HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/2012_WB_AGENDA_PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water board Regular Meeting of January 18, 2012 Kern River North Fork at Fairview Dam Water Resources File Packet 0 DaMOd Couch, GhaOP' Russe�� Johnson I . CALL 70 ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. Y L! fl y N U u Elf A. Minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011 for approval --- For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC, S7A7ER1EN7S 5. KERM G VER LEVEE DISVRdci 6. REPORUS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. capital Improvement Project Update of Block Rurnphouses at eater Tells CBK 53 and 55 - For Board Information C�)EFER�f_n :USINESS <,. NEW :USINESS A. Resolution No. 01-12WB of the Water Board Recommending Adoption of the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (iRWMP) -For Board Review and Action B. Update on Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easemeni with Kern Delta water District for Stine Branch 11 canal along Gosford Road - For Board Information Water Board Agenda January 18, 2012 Page 2 8. NEW B)USNESS conHnued C. Mainline Extension Refund Agreements - For Board Review and Action D. 2012 Water Board Meeting Calendar - For Board Review and Ac-'Fion 9. HSCELLANEOUS A. Discussion of City Annual Membership with Water Association of Kern County. For Board Review and Action 10. WAIF BOARD S7A7ERAEH7S I 13. ADJOURMMEM7 ART CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: Janugry__13,2012 Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES January 18, 2012 A. Minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 201 1 for approval -For Board Review and Action MNUTES OF UHE SFEC L MEEUNG FT WATER BOARD o CffY OF AKERSNELD Wednesday November 9, 20T T - 2000 pm. Water Resources BuMing Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road, BcakersfoeU, CA 93311 01111 N0 IUjT�E � I . CALL 70 ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting t0 order at 2:00 p.m. 2. BOLD CALL Present: Chairman Couch, voce -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None I M N UT'ES A. Minutes Of the special meeting Of September 7, 2011 for approval. 6Aof0®n by Denson �G app'Tade Me monWes 0� Me spec§a0 �neeffng ®f SeOembeF 70 10 V V. APPROVED ALL AYES 4. PUBMC SUQUEMENUS None. 5. KERN MVER LEVEE ©OSUMC U 6. REFORUS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrograp hic Supervisor, gave a brief update and stated the U.S. A.C.E. storage curve mandate for November I st carryover Of 1 70,000 ac -ft was met on October 30th. The Kern Raver Outflow is on modified natural flow eases for the rest Of the winter. Board information Only, no action take 'i. B A K E R S F T E L D MNUTES OF UHE SFEC L MEEUNG FT WATER BOARD o CffY OF AKERSNELD Wednesday November 9, 20T T - 2000 pm. Water Resources BuMing Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road, BcakersfoeU, CA 93311 01111 N0 IUjT�E � I . CALL 70 ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting t0 order at 2:00 p.m. 2. BOLD CALL Present: Chairman Couch, voce -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None I M N UT'ES A. Minutes Of the special meeting Of September 7, 2011 for approval. 6Aof0®n by Denson �G app'Tade Me monWes 0� Me spec§a0 �neeffng ®f SeOembeF 70 10 V V. APPROVED ALL AYES 4. PUBMC SUQUEMENUS None. 5. KERN MVER LEVEE ©OSUMC U 6. REFORUS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrograp hic Supervisor, gave a brief update and stated the U.S. A.C.E. storage curve mandate for November I st carryover Of 1 70,000 ac -ft was met on October 30th. The Kern Raver Outflow is on modified natural flow eases for the rest Of the winter. Board information Only, no action take 'i. Bakersfie0 d, Caffornia, November 9, 2011 - Page 2 6. REFORUS conEnu d B. California Cooperative Snow Surveys Program. 7. DEFERRED BMSMESS None. 8. N Eff 0 USM ESS A. A Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield setting Domestic 'Voter Availability Fees. Gvlofpon by Hanson �o approve Me Dome0c W &er AeaDaMNY Fee U*nCT9CVSe sand FeC:DMMenC§ M9 ,Tesogufoon �o C NY CoUnCH �OF adopfaono APPROVED Aid AYES B. A Resolution of the voter Board Committee of the Council of the City of Bakersfield recommending adoption of Enhanced Habitat Mcnagement Plan. Bakersfield, Caffornoa, November 9, 2011 - Page 3 "' NEW . USINESS �nr�tir�uf -�ci B. plan Will only become effective if USFWS does not reclassify the land as critical habitat. There are many unknown factors if the land is classified critical habitat. Staff is being proactive in preparing the enhanced habitat plan to allow the city to do business as usual. APPROVED ALL AYES 9. HSC ELLANEOMS A. Schedule a Regular Water Board meeting on January 13, 2012. Art Chiancello, Water Resources Manager, requested the board schedule a regular Water Board meeting on January 13, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in the Water Resources conference Room at 1 000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield. The 2012 meeting calendar Will be approved at the January meeting. Gv/ offo rni by Hanson �a scheduae O rregu §aT waf eT 30a'Td meaf ng cn 'janua y V ao 2 oD F2o ,° PPROMCED ALL AYES 10. �ffAUER BOARD SUAMMEN7S Done. CLOSED SEMON A. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel - existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases. a. North Kern Water Storage District v. State Water Resources Control Board; city of Bakersfield Kern County Superior Court Case Flo. -1 500-CV-270613 b. North Kern Water Storage District v. City of Bakersfield Kern County Superior Court case No. -1 500-CV-27501 O-SPC 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b) (3) (A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter). Yho$ Nem was pugged �,rom Me Agenda �p Chairman Couch recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:13 p.m. Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting from closed Session at 2:43 p.m. Bakersfidd, Capofornia, November 9, 2011 m Page 4 12. CLOSED SEMON QC UU ON Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announce Closed Session action as follows: 11. A. I .a. No reportable action. 11. A. 1.b. No reportable action. 11. A. 2. This item was pulled from the Agenda at the request of the City Attorney. 13. ADJOURNMENY Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 2:44 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CMC Secretary, City of Bakersfield eater Board Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS January 18, 2012 A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report For Board Information ui C) o� 0 0 Cl) W Cl) w .j mi ui cn W% 0 o� LL o z W W .j ,� a .J C) W CM 0 mi LL z m w m z a: W �e (sisayluaaed Ul U0118AG13) MOV Ul 3!DVIIOJLS IN 0 a a- 0 a- 0 1 if 0 --; LL 0 C) LL 0 C) LL 0 o 0 —., C) LL 0 C) Z LL 0 C:) 0 - C) Z LL 0 C:) C:) c LO N 0 - — 0 co 0) - Cf) C\l CD 0 0 - (R co Lf) 't LL 00 o LL cr) c) U- LO 0 o g -t :7 d - C\j C) "t C:) 00 rl C\j o C', r C:) Lo d CD C\l Lo LO 0 Lo N th LO C)) 0 N Lf) 00 U') m C\jl C) U*) co a Lo LO N CNJ (D Ln� LO LO 0 LT) 0 LMO LO ci C) 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N (D LO It co C\l 0 CD co r*-_ C.0 LO qt co C\j CIN003S d3d 133Joieno 0 0 z 0 7— Ir- L CD E- r r 1 T r f T 1 cz O� "r- IT— T- cv 2 QD U- co n E ch i f 0. z �, � ji I �� f 0 � 1 1 f I � T �+ I s � � ( � i CD U) i ! I i , CN I I i I ! ' �y ! � 1 edoo' f � f lo i r i i i CD 0 cc f � i ' 0 LL i I I t0 I I ! i i i � f f � f f i � I � ! 4c 4; I � z — 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N (D LO It co C\l 0 CD co r*-_ C.0 LO qt co C\j CIN003S d3d 133Joieno 0 0 z 0 7— Ir- L CD E- r r 1 T r f T 1 cz O� "r- IT— T- cv 2 QD U- co n w 0 1 CD m 0 cc W CD w .j w CD co w 44 0 .J W U. w CM cm D W N 0 .j LJL oC z m w z m w �e (SISOLUMBd Ul UOIJOAG13) I_qDV Ul 30VUO.LS a w 0 LL 0 U- 0 0 0— 0— 0.— 0 0 0 0 5 0 aLL LL LL U- LL U- o o LL LL C\j LO 0— — 000 co 0 C\l —(D 00 CD 0 C\l co co -,t 0 CO Lo r*4 000 0 0 cyi CD 0 oi co 04 Cn — 0 of co — 0 .11: co — LO 0 06 CT CT LO OC.6 0 C.0 oco LO C.0 o LO LO LO 0 LO LO LO 0 r-- LO LO 0 (D LO LO LO 0 LO co CO C\l LO C\j LO C\j It C\j qt C\j M C\j CY) C\j C\j LO C\j LO C\j ?- C\j C\J LO LO C\j P,- (0 LO qtt M N P-- (0 0 'WI, M N CIN003S H3d 133Joiano cq co C\l T-1 6) C\j cu I— IL N LL N 0 0 z 0 Z i ! i , j ( 0 ! r I j '_- cu I I z I I i L.L. 1 I � cu o� U) � I 1 i ( 1 cu y I ! � ! 1 ( I P,- (0 LO qtt M N P-- (0 0 'WI, M N CIN003S H3d 133Joiano cq co C\l T-1 6) C\j cu I— IL N LL N 0 0 z Z 0 CL 0 z U) z Cl) LU oC z cc LU Y X W r') Z C\j cr 0 C\j ON CO Z �, W cz cz 0 w C C) C) C C) 0 0 C; Lfi C; L6 6 N N LO qqll vi" Cl) cr) (SO143ul) IUGIUO3 JGIBM 0 0 0- 0 L6 6 L6 T- Ir- cz r. 0 �m CU Cc CD LL 0 M� E 0 0 �a CZ 0 r. cn CD -0 E CD 0 CD 0 E 0 z Z u L - cc LU Q cc cc �ul LL cc (j) U.- < i O oO CZ > < I o C\j l <� ® 0 1 I C\j C\j -9 ® 8t 0 -, O I C\j L IiI ------- --------------- ---- ---------- ----- - ------- - - ----- 0 C\j ® 0 C\j C\j ----------------- ----- -------- ------ -------- - ----- - i --------- ------------- C\j 0 C\j 0 C\j -------- co CO CY) < ---------- ---- co co i7,.,o M --------------- J- - - - - -- ------- ------------ ------- -------- i ( CT. i � i QL o --------- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - ---- ----- -- ------- C C) C) C C) 0 0 C; Lfi C; L6 6 N N LO qqll vi" Cl) cr) (SO143ul) IUGIUO3 JGIBM 0 0 0- 0 L6 6 L6 T- Ir- cz r. 0 �m CU Cc CD LL 0 M� E 0 0 �a CZ 0 r. cn CD -0 E CD 0 CD 0 E 0 z Z u L - cc LU Q cc cc �ul LL cc (j) U.- Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS continued January 18, 2012 B. Capital Improvement Project Update of Block Pumphouses at Water Wells CBK 53 and 55 - For Board Information 0 B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM January 12, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR ly SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UPDATE OF BLOCK PUMPHOUSES AT WATER WELLS CBK 53 AND 55 The City of Bakersfield's Water Resources Department currently has a capital improvement project under construction, which will equip two previously drilled domestic water wells with pumps and motors, construct new block pumphouses, and install all piping and appurtenances required to bring the wells into operational status. The two wells are located in southwest Bakersfield, as shown on the attached map. The addition of these two new wells to our water infrastructure will increase our drinking water supply to satisfy demands. The contractor, Brown and Fowler Construction, has completed approximately 150 of the contract, currently installing underground utilities at both locations in preparation for concrete footings and foundations. The contract for this project was awarded on October 19, 2011 in the amount of $1,076,390. Work commenced on November 14, 2011 and the anticipated completion date for both the project is July 31, 2012. This item is for information only and no action by the Water Board is requested. S: \2012 MEMOS \CBK 53& 55 Block Pumphouses 1- 12- 12.doc /jlm Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS January 18, 2012 A. Resolution No. 01 -12WB of the Water Board Recommending Adoption of the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) -For Board Review and Action • B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM January 12, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE -CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: ART CHIANELLO, WATER RESOURCES MANAGER l�O SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO ADOPT THE KERN INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND PROVIDE FUNDING FOR THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN 2012 Issues: Consider a recommendation to adopt the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP). Consider approval of approximately $11,000 in previously budgeted funds to allow City's participation in the 2012 Kern IRWMP activities. Recommended Motions: Recommend adoption of Resolution No. 01 -12WB adopting the Kern IRWMP. Recommend approval of the Water Resources Department's allocation of approximately $11,000 to participate in the Kern IRWMP for the 2012 calendar year. I)icc-iiccinn- In April 2007, water management entities across Kern County began working together to develop an IRWMP. On January 29, 2009, the City of Bakersfield, along with 46 other public and private entities, entered into a "Participation Agreement for Development of an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County." The City of Bakersfield and the other Kern IRWMP participants have worked collaboratively to develop regional water management goals and objectives, a long -term governance structure, and a project prioritization process. All of these S:\2011 ME,MOSMater Board—Adopt IRWMP__2012___01._18.doc January 12, 2012 Page 2 Kern IRWMP elements, along with substantial amounts of background information, data and an extensive list of water-related projects, are included in the Kern IRWMP. Ultimately, the Kern IRWMP is intended to serve as a guiding document for water resource management across the IRWMP region. An initial draft of the Kern IRWMP, dated April 2009, was made available for comment over the course of several months in 2009. In response to IRWMP program guidelines released by the California Department of Water Resources in 2010, the participants worked to update the Kern IRWMP to the new requirements. A second draft of the plan, dated October 2011, was made available for public comment. The Kern IRWMP participants have reviewed the document and voted to approve the final Kern IRWMP on November 23, 2011. Selected pages from the IRWMP are attached for your information. The final step in completion of the Kern IRWMP is for the governing board of each participant to adopt the final plan. Adoption of the completed plan is required by Section 10543 of the California Water Code. City Water Resources Department staff has reviewed the Kern IRWMP and recommends its adoption. Per the Participation Agreement for Development of an IRWMP for the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, each participant is responsible to pay their fair share cost allocation, which is calculated based on the operating budget for each participant. In 2009, the City's Water Resources Department paid $31,269 to participate in the development of the plcn. The City's share of cost to administer the IRWMP in 2012 is approximately $11.,000. The participation agreement is included in the attached IRWMP document. City Water Resources staff has reviewed the proposed funding allocation for the IRWMP participants and recommends that the Water Board direct staff to pay the City's allocation to participate in the IRWMP during the 2012 calendar year. Funding is available in the department's FY I I /12 budget. Attachments: As noted SA201 I MT MOSMater Board—Adopt IRWMP-_2012-0 1­1 8-doc RESOLU ON NO. M = � 2 WS A RESOLUTION OF THE WATER BOARD OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF : AKERSFIELD RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF 1HE KERN INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN REC7ALS WHEREAS, California voters passed Proposition 50, the Water Security, Clean Drinking voter, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002, and on ® ,,`:Iroposufoon 4, the Safe Drinking voter, Water Quality and Supply, Food Control, River an Coastal Protections Bond Act, which provided funds for the development and implementation of integrated regional water management t ploans (IRWMP); and WHEREQSo on January 29, 2009, the City of Bakersfield (City) entered into a "Participation Agreement for Development of on In to noted Regional 'Water Management emen t Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin Portions of Kern County99 (Kern IRWMP); and WHEREAS., the participants of the Kerns IRWMP, including the City, have worked collaboratively to develop o final plan that includes, among other elements, regional voter management ement oil and objectives; and WHEREAS., a draft of the Kerns lRWMP.. dared October 2011, was circulated for 0 30-day public review period; and WHEREQSo the Kern IRWMP participants is voted to approve the final Kern 0RWMP on November 23,2011; and WHEREAS, section 1 0543 of the California Water Cole requires an IRWMP to be adopted upon comp efoon; and IOW, 7HER EF REf BE ff RESOLVED, by the voter Board of the Cozy of Bakersfield that: I . The forgoing recitals are true and correct. 2. The Water Board of the City of Bakersfield adopts the "Kern Integrated rated Regional Water Management Plan " approved on November 23, 2®1 1 ---------- o0o---------- HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Water Board of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on January 18, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: WATER BOARDMEMBER: NOES: WATER BOARDMEMBER ABSTAIN: WATER BOARDMEMBER ABSENT: WATER BOARDMEMBER APPROVED January 18 2012 M COUCH, HANSON, JOHNSON DAVID COUCH, Chairperson City of Bakersfield Water Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: ED VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney BOBBIE ZARAGOZA, CMC, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Kennedy /Jenks Consultants 2775 North Ventura Road, Suite 100 Oxnard, Caffornoa 03030 3 05 -973 -5700 FAX: 305- 073 -1440 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern Coion�y Integrated RegionaD Water Management Plcsn Final MpdE�s November 2011 Prepared for Kam &)Un y U�7S�Go- Q0anry P.O. Box 53 BakersfieOd, CA 93302 J Project No. 0889044 �02 Purpose ag �hs UaOcm[rs ks o azon Fw�'(z n (D9 Ks7n C a)mnn y Q Mesratecl G°3rg,1 n(DnEa Maft[r XEncmzsmsn� FDEn A goal of this lRWMP Is also flnkage or nexus to Q WMPs prepared by other re &ns, of appropriate. For example, of may be that Issues of Importance to the entire Tulare Lake hydrologic region, or to the San Joaquin Valley as a vvho�e, 0ou0d be addressed by linking multiple 0( WMPs to soave common proNems. Linkage of these lRWMPs will provide mutual benefits and potential joint funding partnership opportunities for entities within the Tulare Lake hydrologic region. This RWMP effort is funded entirely by local participating agencies. A number of ondnvaduals have contributed to the development of this RWMP, including representatives of 0Oca� agencies, city and county staff, and consuftants. This 0RWMP is a comprehensive plan that primarily addresses Region -wide water management and related Issues. This IRWMP complies with the State Guidelines (proposition SB 1) for an lRWMP and provides for Integration of project and program Implementation strategies that best address the reeds and objectives of the Region. � oz Stakeholders This RWMP benefits from active participation by a wide range of Stakeholders. Members of the RWMG Fxecutove Committee and other Stakeholders have participated In monthly Stakeholder meetings, reviewed draft document materials, and provided extensive collaborative Input to shape the formation of this 1RWMP. By participating on Stakeholder meetings to Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 1-5 iven3lsharei,pr y jects,200810889044 -K.-wa ir',vmpi .'2011 irvvmp up date i.draft report\kco)a_dI aftirwmp_1 ! 1411 doc LAINA develop this Plan, participants have created opportunities for establishing and developing mutually beneficial partnerships. Participating Stakeholders are listed in Section 1.3.3. � USA RagEona5 Magsir Management Groulp The Kern Region f WMG was established by a Participation Agreement, a document similar in nature to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that prescribes the preliminary roles and responsibilities for the RWMG, including complying with the lRWMP sections of the Water Code. The members of the RWMG that signed the Participation Agreement in October 2008, referred to as "Participants ", are listed in Table 1 -1. The Participation Agreement is discussed in Section 12.5 provided in Appendix B. Table 1 -1 also odentifies how each agency is responsible for statutory authority over water supply or water management within the Kern Region by noting whether the agency has authority over any of the following: water supply, water quality management, wastewater treatment, flood management /control, or stormwater management. ROCKS AND RESPO N&BLffES OF UHE REGG OHAL VdAUER Page 1-6 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update 11ven31sharelprojects1200810 889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa_draftirwmp._111411.doc Statutory AuthorKy Over Water Supply Or Water - - Aa _ Subregoon Roles And Responsob HV �v anagemant City of Arvin South County _._ Municipa� government that provides _... water suppp y, water open space and band use planning as quaHty management, flood weH as stormwater capture and management/contro0, treatment, and creek restoration within stormwater management City borders. wastewater treatment is also provided to residents. Arvin Community South County Provides groundwater for drinking water supp�y Services District water in the Arvin area. Arvin - Edison dater South County Delivers CVP and other water to the water supp' y Storage District services are and for the operation of conjunctive use banking program, recharge, store, and recover water to improve water suppp y and staNize groundwater �eve0s for DocaO agricu0t urai bands, provide water management to - others, typicaHy for drought protection. City of BakersfueN Greater Bakersfiend Municipa0 government that provides water suppoy, water Water Resources groundwater, surface water from Kern guaHty management, flood River, and purchased water from rnanagement/contro�, KC /A �mprovernent District 4 (04) to stormwater management a portion of the Bakersfield area. Also operates recharge ponds and canals. Bear Valley Community Mountains/ Provides police protection, water supp0y, wastewater Services District Foothills groundwater, road maintenance, treatment, water guaHty wastewater treatment, and solid waste management disposal services to the Bear VaHey Springs com-m unity. Page 1-6 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update 11ven31sharelprojects1200810 889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa_draftirwmp._111411.doc Buena Vista water Statutory Authoroty Over Provides groundwater, surf a ce water Water Supply Or Water A e nc Subreqo ®n Rones And Res onsobHot Management Belrudge Water Storage vilest Side Provides surface water from the State Water supply District Water project and imported groundwater from local exchange programs to agricultural lands and petroleum production facilities within its service area. Kern Fan - Berrenda Mesa Water West Side Provides ides groin II HaU Ater, surface water Water supply lJ Distrust from II II IKerp///���pp River, and purchased water from KC�+V �JA to agricultural lands within its service area. Greater Bakersfield Buena Vista water Kern Farb Provides groundwater, surf a ce water Water supply Storage District from Kern Ri V er, and purchased water from C to agricultural lands within its service area. Button willow County Kern Fan - Provides groundwater to the community Water supply Water District of Buttonwollow. California Water Greater Bakersfield Pro W/i` es groundwater, dwater, sur ace water Water supply -- Service, from 4er River, and purchased w ater Bakersfield from KC MA l D4 to a portion of the Bakersfield area. California Water Kern River Valley Provides groundwater and surface - - -- � Water supply Kern Service, Y River water from Kern River to its service —Valley District area. y Loma oma ater greater Bakersfield - Provides drinking water supply 16o its eater supply —Company service area. City of Delano North II Cou ty Municipal government II Ie t t at provides Wester supply, 'wastewater open space and land use planning as treatment, water ghal it y will as stor wester capture an d management, flood treatment, and creek restoration within management/control, City borders. Also provides drinking stor water management water and wastewater �treatmenIL services to its residents. Desert Mountain Kern River Valley Develop partnerships to enhance Water quality Resource Conservation economic growth while protecting the management, flood and Development natural resources our the Kern Region. management/control Council Dudley Budge Water West Side Provides surface water from State - Water supply District Water Project and imported groundwater from local banking and exchange programs to agricultural lauds within its service area. East Mules Community Greater Bakersfield Provides groundwater and purchased -- Water supply Services District water from KCWA 0D4 to the East Bakersfield area. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 1 -7 \ \vPn3 \share\projE,cts \2008\0889044 -krwa irwmpV2011 irwmp update\draft reportlkcwa _,draftirwmp_111411.doc KE=�r�r���dy /Jc- �r�k�; Gor�s�r t�rrlts Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) Kern County water agency wholesale water supplier. Statutory na uthoroty over Kern County Resource County of Kern Municipal government that provides Wailer supply or Water - Subregnon Bolos And Responsoboloy_ Management (Frazier Park Public Mountains/ Provides local spring water and _ water supply Utility District Foothills groundwater to the (Frazier Farb community. Golden Hills Mountains/ Provides groundwater via adjudicated water supply Community Services (Foothills water rights and recharge projects to quality management District the Golden Hills community for drinking water. Greenfield County Greater Bakersfield Provides groundwater to its service water supply Water District. - South County area for drinking we_ ter. water supply Henry Miller water Kern Fan Provides groundwater, surface water water supply District from Kern river, and purchased water Kern water Bank Kern Fan from KCWA to agricultural lands within water supply Authority its service area. Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) Kern County water agency wholesale water supplier. water supply Kern County Resource County of Kern Municipal government that provides (Flood management, V Mianagement Agency environmental and laid use planning storrnwater management as well as permitting and planning for future supply and new transportation projects. KCWA lmprovement Greater Bakersfield Provides a supplemental water supply water supply, water District fro. 4 (04) to the urban Bakersfield area through quality management (1) direct recharge and (2) treatment and delivery of water to its member agencies. Kern Delta water South County provides groundwater, surface water water supply District from Kern river, and purchased water from KCWA to its service area. Kern water Bank Kern Fan Operation of the Kern water Bank; water supply Authority recharge, store, and recover water to improve water supply for its participants during periods of water shortage. Lamont Public Utility South County Special purpose district that provides water supply, wastewater District water, sewer, and street lighting treatment, water quality services to the town of Lamont. management Lamont Stormwater South County Provides and plans for storrnwater Stormwater management Utility District control and diversion projects within the Caliente Canyon watershed. Lebec County water Mountains/ Provides groundwater to the community water supply ^� District Foothills of Lebec. Long Canyon dater Mountains/ Provides groundwater to its service water supply Company (Foothills area. Lost Hills Utility District west Side Provides groundwater for municipal and water supply, wastewater commercial services and wastewater treatment, water quality collection and treatment services to the management community of Lost dulls and the l -6 /Hwy 46 interchange. Page 1 -8 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update llven3lsharelprojects12008 0$89044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateWraft report lkcwa._draftirwmp._111411.doc K��r�r�Et�y /Jt-�r�ks Cons «It��r�ts Statutory Authoroty Over Mater Supply Or Water Agency_ Subregoon [hones And ResponslbMty Management Lost bills Water District West Side Provides groundwater and purchased Water supply water from KCWA to agricultural lands within its service area. City of Mancopa Kern Ilan (Municipal government that provides - -- Water supply, water open space and lard use planning as qualit�J management, flood UN/ell as stormwater IIV�N^I/ater capture and management/control, I^ n�/� treatment, and creep restoration Within ' stormwater management Uent City borders. City of McFarland North County Municipal g ern ent that provides f - -- - Water supply, V ater open space and land use planning as quality management, Uanage II (lent, flood well as stormwater capture and II II Management /control, treatment, and creek restoration within stormwater management City borders. Also provides drinking water and wastewater services to its residents. Mettler County Water South County Provides groundwater to the rural Water supply District community of Mettler. !Mountain Mesa Water Kern River Valley Provides groundwater to its service Water supply company area. North of the River Greater Bakersfield Provides groundwater, surface water - - Water supply (Municipal Water District from Kern liver and purchased water from KCWA l D4 to its service area. Wholesales water to ®ildale Mutual Water Company. North West Kern North County !Manages resource conservation Water quality, flood Resource Conservation projects on public and private lands. management/control District ®ildale Mutual Water Greater Bakersfield -- Provides groundwater and purchased Water supply Company water from North of the River Municipal Water District to its service area. ®lcese Water District Kern flan Provides groundwater and surface Water supply .ter from Kern liver to agricultural lands within its service area. Rainbird Valley Mutual Kern River Valley Provides groundwater to its service Water `supply utility Company area for drinking water. Rosedale -Rio Bravo Kern flan Operation of conjunctive use banking Water supply Water Storage District program; recharge, store, and recover water to improve the water supply for its participants during periods of water shortage. Provides surface water from KCWA and Kern River, and water from City of Bakersfield. City of Shafter North County Municipal government that provides Water supply, water open space and land use planning as quality management, flood well as stormwater capture and i°nanagement /control, treatment, and creep restoration within stormwater management City borders. Also provides drinking water and sower treatment for its residents. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 1-9 11ven31sharelprojecta 2008\0$89044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft report ikcwa --- draftirwmp_111411,doc K�r�r�c- ,cry /Jc-�r�ks Cons �I ��r�it�: As part of the Partoc'Pation Agreement, RWMG members have agreed too Page 1-10 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update 11ven31sharelprojects12008 10889044 -kcwra irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa__draftirwmp__111411.dac Statutory Authority 0%�er Water supply Or water - Age subreguon Roles And ResponsnboH y MV anagement stallion springs Mountains/ Provides potable groundwater, and water supply; wastewater Community services Foothills wastewater services to its service area. treatment, water quality District management City of Taft Kern Fan Municipal government that provides water supply, water open space and land use planning as quality management, flood well as stormwater capture and management /control, treatment, and creek restoration within stormwater management City homers. City of Tehachapi Mountains/ Municipal government that provides water supply, water (Foothills open space and land use planning as quality management, flood well as stormwater capture and management /control, treatment, and creek restoration within stormwater management City homers. Tehachapi- Cummings Mountains/ Provides purchased water from KCWA dater supply, flood County dater District Foothills and flood protection services to its managementicontrol service area. Tehachapi Resource Mountains/ Manages resource conservation Water quality, flood Conservation District (Foothills projects on public and private lands. management /control Tejon- Castac water Mountains/ provides groundwater, surface water water supply District iFoothills from local streams, and purchased water from KCWA to its service area. Valley Estates Property Kern Diver Valley Provides road system and groundwater Water supply Owners Association to Valley Estates. Vaughn Water Kern (Fan Provides groundwater to the Rosedale water supply Company area of Bakersfield. City of Wasco North County Municipal government that provides dater supply, water groundwater, open space and land use quality management, flood planning, stormwater capture and management/control, treatment, and creep restoration within stormwater management City boners. West Kern water Kern (Fan Provides groundwater, surface water dater supply District from Kern River, and purchased water from KCWA to its service area. Wheeler fridge- south County Provides purchased surface water from - water supply - IMaricopa water KCWA to agricultural lands within its Storage District service area. As part of the Partoc'Pation Agreement, RWMG members have agreed too Page 1-10 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update 11ven31sharelprojects12008 10889044 -kcwra irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa__draftirwmp__111411.dac 13,3,1 Gr��r�t Grant and loan funding sources have been identified based on curronfly avau�aNe information. However, due to the continuing economic downturn and the State of Caffornia's budget shortfa00, the status of many grant and loan programs is uncertain. Grant and Doan programs dependent on the sa0e of Caffornna Generap ONigatuon bonds have been, and very Re M0 continue to be, ftited on the amount of funding offered. This section once udos a discussion of funds avai�aNe through various grant programs and specifies eNgibiRy requirements. A summary of potentia0 grant funding sources is provided in TaNe 13 -1 Water Rec yc Nng Fundong Grants and Loan Program QSWRCB) Page 13 -2 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update i. +��n3\�n�� e�,proj?c s12GQ6108u��0�4 c��ra irwrnpI 12011 irNmp upda?etdraft repertlkc vv-.,._drafiirv�i �p_.,11141 1.doc preference to those recycHng projects that resin t on benefits to the ®efta. Currenfly this program is not being funded. 13.3-1.2 Stormwater Grant Grogram (SWRCD� Locaa Groundwater Assistance Program QDWR) The USBR Sustain and Manage merica's Resources for Tomorrow Program (WaterSMART) was established for USE3R to work with states, tribes, DocaO governments, and NGOs to secure and stretch water supplies for use by existing and facture generations. �n addition to sustainaNe grater resources goaOs, the program aOso addresses adaptive measures needed to Address cHmate change and future demands. A number of the programs described be�o %v are part of the WaterSMART program. Water and Energy Efficiency Grants (USSR) The Water and Energy Efficiency Grants program offered through USER is an annua� grant program which the appHcant wiH need to provide a minimum of a 50 percent match. Two funding categories are avaHaNe: funding requests app to $300,000 and funding requests app to $3001000 to $1 ,000,000. The grants program is approxomate0y $27M and the F A is reDeased at the beginning of each year. The projects need to demonstrate both wader and energy savings. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 13-3 " ° ° relprojects1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft reportlkcwa _drafiirwmp,_.111411,doc Qa)702)'UE2 ca, n o 13-3.1 .6 System ®pto'mizato ®n Review (USHR) System Optimization Review grants a0so offered through the WaterSmart program provides up to $300,000 per grant with total funding avaiiab0e around 1 ,000,000. A 50 percent matching requirement is needed for the project. The SOR grant projects must demonstrate an increase in system wile efficiency for both water and energy. The projects sho uid not focus on a sings e structure but apply a broad approach to eva0 uate the entire system. Grant Grants to ®eves op CHmate Anapysos T®®ns QUSDR� These grants offered annuaHy provide funding to universities, non - profits, or entities with eater or energy deiuvery authority in the /Western United States for the development of tools to better manage water resources with the caveat the tool must consider cHmate change. Up to $200,000 per award is avaHaNe with 1 M of total funding avaHaNe in the 2010 funding cyc0e. Seven areas of research are Hsted as eHgNe sunder this program which the auutimate goa0 of better water resource management. advanced Water Treatment Grants QUSSR) 13.3-1.9 FF- v A/CaHfornoa Emergency Management Agency Qnfrastructure 0mpr ®vc Mont Grants EEMA through the CaHfornia Emergency Management Agency funds grants to improve existing infrastructure to increase protection from hazards (Dille wHdfires, earthquakes, etc.). On FY 2011 grants pup to 3M were avaHaNe. The intent is to improve infrastructure, particuDar y HfeHne infrastructure (water systems, hospita0s, fire) to reduce q uries, Doss of Nfe, and damage and destruction of property. Grants are also available for the creaflon of LocaU Hazard Mitigat on PDans. 13.3-1.10 SmaH Community Wastawater Grants (SWRCS) The SCWG Program, most recenfly funded by Propositions 40 and 50, provides grant assistance for the p0anning, design, and construction of pubiic0y -owned wastewater treatment and coHection facilities. Grants yap to 2M are avaHaNe for small communities (i.e., with a popu ation of 20,000 persons, or Dess) with financian hardship (i.e., annrua0 f► H is 80 percent of the Statewide M H i , or Dess). Page 13-4 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update I1ven31sharelprojects12008 10889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa_draftirwmp__111411.doc The SmaH Community Wastewater Strategy (Strategy) is referenced in State Water Resources Contro0 Board ResoMion No. 2008 -0048, which promotes strategies to assist small and /or disadvantaged Communities with wastewater needs. 13.3-1.11 Mirth American Wet0ands Conservatoon Acts Grant (USFWS) This grant provides funds for projects that provide Doug -term protection of weVands), and the fish and wHdffe that depend upon weflands. AppHcants must provide 0oca0 match equa0 to that requested. Entities that are eHgibb e incnude organizations and ondovoduaOs who have deveDoped partnerships to Carry out weflands conservation projects on the US, Canada, and Mexico. AppHcatuons are contin oous�y accepted by the US FWS for this grant. ll3.301 012 ChaHenge Grant Program QUSBR) 13.3-1.13 Safe, CQean, and ReHabDe Dronkong Water Acts ®f 2 010(Maroous) The Safe, CDean, and ReHabb e Drinking Water SuppOy Act of 2010 is a $11.14 biHic n gene..ra� obHgation bond proposal, that of passed by Caffornoa voters, wou d provide funding for projects and programs to address ecosystem and water supp0y issues. The bond is comprised of seven Categories unc0udingo drought reHef, water suppp y reHabi ty, groundwater protection and v✓ater quaHty, viater recycHng, water conservation, ®e0ta sustaonab'Hity, and statewide water system operafoona� 'improvement. The bond would also provide 70M to projects on the Kern Region for the impDementatoon of projects selected through participation on �RWM PDans. To receive funding, a proposed project must be seUected by the Doca� �RWMP group as part of a suite of projects that are put Into an appHcatuon to the Department of Water Resources, such as those Identified through the process and as Identified on the priority Hst provided on Section 11. Envy rcnmenta0 [firotec Von agency, PoHuUon Prevent on QEPA) EPA Created the PoHutoon Prevention (P2) Grant Program (formedy PoHutoon Prevention �ncentoves for States) under the authority of the PoHution Prevention Act of 1 990. The grant program provides matching funds to State and Tribal programs to support P2 activities ac..Toss aH environmenta0 media and to deveQop State -based prcgrams. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 13 -5 Ilven3l share 1projects1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft repoMkcwa _draftirwmp__111411.doc 13.3. 1 ° it 5 Envnronmentaa Protection Agency, Source Reduction Assistance QEPA) 13.3.1-16 EnvM r®nmentaJ Protection Agency, Wetands Program Deve0opment Grants QEPA� Matura0 Resources C onservat on Servac e, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Grant QMRCS� Page 13 -6 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update \1ven31 share \projects\200810889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft reporAkcwa draftirwmp_111411.doc Matching funds are not required; however, applicants must generally provide matches ranging from o to 50 percent on cash or on -kind resources depending our such factors as project typo and the kinds of structural measures which a project proposes. Eligible entities include: states, local governments, and other political subdivisions; soil or water conservation districts; Mood prevention or Control districts; and tribes. Potential applicants must be able to obtain all appropriate laud and water rights and permits to successfully implement proposed projects. 13. 3e 1] e118 MS Department of Ag rIculture, Water and Waste ®osposa0 Program QUSDA� 113.3.10119 Federal 3119 Program QSWRCR� USDA Bagel Development Program The US Department of Agriculture, through its Rural Development ent Prog am, offers g a u s and fina nc'Mg for utt Htues on communities of loss than 1 0,000 persons. Public agencies and Native American Tribes are elogoble grantees. Eligible utilities include electric, telecommunications, water, , and environmental troll mental ( solid Waste, storm drainage). USDA can pay up to 75% of project costs also offers low interest financing. USSR Rural Water Supply Program Through this program, Reclamation assists rural commune foes 'M the western United States with planning and design of projects to develop and deliver potable water supplies. Public agencies, Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 13 -7 11ver13\shrarelprcjects 1200810880044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft reporAkcwa .,_draftirwmp_111411,doc and D ian tribes serving communities of Doss than 50,000 persons are oD gNe to receive funding for appraosa� investigations and foasibiHty studies rusted to water suppUy. 7 B L r 13-1 P 7EV V � A L F U D J SOURCES m `Q:4/ lJ tlA U 41 lJ Vim/ -$47M in unallocated Grant Agency/ Ghent Program Grant Process Hg� hie EnUt�es Eljg(b�e Uses Fund ng DetaHs Water Recycling State Water private entlties and Municipal wastewater Grants for up to 25 Construction Resources Control public agencies. recycling and reclamation percent of construction Funding Program Board of groundwater unusable costs, up to $5�fli . Loan Local groundwater Department of due to Duman activities. funding also v see Up to $250,000 per Applications Planning costs, land table below. projects that facilitate accepted on easements and O&M not continuous basis. eligible. This program has -$47M in unallocated These funds are dependent on passage of general Obligation Bond on the ballot November 2010 Page 13-8 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update NenIsharelpr -,ts1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa__draftirwmp__111411.doc funding available. Stormwater Grant State Water Public agencies Assist in the compliance Up to $3,000,000 Program Resources Control with Storrnwater TMDL when this program is Board available Local groundwater Department of Public agencies Groundwater studies or Up to $250,000 per Assistance Water Resources projects that facilitate proiect. Program groundwater Grant guidelines management. Approximately $4.7M anticipated allocated to this grant - January 2010. R. program in 2010. Advanced water 0S Bureau of public agencies Projects that promote This is a new grant Trea�.ment grants (Reclamation advanced wafter program proposed for treatment year 2010. No specific No specific information is available application process on funding amounts or or timeline match requirements at specified at this this time. time. Water Use USBR Public agencies Promotes both water Funding level l: up to Lfficiency grant use efficiency and energy $300,000; 0=urding efficiency level ll $3007000- Public agencies System optimization for Up to $300,000 with a water and energy 50% match Challenge grant US Bureau of public agencies As defined by the grant (Periodically offered for hr® rare Reclamation - - special topics Safe, clean, and Various Currently unknown currently unknown The Kern (Region is (Reliable Drinking eligible for a share of Water Act of 2010 These funds are $70M in funding, dependent on grants and loans for (more details passage of water recycling, provided below) General Obligation desalination, Bond on the ballot groundwater recharge, November 2010 water use efficiency and conservation projects These funds are dependent on passage of general Obligation Bond on the ballot November 2010 Page 13-8 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update NenIsharelpr -,ts1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpl!2011 irwmp updateldraft report lkcwa__draftirwmp__111411.doc Watershed Protection and Flood prevention Grant Water and Waste ®OSP ®S21 program Reclamation Dural Water Supply Program � ZQZo2 [L mnz Natural Resources Conservation Service US Department of Agriculture US Department of the lnterior --- Bureau of Reclamation Public agencies Public bodies with <10,000 i n population States and subdivisions of states with water management or delivery authority Promote soil conservation and preserve watersheds Per FOA necessary. This section onc0udes a discussion of funds avaHaNe through various noun programs and specifies eEgibiNy requirements. A summary of potent a0 ban funding sources is provodod in TaNe 13-2. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 13 -9 11ven31sharelprojects 1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updat6draft repaMkcwa ,_draftirwmp_111411.doc Grant Agency/ Grant [grogram Grant Process Eoognboe EnVtues EHOMe Uses Fundong DetaHs Pollution Environmental 5l�li to support Prevention (P2) Protection Agency pollution Prevention - wants in FY 2010 Source Reduction (Environmental Public agencies, To prevent the - per FOA Assistance -- protection Agency Colleges _ generation of pollutants - Abp ��ietlands Program Environmental - - Studies related to the - -- Between $25,000 to Development protection Agency public agencies redaction, prevention and $250,000 with 25% Grants elimination of water matching r)ollation Watershed Protection and Flood prevention Grant Water and Waste ®OSP ®S21 program Reclamation Dural Water Supply Program � ZQZo2 [L mnz Natural Resources Conservation Service US Department of Agriculture US Department of the lnterior --- Bureau of Reclamation Public agencies Public bodies with <10,000 i n population States and subdivisions of states with water management or delivery authority Promote soil conservation and preserve watersheds Per FOA necessary. This section onc0udes a discussion of funds avaHaNe through various noun programs and specifies eEgibiNy requirements. A summary of potent a0 ban funding sources is provodod in TaNe 13-2. Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Page 13 -9 11ven31sharelprojects 1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updat6draft repaMkcwa ,_draftirwmp_111411.doc Coo nzu�2mmaz 7A D L E13-2 F07 E H 4 U L FU M U 4 SOURCES - LOANS Federa� 319 Program New Local water SruppDy (Proposition 82) Caffornua (Energy Commission (Energy Financing Program Agrucr.u0truran Drainage Loan Program State water Public agencies Resources Control Board Department of Loca0 pa. bHc Water Resources agencies No specific appHcation process or timeline specified at this time. CaDufornia Energy PubHc agencies Commission Proven energy saving devices State water PubHc agencies Storage, Resources conveyance and Control Board dosposaa of agrucu trura0 drainage waters Loan for up to 5M. Loan ra-le set at M® State's Genera0 Bcnd ObHgatuon rate. 3Ali maximum Doan with 3% interest rate; (Ends March 2012 Page 13-10 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update \lven3\ share \projects \2008 \0889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp update \draft report\kcwa draftirwmp_111411.doc Grant Agency/ Loan Program Grant Process Hg bo e EnVVes EHgc ble Uses FundIng ®etaHs CQean /eater State Mater PubHc agencies Water and Up to $25M. Loan State Revo0vung Resources wastewater rate set at T/ Fund ControQ Board treatment facilities. State's Genera Bond ObHgatuon - rate. Safe Drinking Caffornia PubHc water Water treatment Up to 20M- Loan Water State Department of systems facHutues needed to rate set at Y Revo� vi g Fund Pubes is p peaKh o p �y with Sa fe State's Ge era� Drinking Water Act. Bond ObHgatio rate. Federa� 319 Program New Local water SruppDy (Proposition 82) Caffornua (Energy Commission (Energy Financing Program Agrucr.u0truran Drainage Loan Program State water Public agencies Resources Control Board Department of Loca0 pa. bHc Water Resources agencies No specific appHcation process or timeline specified at this time. CaDufornia Energy PubHc agencies Commission Proven energy saving devices State water PubHc agencies Storage, Resources conveyance and Control Board dosposaa of agrucu trura0 drainage waters Loan for up to 5M. Loan ra-le set at M® State's Genera0 Bcnd ObHgatuon rate. 3Ali maximum Doan with 3% interest rate; (Ends March 2012 Page 13-10 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update \lven3\ share \projects \2008 \0889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp update \draft report\kcwa draftirwmp_111411.doc Small Grant Agency/ Community Loan Program grant Process Eligible Entities EDi ible Uses Fund Details Agricultural State Water Public agencies Storage, $6.67M available Drainage Resources conveyance and with funding cap of Management Control Board disposal of $5M for Loan Program agricultural drainage implementation waters and $100,000 for feasibility studies. Loan for up to 20 - _. vears- Small SWRCB Community /Wastewater Grants and Loans lnfrastructure lnfrastructure State Revolving and Economic Fund- California Development lnfrastructure Bank and Economic Development Bank Small Correct water quality disadvantaged problem communities Public agencies Public infrastructure Based on equation $2501000 to $10,000,000 loan for up to 30 years. Agricultural DWR Local public Capital construction $5M per project Water agencies and projects Conservation incorporated Program mutual water companies a F1/oL`wo� CDean Water er State LJ e V c MIJ I g Fund (SWRCE) Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update Pace 13-11 11ven31sharelprojects12008 10889044 -kcwa irwmpV2011 irwmp updateldraft reportlkc ,,wa_draftirwmp._111411,doc The CaHfornua CWSR F wiH receive funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2000 (ARRA) on an amount on excess of $280M. Priorities wiH be focused on "shoved -ready" projects that Bonn create jobs immedoatedy. 13.3.2°2 Safe DiInMng Water State Revd ng [fund QDPH) The SDWSRF is receiving funds from the federa0 ARRA, which was was signed into haw on February 2000. The ARRA/SD SRF funding is for infrastructure deveDopment for CaHfornia's drinking Mater systems. QgiocuKuTa� Drannaga Loan Program QSUURCB� The Agricuu t ura� Drainage Loan Program was created by the Water Conservation and Water Q uaHty Bond Law of 1080 to address treatment, storage, conveyance, or dosposa� of agric uft ura� drainage Mater that threaten waters of the State. There is $11.3M avaHable with a funding cap of $20M for ump�ementatuon projects and $100,000 for feasibiMy studies. Loan repayments are for a period of up to 20 years. 13°3.2.4 AgllcuKura0 Drainage Gv�li anagement Loan Program Q DPH� This program was Created by Proposition 204, passed by the voters in 1 006, to address treatment, storage, Conveyance, or dosposa0 of agric ltu.ura� drainage water that threaten waters of the state. There is $0.07Mi avaHaNe with a funding cap of $5M for impDementatoon and $100,000 for feasiNity studies and a noan repayment period of up to 20 years. IJ 3e3a2o5 SmaH tY/ ®mmunIty LJ lJas e VVa er Grants s This grant and loan program offered by SWRCB provides funding for projects that wiH correct a puNic heaM or water quaHty proNem present on a small fonan0iaHy ®AC. Communities that meet the criteria may reoe'Ne funds for pDanning, design, and construction of pubHcOy owned wastewater treatment facHitues. Amount of the grant is ca�c u ated using the equation in the guudeHnes and the Mi H of the community. 1 3.3°2.6 �nfras trust re State RewoMng Fund- CaHfoTn�a Jnfrastructure and Economic Deve0opmentt Bank Through kDank, this program funds pa Nis infrastructure projects deemed important to CaO forma communities. The financing is avaHaNe to cities, Counties, special districts, assessmenk Page 13-12 Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Kern County, IRWMP - Final Update \\ven3l share \projects1200810889044 -kcwa irwmpL2011 irwmp update \draft report lkcwa_draftirwmp..._111411.doc Appendix 11 fParticipatbn Agreement Directors: August 25, 2009 50-8 Wateir Consmation Fred L. Starrh Division I Terry Rogers aWMP Participant List Division 2 Vacant RE: Participation Agreement for Development of an Integrated Regional Water Division 3 Management Pkn for the Tulare Lake Basin Portion ®f Kemp County Michael Radon To Whom Et May Concern: Division 4 Adrienne- J. Mathews Enc�osed is an executed copy of the Participation Agreement for Development of President an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Division 5 William W Van Skike Ef you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lauren Bauer of my staff at Division 6 �bauer@kcwa.com or (661) 634441 R. Gene A. Lundquist Division 7 S' erely, James M. Beck \ce, General Manager Amelia T Minaberrigaral General Counsel Water Resources Manager Enclosure (66.1) 634-1400 g Address PO. Box 58 Bakersfield, CA 93302-0058 A JJ_ - - - 3200 Rio Mirada Dr. Bakersfield, CA 9338 Lb AR IS G1 CE ATEO i Y ACI `�6.1�dL.da v 4b d l�db V �.1 a FOR DEVELOPMENT �'OF AN AEG °QED CEONAL WATT � MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE BARE LAKE BAST' POR LL 20N OF KERN COUNTY This Par(tiCipa io AW=ment (A ����att), made d CaT� jntto o'n &A8 ��' � d bctw �n e Kcm Cow Y Y �"ffi�c�r ���r���p ��r�maf�er�° d4Agemcyfl�4 Co�� of Kemp � a�f 8 halda of ��I�nop a of �� �a City of Shzfterp City of Taftfl CiV of Wzs D n Conununky .Serve=s District, Arvin.-Edison Wateir &orage Dist c D Be nWator Dar dge Waeer StorzSc Dis ia, De Mesa t , to Wit er Storagd Mstdct Dudley Ridge Wzter Distiot, Emst Niles Co=unky Semices Dgistzict, Frazicr par& pu%j c firs DiseHcty Henzy MnKgeg Wit eg- D�stic4 Trp rovoz=�gntt Distic uihonV, Lost Hflls Wzew Dnstdct, Meter Count Water Disuictv Nor& of rho R�vor Municipal %ter Disb ict a oEo o Wea- Dr � o� %ter Storage Dist�otp � Ro &'j_ ° o Br ,tvo ���� � �o�� ffStHcaD Gale MutuffiE Wader Company, C&ijformna Weeer SeMce, e=d the otther derrsi cad ,$i'gngor ieS,, h�roic f cr T rtgeoIl t o ap WETNESSETH er(a 9 the pies CoUc�odvejy d o t as z bbRc� `aaT� wage° JAI p4 v &0 gategmtg,,d RagalomffiR Water Mmzgemornt FkMkg Act of 2002D hcren g- referred to d Whef=2 section 20531 of the Act �ncRudes the f02RoWkn &Clara, d®moo of suffgc�@Me O cS too rye (Ot &e SWV's & cuRmiiD domesticp adrst 4 send on V210M entZl 2MeedSa Ztt'S dn(O kt t of th(a .� R &t�ra t e1Moo e Rooa2 no' to nor co ®per� t vely eo r a . � the* &V(S z2(%ble E aid ° �' ° pz�° ®v e p Pox cad W 'St�a° supplies too ��� �o�� � ������ �n� Q ° � a SUPPdi�� d a ftioa study of �°c�� o �'bu, cis .3by- �n water ty of wz. e ° z Vzij&bje to meetr one st&to°s & oUft R9 domestic, adustiat am I c a vira=e W needs. e - r,��l fa�u��t�ce �e c�evc�2o ��t�c�° �aa�c��tr ��� �.�� oi��oo� p it of Mte ,tt rc onaR water ���e��e�� �� 5n thereby Ma" the- gU&HW and gmmHty of Water ave2 &bje to provl¢ g _z rrzMeWork for. local a a the �t �c� °� ��r�� �c� Iby and fiance Irc� oonal wzt � �� tt att� I � err ®jcct� that jp:roteott which three or more Roca 1pubHo age no��D atz � � group in -supply, paztic t o of Wh Ch L&W S tUToZY Z71hority over b -vzcer wrielm a eement �� p momndum of mde� =andIlpgq or ot�hcn z— and bo�eS of those goCaj pUbEC 'tSe'n gin. =p under ffio AcTD - � PrroPoSe T® CoRIaboz�t�voly.p�c� an �� ��� the �°� Lek", B� �c�9nor1 of am co sot fob �p ¢ �a�fC� Whou°=p �he Act fdnhcr provides at sect g®ns E (0545 and 2 0546 that the Act does mot zff=," any powem gmnted to any � ®czj zgeacya a®�° Bu�no�zcs m reg���.I water rte, det�e ine the watery nighty �� management �°®up to dcc H nc ®r otherwise Y PcF8Gn Of cnti� &ad Whereas, the slu d� arc �cr �c ��� i�����d�� � ° �ffiasir� F�d�ng ���� � dui. n� � ° ° ° �c�0� ®f Kem c�cMt� w�ch .�� �� tI�c TWa� e RnOwna and b�z A� which �� 1�� �dj �� lrdect 822 FEM Mpmtz wh WhercaS., the Agency &Md pazttic, n,a t will PrePa� the Man; and 9 tic Oa gage d -party ccaszzEtmts �a � � II �D� to Whomwo the Co=W &, ScO c of I Work to Pz*( aP °c� �hc Mm is provided as BXE5ft Dp wd whereasz, the Agency amd pargcipE.gs Wz H ° �rrovde e t is wah �he 2zeceSS y d eta to eat on aho dzaft v =ions of the phi =., amd Wi hcnasp the "Consul t v CG'Sfzv for Irjr upon OOMP'OUGM Of thO ME- amd P&Mton of the M= co mist 0�dg =Oumts Paid to Consuk=t S W'h= b the cdmultmt cosy s arcs cu=e"M�A ° of 15 1pceceat for a c®2t490MP ° and � t it �� ��� �® 20 PR a� not t o ex GUM a �9 e c a the IF'n&I P�zn ' deEned to be percent or MGM of the -Fa ce � � ���Ron of �a'PR t��tr �� d��� d� for edopticn by 5 a � � ���-� c�cI� �d��ud �ac�a�� � ��� r� ��t���° and q e Adopted L��a� � dced tfo - � pc=e�t oz. MO� pc � � ����9 tic ®� �dc� .�� �t���� a r �0 the a�2e lmcRuded &a 3zhibit to Cam'demtivm hcrain c®nta'aedn 't *s. hIz c=b -� cad bc der vc�d I� c� a cz aid ® °a s Agcmcy and P C�Pa= z ° I�msen go percent of &c PI - PrOPa�tion Costs �a �ues ad�j � Co c�c d� �a czp � . as de ed' �I�j� DD wych jh&U be (2) Agc 22oy &Z=3- �0 To aftfais2ey de -VeROP =mot Of the PIM and ov=tht olf the ids coj2ect ed from p c p is znd used for development of the plan. �� fc Y CO=U, is C. TO Provide z Or developmm, of ZE of tha Mm d° �� �f�rc acidities for S meedags on'am ES-Even 23. To p®znt one 2 � ) one ( 2 ) z2ftm&ft to the Egacu.jv e CD =Zit h° �o Ungess provided dlixect2y bj Cons u�t antza to provide P c' amts wif ccp'es of the draft v� �d z2 ve Gns tec ic �epo prrepared � support off the Pgzm, in, cludkg �c� dm ft � �i M=2 PIMP � t � c ��� (7) calendar days from the date of recei t of said d mt� tVS WJdll64 CO11LLAu {UL ts, and To transmit comments s t e o dzys from Zhe dztte Of receipt of said dooumenu from eagh To y,7ov ke and share aRR necessary and MTev t * fbrm &&n,, dam, szud�a% amdlo�r doo eatat' ®n fOr the Pkn k its P ®SSeSSBon as may be mquesTed by C omsu tts (and 's n ®t ewe PT from d4s�r�� e under° appHc abk 2awr ) wfthin a ffine recd s e=Medl by ae `1 ExccuV ve Comte` Of the rrequestt icy the Cowuftz= or such imfommHon and dot o ho To R =MPste im d eve2 ®p er t of e ° ° o y ,0ez3 meets and rc�vi� and N Co er�Ur on e =1111 dI �� VeMiGMS of = 9 n1poNs and the draft PR= wt z VmO PerrM Veoffled b the ecut�ve ° � tree r mc2usgon n &0 FLmg Iprmo To Presentt �e I� r Fra to 'tt8 Board of Di ° ° ° 4 e �o r�e���rr� ff�P �eadle�at��n �� ����� ®� � {� f =Y -Evc (45) czkndar &ys from �he &tie of �t of the f T®Pm -dc a c®Tmtt�ibu&m towards the Co t t costs eat V� e F cipants M the .®mot shoes on S Litt D. � � To MVGRC@ MI Cowards ffie ComsudtEm&' COSU Ln tie @mounts shown ®n ibft D. To offer. lhe'-r facfifties f0f Mkt poker meeffigs on an - avaI zb o 93. ' TO appoktt one (1) rco resenatiwe and one 1 ��c� ° saribr~e io � � � �® �e ��e����e C���tee ��� n def medl I9 bjtt E,, wHca $ Eire ndju <, to mff ect &11 whelm 2mown. C. TO' PyOv dle and shm an nc�Cessazy and mlev&nt o ° =em �� �° ®� d��� M� 020 may =c we I by C�or�W=l z QMdi � �osure o aPPr� bre � Iw) withk E tt�e penlodl sp edi b �e Executive o�t ee 0z Mcks *0n in �e �Fk y duo To jp cip &te - deveEclp�eme ofd &e e�r'I'm y mdl t ° e� ° and �ez�t e d �e of TechniCZ2 repcft and the d o PRem wffik t�V=V -Ozme (2 r) calendar days fa-um 12z e d % ® men d Agency or, � � � d�c�ce�t� m ae s fO�y-flve 45 ��d�e� ��P rde��cn Md c d � e to off e � Of �he 1Fr PREM. m . TO Pm idle a conibutio m Towzrds ae � � � ��� t e o 4 �os cc�nect iveEy sI edl by the xceed the Ount BLS On RkMbft Do - TO pay mvorees of the Kerrma CO ° ° �� `�°��er° �e��y der° ��� C=Hbudow 0 a d M" VoRces° ° z (4) COMMiUcc shall have the f021� n Pow em errs ad a uTnonottiesa �o Execute 've Committee WHI consist of one =d O 'ne MjteMnTe from ezCh Mentifled RM T xhffiat B. The teem tiveA &emate and SMY a RaCeMeVs be Chosen by &e Pazlicipants of �he zw ec�jve subm ns. b. CO and Conduct P cap � Mews as necessmy. Call and conducts Executive CCMUEttee Meeks w neeces zMS MV02C Or I� AppTDVe OT di5 ,MPPr(DVe of ° Appl We or ayprove ageandaa and mz ezi s FOjr Mead Diaz. �e2�t t�o Ie�ep1en Oe C001"UWC with Agency M=Mgememt on nws p6kted to devebpmezme ®f p1mo Detenr e e p aropr jt e t e e OF the, COM h et � � ���� �� ®� � e�eI ageeMM�D d other mlev�t Mfom - ° Tile Fzecudve Cbmmltee wall P'Iek two � of Ilu mew ° �.gric�� Sectto� �d O � � I�e� � ®��A ��e ��� ��� �c� �e Q 2) from &e Sece®r. �C. Th6 CO-c wfil conduct and erect M ° Group, eet of e e � ��err � e� errn =eCute IhLd-partyz ements for int e ° la IVEI OTEt 20ast 51 lRemezaT OTthe par., (5) R is Mut ny Mdmtood Emd ca 771--mg vifth each Pag=dcep= g OIMe vwe° P o ° Ef the 90vCzzdm3 body of a 2 Eltcnpant eM ays m &e ��e� not olpt the PR wad zany-ogre (45) �e ��' °e e �� of �e 5Fkalp mmq auch wtt� ®Bn Or M&0t102n 32. Iz' OM the Regional Wzt� e e rap. A Pm=&�pm, t wanc�� MU t�ne Anal plan and agrees to Y t-":Mioand/or =dm= t:O Vae. C Co Wuhdm-w&2 0 tie Re20ga&2 ��� 'PM2 Sha mot o f sh® OM iE tI Agreement to �e palymmtz of sae &H d. UPOIM COMPlea tion of the Adopted PR=D the Agency sh&R2 p2-epaze, S f2,n&U zccounting of a�j fM-<-dv a0WED consultants" costs for Tuview by the, Pagticipants. 1f the' funds dePcDs *ted W1 th the AFMCY ez=d the COMSURMW Costs bayed upon the Account'& the Agency %vMTe&nd the excess Rmds � &e Pardcip=ts M pmpordon to e ir th ' COgntibution Wwards �� ConsuRtamU, Costs. Me Ago ncy sME Tofmd, �e excew fun& WMEM sixty (60) days after COMPEegon of the IN W. Z This Agreement Mzy be zmend or modifled om2y by mum a2 vv ,11nolm conse ,,mt 22 parties- 9. Th�s A3memem� shaIlj t4�z�=, zte wh fmzacial or otherwise, M tLen �s an Adopted Mm md (2) &H obEga2loms, under d2la Agmement a= T=3ved. Any and zE2 2i&bgE� ®r OxPenses (imckdfmg =mmpyalma expeg,,�s, fees &Md zcc,- t® thf,, Agency foy c2gim,$ �y offi'd ipagvez cz cowd=W Ud , , to &ird &Ted costs) consultzatav &no SkS from Or ekTimg eo VfF MSUZY 'P'TrUes or AXe==TqMR be azocstod &Mon z ae IPW&Sonffic�b , aS28 of' the pome= DIF cantibudom MqUL-ed of ezch P=y Mder tHs Ag=memt. TIcCerm,00 0 Miury" ShaRR have ffiv MW=S P=Hbd- by Socdc n E") Z' 049 Of �o Code. Tags pmvjs�on sh&R� suzviva t@rmffindon of this Agm==. A-py C0ZTCSPIDZnd0MCe. coMMUUjCZtj0n,, Or co=ce C0=,-znkg tads AS=emmt shaH be Kem COuntY Wzter Agency: Mr. James M. 'Beck G==2 MUMgejr P.C. ISOX 58 Sakengeld; CA 93302-0058 04ch of the- P=�ez WaMaMTS ancg zepnsmu To mch of &,Z� whw P&MICS that =h is (% dWY 049&n�xed err consdtutcd entit�,, Wi& &U M(quj te jP0W6T To cany G= fts Und(DY thL<3 Agmemcntz, =d that the (mecu tMs A tjon,, &2- zy Ave amd Y(ZoTGzMMCe of gmomexl hav@ -7-b��M dURY Euth(ori=d by all imccessalry =1202 of &(a bowd (of directozz or oth(DE. gavemAng body Of such UzgtyD SMd -SM2 not gWUR2 in & vkkion of such k. Agn@ment. Mly b(a. =0cut@d M COUMeRPENED each of w2dch SPZ@z be aaema� am amd an Of WhWL9 wm �n ihmu constitute one tie -same kmmemt 'SM&Twes SMt by f=�MgEe sh&R-R be dce=ed originals md Maud M" �lE MSP=W -W 2. This AgreementshaE� bffid and Ire o begaofft of &e =Pwdve 28W of �e Partiesp Provadedv however, 20.pany ShZIE as saga of ObHga�lons under this Ageemenj W-ithOUT che its eats Gir PTZ tten consem GfaM Wher P= es. M. The PaTtio-S '19ne t® take such funher actAon docume-n s as and exconte wd deEver suca Agrep. m@Y be reaSOWWY Tequfi-ed ID IDOCCtImte the t C=W and C0Mdi2,0MS of is 15 ..... ........ . wt es-9 where(Df9 the paR-ties hereto have ca.us ���ce��n ���� ��� ®�i�e� tt� e��err � ed s Agreemeffit to bc� e�cecuted by th��r Irrespec�ve �� ��� Ag�°e�,ento Accepted: ern C atex n Participant Name Nrame Gene x Man er Title mate IID�tt� c Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued January 18, 2012 B. Update on Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement with Kern Delta Water District for Stine Branch II Canal along Gosford Road - For Board Information • BAKERS F IELD MEMORANDUM January 12,, 2012 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH., CHAIR HAROLD HANSON., VICE-CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: ART CHIANELLO., WATER RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: DITCH ERADICATION AGREEMENT AND PIPELINE EASEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND KERN DELTAWATER DISTRICT Kern Delta Water District (Kern Delta) owns and operates the Stine Branch 11 Canal, an earthen canal along Gosford Road, between McCutchen Road and Taft Highway. Kern Delta also owns the canal right-of-way and easement over City owned propertywhere the canal is located. The canal runs on the east side of Gosford Road between Taft Highway (SRI 19) and McCutchen Rocd adjacent to the City's Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3 and the new Sports Village site. The City's Public Works Department is in the process of widening Gosford Road to its ultimate width at this location. In order to widen the road, the City needs to fill in and eradicate the section of the canal and substitute it with a pipeline in and along a new easement and right-of-way. Historically, Kern Delta has had some recharge of waterin this unlined section of canal. The water that is recharged in this sectiongoes into the underground aquiferand benefits the underlying groundwater. Since the canal will be replaced with a pipeline it Will no longer recharge water into underlying aquifer. Due to the lost recharge capability of the canal, Kern Delta and the City are working togetherto provide sufficient capacitywithin the City's Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3 basins and proposed Bakersfield Sports Village lakes With the assistance of the Water Resources Department, the Public Works Department is in the process of finalizing the ditch eradication and pipeline easement agreement. This agreement will go to City Council in February 2012 for approval. This report is for information only and no action by the board is required S:\2012 MEMOS\Water Board-Kern Delta Agreement.-.-.2012.--01-.12.doc/jlr-n Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued January 18, 2012 C. Mainline Extension Refund Agreemerts - For Board Review and Action MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CI'T'Y OF BAKERSFIELD WA'rI R RF;SOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenney c/o Neptune Company P. 0. Box 27170 Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 6/1/1984 For Water facilities: WI3 83 -04 Amount of deposit: $9,579.60 Balance of deposit: $3,113.17 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Compan Asset Holdings, LLC V • Dated. Brent rguizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney B y• '�`Gleorgl F. McKenney, 'gnee Accepted: City of Bakersfield G' Dated: By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenney c/o Neptune Company P. O. Box 27170 Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 6/1/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83-05 Amount of deposit: $106,356-97 Balance of deposit: $31,907.19 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Compafl*,Asset Holdings, LLC Bre'4t N guizian, CEO X 4 Accepted- Ge rge F. McKenney Dated: ��! � /�� By: Dated: Georg . McKenney, Assignee;/'� Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WAT'E'R RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenna c/o Neptune Company_ P O. Box 27170 Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 6/1/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -06 Amount of deposit: $1045576.82 Balance of deposit: $31,373.05 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Com ny Asset Holdings, LLC By: Dated: Brent erguizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney r •� .ry By: ,� Dated: eorge Y. McKenney, A ignee Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT— DOMESTIC WA1"ER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKennev c/o Neptune Company P. O. Box 27170 Scottsdale. Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: Dated: For Water facilities: Amount of deposit: Balance of deposit: Number of services: Number of hydrants: City of Bakersfield 6/1/1983 WB 83 -11 $87,187.16 $26,156.12 NA NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC B Y Dated: l Brent erguizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney By: .• Georg F'. McKenney, Assigpre Accepted: City of Bakersfield Dated: By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenney w c/o Neptune Company P.O. Box 27170 Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 5/4/1987 For Water facilities: WB 87 -02 Amount of deposit: $371627.77 Balance of deposit: $15,051.04 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 21/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Company Asset Holdings LLC B Dated: y Bret erguizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney B .�- Dated. y l George . McKenney, Assignee Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLTNE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT -- DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenne c/o Neptune Company P. O. Box 27170 Scottsdale. Arizona 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/03/1994 For Water facilities: WB 93 -11 Amount of deposit: $29,884.80 Balance of deposit: $17,183.60 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Com Asset Holdings, LLC • Dated: � Brent N rguizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney I3y Dated: Geor F. McKenney, Assignee Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE, EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: George F. McKenney c/o Neptune Company P O Box 27170 Scottsdale. Arizona 85255 all of its right, title a Agreement: With: Dated: For Water facilities: Amount of deposit: Balance of deposit: Number of services: Number of hydrants: nd interest in and to the following described Water Extension City of Bakersfield 6 /15/1993 WB 92 -12 $11,083.20 $6,095.71 NA NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Comp y sset Holdings, LLC Z Z B Dated: � l e7- Brent Ner uizian, CEO Accepted: George F. McKenney By: Dated: George F. McKenney, Assignee Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: __ Dated: Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued January 18, 2012 D. 2012 Water Board Meeting Calendar - For Board Review and Action SCHEDULED MEETINGS CD417 OF MAKERSFIELD WAT[ER BOARD JANUARY 2012 THROUGH DECEMBER 201 Adopted January 18, 2012 Water Resources EuHdng Conference Room 1000 Buena Vosta Road, BakeafWd, CA 93311 Water Resources Department C osed =Mimi= =mum � � �.1 NMI Q ©Q ©�00 NMI — Ion =Mimi= NMI NMI Ion Ion Water Board Meeting 9. MISCELLANEOUS January 18, 2012 A. Discussion of City Annual Membershipwith Water Association of Kern County. For Board Review and Action History and Mission - Water Association of Kern County WA. KC WA'-ER A-55C(DATION OF KERN COUNTY Home About WAKC Water News Water Overview Home > About WAKC > History and Mission Contact WAKC SEARCH THIS SITE Search... GO WHO'S WHO View our online directory of local water districts, officials and other related organizations. OUR SPONSORS HIGH FLOW MEMBERS An Emplq " Owned Company RIVER RUN MEMBERS PARAMOUNT FARMING COMPANY PIPELINE MEMBERS Over the years, the WAKC evolved to include outreach and activities that provided information about many water topics including: federal, state and local water projects; water quality; legislation and regulations; historical water agreements; water supply; endangered species;' the Kern River; water banking; conservation; water development and many other water-related topics. The WAKC has frequently utilized radio and television to convey messages. Additionally, the WAKC publishes an online directory of local water districts, officials and other related organizations. Visit Who's Who on the side menu to access the directory. The WAKC is a non-profit business association, funded by voluntary memberships and donations/grants from organizations and individuals interested in the economic, recreational, and conservation benefits of sound water management and development. Membership is open to anyone wishing to support the important educational efforts of the association. hftp://wakc.com/index.php/about-wakc/history-and-mission 1/13/2012 About WAKC Issues FAQs Our History and Mission Membership Events The mission of the Water Association of Kern County is to inform and educate the public and water community about water issues in Kern County. Who's Who Formed in 1955, the Water Association of Kern County was originally designed to Useful Links educate the citizens of Kern County about the need for the construction of the State Water Project (California Aqueduct). The organization's goal was to keep the public Videos well informed about activities and issues related to water and on the continuing need for a reliable water supply to Kern County. Contact WAKC SEARCH THIS SITE Search... GO WHO'S WHO View our online directory of local water districts, officials and other related organizations. OUR SPONSORS HIGH FLOW MEMBERS An Emplq " Owned Company RIVER RUN MEMBERS PARAMOUNT FARMING COMPANY PIPELINE MEMBERS Over the years, the WAKC evolved to include outreach and activities that provided information about many water topics including: federal, state and local water projects; water quality; legislation and regulations; historical water agreements; water supply; endangered species;' the Kern River; water banking; conservation; water development and many other water-related topics. The WAKC has frequently utilized radio and television to convey messages. Additionally, the WAKC publishes an online directory of local water districts, officials and other related organizations. Visit Who's Who on the side menu to access the directory. The WAKC is a non-profit business association, funded by voluntary memberships and donations/grants from organizations and individuals interested in the economic, recreational, and conservation benefits of sound water management and development. Membership is open to anyone wishing to support the important educational efforts of the association. hftp://wakc.com/index.php/about-wakc/history-and-mission 1/13/2012