HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/2009_WB_AGENDA_PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water board Regular Meeting of February 4, 2009 Lake Isabella k iater Resources File Packet IF E L D r-7-71- Couch, ChaF Hwold Hanson, Voce ChaF Zack scr6vnsr Wager Bard Agenda February 4, 2009 Page 2 8. NEW BUSMESS continued C. Eva�uat0®n ®f Agreements for the Sa0e ®f Kern River Water; Post-20-12 Water Needs Determination Study for City Basic Agftuu turaQ Contracts – For Bard �nformato ®n C�EL_I NEnU�� 1(1� W� -1E1� :C�)�RU S- 1.ATEMENT A. Conference with Legai Counse� — Potentua� Litigation; CVosed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(3)(C) of Government Code section 54956.9. (One matter) 1 ;!!�lj SESSIC�)N AC1ICr1N [F�om Care Wa2w Resources managey POSTED: Januar � ®4 2Gas S: \WB MINUTES 2009\W BAG ENDA04Februaey09.d ®c Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES February 4, 2009 A. Minutes of the November 12, 2008 regular meeting for approval — For Board Review and Action MINUTES IN INCA - I^E:f'� E= 3CG - LI1 Y = F KEf' Sf =1EI Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 2o00 p.m. Wader Resources BuEding Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, BakersfieM, CA 93311 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was cabled t® order by Chairman Couch at 2:05 p.m. 2. ROOD CALL h7®t0®n by Scr§vner to Epprove the monuteso APPROVEL3 ALL AYES,, h7ANSOM ABSE§VT 4. PUBUC STATEMENTS None. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE D�STR�CT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Grant application status. Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, stated the City entered unto an agreement with Federaa Emergency Management Agency t® en.,3ure the levees meets the federal regUatuons. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated the City has applied for grant funds t® complete the levee certification program. This is a 50/50 grant, if the grants is awarded the award will be on the amount ®f $342,000. No Aeto®n Taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern Rover & lsabelua Reservoir Operations Report Steve Laf®nd9 Hydrographie Supervisor, provided an update and stated the rain in October has put the November rain total at Lake Isabella Dam at 1 02 percent, t® date. However, dry conditions have returned, rain and srowpaek is still needed. lnf®rmation regarding the Madden -J Moan Oscillation was also provided. Bakersfield, Ca ifornia, November 12, 2008 --- Page 2 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS None. 8. NEW BUSaNESS A. Participation on Kern Rover Weather Mcdaf ^,cation Program for 2008/2009. FDorn core, Water Resources Manager, stated the city is an annur0 participant jn the Kern Rove` Weather- Modification program. The Kern Glover dntcrest group has agreed t® enter into an agreement with RHS consulting for 2008/2009. Mcdcn by Scr§Vner t® approve pa §tac ipat ®n on the Kam FgVe ° Weather Mod ffacadon Program for 200812 009 and enter onto an agreement W§th RHS C 0nSu§Vn9,, with the C ity"s share not t® exceed $50,00 0o � Pi - PROVE® ALL A YES9 HANSON ABSENT B. Resolution N®. 01 -08 of the city ®f Bakersfield Water Board approving tic application for Grant Funds for the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Same Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood control, Glover and coastal Protection Bond Act ®f 2006 (Proposation 84). Florn core, Water- Resources Manager- stated this application is t® request $375,000 ®f grant funds t® be used for proposed construction ®f an equestrian bridge across the Priam -Kira canal. Modon by Scr§Vner t® approve Rescludon NO. 09 -08 WBd APPROVED ALL, AYES HANSON ABSENT C. Resolution N®. 02 -08 ®f the city of Bakersfield Water Bard endorsing application for an Urban Stream Restoration grant Under Propos'['Jon 84 for the Kira Giver Parkway designating contra'ct (Manager and Fiscal Agent. Florn core, Water Resources Manager, stated this application is to request $570,000 of great funds t® be used on proposed landscape improvements and tree pDanting through the Golden State Highway and Freeway 99 area. N7cdon by Scfivner t® approve Reno §udon NO. 02 -08 W3. APPROVED ALL, AYES HANSON ABSENT D. Draft Post -2012 Water Needs Determination Study for city Basic Agricultural Contracts. Nark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, stated staff will be receiving a Water Supply Needs Determination draft report. The report will be distributed to basic contractors. The report is to discuss possible extension of the base contract. No action taken. Bakersfie0d, Caffornoa, November 12, 2008 — Page 3 9. WSCELL ANEOUS A. Tentative 2009 Water board meeting schedule. Florn Core, Water Resources Manager, stated the proposed 2009 Water Bard meeting dates are February 4; AprH 15; June 17; August 12; October 14 and December 9. MOdOn by Scravners t® approve the 2009 Water Scard Ma -atong dates* February 49 AprH y159 June 1i 7 August 929 October X14 and December 9e APPROVED ALL AYES, HANSON ASSENT 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS None. 11. CLOSED sESSOON None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 2:25 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City ®f Bakersfield Water Bard Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City ®f Bakersfie0d Water Bard Water Board Meeting 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT February 4, 2009 A. Local Levee Assistance Program grant application status — For Board Information Water Board Meeting REPORTS February 4, 2009 A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information UL LL 0 Lo 0� cc ~ �� � �� | 0 LL LLI cm W 00 CC ~ ^~ 0 LL cc � ru `_ '- . . ` . ' . ' ' . . ' - . ' ' . . . .' . ` 0 CD cz co cz co CD Lo- orn 0 Lo LO LID LO cf) LID CO LO C\J LO LO LO LO LO ol CU CU Lo c, _ cn co r~ uo m nn IN `- CIN003S 83d 133:A o|BOo 0 CD cz co cz co CD Lo- orn 0 Q Q Q a O Q OD a X W o rr N 0 U) CY) z2:% uj cz Cf)� Lij CD 0 0 0 0 C 0 C 0 ® 6 LO 0 L6 co L6 o � co co N N � ,— QSsgou0) �UGG O3 �S�OA� O. Q C.> L Cz O I�S�J L o� �Q c� L E 0 z �l U� cr- LU L U Q) cc co cc �1 LU LL cn cc Water Board Meeting NEW BUSINESS February 4, 2009 A. Domestic Water Mainline Extension Refund Agreement Assignments -- For Board Information MAINLINE EXTI -N S I ON REFUND AGRI,EMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WA'rER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company P.O. Box 27170 Scottsdale A7 85255 -0136 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -05 Tract 4882 -1 Amount of deposit: $106,356.97 Balance of deposit: $39,883.97 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Donald D. Wood & Phyllis J. Wok, Trustees of the Wood Family 2000 Revocable Trust, dated May 16,2000 By: - Donald >0. Wood, ru ee By: hyll' J. Woo rrustee Accepted: Neptune parry 0- By. Brent Nerguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield �� ® 9 Dated: � 1) _ � Dated: By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT -- DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company P.O. Box 27170 Scottsdale AZ 85255 -0136 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -11 Tract 4472 Amount of deposit: $87,187.16 Balance of deposit: $3205.16 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refiind basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Donald D. Wood & Phyllis J. Wood, 'trustees of the Wood Family 2000 Revocable Trus mated' May 16,2000 By:_ /A Dated: _� Don W6 W&& Trustee By: Phyllis J Wood, ustee Accepted: Neptun pany By: Brent rguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield Dated: l:— 2p Dated: By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company P.O. Box 27170, Scottsdale AZ 85255 -0136 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -06 Tract 4494 Amount of deposit: $1045576.82 Balance of deposit: $39,216.32 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Donald D. Wood & Phyllis J. Wood, Trustees of the Wood Family 2000 Revocable Trust, dated -Ma 16, 0 0 By: Dated: Er Donal I]`' ood, T At ee By: � 1J) �3 Phyllis J Wood, Vustee Accepted: Neptu o pany By: Brent rguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield Dated: / /—ems r-zp Dated: BY: -- Dated: Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued February 4, 2009 B. Request For Proposals for Design and Engineering Services for a Finished Water Pump Station and Transmission Pipeline From South Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant - For Board Review and Action Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued February 4, 2009 C. Evaluation of Agreements for the Sale of Kern River Water; Post -2012 Water Needs Determination Study for City Basic Agricultural Contracts — For Board Information ,14D r- W Aa P 7 F; FM I I .-C In BrOM H'o'gLoa o� Kern Mvw W&2w 23 rights in anticipation ®f future water demands within the City ®f Bakersfie0d for unocap i and in° dustria0 use,!!,. The Cott' provides a Honed portion ®f both its 66UNity99 and "non - utility" Kern Raver water t® rnunocopad water companies for domestic use within the City Dohs. water DaSto,C2 A sn2s Genaraa MaDth Kern W(s sr S�w Do32ract Kern-7u�are ws�a and Ra((;Lgu�ch Wa�ar QUID YOc2s Commencing January 1, 2009 the Rag 4"_ - Gulch Water District will be folded into the Kern Tulare Water L") District. The two contracts with City will be treated as one under Kern-Tulare Water District with cumulative totals for Kern River quantities from City. For purposes of this report, Kern Tulare and Rag Gulch Districts will be discussed separately. The Agreements with Rag GuD c h, Cawe�o and Born- Tunaro stipuuato that the City, -during the 32nd year of ffs agreement determine whether aH or any portion of the non - uflity water which comprises the Basic Quantity... wiH not be required ... ly for the foHowongo Water for use within the City's boundaries Water for use on Coty_ownod property Water to supp0y Mouth Koran pursuant to its priority At the conclusion of the Basic Term, Korn -T uaare, Cawo�o and Rag Gulch wiH be provided the opportunity to purchase avaHabDe non- ufllty water. The Basic Quantity and Basic Terms are dosoa °obod in Chapter 2. maM RKtansoon jq CHA'-27F.R 2 WATER AGREEMEM7 PROVISMNS Kem Watw &ora s asmen� No. 75-891 .KeTn Mvw Wa2 n"\ Wader Mstrac2 (Afire men No. 76-61 Cawe�a Ws�er D'str�c� emen� Flo® 76-62), and Rag Gulch Water District (Agreement No. 76-6 I.I.-('Fragardodal priority to Kern Rivev Wa�srafter North Kern I The Agreements note that the City is to notify the three water districts during the 32nd year ®f the Agreements (2®®8) of the City's deter miff ®n ®f avaH Ne water during the Extension Term, in beginning January 19 2012. City shall noffy Cawe0o9 Rag GWch, and Kern- Tu0are "in writing ®f such determination and the 0ength of time such water or portion thereof woH be 9 10 LONG-7ERM MELE KERN 11-1-I'VER SUPPLY Il CHAPTER 4 CFIV UTUTY DEMAND FOR KERN RIVER Y -rJ 1`�EF UPPLY nrni�r�r, 4n n(F- 4�nrr,rr-�) Article X00, Section 3.1(b) of the Agreements (except the North Kern Agreement) stipulates the following priority shall be considered when reviewing the available Kern Rover supplies for an Extension Quantity. allocated amongst C awew o9 Kern - Tulare, and Rag Gulch. 12 Groundwater Baso'n spreading water and recharge. The goad ®f the water resource management effort is t® maintain groundwater �eve�s by minimizing groundwater extractions. As shown ®n Pate 39 the City's groundwater management practices have contributed t® static groundwater 13 jllllji W Wa-lw lar Use M�ho'n C'2y V wned [Pro AshL llq;��Ililz iiiiii [W- I! in HE 15 4= (L;affwn0"2 V1---n,ter Service Company (Cal Water 16 City Asho system receives approximately 50% of the production from the Northwest Plant. Cal Water will have a groundwater supply balance Issue related to the shortages of delivery of SWP to the local basin. 0t Is estimated Cal Water's share of SWP water related to uses within the City limits is approximately 17,000 afy9 thus Cal Water will need approximately 8,500 afy of City Kern River water recharge or made available for surface treatment to balance their groundwater program. 02hec DomesUc Water Purvpyors /Usars for adcRoonal water needed by Greenfield, Vaughn and other pravateDy owned 17 groundwater producers not within the boundaries ®f �mprov meat District #4 is approxim tee y 5,000 afyo 18 Future SWP Watery DeHv rc es 5 L.l 1 11 I'll x:11^ �/ Based on a review ®f the City whobsa. e UW Pq the City pQans to use the majority ®f Kern Rover water supply t® satisfy historic agreements, and for uflily purposes within the City Hmm is and/or on City -owned proper�yo 19 PROJECTED AVALL , !_F_ KERN RIVER SUPPLY FOR NON -UTUTY PURPOSES �nt�cd uc Uc n Chapter 2 noted that after Kern River water supply is used to supply historically existing contracts and to me,�t water demands within the city, North Kern has an annual priority to the next available 20,000 acre -feet of (non - utility) water in All water necessary to honor presently (historically) existing agreements; Water for use within city of Bakersfield boundaries; Water for use on city of Bakersfield owned property; and Water to supply North Kern pursuant to its priority stated in Article V of the Agreements Section 3.1.b of the Agreer'nents states 66...the city shall notify District (Cawelo, Rag Gulch and fern- Tulare) in writing of the determination and the length of time such water will be available to District (Cawelo, flag Gulch and fern - Tulare);; The priority rights to such [Extension Quantity water, in the event insufficient Kern [diver water is available to fully allocate to all three of the irrigation districts, is as follows: cawelo m 54 percent, fern - Tulare -- 40 percent, and Rag Gulch — 6 20 percent. The water ddivered to each irrigation district wiH be Hmited t® its respective percentage of the Extension Quantity water avaHaNe. prz'ec�sd AvaHah & Kern haver S j� � Canen aF ye(sF 2ol2 21 Cak,,-Adar Year 2015 Ca�endu Year 2020 22 Agreements, Caw to is entitled t® 4,582 acre -feet, Kern - Tulare is entitled t® 0,094 acre -feet and Rag Gulch is entitled t® 509 acre -feet for a total ®f 8,485 acre -feet, as shown on Table 7. Ca s n a0 Vea F 2025 Ca endar Years 2G30 and 2035 23 CHAPT ' 6 Im 1 11 plIllill 24 Extension Prow. The capital cost was annualized by selecting an appropriate interest rate and using the stipulated useful Dafo of 50 years. As of July 20089 the bank prime interest rate was 5 pimento Using the interest rate of 5 percent and a capital repayment period of 50 years results in annual cost of about $249100 for a well cost of $44090004 ON-01 TCI A1•� rll estimated cost of a now pump and appurtenances is $125,000. The capital cost was annualized by selecting an appropriate interest rate and using the useful Dofo of 30 years. As of July 20089 the.. bank promo interest rate was 5 percent. Using the interest rate of 5 percent of 30 years results an an annual cost of $8,100 for the pump and appurtenances cost of $1253000. Annuaa o 8ra22 on and �lii aon2enanoo The third component of the Extension Price is annual Operation and Maintenance costs of the well and pumping equipment. This value is often specific to the conditions at a particular well and is difficult to precisely quantify. When a well and pumping equipment are new, very little annual operation and 25 maintenance costs may be needed. As the weH and pumping egwpmont agog maintenance becomes oncre singg y intensive and the annum costs reflect that Power SUMM'S the EKK ensiion Pfte i nrr The Extension Pfte has been estimated on accordance with the Agreements based upon 2008 onforrnalion. 6 27 NO Im, 28 J:\Jobs\l 113 \ ®7 -water contracts\Draft Fonalod ®c 29 Table I Extension Quantity Prioritized For Each irrigation District (Acre -feet) Extension Quantity Irrigation District Allocation North Kern Cawelo Rag Gulch I'Cern�Tulare 0 to 20,000 0 to 20,000 0 0 0 20,001 to 69,999 70,000 20,000 20,000 54% 20,001 to 69,999 27,000 6% 20,001 to 69,999 3,000 40% 2Q,a0� to 69,999 20,000 Note: I/ North Kern has first priority to Kern River Water and receive up to 20,000 AFY 2/ Cawelo will receive 54 percent of remaining Kern River Water after North Kern up to 27,000 AFY 3/ Rag Gulch will receive 6 percent of remaining Kern River Water after North Kern up to 3,000 AFY 4/ Kern - Tulare will receive 40 percent of remaining Kern River Water after North Kern up to 20,000 AFY JAJobs\1113107 -water contracts\Available supply tables.xls Toes 2 Prec'pp f atg'cn Compared to Kern Mver SuppGy (fin Acre=Feef,,,, Average 6.48 170D728 1159916 1867644 Kern Rover Supply Cody of Kern Myer Canal & Grand (inches) Bakersf*JsDd Irrigating Company Total 1 977 5.52 27,255 476 27)731 1978 10.31 3 l 5 )266 40, 749 416,015 1 979 6.19 1421291 1 39251 155,542 1980 6.01 361,509 16,079 377,588 1961 6.07 88,983 49723 93,706 1982 7.79 3072237 335336 345,623 1 933 10.86 419,633 25,061 444,694 1 934 3.42 151,275 21,760 1731035 1935 4.26 137,624 14,813 152,437 1936 5.69 306,014 41,491 3479505 1967 6.51 79,370 21163 81,533 1988 4.52 627170 551 62,721 1939 2.83 335436 31429 915865 1990 3.51 373319 0 37,319 1991 6.5 94,394 39993 98,387 1992 8.4 592169 12660 60,829 1993 8.17 173,763 229430 196,243 1994 6.69 705599 1,541 72, 140 1995 9.84 268,357 390091 3072448 1996 8.05 249,194 35,480 284,674 1 997 5.86 2937662 26,684 320,346 1998 13.32 423,513 34,648 4585161 1 999 5.98 142,6211 61195 108,816 2000 4.96 997237 61304 105,541 20011 7.39 8 0,594 49529 85,123 2002 4.29 857167 8,484 93,651 2003 5.12 `110,' 59 7,718 1171877 2004 5.55 841747 31755 88,502 2005 7.99 239,411 377554 276,965 2006 6.16 223,571 30,339 253,910 2007 3.19 50,036 0 50,036 Average 6.48 170D728 1159916 1867644 7aNe 3 "2800 Acres" [Recharge Fsco' y Summary a� Spraad0ng, Lose- g [ n ��c and accrued &vrage (�n Acre-F Ca endar Year Spreadang Losses Pumponcg Graundwwa�er &orage a wr war rr ww 212,373 i f J 1999 0 0 61741 2059632 2000 0 0 31426 202,206 2901 64* 0 91227 193,043 2002 156* 0 14,084 1 79,115 2003 89* 0 8,416 170,788 2004 144* 0 14,092 156,840 2005 32,677 11954 12,094 175,468 2006 30,951 118 4 51271 199,304 2007 698* 0 151827 184,175 2000 1146* 0 49,868 180,453 *Transfer into Storage POPG,9 LlT MN AND E57NATED WAYIER DEMAND 'THE (7'�N7Y OF BAKERSFELD CALENDAR YEAR I/ C7Y POPULATION ESTHATED DEMAND 2/ (acre4eet) 1985 1990 138,518 --- 174)820 50,400 63,600 75,500 1995 207,427 2000 246,889 295,893 340,909 355,000 3777500 89,900 107,700 123w809 129,240 137,430 2005 2010 2012 2015 2020 41 F-5 12 5 0 456,800 1 518 175 166,290 2025 2030 502,500 182,900 Cr-e) -7fNn nA4 AnA -71 j_/ Projected population after 2005. 2/ Based on 325 gallons per capita per day E Q r Q ru a Q � � o VV � oQ ED- 0 C� 00 I M OM 0 0) C 0 0 0 0 C) CM O® 0 O CY) d- O O r N i•- OOC- r N co CO �- C'�J C'7 r- r CC v O 0 0 00 0 °o O O `�' °D c O O Cl) N O C) o ., '" "' � c0 CO N X 0 0 0 Cfl _ C� CO O N Ci0 T... rm M O O O OC) O O 0 0 0 N O V 0 M � C7 N N X 0 0 r �' O CU CCU" 'ct N r r ♦— O UO)O CD O 0 r O N CiCD O O C� 0 LO � r N O O LO -7=- N CO C� � 6, r T- r r � C)® 0 O O D O M IMM 0® O O � 0 0 N d' O O CO 'I" T° N C'7 r r T N 00 0 0 O O co (D d0" T' (D O O C3) O LO CD N N PI.- O O O O 0 C N CO = N co LO r i 0 0 Z C) 0- � a.. = V Ri � LLJ 0. � CQ C) Q) E 'w " � c E co L > v V i V .� O � �., (D Q) -0 1— C L •i X = a. 0. Ci) L w c m Gi L L �- /� V cn co 6i. cz ' do cz C1 z Z � � m }AWE` V, o /� • � .,., •om ® O A li a U) U a �- O oc 6 0) Q 0 co U) 0 c O U O Q. O O Cz E 0 'a c 0 E cn d x C) C) cz CL ch as c� 0- B E CD CO co E L 0 C�=D Q o© -5=0 0 --o Q 0 Q CC== FOL CC= CC O 13 C= 0 5 CL CY5 FL CZ EL Q CL C E 0 0 cz a) E 0 E me.., co G2 (Z C) (D 4—j cz cz a) cz rO 3: -�e cz (a ) 0 Q — 0 CL 2 : m -0 m ' 5 FUL ta - no, cul;� 0 CC= 0 at tt LL IV Q O E 010" U- 0 CY) 0 4-1 (a) E 4-- co El", CD Q C7 0 0 C) 0 0 Q 0 0 0 LO 0 C) cD CD N U- < C:) C:) < C) 0 N LO 00 0) 0 C) C7 N C) CD LO m CN o C: LO M C) CD (N N:t U- -t 0 00 m o Z CN N C (N 1� 00 C) 'r- 0 Q) C:) N N CD N (D LO N 00 > LO 3Z > LM (D > E 0 VWJ C) HIV (D 0- C) (D -t > cn cu LD 0) m 0 co (D Z C) y li Z U y w 0 Z U- 0 CY) 0 4-1 (a) E 4-- co El", LATE v X., Ar :i'�r1 ' ?r:'i : ; ii.• �iy,'.:t:'i.:L,;:�•��•n����'�•• ��,..7M•: �. � '`t 1�- .�r ; .,.. ..`n,.,�.,�r ' . : R t •. �A:: n'l.ti` • III �l :ti; )Y•tyna +�. �•: ?Y; �::.�S ri y,K<.i /i:l.` V`: n': �,.:��= .'\v w. • nt I'M Liu VZ lu. 0 PLATE 2 0 u U) N w LI L z z Lli w cr- W zo z ow LU z 0 ® CD (;a%) J6�BAR 01 LOOG Fr 0 k �1-- - CY) (\4 M LL bla CF) coom 0) sl_ (D 00 CD (Y-) 00 CY) V- C) Go 0) ti CT) PLATE 3 0 N <- I z L cq z W z w r C> z D 0 U) C) C: W > 0 C) Z� z 0� (61X Fftiu im wz �u z IALU ro ff E. C00 U) ® CD (;a%) J6�BAR 01 LOOG Fr 0 k �1-- - CY) (\4 M LL bla CF) coom 0) sl_ (D 00 CD (Y-) 00 CY) V- C) Go 0) ti CT) PLATE 3 0 N <- I z L cq z W z w r C> z D 0 U) C) C: W > 0 C) Z� z 0� (61X Fftiu im wz �u z IALU ro Water Board Meeting 11. CLOSED SESSION February 4, 2009 A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation; Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(3)(C) of Government Code section 54956.9. (One matter) ADMIN�I:STRATIVE R-EPOR*T TE BOARD MEETING DATE: February 4,2009 AGENDA A SECTION: Ciosed Session ITE ---------- W. 11. A TO; David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Zack Scrivner, Commissioner FROM: Virginia Gennaro, CityAkttorney DEPARTUENT HEAD DATE: January 30, 2009 CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED SUBJECT- Conference with Legafl Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session puFSU�nt to subdivisiorn (b)(1)(3)(C) of Government Code section 54956.c-,-- (One matter) 113101201('119