River Association or any other subject. AH Parties express0y reserve aH c0aimso rights and interest with rogard to any such subjects and future agreements. Kern River Interests Cost sharing Agreement for Isabella Reservoir and Darn S: \2012 CONTRACTS \FINAL Bakersfield - Isabella Share Costs Agr.[)ocx April 24, 20 12 -- Page 6 of 7 Pages -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties thereto have executed this Domestic Water Service Agreement in the day and year first -above written. "CITY" "CONTRACTOR" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BUENA VISTA WATER STORAGE DISTRICT HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER RESOURCE DEPARTMENT By: ART CH IAN E LLO Water Resource Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO JDDI VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: in NELSON SMITH Finance Director By: Print Name: Title: KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT By: Print Name: Title: NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT By: Print Name: Title: Kern River Interests Cost sharing Agreement for Isabella Reservoir and Liam SA2012 CONTRACTS \FINAL. Bakersfield- Isabella Share Costs Agr.Docx April 24, 2012 -- Page 7 of 7 Pages -- Water Board Meeting 11. CLOSED SESSION May 16, 2012 A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (One matter) BAK VIA t= ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT RY "F° WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: May 16, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 11.A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Russell Johnson, Commissioner APPROVED FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD vgf DATE: April 26, 2012 CITY ATTORNEY ve- SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b) (3) (A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter). VG:dll S: \WATER \Waterboard \11 -12 Clsessionadmin \05- 17- 12. Potlit.Docx 4/26/2012