HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/2011_WB_AGENDA_PACKET Special MtgCity of Bakersfield Water board Special Meeting of February 9, 2011 Mosquito Meadows Water Resources File Packet /,0000 BA K E R S F I E L D EIEI�*Ild Couch, Hol IrVI d, HErson, Russell Johnson SPECOA L ZEETNN2 OF T1 -"7z C)7v OF SA U U -L[: DEOO A�Rt7�, No'i�ce �s h, areC n2hat a Spscfl ai uV �� 188"hg the City cf,&s kersf�ald VVatsrBoard wHl be heed on Ifflednesday, Februanj 9.. 2011 at 2:00 p.m. the VVa'lQ,,.,r Resources BuHdtg Conference Room, Et 1000 BuSna V S2(a Road, BakersfleJd, CA !93311, regarffi�ng t[je AG r M D A 1� CALL 70 ORD :--R 2. ROLL CALI.E. A. Distribute Water Board Binders ® For Board, �nformafion 3. MINUTES A. Mnutes of the September 15, 2010, regular meeting for approval - FoF Bcard Review and Act Ion 4. PU, 1 3' LLl C S 7 A 7.7t u M LI -N 7 S UU 11 VEE MST"R11C7 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - For Board Gnformation Wager Board Agenda 'r- .�'ebruary 9, 2011 Pa, 1-1 A RrVer Asabe�la, 1,'Resewc�r C)pe R413.',port - For Board informatbn 7, DEFERRED BUSINESS , j '"E &1: -11 8o ��Ulv BUSIK A. 2011 Water Price and an Sa[e Sch e - For Board lnformation and Action, B. Reso0ufbn Amending arc es of the C6 ty of Bakersfll eld Dames "' C'VVater , the Bound Service Area, - for Board informatbn and Action. 9. YVJI I SC E L LA ix E 0 U, S A. Tenl'ative 2011 Wager Board meef�ng schedde - For Sacrd linformaliom and Acflon 10, V�A72'211 DOA IQ, D S7� C-'4"7'Y ZX7S 11. CLOSED SES&CM A. 1 Conference with Legal Counse� 7 ,z §,sffng Iff e-zffon Closed sessbn Pursuant to subd�vision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One case), 0 State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. G:A31674 Kern Delta VA-later District adv. City of BokersfiGid Ventura County Superior Court Case No. CiV-242067 consolidated With CIV-24 7 879 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — LEE� ,qafflon Cbsed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(1)(3)(A) (One matter) 12. CLOSED SESSIC Xj ACTON 13, A D J 0 US R JN Y E M, 7 ART CHANELLO, P.E. POSUED: FebrugLy4,2011 Water Resources Manager Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES February 9, 2011 A. Minutes of the September 15, 2010, regular meeting for approval - For Board Review and Action MINUTES CAF THE REGULAR FETING aF THE WA7FR BOARD - C0TY OF oAKERSF ELD l/ V ednesda 1/ 9 SGPuSmL.YIw � 59 20 T O - 220 p.m. . Wailer Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 M0NU7ES 1 o CALL UO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2003 p.m. 2. ROLL AL L Present: Chairman Couch, voce - Chair Hanson, Member Scrivner (;seated at 2:10 Y . p . Absent: None �C� INUTES A. Minutes of The May 1 20 2010, regular meeting for approval. MOtl0rly Hc•7nSC•7n tcv approve Ihe Minutas OYMv cry 1 2.g U 10_ 'PROVED ALL AYES, Scrivner c•7bsant. 4. pM o UCH 57AUEMv EMUS Ace Dennis Fox briefly spoke regarding ballot Proposition 21 regarding the vehicle registration regressive tax,. rovers and wildlife. 5e KERN ROVER LEVEE DdSUR�C 7 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status. A E R. I E 7 MINUTES CAF THE REGULAR FETING aF THE WA7FR BOARD - C0TY OF oAKERSF ELD l/ V ednesda 1/ 9 SGPuSmL.YIw � 59 20 T O - 220 p.m. . Wailer Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 M0NU7ES 1 o CALL UO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2003 p.m. 2. ROLL AL L Present: Chairman Couch, voce - Chair Hanson, Member Scrivner (;seated at 2:10 Y . p . Absent: None �C� INUTES A. Minutes of The May 1 20 2010, regular meeting for approval. MOtl0rly Hc•7nSC•7n tcv approve Ihe Minutas OYMv cry 1 2.g U 10_ 'PROVED ALL AYES, Scrivner c•7bsant. 4. pM o UCH 57AUEMv EMUS Ace Dennis Fox briefly spoke regarding ballot Proposition 21 regarding the vehicle registration regressive tax,. rovers and wildlife. 5e KERN ROVER LEVEE DdSUR�C 7 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status. Bakersfield, California, September 15, 201 0 - Page 2 5. KERN RAVER LEVEE DdFRQ C7 continued REPORTS A. Kern Rives & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. Member Scrivner seated at 2:10 p.m. 7. DEFERRED o USnNESS None. : USINESS A. Construction Cost In ex Adjustment to Wailer Availability Fee, per BMC 14.04.120(B). o ersfoei , California, September 15, 2010 - Page 3 3. NEW o UVNESS continued A. !! V L o ffoU L L 1 / C��! c § V n eL !I o 4sV /�Y! I � {J o V s Y 1/ !J q C``.T� lI U S {J ll ltidJ c U lJ D !J Co +may 11 !/ . Y G u lu1 �- �o Wc7�o,r Q vaff �b§ffy Fses puTsu(c7n� �o o Mi C M-04. Y20(0) and recommen d �o Me C§ Y counc §g for adopfoon oY Me reso §U one Approved aff ayes. 9. MOSC ELLANEOUS None 10. WAVER BOARD Q© SVA7E M E N7S None CLOSED SES& O N A. I . Conference with Legal Counsel - Real Property Nec;jotootoon Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8 (One matter) 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigatior, Closed session pursuant to overnment Code section 54956.9(0)(1)(3)(8)® (One matter) Rosedale-Rio Bravo Dater Storage District v. XCWA et al Kern Count Superior Court Case No. 3- 1500-CV- 7045n 3. Conference with Legal Counsel ® Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code seCtiOn 54 ((1)(3)(A), (One matter) 4. Conference with Legal Counsel -- Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code secticn 54956.9 (One cas ) State Water Resources Control Board Reference KM . 74 Kerry Delta Water District v. North Kerry Water storage District, City of Bakersfield Kern County Superior Court Case fro. 3 -1 500- m 45 T M rsV welds California, September 15, 201 0 - Page 4 11. CLOSED SEMON continue Chairman Couch recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:16 p.m. Chairman Couch adjourned from Closed Session at 3:33 p.m. 12. CLOSED SEMON AC UU ON Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, stated direction was given tostaff r ®ardin Closed Session ltem A. 1 3., and 4.A and no reportaUe action or, item A. 2. 13. ADJOMQNGv�i EN7 Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City f B akersfoe�d Water Board Water Board Meeting 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT February 9, 2011 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - For Board Information Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS February 9, 2011 A, Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information W oC 0 Iwo Cl) 0 W Cl) LLJ W Cl) co w 0 .j LL 0 z UJ W a a O a W 0 .j LL .j 44 cr. Z x LLI Z cc W �e (slws9LIlUGJedW U01jeA913) MW Ul 3!DVdO1S L-Lz C� U,) 0 L-L; 0 o 0 0 L.L CC) 0 C) 0 C) LL C) C\l CD LL o U- � o , 0 U.. 0 CY) LL 0 "t c C) U- 0 U C) o U- C) c) LL r 0 0 cy, 0 / (0 j l i - [,r) N 00 cr. CY) Q0 (Y) o N o Lo LO N 5 U') sr) C\J, Lo Lo LO Lo CY) C\j C:) C) cy) C� Lr) r- LO C\l �Y C o C\j Lei CO LO —C\' C Lo 0 LO LO N ul N 11 0 i ! i i i � i � ! r l ' 1 i l I � � I I i I � � ; I l � j l i I � i l� I j i ' t i i j j i ! i U), CN ol IE ch I i i { i � i 110 i -01 cc i jjj I i i ! ( j I ! lo i i i ! ' i {ILL cu 1 � � � i l ' i 'a� 1 I i � i � j � I i � I � j I' i 0 1 i ; i i I i i i i i z I i i CD LO � CY) 0') 00 r%- (D LO q9t CO C\l cmoms H3d iEiAj oieno WE 0 OD C C) 0 z C) T- 4 U 0 0 U) C) 0 M -D C) W., >1 W CL C) Ir- IL co 2 C) (D LL O Chi Z 0 CL 0 Z Cf) Z C/) cr. W Z ix ul Y x W 0 z cr 0 C\j 0 Cl) Z cz w C/) M LL 0 W C 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 6 � 0co co N N r O L6 LO qqll Ir- (SO143ul) IUGIU03 J04UM cz 2 c 0 CZ as U— 0 E �Q =S C: CU 0 r. cn E CD E 0 z Z w O 15 co cn w cc cc Uj qz� 0 co cc u L - 0 �e U� LO OOOF /00or CY) < cz CF) 0 a) > c) < 0 CY) 0 < C\j Cb -0-0- C\j 0 (C) — — — — — — — — — — — i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —, I — — — — — — — — — OZ — — — — — — — — — - i i l CD O i i f I � C\j 0000 (0 0 (0 0 C\j AW� C\j — — — — — co co — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O co co co I j f � " ell Q) - - - - - - - - - - - - - w - wi - - w w w w w w� w w w - - -! Q) - - w w f - - - - - w, - - - - - - - - - - - N wo 0 0 C\l C 0 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 6 � 0co co N N r O L6 LO qqll Ir- (SO143ul) IUGIU03 J04UM cz 2 c 0 CZ as U— 0 E �Q =S C: CU 0 r. cn E CD E 0 z Z w O 15 co cn w cc cc Uj qz� 0 co cc u L - 0 �e U� Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS February 9, 2011 A. 2011 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule - For Board Information and Action, C:TY UY HAKIERSIFEELD WA71ER RESOURCES 11 IEPAR7MEN7 AGRECULTURAL WATER ENTERPRIISE 2011 WATER PRfCE AND SAND SALE SCHEDIJLL, The 1`61 low in o recon-iniended water prices reflect the current water Supply conditions OCCUIT1110 thl-WHYIIOUtthe San Joaquin Valley. Of the seven (7) water price categories shown below, items I through 4 are established by existing contracts. Final price for items two (2), three (3) and four (4), will be acjusted to reflect January 2011 "All Coma - iodides Index" normally available by March Pt, 2011. The water rate for item 5 is dependent upon local water Supply. The rate for Kern River Canal & lli-rigating Co. irrigation water (item 6) is established substantially in accordance with PUNIC Z:� �n Utility Comi-iiission guidelines. These water rates would remain in effect until conditions warranted chi no-es or tD, t) adjUstnients to these prices. For information and reference, the 2009 and 2010 schedU C for surface water rates are shown for coniparison (price per acre-foot'). For sand sales froin ("ity-owned river channel properties., the following rate would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes-. ITEM 1) Sand Ren-ioval Sales ..................................................... PRICE $ 0.50 per Cubic yard (Plus sales tax when applicable) Actual 2009 Actual 2010 ETI`ective May 19 2011 (65% of -Normal (125% of Nornial (110% of Nornial Ime of Water Water Water Water Fear est.J Basic C'ontract Water ................... $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 City "Borrow/Payb(ck ti Contract Water .......................... $28.55 $30.38 $30.38 *3) C.'.ity Kern River and/or Banked Water sold for Municipal and domestic uses.......... $76.34 $81.24 $81.24 4) Miscellaneous Kern River Water that would otherwise be used for groundwater banking ................................ $16.34 $17.39 $17.39 5) Miscellaneous Kern River Water sold for crop irrigation .......................... $35.00 $35.00 $50.00 6) Kern River Canal & Irrigating ("onipany .......................... $25.91 $25-91 $25.91 7) Third Party use of' 01cese Water Wells .......................... $32.00 $312.00 $35.00 *Plus power costs associated with operation of 2800 Acre water wells when applicable. Note: To encourage maximum use within the Kern River groundwater basin, water prices in categories number 4 and 5 nay be reduced 50% during periods of mandatory flood control release and/or encroachment into the flood control storage space at Isabella Reservoir. For sand sales froin ("ity-owned river channel properties., the following rate would remain in effect until conditions warranted changes-. ITEM 1) Sand Ren-ioval Sales ..................................................... PRICE $ 0.50 per Cubic yard (Plus sales tax when applicable) Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued February 9,, 2011 B, Resolution Amending the Boundaries of the City of Bakersfield Dom(Dstic Water Service Area - for Board information and Action. A QESOLU7aON OF 7HE COUNCaL OF 7, HE Cam OF OLD 7HE C 7Y OF AKERSFOELD DOGvJES7C WA7FR SERV�C E AREA. WHEREAS, from time to time of becomes necessary to change the boundaries of the service areas of the Bakersfield Municipal Water System due to growth, annexations, and development; and WHER AS9 it as desirable that such boundaries be a matter of record; NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE �7 RESOLVED, by the council of the city of Bakersfield as follows: Pursuant to the authority of Section 14.04.011 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code,, the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Service are hereby amended. The established and amended boundary is real property so identified on the map attached hereto and marked Exhibit A. HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER: NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: SALAS, BENHAM, WEIR, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON ROBERTA GAFFORD, CMC CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED 0 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney r bz z N X � Z ¢ F Q HONVW z r w O ¢ LL Q a31S3HO �Q,��i Cl) V z U31S3HO O ~ GOv N colLO laodUIV Nvo �IVo No 66 66 N3Sa �IN(1 PS >`� 3NUS M3N 7IMVHOW )>IMVHOYWY NMVHOW 31VAlinu:j Oa3N3a 333300 w J a 0 w (n O Cr AVMO11VO V1.13M 3 r J J Q x m N311V Oa3N3a \ Oa3N3a CO a w O Q Hlb3H w J Q D Y U O H aaON cn J J Q _ W LU � Q m Y A313389 A313380 U0183dns N11aVW w z J J N a3AVW SONS 0 z 2 L NOW uj 3HSV' _ ... ............. x i aao:1SOO . V1SIA VN3ne O a) c_n (n Fu � ( U c I° O Q- O O Q_ =3 CTS E E (E L > cz O Q_ Q Q) O 0 �- :w. �. U Y ® C_ c Y' m U -0 (n () H "0 � E x oCL a)c -0 a) a) O 'o U cn cz a) a) CZ Q_ >, O -� c0 N 31M I" E o 8I C� z Y En O 3NUS a30018 NIV1Nf10W a 4: z a` w z = a U c� F- M U U 83AIM (110 t w'. N311 V i N cz Q U y/ III c� OF 4-� ill 4� Z<O>J Water Board Meeting 9. MISCELLANEOUS February 9, 2011 A. Tentative 2011 Water Board meeting schedule - For Board Information and Action SCHEDULED MEE7 ' 'NOS CD7"7 OF MQ7F;R C@0O QR oD JANUARY 2011 7HROUGH DCCF-�liv BER 2011 `SATER BOAR _'_-. - - I _Mmimm� �,os J l_1 >.. = I am ( !) 1 - - I _Mmimm� �,os >.. - - = I am ( !) 1 Water Board Meeting February 9., 2011 11. CLOSED SESSION A. I Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government (--."'.'ode section 54956,9 (One case). • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 • Kern Delta Water District adv. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case No. CIV-242067 consolidated with CIV-24 7 879 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(1)(3)(A) (One matter) A ymw�. w �I o ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT IFO WATER BOARD � MEETING DATE: February 9, 201 1 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 11.A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Russell Johnson, Commissioner FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: February 1, 2011 CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED lc'-vr- V4 SUBJECT: 1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases). • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 • Kern Delta Water District adv. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case No. CIV- 242067 consolidated with CIV- 241879 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9 (b) (1) (3) (A) (One matter) VG:dll SAWATER \Waterboard \10 -11 Clsessadmin \02- 09- 11.Exist1it&Pot1it.Docx 2/1/2011