HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2009_WB_AGENDA_PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water board Regular Meeting of June 17, 2009 South Fork of the Kern River Water Resources File Packet WATEP BOARD Davud Couch, Chair HaroM Hanson, Voce Chair Zack Scr�vneF WA ER BOARD Wednesday, LJesda \"/ 9 June ll lJ 9 2009 - 2002 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 100e Buena dusts Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 /A «IENDA 8. NEW HUSMESS A. Domestic Water MainDine Extension Refund AgrE�ement Assignments — For Board B A K E R S F I E L D WATEP BOARD Davud Couch, Chair HaroM Hanson, Voce Chair Zack Scr�vneF WA ER BOARD Wednesday, LJesda \"/ 9 June ll lJ 9 2009 - 2002 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 100e Buena dusts Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 /A «IENDA 8. NEW HUSMESS A. Domestic Water MainDine Extension Refund AgrE�ement Assignments — For Board Water Boalrd Agenda June 17, 2009 Page 2 /Z WIKEEOUS 11. C LOS FF ME, S M&OX, A. Conference with L'ega� Counsel --Pate ntajE ,. Eto I �cu Cbsed ses&bn pursuant to subdfl � sjon (b)(1)( )(A) or' Government Code section 54956.9 (one issue) 12. CILOSIFF 7vI SESSI(ON z%C -- DX, 13. A D �C D UR X D& 2 XV 7 Fora Cws POS7ED: Jung 12 2ZOS SAWB MINUTE%"'-' 20091,WBAGENDA17JuneO9-doc Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES .dune 17, 2009 A. Minutes of the April 15, 2009 regular meeting for approval -- For Board Review and Action WNUTIES OF THE REGULAR NFL 7NG OF THE U l':E ednesdelayg AprLI� li 59 2009 - c 0°11 p.m. Water Resources BuHdiiig Coffereiice Room 1000 Buena vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 The meeting was called t® order by Chairman Couch at 2o00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, vice -Chair Hanson, Member Serovner 3. MMUTES A. Minutes ®f the February 4, 2009 regular meeting for approval. Motion by Hanson to approve the m§nutzs. Ail"P OVED ALL A "(ES. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. James Beek, General Manager, Kern County VVater Agency, stated the State Water Project allocation is up 0 %; and also spoke and dostribUted copies ®f correspondence between the Agency and the City regarding ec,neerns ®f the operation of wells at Allen Road and Stockdale area. Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, responded. �. Dennis Fox, Kern Regional Management Area spoke regardirq the aquatic weeds. 5. KERN R�VER LEVEE MSTR�CT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Grant Application Status. Mark Lambert, /Water Resources Superontendert, gave a brief update and stated staff met with FEMA. The July certification process deadline will s 'n®st likely not be met by most entities our California, including the City. Staff will be working with FEMA to complete the certification process poor to any map modification. No action taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Osabella Reservoir Operations Report. Steve Lafond, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and stated water conditions remain below normal for the third consecutive year; but contract commitments are being met. Bakersfield, California, April 157 2009 – Page 2 7. DEFERRED BUSQNEss None. 8. NEW BUSflNE S A. Domestic Water Mainline Extension Refund Agreclment Assignments. Maurice Randall, Water Resources Business teenager, stated th,Pee mainline extension refund agreement assignments wercb received reques-,. -ing the city assign the contract payment t® another individual at n® increase cf cost t® the City. No action taken. B. Agricultural water Price and Sand sale Schedule for 2009/10. Steve Lafonde Hydr®graphoc Supervisor, gave a brief update and explanation ®f water prices for 2009/10. The majority ®f these prices is adjusted by contracts and is very competitive. Motion by Hanson to approve the Agricultural hater Price and Sand Sale Schedule for 2009110. APPROVED, ALL AYES' C. ®cmestoc water Division Proposed 2009/10 Rate Schedule. Motion by Hanson t® approve the Domestic Water Division Pr(aposed 2009110 Rate Schedule. APPROVEDY ALL AYE "S 9. WSCELLLANEOUs None. None. 11. CLOSED SESSdON Chairman Couch recessed to meeting t® closed session at 2024 p.m. A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9. (One Case) o Kern Delta Water District v. North Kern Water Storage District, et al. (CEQA) KCSC Cage No. 5-1500- CV-266459 ACCT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting from closed seSsu ®n at 2:40 p.m. Bakersfield, California, April 115, 2009 — Page 3 12. CLOSED SES &ON AC70N City Attorney Gennaro stated inhere was no repor'.0 ble ac'r.ion taken in closed sessoon 13. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 2:41 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City ®f Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Bard Water Board Meeting June 17, 2009 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Cooperating Technical Partners Agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- For Board Review and Action -4A;o TEC771EICEAL ?Ao.1R:XNERS A C17 R1_ E __ EVE E, N it FA, RZTNERk"U'7 .--I, AGREEMENT is made oil by ti-i-ese parties: ('City of Bakersfield rv� ),,-cnid die Federal Emergency Management Ag Calif ornia Fency (FE [ A. . BECAUSE the National flood Insurance Prograrn (NFIP) established by the Natiomd Flood Ins-arance Act of 1968 has several purposes, the most significant being • To better lndemnl ,- Individuals fi-oni losses through the -avm'labillty of flood insurmice*, • To reduce ffitiue flood dwnages through cornmlufity floodplain rn2nagrernent regulations- and • To reduce costs for disaster assistance and flood control; BECAUSE a critical component of the NFIP Is the Identification and mapping of ffie nation's floodplm'ns to ere-cite a broad-based aww,-eness of flood hazards and to provide the da:"-,-a necessary for commui-iity floodplainmanagrement ogr,.,uns andto actuall-ally rate flood insurance; x 5 BECAUSE FED A administers the NFEP and is authorize d by § n360 of tjie National Flood Insurance Act of 19681) as ainended (42 U.S - C. 4 10 1), to estaH sh and update flood- E "sk zone ll data 'in floodpIcl-lin area1q,', BECAUSE5 in the identification of floodprone areas, FEE A as ai2tholized to consult With, receive Mformation from,, and enter into agreements or other arrangements I'Vitli the head of any State, regional, or loeal agency; BECAUSE, FEMA encourages strona Federal, Stite, regional, aid local partnerships LFor the purposes of reducing flood losses and disaster assistance; FE MA mid its State, regional, and local partners have det=M'ed that it Is advantageous to encoura,ge and fonnalize greater cooperation in the flood hazard identification and inappiqg processes; and many commmiities Lind the agencies that serve them have developed considerable teclufical capabilities -rued resources that provide the opportinity to m'iprove and exp_ mid ffie collection, development, and e�­alu,ation of flood hazard data; and BECAUSE (Partner Name) participates Ill the NF III (or shares floodl-?rotection m2d'or floocYpkiin manggement resj)onsihilities with communifies fJ?atpc.!rficipate in the AIFIP), (Partner Name) has/have been deerned by FEMA to be in good standirigr In the NFIP- and BECAUSE (Pariner Name) has expressed a desire toy perfonn ceitam' fanctions "in the flood hazard identification process and has provided evidence that It has sufficient tech nit -cl capability and will dedicate the resources necessary to perform those ffinctions. NOW THEREFORE it is mutually agreed that the parties enter- into this Agrre eme t to work, together to ere-cite and maintain accurate, up-to-date flood hazard data for (Partner Nmne) sulk e to the terms and r,,onditions recited below. CT? Pmtnelrship Agreement July 2005 (PartneTNmne, Induding State) 1. CON IT ,L'rA'TMNS The Pailles shall collaborate oil flood hazard identification activities and shall consullt with each Other to fittly integrate each other's contributions 111to flood hazard identification effor-I.s. C't . Questions reaardliig the execut ion of this Agreement will be resolved n ved by lmplemen-,Icl 1011 colimlittee consisting of a FEMA representative and a (Part ner Mime) representative. Li states Zn I ',�%rhere statutory and/or regulatory reqiiire ents requi re State revI ew and/or approval o-T new flood hazard data., ra State representative also will serve on the M'Iplenilentation connniftee as appropriate. If the implementation conmiuttee is unable to resolve techin'cal issues, the Lssues may be resolved through alm leative dispute resolution procedures. L- 2. E'VALITATEON AND REP(DIRTENG The parties shall, on an ammal basis, review the partnership created by this Agreement �o detennine and document the activities undertaken to ma fiitan'i accurate flood hazard data and to revise the Agee -ment as necessary. V. 3. RE SOURCE C Cdr 1MHT1--THNT The parties agree to coininit the appropriate and available hunian., technical. 'and financial resources sufficient to coordinate effectively with all entities impa.cted by flood hazare,.' identification efforts to implement tha's Agreement. 4. STANDARDS Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, all flood hazard identification activities will be accomplished in accordance with the standards documented in Gifidelhies wid Specifica iii sfor Flood Hci.:cird -illkipping Pcirhiers, dated ApriR 2003, and all subsequent revisions. 5. SPECEIFEC ENTIEA-TEVES (DR PT OZE-CTS Specific initiatives or projects to be performed under this Aueemant are to be documented Lai Mappfiig Activity Statement(s), which will be attached to tlu*s Agreement when they aLe Signed. The parties will be oblicrated to perform as described M the sicrRiecl. Mapping Activity Statement(s). 6. TIERNE The respective duties., responsibilities., and coimiu'tments of the pirties an this Agreement shall began on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties and may be periodically rene-�ved, revised, or tenlu'Liated at the option of any of the parties. The parties agree that a 60-dav notice shall be given prior to the te='natlon of this Agreement. I"- CTP Pai-tner-ship Agreement July 2005 (Partner Name, hichidin-o., State) _1 EH FORE each pail,�r has caused this areerL eEit to be exectile its difly 111th rite d representatives o2i the date iiientloiie d above. F L O RN CORE Date (,Painted). City ®f Bakersfield Water Resources Manager F E A Authorized Represe ntak%7e Date (Printed) FENIA Representative Title State Authorized Representative State Representative Title Date (PTIunted) <Li States where statutory auncl,'or reguhatoi-y requirements require the State's review an&`or approval of new flood hazard datI, the State ni ust sign this Agreement. Otherwise, delete tine State representative si2nataurc lliine.> CONTACT, ENIFGR_IJL-%,-TX)_N C_j ®f Bakers f ie _ Offa el ,al Partner Naine Mark Lambert Pomi t of Contact(s) 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Pofunt of Contact Malli ng,. Address mlambert @bakers f ieldcity a us Point of Contact E Mail Adch ess (661) 326-3715 Point of Contact Phone Number CTP Partnership Agreement 3 July 2005 (Two-tone anneq I[uncluudi ncZ, State) Water Board Meeting June 17, 2009 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT continued B. Authorization to enter into contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to receive $200,000 for Hydraulic Analysis of the Kern River through Bakersfield —For Board Review and Action LIN 775� op= 1 r 0 0Q UL 0 um 0 z am 0 F— z 0 WIN= U COJ ass ® CIS rl 4-J C) cn C) 0 C) 4-- 7J 4-0 4--J z 4—b ® r-I Q) cz czs to C�3 o M u CL 4-J Cl) N-D Z law Z 03 W Q 4=0 cz r-4 ©�Q as CL-4 al a , Q cm ac4 C3 CQ 0 �� Q E Q ct .. CA 0 FS con 9 =Ic 44ro E 13C= co-o 44 0 '14V LIN 775� op= 1 r 0 0Q UL 0 um 0 z am 0 F— z 0 WIN= U COJ ass ® CIS rl 4-J C) cn C) 0 C) 4-- 7J 4-0 4--J z 4—b ® r-I Q) cz czs to C�3 o M u ffl P-V �71 ca. -,- 0 (D ® (D CD C) CL CD C) CD C(l) CD CD (D + CD I-rj CD p Oo p 00 0 CD CL r-+ 0 w CD (D C) w 00,0 00 0 (D Cr CD CD CD CD (D cz- (D > p 'LO. Cn (D CD (D CD CL (D CL (D (D Cl. CD CD 0 CL CA 0 CD cr CD 0 > CD CD CL CL CD C) 0 C/) 0 :z 0 (D n 0 CD ✓ (D CD Z CD p F-+ 0 � cn a CL (D CD CD CD cn 0 0 0 CL (D cn 0 m . cn p cn cn p CD cn (D CL (f Q CD CD cn (D Standards: All Independent QA/QC work shall be performed in accorc once with the standards specified in Section 5 - Standards. Deliverables: In accordance with the G&S t Insert name of responsible- Mapping Partner I shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. Additionally, the TSDN format described in the G&S must be delivered in accordance with Section 2 —'J.'echnical and Administrative Suppoil. Data Submittal. This subrilittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in SI-.11ction 6 - Schedule. <Add, modify or delete deliverables below, as necessary> A Sagamvc-lry Report that describes the findings of the independent QA/QC review and Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the independent QA /Q( -" review. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. HydrauHoc Anaayses Partner: f Insert narne of responsible Mapping Partner) Scope: f Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner shall perform hydraulic analyses for approximately I insert number of M]'les I miles of the flooding sources listed earlier in Table 1.1. The modeling will include the 10-9 2-5 1-, and 0.2-percent-annual-chance events based on peak discharges computed under Hydrologic Analyses. The hydraulic methods used for this analysis will include I insert the tiydraulic methods to be used. Include a table if multiple methods are used. 1. f Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner) shall use the cross-sectio7.'i and field data collected during Field Survey and the topographic data collected during the Topographic Data Collection, when appropriate, to perform the hydraulic analyses. The hydraulic analyses will be used to establish flood elevations and regulatory floodways for the subject flooding sources. Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall use the FEMA CHECK-2 or CHECK -J AS checking program to verity the reasonableness of the hydraulic analyses. To facilitate the independent QA/QC review, I Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner) shall provide exF lanations for unresolved messages from the CHECK-2 or CHECK-RAS program, as appropriate. In addition, f Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall address all concerns or questions regarding the hydraulic analyses that are raised by I Insert name of Mapping Partner responsible for Independent QA/QC I during the independent QA /QC review. <Optional. paragraph for GIS-based modeling> [Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall document autornated data processing and modeling algorithms for GIS-based modeling and orovide the data to FEMA for review to ensure these are consistent with the standards outlined above. Digital datasets are to be documented and provided to FEMA for approval before performing the hydraulic analyses to ensure. the datasets meet minirrium requirements. If non-commercial (i.e., custon-i-developed) software is used for the analyses, then I Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall privide full user documentation, technical algorithm documentation, and software to FEMA for review tefore performing the hydrciulic analyses FY09 MA /SOW Template Version 8.0 Mapping Activity Statement No. {BIAS No.) or Statement of Work (Contract No. & Task Order Pilo.) (Insert Partner Name) 19 ®f 51 <Optional paragraph for Limited Detail modeling > <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task if Limitcd Detail Study is to be included> <Add additional details regarding the scope., as appropriates <Optlonal paragraph for Levees> Any flooding sources associated with a levee that are mapped as providing Protection 01, effective FIRMs, but will not meet certification requirements for the new FIRM.�, will require revised hydraulic analysis. This revised analysis should be done in accordance with the G&S, PMs 34, 43 and others that may be appropriate. <Optional Paragraph and Table> In cases where the MAS/SOW includes multiple counties it is beneficial to sums-narize the hydraulic analysis that will be used for each county in Table 1.7 Summary of Hydraulic Analysis. Unsert name of responsible Mapping I Partner )'shall summarize the hydrologic analysis for each county in optional Table 1.7 Summary of Hydraulic Analysis. TabEe L7 SummaEay oT HydrauR c An,%EysR*S Standards: All Hydraulic Analyses work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 5 - Standards. Deliverables: In accordance with the G&S, (Insert name of responsible "Mapping Partner I shall make the t [in ert 11 C following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP so that . s am of Mapping Partner responsible for Independent QA/QC I can access it for an independent QAIQC review in accordance with the schedule outlined in Section 6 - Schedule. A metadata file complying wil-h- the NFIP Metadata. Profiles Specifications, must accompany the uploaded compliant digital data. Additionally, the TSDN format described in the G&S must be delivered in accordance wil-1 Section 2 — Technical and Administrative Support Data Subirdital. <Include deliverables specific to Limited Detail Study if proposed> <Add, modify or delete deliverables below, as necessary> * Digital profiles of the 10, 2-, 1- and 0.2- percent - annual- chance water-surface elevations representing existing conditions using the FEMA RASP LOT program or similar softvlare; * Digital Floodway Data Tables for each flooding source that is compatible with the DFIRM database; * Digital hydraulic modeling (input and output) files; * Digital tables with range of Mcanning's "n" values; FY09 MAS /SOW Template Version .® Mapping Activity Statement No. WAS No.1 or Statement of Work {Contract No. & Task Order No-1 {Insert Partner Name) 2® of 51 * Explanations for unresolved messages from the CHECK-2 or CHECK-RAS Program, as appropriate; © Digital versions of all backup data used In the analyses; * Digital versions of dratt. text. for inclusion in the FIS report; * Format Hydraulic Database or Data Delivery consistent with the Dcata CaptLlr(,' Standards—in the G&S; and * A Summary Report that describes and provides the results of all automated or manual QA/QC review steps taken during the preparation of the DFIRM as outlined in the approved QA/QC Phifi- <Optional for GI[S-based modeling> For GIS-based modeling, deliverables include ali input and J output data, intermediate data processing prodUCIS, GIS data layers, and final products in the format of the DFIRM database structure; 0 -4 <Optional for Limited Detail modeling> I "or Limited Detail Study i-nodeling, define --'-he deliverables to be. Included. Where paper documentation is required by State Law for Professional certifications, you may submit the paper in addition to a scanned version of the paper for the digital record. Appropriate leverage information includes who paid or the data and the amount of data used by the Flood Map Pr(-_)Ject. �ndependsM QAIQC Ravoew o� HydrauD4 Ana�ysaes [Insert name of responsible MappinuPartner) b Vie: Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall perform an internal a-ld imparlial review of the technical, scientific, and other information submitted by [Insert name of Mapping Partner responsible for Hydraulic Analysis I under Hydraulic Analysis to ensure that the data candb modeling are consistent with FEMA standards and standard engineering practicIz-., and are sufficient to revise the FIRM. FEMA may audit or assist in these activities if deemed to be necessary by the Regional Project Officer. This work shall include, at a minimum, the activities listed below. Please note FEMA will also be performing periodic audits and overall study/project management to ensure study quality. The ( CTP, 1DIQ, OFA I will be responsible for addressing any and all comments resulting from independent QC, including re-subiriltt',[fl of deliverables as needed to pass technical review. <Delete or add tasks below, as necessary> Review the submittal for technical and regulatory adequacy, completeness of required information, and supporting data and documentation. The technical review is to focus on the LD following: o Use of acceptable model(s); o Starting water-surface elevations; o Cross-section geometry; FY09 MAS/SOW Template Version 8.0 Mapping Activity Statement No. JMAS No.1 or Statement of Work (Contract No. & Task Order No.) flnsert Partner Name) 21 of 51 * Manninor's "n" Z:) values and expansion1contraction coefficients; * Bridge and culvert modeling; * Flood discharges; * Regulatory floodway computation methods; and * Tie-in to upstrearn and downstream non-revised Flood Profiles. Use the CHECK-2 or CHECK-RAS program, as appropriate, to flag potential problems and focus review efforts. Maintain records of all contacts, reviews, recommendations, and actions and make the data readily available to FEMA. Maintain an archive of all data submitted for hydraulic modeling review. (All supporting data must be retained for three years from the date a funding recipient submits its filial expenditure report to FEMA, and once the study is effective all associated data should be submitted to the IF °' library); and If data changed during review, then updated deliverables for previous tasks will be subiTlitted at this time. Standards: All Independent QA/QC work shall be performed in accordance with the standarc'!.s specified in Section 5 - Standards. Deliverables: In accordance with the G&S, I Insert name of responsible Mapping Partner I shall make the following products available to FEMA by uploading the digital data to the MIP. Additionally, the TSDN format described in the G&S must be delivered in accordance with Section 2 — Technical and Adninistrative Support Data Submittal. This submittal will occur in accordance with the schedule outlined in Section 6 - Schedule. <Add, modify or delete deliverables below, as necessary> A Sunimary Report that _describes the findings of the independent QA/QC review; Recommendations to resolve any problems that are identified during the independent QA/QC review; and If the data changed during the Hydrologic and/or Hydraulic Analyses QUA /QC process, then the Updated and verified deliverables from these activities will be resubmitted at this time. FY09 MAS/SOW Template Version 8.0 Mapping Activity Statement No. fMAS No-1 or Statement of Work {Contract N®. & Task Order No.) flhsert Partner Name) 22 of 51 Updates t® the MIP and other FEMA status information Systems in accordance with requirements in Volumes I and 3 of G&S; and E-m,,Llil, facsiflu-1c transmissions, and letters, as required. c- 7MN 12 POW -"OF C0NTkC7 � C,71 The points of contact for this Flood Map Project are fInsert name of FEMA Regional Pro *e c Officer), the FEMA Regional Project Officer; I Insert name of CTP Project Manager 1, the Project Manager for [Insert CTP name I; or subsequent personnel of comparc,--Ible experienct--. who are appointed to fulfill these responsibilities. When necessary, any additional FEMA assistance should be requested thr,'-Kigh the FEMA Reo-Donal Project Officer. 0 Each party has caused this MAS to be executed by its duly authorized representative. Insert name of CTP Pr 0 'ect Manager I 1 Project Manager J Insert CTP name I Date I Insert name ®f FEMA Regional Project Officer I Date Regional Project Officer Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region Region # Insert name of State authorized representative Insert title of State authorized representative I Date <In States where statutory and / ®r regulatory requirements require the State's review and/or approval of new flood hazard data, the State will be a signatory to a community's agreement. Otherwise, delete the State representative signature line.> SFC7MM.12-. [PON7B OF CON7AC7 �KMQ9 OFA� -4 The points of contact for this Flood Map Project are I Insert name of F.'EMA Regis Pr Officer) 01 and/or the. FEMA I Insert name ®f Contracting Officer 's Technical Representative (COT R) 1, 1 Insert Name of IDIQ, OFA Pro er), the Project Manager for J Insert IDIQ, OFA Name) ; or J ect Manager) subsequent personnel of comparable experience who are appointed to f1ilfill these responsibilities. When necesscary., any additional FEMA assistance should be requested through the FEMA Regional Project Officer and/or COTR. FY09 MAS/SOW Template Version 8.0 Mapping Activity Statement No. ((SAS No.) or Statement ®f Work [Contract No. & Task Order No.) flnsert Partner Namel 51 Water Board Meeting June 17, 2009 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information W C) 0 1— Cl) 0 W Cl) w W Cl) .� a W 0 J U. W cl 4cx w :D cm 1 ui 00 N 0 .j U. CC. z cc W Ir z x w �e (SUISOLUMOd UI UOIJBAG13) JJOV UI 3!DVEI01.S C),7 0 0 0..; O O U- o U- o U- o'er U- U- LO 000 cli 00 0 r- o CO 0 o co 0 LO C\j cn -Co ro -Cc 0 C\J LO CD 't C) 00 0 Ip CD 606 - C\j - T- CD o co om 0.,1- 0 (n 0.1- CD 00 C\j L6 OC.0 co 01-' 0 0 0 * 0 CTq*l - co 0 (n M 00 00 rI_ Lo C.0 LO CD LO 0 CD LO m LO LO LO 0 LO LO LO 0 LO LO 0 Lo LO LO 0 Lo CD C\J C\j LO C\I N C\1 C\I LO cy) N cy) C\j C\j C\j C\j Od LO C\1 I--, — C\j 0 (D E cn O l . LL Z 0 U) 4ma I I I I Cal 0 LL cc Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO 0 LO LO C\j 0 rl.- LO N 0 LO IN 0 rll*_ m C\j co co co C\j C\j C\I C\j T- Ir-I T- GN003S H3d 133Joieno 0) 9 CL 9 9 0) 0 I C- =3 3 0 0) 0 CL 0 cu 2 0) 0 CD LL 0) 0 C cu O tU co 0 z CO 0 0) 0 6 17 co .MABELLA IRIESERISCHR DALY DFERAU�DHS REFORU KFRN RIVER FACTS & FIG ORES. n June 12, 1990, Isabella Lake peaked With 97,420 acre -feet of storage. In the 55 -year history of Isabella Reservoir operation, peak storage has been less than 100, 000 acre -feet on only four other Occasions, 1954 @ 85,380; 11955 @ 78,567; 196 53,096 and 1977 @ 82,347. 0 Produced by City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (661) 326 -3715 (All read Ings are for date of report (THURSDAY) as of ®®®1, except as noted... cfs in italics) Date ®f Report- June 11, 2009 DSASELLQ RESERVOR 1 2571.95 Lake (Elevation (ft.) 247325 Storage (AcFt) -901 Change (AcFt) 930 Inflow to Isabella (cfs) 2 503075 Storage Capacity 44% % of Capacity 302730 Normal Storage 32% % of Normal Storage For th is Date 7520 Average Lake Area (Acres) 24923 Inflow (Month AcFt) 25051 Outflow (Month AcFt) 4 992 North Fork Meaux 933 North Ford @ 0600 Hours 355579 Accumulative Inflow (2009 Water Year) 5 1372 Mean Outflow 575 Borel Causal 797 Main Dam Outlet 213672 Accu m. Outflow (09 ) 6 1312 Outflow @ 0600 579 Bores Canal @ 0600 Hours 733 Main Dam Outlet @ 0600 Hours Hours 7 62 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.27 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 1234 Lake Evap. (Month AcFt to Date) 3 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours 79 South Fork near Onyx @ 0600 Hours 9 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 0.07 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for Month 10 10.21 Seasonal Precup. Isabella 9.62 Normal for 106% Isabella Precup. (Season- Oct 1 through Sep 30) this Date % of Normal 11 0.10 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 0.30 Inches of Precipitation at Prascoe for Month 12 33.10 Seasonal Precup. Pascoe 34.36 Normal for 96% Pascoe Precup. this Date % of Normal 13 0.0 Upper Tyndall Creek 0.0 Pascoe 0.0 Wet Meadow 14 74 lsahella Maximum Temperature 0.23 Isabella Max. Precut. on Record For this Bate 1 963 Year of Occurrence 15 57 Isabella Minimum Temperature 197 24 Hour Wind MOVE.hment (Mules) 16 946 Natural Flow (cfs) 24211 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 219419 2009 April -July Runoff 17 2520 Mean Flow 38% Natural Flow 2200 Median Flow 43`1/o Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For tl is Date in % of Median 18 10533 Max. on Record 251 Min. our Record 355509 Accum. Natural Flow (09 Water Year) 19 1933 Year of Occurrence 1924 Year of Occurrence 20 1247 Furst Point Flow 24334 Forst Point (Month to Date) � 213623 Accum. First fount (09 Water Year) KFRN RIVER FACTS & FIG ORES. n June 12, 1990, Isabella Lake peaked With 97,420 acre -feet of storage. In the 55 -year history of Isabella Reservoir operation, peak storage has been less than 100, 000 acre -feet on only four other Occasions, 1954 @ 85,380; 11955 @ 78,567; 196 53,096 and 1977 @ 82,347. 0 Produced by City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (661) 326 -3715 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CLIMATE PREDICTION CENTER 3-MONTH WEATHER OUTLOOK DECEMBER 2009 THROUGH FEBRUARY 2010 Temperature :3 3' A 3 0**.• . A ... ........ THREE-MONTH OUTLOOK TEMPERATURE PROBABILITY EC MEANS EQUAL CHAWEE& ABOVE' N6 Ot 6.5 MONTH LEAD A MEANS ABOVE VALID DJF 2009 N MEANS NORMAL MADE 21 MAY 2009 4P 0 4- MEANS BELOW Precipitation 1-t&L Awl -MM Erw -7 THREE-MONTH OUTLOOK PRECIPITATION PROBABILITY ECNo A EQUAL . N. It 6.5 MONTH LEAD ABOVE' A MEANS BOR VE VALID DJF 2009 MADE 21 MAY 2009 N MEANS NORMAL B -4- MEANS DELON A F ,RA PARK GRAN J OP E NENC SATURDAY, APRIL 18,200.9 Filling ofAera Lake Pall fields at Aera Park A6 Water Board Meeting June 17, 2009 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Domestic Water Mainline Extension Refund Agreement Assignments — For Board Information MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT --- DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Comna ji ._y P.O. Box 27170, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1984 For Water facilities: 83-04 BB Amount of deposit: $9579.60 Balance of deposit: $3831.64 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 %2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Ac By: Doris S. Barnes Dated: :Accepted: ptune mpany Dated: Brent t) guizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Utility Fund Investors, LLC; P.O. Box 15608 Phoenix, AL 85060 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1984 For Water facilities: 83 -04 Amount of deposit: $9,579.60 Balance of deposit: $3,831.64 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Co pany By: Dated: Brent erguizian, Manager Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Dated: Doug S ith, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFI E LD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT— DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC C/o Premier Trust, Inc., 2700 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1984 For Water facilities: 83 -04 Amount of deposit: $9,579.60 Balance of deposit: $35831.64 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Dated: I R 9 Dou 4,;?anager Accepted: Ne a Compa Asset Holdings, LLC By: Dated: b 0 Brent Ne uizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Utility Fund Investors,_LLC P. O. Box 15608, Phoenix, Arizona 85060 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83-05. , Tract 4882-1 Amount of deposit: $1061356.97 Balance of deposit: $395883.97 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens 0 urnbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs 7claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Ac(;ef . ;e�'ptujyre Company y: Brent ferguizian, Manager Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Kug% ith, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield / / 0 Dated: j 1 ;Z 0 31 Dated: By: Dated- MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIEL,D WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC: WATER. The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC C/o Premier ,crust , Inc. 2700 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -05 Tract 4882 -1 Amount of deposit: $1 065356.97 Balance of deposit: $39,883.97 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an atulual basis, 2 '/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Dated:_ D mitfi, Manager Accepted: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC By: ...___ _ Dated:` Brent Yrguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield Icy• s.y Dated: 3��b log MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT -- DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Util,ity u d Investors, LL.0 P.U. Box 15608 Phoenix, AZ 85060 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: Amount of deposit: Balance of deposit: Number of services: Number of hydrants: WB 83 -06 Tract 4494 $104,576.82 $39,216.32 NA NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune C mpany By: Brent N guizian, Manager Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC Dated: B F By: Dated: 0 5 oug Smith, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKER.SFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT— DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC C/o Premier Trust, Inc., 2700 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/01/1983 For Water facilities: WB 83 -06 Tract 4494 Amount of deposit: $1043576.82 Balance of deposit: $39,216.32 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC B Y ate: Dd �� C? / o mith, Manager Accepted: Neptune Company Asset Holdings, LLC 1 y: 6 Dated: o b p Brent T erguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKER.SFI a LD WATER RESOURCES DI PARTM EN'r — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Ne t� une Company P.U. Box 27170 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/15/1993 For Water facilities: 92 -12 Tract 5445, Phase I Amount of deposit: $115083.20 Balance of deposit: $6,926.95 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 1/2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: William 11. and Doris S. Barnes Trust By: Dated: Doris S. arnes, Trustee Accepted: Neptune Com any By: Brent N rguizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield Dated: Dated: ��.._. MAINLINE EXTENSION REFUND AGREEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER. RESOURCES DEPARTMENT — DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: r�.Jtili�Fund Investors., LLC P.O. Box 15608 Phoenix, AZ 85060 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: C' f B k Dated: For Water facilities: Amount of deposit: Balance of deposit: Number of services: Number of hydrants: qty o a ersfield 06/15/1993 92 -12 Tract 5445, Phase I $11,083,20 $6,926.95 NA NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2. percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Neptune Company y: Dated: Brent erguizian, Manager Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Dated: Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: MAINLINE; EXTENSION REFUND AGRI-aEMENT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT -- DOMESTIC WATER The undersigned hereby assigns to: Neptune Com any Asset I-Ioldin s, ImLC; C/o Premier Trust, Inc. 2700 West Sahara Avenue, Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 all of its right, title and interest in and to the following described Water Extension Agreement: With: City of Bakersfield Dated: 06/15/1993 For Water facilities: 92 -12 Tract 5445, Phase I Amount of deposit: $115083.20 Balance of deposit: $65926.95 Number of services: NA Number of hydrants: NA Refund basis: The exclusive right to receive from the City of Bakersfield, on an annual basis, 2 V2 percent of the deposit to install facilities in compliance with Section C(2) of the Main Extension Rule, which is within the General provisions and definitions of said rules. The undersigned warrants that it is the owner(s) of said agreement free and clear of all claims, liens or encumbrances, and agrees to defend and hold the assignee harmless of and from all costs or claims arising out of any violation of this provision. Accepted: Utility Fund Investors, LLC By: Dated: Doug Smith, Manager Accepted: Neptune Com any Asset Holdings, LLC Dated: Brent N guizian, Manager Accepted: City of Bakersfield By: Dated: Water Board Meeting June 17, 2009 11. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel -- Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(3)(A) of Government Code section 54956.9 (one issue) T "TRATIVE R:EPOH AD�MlNlt`i �;,��,, WATER BOARD i AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session MEETING DATE: June 17, 20-09 ITEM: 11-A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Corr., m issioner APPROVED Zack, Sc�ivner, Commisisioner FROM: Virgini5_z.. Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD...—....­., aTy ATTORNEY DATE: S-u n a 11 7 2009 SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel -- Potential Litigation Gosed session, pursuant to subdivision (b)(I)(3�(A) of* Government Code section 549156-9 (one issue) VG:Isc N 1. 1/2009