HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/2011_WB_AGENDA_PACKET Reg MtgCity of Bakersfield Water board RegularMeeti*n of June 15, 2011 Kern River below Democrat Hot Springs Water Resources File Packet 'BAK ER-S- Fl EL D DEWD"d Couch, CheITT Fu 538C Johnson C 71 0F IB A"K E RSIF Q E L D A 71 E R � CA RD MGULAR MV 7EMMG 59 20 2:0 0 P.M. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road. Bakersfie,,'do- CA 93311 AGENDA I . CALL 70 OIli ER 2. IQ' OLL CALL 3. M Q M UA7E S N Minutes of the special meetings of February 9,,2011 andMarchlO., ,-011, 'for approvcs - For Board P�vriew --,d Action 4. PU 3) L I C S7A7E v 2 M, 7, S Lit, 5. KERN RIV7!: IQ' 1"WEE DdS71ZCT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - F--or Hood Information 6. P Lam, RORUS B. Water Conservation - For Board Information Water Board Agenda, June 15, 20 11 Page 2 9. M JSCE LLA, Nx FOU'S 10. ViVVA7L R 70-10AR Sr L L ­7 U. DIED ID S E7 SS ]o M A. Conference wath Legal Counsel - Potentizil Lifigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section %,I-',.-4956.9(b)(3)(A) (Two matters) 12, CLOSED MM"ICK A, C7JCNI 13. ADJOURN MeMN7 ART CHIANELLIO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: June -10, 2011 Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES Jun(:-:., 15, 2011 A. Minutes of the special meetings of February 9, 2011 and March 1 C►, 2011, for approval - For Board Review and Action A K E R S IF E E L D M�NU7ES OF 7HE S?ECC AL MEU NG WIN= WATER :C�,�RG -CITY CAF : � KERSFIFLC�� Wednesday, FebFuary 9, 2W I - 2000 porno Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, A 93311 1 . CALL 70 ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting t0 Order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Voce -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None A. Distribution Water Board Binders. Art Choane000, Water Resources Manager, distributed updated Water Board Binders t0 Water Board Members. No action taken. A. Minutes of the September 15, 2010, regular meeting for approval. mo f®n by Hanson �0 approve Me rng*n es OF sep� ember VS.. 200 regug r meeffngo APPROVED ALL AYES. 4. CAM a UCH SUA7EMEN7S None. Bakersfield, California, February 9 201 1 - Page 2 5e KERN MVER LEVEE MSMC7 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status. 6. REFORYS A. Kern Rover & Isabella Reservoir Operations Reports John Ryan, Hydro ra hic Supervisor, gave a brief updcte aid discussed the snow accumulation graphs. Information only, n(D action taken. 1. �EEEf�REC7 : USINESS None. NEW : USINESS A. 20111 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule --For Board Information and Action. Bakersfield, California, February , 2011 - Page 3. NEW EMNESS continued A. Moffon by Johnson �c approve Me 20111 Ml&er Pfice and Scud Saie Schedugeo APPROVED ALL AYES. B. Resolution Amending the Boundaries of the City of Bo ersfilld Domestic Water Service Area -- for Board information and Action. Mcfforl by HaC1SOOrl to Cipf)ff)V(` tlle F'`tesC Il IIor7 CJr1'1C'r1d r7g tl1C`' bo 1r1CIa4C''.S of Me City of : cke -'rsf e1d Dome 0c Water Servit: e Area afld rec: ommcnCt to City G ouncrl for approvag. APPROVED ALL AYES. `" MISCELLANEOO US A. Tentative 2011 Water Board meeting schedule -- For Board lnformatoon and Action ft (February 9, Apr0*9 20, guns VS, August 24, 0&obeT 112 and Dec embeF 7, 20 T V). APPROVED ALL AYES 10. WAUER BOARD SUAUEMENUS None Chairman Couch recessed the re u.ar meeting to Closed Session at 2 :15 p.m. A. Conference with Legal Counsel Exasffng Uffg ffon Closed session pursuant to subdivision (o) of Government Cole section 54956.9 (One case) . o State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. K 1 674 o Kern Delta Water District adv. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case PLO. CIV-242067 consolidated with CIV -24 1 879 Bakersfield, California, February 90 201 1 - Page 4 11. CLOSED SEMON continued A. 2. Conference with Legal Counsel P &efl ac �a��9 &- gon Closed session pursuant to Government Cole section 54956.9 (b) ( (3) (A) (One ratter) Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting from Closed Session of 3:04 p.m. 12. CLOSED SEMON ACV ON Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney,, announce here was no reportable Closed Session action. -� AC�JC�URNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting ct 3:35 p.m. David Couch® Chairman City of Bakersfield ter Bard Water Bobbi,-e Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m. The meeting was videotaped and a court reporter was present, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY CHAIR Chairman Couch stated it is our pleasure to have this opportunity to involve the public with getting water in the Kern River. The City's continuing our mission to be stewards of the Kern River and enhancing the river by putting more water in it for the publics' benefit, The Kern River provides water recharge, recreation, natural habitat, and a focal destination for the city. The purpose of this meeting is to hear your comments on the scope and content of the Environmental Impact Report for the Kern River flow and municipal water program, We want to know what your concerns are, what environmental impacts you would like us to study in the EIR. In a few minutes the City's consultant will make a presentation describing the project and moderate the public comments, The consultant will take notes of the comments for future reference in the Environmental Impact Report so no responses to questions will be given tonight, In order to facilitate the meeting we ask that you fill out a speaker's card, however you don't have to fill one out if you want to speak. Please' try not to repeat comments that others may have already expressed before you have. Please state your name and speak slowly and clearly so we can have it for the record. If you are here to express your support for having water in the river we ask that you put your comments in writing by filling out the comment card, or emailing City staff, or by letter, We would like to limit tonight's comments to the environment issues to be B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 5:38 p.m. The meeting was videotaped and a court reporter was present, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY CHAIR Chairman Couch stated it is our pleasure to have this opportunity to involve the public with getting water in the Kern River. The City's continuing our mission to be stewards of the Kern River and enhancing the river by putting more water in it for the publics' benefit, The Kern River provides water recharge, recreation, natural habitat, and a focal destination for the city. The purpose of this meeting is to hear your comments on the scope and content of the Environmental Impact Report for the Kern River flow and municipal water program, We want to know what your concerns are, what environmental impacts you would like us to study in the EIR. In a few minutes the City's consultant will make a presentation describing the project and moderate the public comments, The consultant will take notes of the comments for future reference in the Environmental Impact Report so no responses to questions will be given tonight, In order to facilitate the meeting we ask that you fill out a speaker's card, however you don't have to fill one out if you want to speak. Please' try not to repeat comments that others may have already expressed before you have. Please state your name and speak slowly and clearly so we can have it for the record. If you are here to express your support for having water in the river we ask that you put your comments in writing by filling out the comment card, or emailing City staff, or by letter, We would like to limit tonight's comments to the environment issues to be Bakersfield, California, March 10, 2011 - Page 2 analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report. The consultant will take note of those comments for future reference in the EIR so no responses to questions will be given tonight. Information on this project is on the City's web site, and the reports and plans are on the City's Planning Department web site, Chairman Couch introduced Ken Schwarz, Consultant, Horizon Water and Environment, LLC, 5. CEQA SCOPING MEETING for the Kern River Flow and Municipal Water Program 5.1 CEQA Process and Purpose of Scoping Meeting 5.2 Project Overview 5.3 Project Schedule and How to Comment 5.4 Public Comments Ken Schwarz and Michael Stevenson, Consultants, Horizon Water and Environmental, LLC, will conduct the Environmental Impact Report for the Kern River Flow and Municipal Water Program, Ken Schwarz explained the CEQA process and the purpose of the scoping meeting; gave a project overview slide presentation; reviewed the environmental analysis schedule; and opened the hearing for public comments. The following individuals made public comments: Maddie Zeleza; John Ohe; Andrew Homig; Mike Schield; Bob Petcker; Dennis Fox; Tom Kuekes; Gaylord cjleeson; Andrew Hall; Cheryl Barbich; Greg Iger; Rich O' Neil, representing the Kern River Parkway Committee; Lois Watson; Zach Griffin, representing Bike Bakersfield; Dr, David Harmon; Roy Sessions; James Michael Baker; Winston Seiler; Scott Frazer; Chris Delano; Steve Kiouses; Michael Ressler; Bill Cooper, representing Kern River Parkway Foundation; Michael Clark; Marion Vargas; Sasha Honig; Steve Esselman; and Luis Aris, student Ridgeview High School, The public portion of the hearing was closed. No action taken. 6. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS Russell Johnson thanked everyone for attending the meeting. David Couch thanked everyone for attending the meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p,m, David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting 5, KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT June 15, 2011 A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - For Board Information Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS June 15, 2011 A, Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information z 0 a D U U X aW Uz a p® C/) N o z� W cz Z v/ Fnm W a W �r Z It W i i 0 ' u) LL LLJ d) O j LO � U i i j O� O a< i i i� a j T�O 0 o I O , ! O O 0�- j N� 1 I �N C, i T I T 1 1 co I I O ! 1 NQ 1 i j 000 1 (.0 8-01 O N N - -� -� -- — — — — — — — — — —_ — — — - M-M69 ® . �® = mC ® NI7T1 1 i , ca � j O U > j I 1 O � O ' i N Q Cb 0 i f i i O N i I O ! 1 NQ 1 i j 000 1 (.0 8-01 O N N - -� -� -- — — — — — — — — — —_ — — — - M-M69 ® . �® = mC ® NI7T1 1 0 O 0 C) L6 ® Li LO d- � co 0 0 0 o Sri o co N N (sayouI) 4ua4uo3 as ;eM 0 0 0 0 L6 co L6 o T T' .Q Q C- U 2 W cc _ w �Q �0 w cts� CC s UL 0 O ._ LU mcc mcc - E w �a Q �tl U I �' r h��1 c vJ O LLJ Cl) L." i U U I- W ^E W 0 z ! co CO 0) Q j ' N N N i j CO j 3 CY) co i ! i _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ - _ -I- - - - - - - - - _ _ _�_ I � i O 1 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - o - - - - _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 0 O 0 C) L6 ® Li LO d- � co 0 0 0 o Sri o co N N (sayouI) 4ua4uo3 as ;eM 0 0 0 0 L6 co L6 o T T' .Q Q C- U 2 W cc _ w �Q �0 w cts� CC s UL 0 O ._ LU mcc mcc - E w �a Q �tl U I �' r h��1 c vJ O LLJ Cl) L." i U U I- W ^E W 0 z 0 CD 0 W cn W x W CO cn W% w 0 LL cl W a T cm D W TM 0 CM 0 .j LL .j 4:x It D Z Ir W Z cr W �e (sls9t4luGJBd Ul UOIJBA013) JJOV Ul 3E)VUOJ.S a a m o ­7 LL H 0 CD LL O C) 0 LL oil CD 11 CD 11 0 LL 0 U-- 0 U-- LL ch LO C\l C) C) 00 ON 00 C.0 0 r, 0 co "t 000 0 co 000 0 co - co 0 ci - CD 04 - 0 ci - N 04 co - LO 0 c6 CT C� N CT Y7 LO -M 0 (6 CD (0 "zj- 00 co CO C\l LO Q0 LO C\j 0 cm Lo LO LO (n LO C\l 0 co "il. LO C\j LO LO co N CD r, cy) LO N LO r-- C\j LO N 0 CO C\J LO C\j LO LO T— LO C\j 0 LO T-- C\j LO 0 0 C) r*.- (0 LO 't M N 0 M W 1**- 0 M q4t M N T- Ir- 1- 7-1 7- 1- T Ir- ON003S H3d i33Joieno CL a) C/) T- =3 cz 2t CL T- (D LL CO O (D M 0 0 Z C E ch z OL cc 1 I i (D cc 0 C/) , I ► ! m loo 0 Z 0 0 C) r*.- (0 LO 't M N 0 M W 1**- 0 M q4t M N T- Ir- 1- 7-1 7- 1- T Ir- ON003S H3d i33Joieno CL a) C/) T- =3 cz 2t CL T- (D LL CO O (D M 0 0 Z C Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS JunE:.:.' 15, 2011 A. Updated Engineering Design Standards for Domestic Water System - For Board review and approval MEMORANDUM June 115, 2011 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON L. MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR 6 - SUBJECT: UPDATE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM The Water Resources Department staff recommends that the Standards and Specifications for the Domestic Water System be updated. Below are the recommended modifications to the specifications and the standard details. The updated specifications are attached for your reference. Also attached are the existing and the proposed standard details. Description of Modifications to the Specifications Page 11, Section 5.6.4: Existing language states that butterfly valves are required on pipes with a diameter of 12" and larger. Staff recommends that the section be modified to require butterfly valves for pipe diameters greater than 12" as shown below (strike out font indicates text deleted): "5.6.4 Butterfly Valves: Butterfly valves shall be used for pipe diameters greater than 12" . Butterfly valves shall be rubber - seated and shall comply with AWWA C -504, Class 150 -B gear operated unless otherwise approved by the Department. The disc shall be cast iron ASTM A -126 Class B..." Page 12, Section 5.11: Existing language requires that contractors that install fire hydrants on the City's system purchase fire hydrants directly from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Staff proposes to modify text to delete this 0 B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM June 115, 2011 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON L. MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR 6 - SUBJECT: UPDATE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM The Water Resources Department staff recommends that the Standards and Specifications for the Domestic Water System be updated. Below are the recommended modifications to the specifications and the standard details. The updated specifications are attached for your reference. Also attached are the existing and the proposed standard details. Description of Modifications to the Specifications Page 11, Section 5.6.4: Existing language states that butterfly valves are required on pipes with a diameter of 12" and larger. Staff recommends that the section be modified to require butterfly valves for pipe diameters greater than 12" as shown below (strike out font indicates text deleted): "5.6.4 Butterfly Valves: Butterfly valves shall be used for pipe diameters greater than 12" . Butterfly valves shall be rubber - seated and shall comply with AWWA C -504, Class 150 -B gear operated unless otherwise approved by the Department. The disc shall be cast iron ASTM A -126 Class B..." Page 12, Section 5.11: Existing language requires that contractors that install fire hydrants on the City's system purchase fire hydrants directly from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department. Staff proposes to modify text to delete this UPDATE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS AND June 15, 2011 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM requirement. Contractors installing fire hydrants shall provide make and model referenced in section as shown below (strike out font indicates text deleted): "5.11 FIRE HYDRANTS: EiT° h n tQ rh�ll hp n,trrh: oCi Hir r_,f R�kar� c Wit; Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Company No. A- 24009 complete with proper bury length, except fire hydrants shall be Jones Company J -344 where Angle Fire Plugs have been indicated. Hose threads shall be National Standard Hose Threads." Appendix - Water Availability Fees Agreement: The Water Availability Fees Agreement will be revised to reflect current City Attorney boiler language, The Water Availability Fee amount is adjusted annually by the Construction Cost Index as defined in the Bakersfield Municipal Code. The modified language including the current fee amounts are shown below (strike out font indicates text deleted; italics font indicates text added), 2 lA --rER n �i n n�-ry c , INSPECTION FEES. mftwu� OWNER agrees to pay to CITY inspection fees based on five percent (5 %) of the contractor's engineer's estimate for public water system installations for the development and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per water meter installed. ' ' 3 WATER AVAILABILITY FEES. OWNER agrees to pay to CITY water availability fees of Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Four Dollars ($5,664.00) per gross acre of the k%+0V %.Of I ...s. aGre e. of t h1l ed c% I e 0 v e0 I e 1 mAl e.0 In t %:34 Ir e.0 r%14 1% A en To ar"Paw'LlIPA "a Ir 1%2 W. . nnr,t�inc - nnr®� � tho ref nre fooc, Ai in n rn � IlarQ -�-: PROPERTY. As the PROPERTY contains GROSS ACRES, OWNER shall pay to CITY Dollars ($ ) for water availability fees. OWNER shall pay said fees in full to CITY before any water inspections will be allowed or any connection to the existing City Domestic Water Supply. Payment of fees is to be made to CITY %-I and C'ZITY prior to final acceptance and recordation of tract/parcel map. Failure to pay Water Availability Fees when due shall result in an additional ten percent (10 %) administrative service charge and interest shall be added at the rate of one percent (1 %) per month to any amount of fee which is delinquent. Should CITY resort to court action to collect amounts due, CITY shall be entitled to collect its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 4 PROPERTY LIEN. OWNER shall execute a promissory note and deed of trust in the amount of the Water A vailability Fees plus interest on said fees in an amount to be set by CITY. This deed of trust shall be recorded by ( 1 TY to 2 UPDATE OF CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS AND June 15, 2011 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM ensure payment of the fees to CITY at the time of recording of the final map unless fees have already been paid in full. OWNER shall also pay the cost of a title insurance policy in the amount of the Water Availability Fees insuring that the deed of trust is a valid lien against the PROPERTY subject only to those exceptions approved by CITY. CITY will not issue- a will serve letter until the deed of trust is recorded and insured. Once fees are paid, CITY will issue a reconveyance (full or partial depending on amount of fees paid) to remove all or part of a lien. 5 DIGITAL MAP OWNER shall submit a digital electronic Me of the PROPERTY in a specified format (AUTOCAD 2002 minimum) acceptable to the City of Bakersfield Water Resources department. This file shall include a gradincl plan, a %..0 water plan, lot line bearings and distances, and a legal description of lot(s) to be used for any domestic water facilit y site(s). A USGS benchmark will also be referenced on the plans, and if street plans are approved the same USGS benchmark should be used. Description of Modification to the Standard Details 1. Standard Detail W-5 has been revised to indicate concrete pad dimensions for air valve. 2. Standard Detail W -12 has been revised to show cast iron support rind required in pavement locations. 3. Standard Detail W -13 has been revised to show similar metals to be used in air valve assembly to avoid galvanic corrosion and a 42" minimum pipe depth required. 3 City of Bakersfi6d Standards & Specifications for Domestic Water Division 5.8 WATER SERVOCE POPE AND TUBING: Residential water service pipe shall be copper water gibing, copper water pipe, or polyethylene plastic tubing in accordance with the standard ®e-rails and the following specifications: 5.8.1 copper water Tubing: copper water tubing shall comply with ASTM B88 -58, Type "K" 5.8.2 copper Pipe: copper pipe shall be seamless copper conforming to ASTM 842-58. 5.8.3 Polyethylene Plastic Tubing: Polyethylene plastic tubing shall comply with ASTM D2239- 67-PE 3306 - hype DD - grade 3 (flaraUe) V on pipe Size. 5.8.4 water service pipe for services larger than 2 inches shall comply with the requirement of P.V.C. as specified herein. 5.9 CORPORQ70M S70PSa All corporation stops shall be bronze or brass, round, with inlet for either corporation stop (C.S.) thread for FIvc or ductile -iron pipe, or iron pipe standard (LP.S.) thread for steel pipe, and outlet for the type of service pipe posed. 5.10 [DETER s70PSC -: All meter stops shall be bronze or brass, with inlet for the type of service pipe Bused, and outlet for the type of service pipe or meter coupling Wised. 5.11 ERE HYDRANTS: Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Company No. A -24009 complete with proper bury length, except fire hydrants shall be Jones company J -344 where Angle Fire Plugs hav, been indicated. Dose threads shall be National standard Dose Threads. 5012 PORTLAND CSC MEM7 CONCRETE: Portland cement concrete shall be class "B" and shall contain a minimum of 5 sacks (470 pounds) of cement per cubic yard. concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. 5.12.1 Materials for concrete shall be Portland cement conforming to ASTM specifications for Type 0 or Type ll, well graded, sound, non - reactive aggregate, and clean water. 5.13 STORAGE FQULD ES: storage facilities shall be considered a special design feature and shall be reviewed in light of special requirements. WA7ER SERV CE.. Upon execution of this Agreement and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, CITY has included the PROPERTY within the service area of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water System and CITY can and will provide domestic water and water for fire protection service under prevai ing water rates, which may be changed from time to time as CITY deems appropriate. 20 WS?EC7�ON FEES. OWNER agrees to pay to CITY inspection fees based on five percent (5%) of the contractor's engineer's estimate for public wafer system installations for the development and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per wafer meter installed. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD., CALIFORNIA COMBINATION AIR VALVE APPROVE®: I PLATE Na. W- 5 MANAGER - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE REV. 1 -27-11 CAST IRON LID TO READ "CITY OF BAKEdSFIELD WA TES FINISHED GRADE 120 CAST IRON I2'0 VALVE BOX fry /CAST IRON LID TYLER (PIPE OR EQUAL. i I SIDEWALK OR PARKWA Y CAST IRON LID TO READ "DCI TY OF BAKERSFIELD WTI TEIR CAST IRON SUPPORT RING SA WCU i A. C. PA @/ER9EAIT 4 IdEBAR RED WOOD BL ®CK TWO 1PLACI S N0 TE: FINISH CONCRETE SLIP 9 4" BEL ® W Ala C PA VEMEN T PA YEMEN T AREA WTI TEPLINE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAbCERSFIELD9 CALIFORNIA VALVE BOX DETA�L APPROVED: PLATE No. W 12 MANAGER — WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DATE REV. —27-11 CAST IRON LID .7. TO READ "Cl TY - OF BAKERSFIELD WA TER FINISHED GRADE-,, 12'" CAST IRON -12" VALVE-) BOX WICAS77 IRON LID TYL ER PIPE' OR FQU&- OD FWA L K OR-PARKWAY CA S T IRON.`. LILT TO REA 110 D *1 Ty OF , BAKERSFIELD WA TER # 4 REBA R SA WCU T A. C. PAVEMENT REO WOOD - 8L OCK 2 111�6"X'13 " rWO PLA CES NOTE.- FINISH CONCRETE SLAB 114 �BEL 6 W A. C. A. E P V . . MEN T CIP raw, PA VEMEN'T AREA �I PA YEMEN T SURFA CE TYPICAL. OR FINISHED GRADE #4 REBAR 2 `x2 " SQUA RE CONCRETE SLAB CAS..T /RON 12"" 'VALVE. BOX W1 CAST IROfl LIO TYLER PIPE OR EQUAL., WA 7•LINE WATER RESOURCES. DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA VALVE BOX DETAIL APPROV'ti3O: PLATE No. VV- 12 MANAGER71..... WATER RESWRCES DEPARTMEN7 DATE REIV. 1-9-og �C� D CL i U U -2 �U �3 d L Ul :zRi W cVi� o� Lai rL ;z'r < �Lu LJ � D WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF BAKERSFEIELD, CALIFORNIA CANAL CROSS�NG DETA�L Lu Q 0 APP ROVE ®e DILATE No. w -- 13 MANAGER - WATER RESOURCES DIVISION DATE DEEM. 1 -27 -11 LU > U) . I Z Q Z 4- -zs 41 W rif IN 4216-, Lu Q- Q Q� Cl W I P-- QL co- IK Lz-r PLATE ND. W— 13 REV. 1-9-09 Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued B. Water Conservation - For Board Information June 15, 2011 Water Board Meeting 11, CLOSED SESSION June 15, 2011 A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(3)(A) (Two matters) F u� �V� ° ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT "F° WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: June 15, 2011 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 11.A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Russell Johnson, Commissioner FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: June 8, 2011 CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b) (3) (A) (Two matters) VG:dll S: \WATER \Waterboard \10 -11 Clsessadmin \06- 15- 1 1.Potlit.Doc 6/8/2011 APPROVED Ille-