HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2011_WB_AGENDA_PACKET Special MtgCity of Bakersfield h Water board Special Meeting of Sentber 7 em , 2011 2800 Acres Water Resources File Packet 0 I� A ]L D WA7ER BOARD Davod Couch, Chair I-laroed Hanson, Voce chair RusseO� Johnson NOY�CE OF A SPECS AL MEET NG OF THE CffY OF BAKERSMLD o WAYFR BOARD Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting Of the City Of Bakersfield Water Board will be held on Wednesday, September T2011 at 2:00 p.m. on the Water Resources Building Conference Room, 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, C 93311 �C= �ENCi» Water Board Agenda September 7, 2011 Page 2 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. Water Resources Department's Efforts to Assist the Thomas Roads Improvement Project (TRIP) Construction Activities - For Board Information 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 11, CLOSED SESSION A. l . Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases) • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 • City of Bakersfield v. Buena Vista Water Storage District; Rosedale - Rio Bravo Water Storage District Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 274238 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter) 12. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 13, ADJOURNMENT ART CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: September 2, 2011 Water Board Meeting 3, MINUTES September 7, 2011 A. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 2011 for approval - For Board Review and Action A E L ID I INk"Al IAU I ["A. PWLNIIIIIIII Wednesday, June l 59 28 1 1 - 2:0D P.M. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 913311 NNU7ES I . CALL 70 ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Mofa®n by Hanson �0 approve §he M§flu�es 0� the spec§CY9 meeffngs offebruary 9., 20� Y anc§ March 1 ®p 20Y Y. APPROVIA® ALL AYES9 JOHNSON ABSENT STATEMENTS None !� KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, gave a brief update and stated this item relates to two Kern River Levee projects. The City received $200,000 in grant funds from FEMA to complete a hydraulic analysis on the Kern River levees. This project has been completed. The second project was an evaluation of the levees to ensure the levees meet tF e 100 year flooding event as required by the State Department of Water Resources. The ii a state grant in the cimount of $455,000. The work on this project has also been completed. A study and evaluation was 5. FA a Bakersfield, California, June 15, 2011 - Page 2 KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT continued A. conducted by Meyers' Civil Engineering. The work was recently completed at a cost of $175.,000,, using less than 40% of the grant amount. One area west of Allen Road was identified to need repair. Staff was evaluating as to whether to do the work in -house or use outside contractors. The work was completed utilizing a combination of 80% City staff and 20% contractors. The consultant filed a report with the state. The report has been accepted by the State and the levees are in good condition. The report is available for review. Information only, no action taken. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report, John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and discussed the snow accumulation graphs, Currently A -J is 193% and 890,000 acre /feet of runoff; the most probable peak inflow is June 16th, 7069 cfs, outflow is 4500 cfs, and storage is 324.265, There are no storage issues at this time with the current flow, Information only, no action taken. DEFERRED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS A. Updated Engineering Design Standards for Domestic Water System Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, introduced the new Water Resources Director, Jason Meadors. Mr. Meadors transferred in January from the Public Works Department, Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated most of the updates to the Engineering Design Standards for the Domestic Water system are minor. He highlighted the changes: A new butterfly valve will be required for pipes larger than 12 inches; the contractor will now provide fire hydrants. The Water Availability Agreement has been amended to include an inspection fee of 5% of the contractors' engineers' estimate plus $10 per water meter installed; the fee amount has been changed according to the construction cost index, preapproved by City Council resolution. Paragraphs were added regarding a property lien and digital map. Staff recommends approval of the updates to the Engineering Design Standards for the Domestic Water system. Motion by Hanson to approve the updates to the Engineering Design Standards for the Domestic Water System. APPROVED ALL AYES, JOHNSON ABSENT. Bakersfield, California, June 15, 2011 -- Page 3 8. NEW BUSINESS B. Water Conservation Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, gave an oral update and stated in November of 2009, the state of California adopted Senate Bill 7x7 as a part of the Water Conservation Act of 2009. The bill was signed into law as part of the comprehension water legislation packet. The act addresses both urban and agriculture water conservation. The legislation sets a goal of achieving a 20% statewide reduction in urban per capita water use and directs urban retail water suppliers to set a 20/20 water use target. The act also directs departments of water resources to set technical methodologies and criteria for the consistent urban water use targets. The first interim target is a 10% reduction by the year 2015, and the final reduction is 20% by the year 2020. There are several methodologies governed by the state that allows the City to go through various analyses to define a baseline. Staff is in the process of determining what the current baseline is and what the future targets are. This update is to inform the board what staff will be working on for the future. Staff is also currently updating the Urban Water Management Plan. The Water Resources Department prepares a retail plan and wholesale urban water management plan. A guide book provided by the state in 2010 outlines fourteen demand measurement measures, ideas for water conservation. Currently the City of Bakersfield participates in three of the measures, 1) Residential plumbing retrofit: the installation of conserving shower heads and toilets. 2) Metered connections: the City domestic water system consists of approximately 40 ,500 metered connections. 3) The reuse of recycled water on large landscaping projects: The City is currently using two to three million gallons a day to irrigate the Sports Village, Various other water programs staff can review and budget for include: toilet and washer machine rebates; bathroom retrofits; residential survey programs; high efficiency sprinkler heads; free conservation kits; efficient landscape programs and irrigation system upgrades. The Water Resources department is currently implementing conservation efforts and will continue to review potential methods for future water conservation. As the urban water management plan is updated, staff will continue to work with California Water Service Company for assistance with conservation efforts including public outreach education programs. This item is information only, no action taken. Chairman Couch requested staff provide the Water Board with water conservation information in incremental basis as staff is working on water conservation efforts so he can respond to constituents' questions. 9. MISCELLANEOUS None Bakersfield., California, June 15, 2011 - Page 4 10. WA7ER BOARD SYA7EMEN7S kil None I �1 W I A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(3)(A) (Two matters) Chairman Couch recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:15 p,m. Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting from Closed Session at ' CLOSED SE SSIC�)N ACTIN Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announce there was no reportable Closed Session action on either matter. Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragozc, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting September 7, 2011 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Kern Giver Levee Provisional Accredited Levee (PAL) Certification Update - For Board Information Water Board Meeting 6. REPORTS September 7, 2011 A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information W ac 0 F co oc 0 oC W co w m OC( W m CA W 0 oc .1 LU um a < W 0 cm c� o W cc cm 3 0 .j U. .j z m W z m W �e (sIsayIuaaed Ul U011BAG13) JJOV Ul 39VUO.LS It O.; 0— U- 0' 0 --�, cc { 0 i LO 0 — LL 0""' 0, LL o a: o L 0, U- ou-_ 0 L—L LL co 0 LL C, -C� C!— C! 0 co - co C\j 00 -(0 0 r-- - C\j co LO -t 0 co i LO co cyi ai 04 0 Oi I 06 CD IP I- oc (D LO (0 m LO LO M LO 0 00 LO 00 r-- LO r- LO 0 w LO LO "�t LO 0 co C\j LO C\j LO C\j C\j I I f It LO C\j I LO CY) N cf) LO C\j C\j LO N LO C\j C\j LO ir- C\j C\l LO LO C\j 1'-- (0 LO 'tt M N 0 M M I'-- (D 0 Itt M N CIN003S U3d 133Joieno T" Ir- L CO 2 CL Cu 2 �6 (1) LL C) CD r') 0 z O C.) 0 f cc { i � i E ! o� i j f � i I 7F) Cc Ca 4 � ! i I � i t ( i cn cc i i ! ! � i ! I i f i j f I ! ! i � � � ` i f ( ! f � I I ! � � i ! i � i j i j j z 1'-- (0 LO 'tt M N 0 M M I'-- (D 0 Itt M N CIN003S U3d 133Joieno T" Ir- L CO 2 CL Cu 2 �6 (1) LL C) CD r') 0 z O C.) 0 0 ------------ S F I F L D 1894 thiru 2011 APRE-JULY RUNOFF 118 YEARS of RECORD (Q on 1,000 AcFt � NUMBER % ®F ®F YEARS YEAR Q NORMAL 1 1894 295.4 64% 2 1895 694.7 150% 3 1896 372.9 80% 4 1897 654.3 141% 5 1898 135.3 29% 6 1899 213.7 46% 7 1900 196.9 42% 8 1901 582.0 125% 9 1902 389.6 84% 10 1903 399.0 86% 11 1904 316.6 68% 12 1905 366.4 79% 13 1906 1,391.6 300% 14 1907 678.7 146% 15 1908 260.9 56% 16 1909 1,219.0 262% 17 1910 352,1 76% 18 1911 701.2 151% 19 1912 251.8 54% 20 1913 211.7 46% 21 1914 685.0 147% 22 1915 455.2 98% 23 1916 1,571.6 338% 24 1917 560.3 121% 25 1918 334.8 72% 26 1919 343.0 74% 27 1920 430.8 93% 28 1921 321.3 69% 29 1922 617.7 133% 30 1923 332,5 72% 31 1924 92.6 20% 32 1925 313.1 67% 33 1926 232.8 50% 34 1927 521.7 112% 35 1928 193.7 42% 36 1929 219.5 47% 37 1930 232.6 50% 38 1931 98.1 21% 39 1932 526.4 113% 40 1933 299.6 64% 41 1934 116.1 25% 42 1935 350.6 75% 43 1936 581.6 125% 44 1937 852.0 183% 45 1938 961.8 207% 46 1939 268.3 58% 47 1940 510.6 110% 48 1941 995.7 214% 49 1942 522.9 113% 50 1943 697.2 150% 51 1944 405.4 87% 52 1945 597.4 129% 53 1946 390,7 84% 54 1947 249.6 54% 55 1948 240.0 52% 56 1949 209.9 45% 57 1950 299.9 65% 58 1951 261.9 56% 59 1952 1,119.8 241% 60 1953 329.6 71% NUMBER % ®F ®F YEARS YEAR Q NORMAL 61 1954 354.1 76% 62 1955 224.8 48% 63 1956 525.6 113% 64 1957 292.3 63% 65 1958 831.7 179% 66 1959 130.6 28% 67 1960 168.5 36% 68 1961 87.4 19% 69 1962 515.5 111% 70 1963 476.6 103% 71 1964 182.9 39% 72 1965 456.7 98% 73 1966 219.9 47% 74 1967 924.0 199% 75 1968 248.3 53% 76 1969 1,747.9 376% 77 1970 319.4 69% 78 1971 244.5 53% 79 1972 127.7 27% 80 1973 723.8 156% 81 1974 535.2 115% 82 1975 386.2 83% 83 1976 108.8 23% 84 1977 95.6 21% 85 1978 1,094.4 236% 86 1979 419.9 90% 87 1980 991.0 213% 88 1981 252.7 54% 89 1982 796.8 172% 90 1983 1,545.8 333% 91 1984 423.1 91% 92 1985 424.3 91% 93 1986 886.7 191% 94 1987 211.4 46% 95 1988 1620 35% 96 1989 234.4 50% 97 1990 113.3 24% 98 1991 276.5 60% 99 1992 179.2 39% 100 1993 584.7 126% 101 1994 191.0 41% 102 1995 929.2 200% 103 1996 599.3 129% 104 1997 571.5 123% 105 1998 1,137.4 245% 106 1999 252.6 54% 107 2000 306.5 66% 108 2001 250.3 54% 109 2002 215.3 46% 110 2003 325.1 70% ill 2004 222.0 48% 112 2005 788.5 170% 113 2006 795,7 171% 114 2007 123.4 27% 115 2008 320.0 69% 116 2009 295.2 64% 117 2010 580.4 125% 118 2011 942.8 201% Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS September 7, 2011 A. Demolition of Structures at 4301 Chester Avenue - For Board Information MEMORANDUM September 1, 2011 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE-CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES AT 4301 CHESTER AVENUE In February 2011 the City's Water Resources Department purchased a parcel of land at 4301 Chester Avenue, located on the west side of Chester Avenue, just south of the Kern River. The property was purchased to allow the City the ability to further the goals of the City's adopted Kern River Parkway Plan. The property is approximately five acres and has three existing structures on it. Since the acquisition of the property, the structures have experienced numerous vandalism incidents., and General Services has had to secure the property several times. City management does not foresee a need to use these dilapidated structures for a future City project, and it has been a tremendous burden to City staff to keep out trespassers and vandals. Water Resources is going to initiate the process of demolishing the buildings as the first phase of developing the property as a future amenity of the Kern River Parkway, Staff anticipates that an asbestos survey will be conducted and abatement may be required if asbestos is found. The project will be placed out for public bid after the asbestos work has been completed. Funding is available for the demolition phase of the project through and appropriation of Agricultural Water Fund Balance to the Water Resources Department Capital Improvement Budget, This item is for information only and no action by the Water Board is requested. S: \201 1 WATER BOARD\Chester Ave Building Demadoc/jirn BAKERS F I E L D MEMORANDUM September 1, 2011 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE-CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES AT 4301 CHESTER AVENUE In February 2011 the City's Water Resources Department purchased a parcel of land at 4301 Chester Avenue, located on the west side of Chester Avenue, just south of the Kern River. The property was purchased to allow the City the ability to further the goals of the City's adopted Kern River Parkway Plan. The property is approximately five acres and has three existing structures on it. Since the acquisition of the property, the structures have experienced numerous vandalism incidents., and General Services has had to secure the property several times. City management does not foresee a need to use these dilapidated structures for a future City project, and it has been a tremendous burden to City staff to keep out trespassers and vandals. Water Resources is going to initiate the process of demolishing the buildings as the first phase of developing the property as a future amenity of the Kern River Parkway, Staff anticipates that an asbestos survey will be conducted and abatement may be required if asbestos is found. The project will be placed out for public bid after the asbestos work has been completed. Funding is available for the demolition phase of the project through and appropriation of Agricultural Water Fund Balance to the Water Resources Department Capital Improvement Budget, This item is for information only and no action by the Water Board is requested. S: \201 1 WATER BOARD\Chester Ave Building Demadoc/jirn Water Board Meeting 9. MISCELLANEOUS September 7, 2011 A. Water Resources Department's Efforts to Assist the Thomas Goads Improvement Project (TRIP) Construction Activities - For Board Information 0 BAKERS F I E L D MEMORANDUM September 2, 2011 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS DAVID COUCH, CHAIR HAROLD HANSON, VICE-CHAIR RUSSELL JOHNSON FROM: JASON MEADORS, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT'S EFFORTS TO ASSIST THE THOMAS ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (TRIP) CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Staff has been working with various water agencies and the TRIP team to facilitate the construction of the Westside Parkway, Two very important tasks were completed last week. Staff worked closely with Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (Rosedale) to develop an agreement to shut down their Goose Lake Slough facility, which transports water from the Kern River and the Kern County Water Agency's Cross Valley Canal into Rosedale's Allen Road storage ponds. The agreement allowed the temporary shutdown of their facilities so that underground utility crossings can be installed at the future Allen Road/Westside Parkway interchange. The shutdown commenced on September 5, 2011 and is expected to last approximately two to three weeks. Per the agreement, water that would have otherwise been delivered into Rosedale"s ponds will be discharged to the Kern River, contributing to river flows in the channel, and will ultimately become City water, Another agreement was entered into between the City and Kern County Water Agency (ID4). City water from the Isabella Reservoir will be delivered down the Kern River to ID4 beginning September 5th, and ID4 will use State water to repay Rosedale for the water lost during the shutdown, These agreements benefit the TRIP project, and provide more water in the river for the residents to enjoy during Labor Day, Also, City staff has worked with TRIP to temporarily shut down the flows in the Kern River upstream of the new Mohawk Street bridge. This will allow TRIP's contractor, Security Paving, to work in the river channel to create a bypass channel to route river water around the construction site for the new Phase 4 bridge over the Kern River. The flows in the river were discontinued in this stretch of the river on September I st, and will be restored on Sunday, September 4th, just in time for the Labor Day festivities, S:\2011 WATER BOARD\TRIP Construc.,tion Activities.doc/jIm Water Board Meeting September 7, 2011 11. CLOSED SESSION A. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases) • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 City of Bakersfield v. Buena Vista Water Storage District; Rosedale - Rio Bravo Water Storage District Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 274238 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter) BA spo 4 sf AL M ADM1mNw1S1RAT1'V`ffE R�EPUO""RT syll. IFO A TER BOARD MEETING DA7E: Sep ember 7,201 AGENDA SECTiOH: Closed Session STEM: //. 4). 70: David. Couch., Chairman Hicirloldi-ionson, Commissioner Russell Johnson, Commissioner APPROVED FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: September 2, 201 11 CITY ATTORNEY--- SUBJECT: I Conference with Legal Counsel — ExIsHng Litigation Closed session pursuant t o subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases) State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 City of Bakersfield v. Buena Vista 'Water Storage District; Rosedale - Rio Bravo Water Storage District Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 274238 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Poltential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b }(3)(A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One matter) . VG:dll S'.'MATERMataboard"d i F.xistht Docx 9/IL?01 i