HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 47274727 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 1.12.060 AND 1.12.070 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 619 TO WARD 7AND ANNEXATION NO. 624 TO WARDS 6 & 7. WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) adopted a resolution for Annexation Nos. 619 and 624 recently ordering the territory annexed to the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the territory ordered to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield is required to be within a City Council Ward Boundary; and WHEREAS, the LAFCo recently completed the annexation for the territory to the City of Bakersfield, the exterior boundaries of Annexation Nos. 619 and 624 which are described in the attached Exhibit "A" and shown on the maps in Exhibit "B ", attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth herein. as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield Section 1. All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. Annexation No. 619 shall be included in Ward 7. Section 3. Annexation No. 624 shall be included in Ward 6 & 7. Section 4. Sections 1. 12.060 and 1. 12.070 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code are hereby amended by adding thereto the legal descriptions set forth in Exhibit "A ". Section 5. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective upon the annexation of the above - described territory to the City of Bakersfield, but not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. --- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- o�0AKF9� c7 b ORIGINAL HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on MAY 01 2011 by the following vote: AY COUNCILMEMBER: MAXWELL, WEIR, SMITH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: nckze ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: dp SL MAY 01 2013 APPROVED 4LIe� ROBERTA GAFFORD, CM CITY CLERK and Ex Offic o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield HARVEY L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: w Attachments: EXHIBIT "A" - Legal Description. EXHIBIT "B" - Map. DI \S:\ Annexation \Ordinances \2012_13 \Ord 619 & 624.docx 2 o�gAK�c9N -n �_— m U O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION No. 619 SOUTH "H" STREET No. 3 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Thcse portions of land located in the Northwest quarter of Section 6, Township 31 South, Range 28 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 6 point also being the centerline intersection of South "H" Street (Co. Rd. No. 15 and 140) and Taft Highway (Co. Rd. No. 5, 25, and 2387); thence South 89`32'17" East along the North line of said Section 6 also being the centerline of said Taft Highway a distance of 1465.70 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment 56 -94 as per Certificate of Compliance recorded November 29, 1994 as Document No. 194170452 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder thence South 00 °43'45" West along the West line of said Parcel 1 a distance of 30.25 feet to the South right of way of said Taft Highway and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (1) South 89`2'17" East along said South right of way a distance of 396.00 feet to the East line of said Parcel 1; Thence (2) South 00`43'45" West alcng said East line a distance of 1295.21 feet to the Southeast corner of said Parcel 1; Thence (3) North 89`31'54" West along the South line of said Parcel 1 a distance of 396.00 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 1 also being the Southeast corner of Parcel Map 10094 recorded September 19, 1994 filed in Parcel map Book 46 at Page 179 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (4) continuing North 89 °31'54" West along the South line of said Parcel Map 10094 a distance of 1322.46 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel Map 10094 also being on the an Southeast corner of the existing city corporate boundary; Thence along the city corporate boundary the following eight courses; Thence (5) North 00`48'19" East along the West line of said Parcel Map 10094 a distance of 715.26 feet to a Northwest corner of said Parcel Map 10094 also being the Southwest corner of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 8893 recorded January 13, 1989 filed in Parcel Map Book 37 at Page 124 in the office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (6) South 89`32'17" East along the South line of said Parcel 2 a distance of 232.50 to the Southeast corner of said Parcel 2; �AKF9 .A►_ g Al{F o RIGII v � Thence (7) North 00`48'19° East along the East line of said Parcel 2 a distance of 405.01 to the Southwest corner of Parcel 3 of said Parcel Map 8893; Thence (8) South 89`32'17" East along the South line of said Parcel 3 a distance of 282.51 feet to the Southeast corner of said Parcel 3 also being on the East right of way of Southland Court; Thence (9) South 00`48'19' West along said East line of Southland Court a distance of 25.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel "C" of Lot Line Adjustment 105 -00 as per Certificate of Compliance recorded March 21, 2001 as Document No. 0201036176 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (10) South 89`32'17" East along the North line of said Parcel "C" a distance of 276.01 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel "C "; Thence (11) North 00`4819" East along the East line of Parcel "B" of said Lot Lone Adjustment 105 -00 a distance of 174.75 feet to the South right of way of said Taft Highway; Thence (12) South 89`3217" East along the South right of way of said Taft Highway a distance of 419.26 feet to the southerly prolongation of the East line of the Designated Remainder parcel of Parcel Map 9570 recorded October 16, 1992 and filed in Parcel Map Book 44 at Page 127 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder and a Southeast corner of the existing city corporate boundary; Thence (13) continuing South 89'32'17" East along said South right of way a distance of 110.50 feet to the East line of said Parcel Map 10094; Thence (14) North 00 °43'45" East along said East line to the South right of way of said Taft Highway a distance of 25.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 45.27 Acres END OF DESCRIPTION CHECKED by KORN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFCE Doe Approved by — 3.2. . !,:� ~ 0�KF9Fn RIGINAf. O- R)GINAL cfl 2 O W 2 Q > a a O M W � W (1 O Z O� m m r 'Oa OOOMg011 W 7� a a LL Z m m 4 � W n � 2 Y W W Lao '3+r N ,mn ' MS OWLL /Wyy m U d d 2 .01 tl3lirn U 2 a 1� y V p 7S N NnOS uj 1O La tin O -q Lu W IL W I cc I 'ON y311VA3N0 ZS,o(1161 'ON john OO 919 N011vx3NNV 3JNrlldrvOJ !0 31VDIA&30 CZ- OLO -S91 NdY 3dru ru t6 -99 JN3w1 SN'OY 3N17 !Ol (Z) t i ,iZ96Z1 M ,5ti,f4.00 S i , t LL 3 of �Wt>�n 0 ,6` o a���QivU wn y d VUO 2. t I 'tom n t v N cgs Ln o I. t r 2w a$ a°o _ Ln m a to h b it I I I -R ` ° 2• ^ n° �• ` 'c° i W u I 1 I G ZS � ' ry I ' :7 Boni ' F • 8 Z CSe N N 'Y oa 1. !n �n j °x2 h,c �• � � S. a n } Ot Iz ° co Z � - cc w f p s F- RIB • 2' � 6 t .c ^o° to O i 1 LL I .10 SOV . L, , 91 ;, 3 ,.61,84.00 N• W a; lit �¢ ON ji [�b I . 2 iF a. 2 tit N- _ JI 1VN Owls, Finax — t (OOl9S1 ON'P21'0J) 1_3211 S.H.H1_(IOS � • __ � ' uo^ i�� tB•-t60-t � - -� o i a ° �IGNWPY E /' W u cTP�E € F6RIGINAI O EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION No. 624 STINE NO. 15 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Those portions of land located in the Southeast quarter of Section 34 and the Southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian in the County of Kem, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 34; thence North 00°34'25" East along the East line of said Section 34 also being the centerline of Stine Road (Co. Rd. No. 157) a distance of 30.00 feet and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (1) North 89004'02" West a distance of 30.00 feet to the intersection of the West right of way line of said Stine Road and the North right of way line of Taft Highway (State Route VI -KER -119); Thence (2) continuing North 89004'33" West along said North right of way a distance of 208.53 feet to the Southeast comer of parcel described in Grant Deed Transfer to Revocable Trust recorded June 15, 2004 as Document No. 0204137399 filed in the office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (3) North 00°55'27" East along the East line of said parcel a distance of 208.71 feet to the Northeast comer of said parcel: Thence (4) North 891004'33" West along the North line of said parcel a distance of 210.18 feet to the Northwest comer of said parcel also being the Southeast comer of Tract ,6290 Unit Four recorded July 31, 2007 filed in Map Book 58 at page 58 in the office of the Kern County Recorder and the existing City of Bakersfield corporate boundary; Thence along the existing City of Bakersfield corporate boundary the following nine courses; Thence (5) North 00°34'25" East along the East line of said tract a distance of 208.73 feet to a point on the South line of Tract 6290 knit One recorded December 13, 2005 filed in Map Book 54 at page 92 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, Thence (6) South 89°04'22" East along said South line and the Easterly prolongation of said South line a distance of 502.43 feet to the East right of way of said Stine Road; S: \ANNEXATION \Annex 624 \EXHIBIT A.doc o��AKF9cP E-- R U � O ORIGINAL Thence (7) North 00°34'25" East along said East right of way a distance of 499.53 to an angle point in said East right of way said right of way being parallel to and 55.00 feet East of East One of said Section 34; Thence (8) North 89°03'31" West continuing along said East right of way a distance of 25.00 feet to an angle point in said right of way; Thence (9) North 0034'25" East continuing along said East right of way a distance of 370.71 feet said right of way being parallel to and 30.00 feet East of East line of said Section 34 to the North line of Lot 25 per Sales Map No. 1 Lands of J. B. Haggin fled May 3, 1899 in the office of the Kern County Recorder, Thence (10) South 89°04' 14" East along said North line a distance of 421.71 feet; Thence (11) departing said North line South 00034'25" West a distance of 823.77 feet; Thence (12) South 89°03'31 " East a distance of 147.55 feet; Thence (13) South 0034'25" West a distance of 463.99 feet to the North right of way of said Taft Highway; Thence (14) North 89°03'31 " West along said North right of way a distance of 569.26 feet to the intersection of said North right of way with the East right of way of said Stine Road; Thence (15) North 89004'02" West a distance of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING. Containing 17.32 Acres END Of DESCRIPTION CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFF" Dste O /� �gAKF S: \ANNEXATION \Annex 624 \EXHIBIT A.doc ORIGINAL, %AK ¥ B Fn - ORIGINAL �§■ ` w ® ov0a 319W n 7 co g m q / \ / / / } p 3 \ \ \ \ 7 p R O \ / \\ E ( a a _s 2 2 m Q }{ &/ _ 2 Q LL � . o { . 2 0. G A 7 q C / / \ / g / / 2 \ \ \ \ j a« e _«m U Q q z 3 q »_ O j z Colt / $ S . |! | - x x. / 7 7 ` « CL u ® # ' am » ,»o . r aaAI«o aa_a & , � # / ( , ( § or Or \ §R§ § �/■ } ` \/ � | h | \| v x %AK ¥ B Fn - ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) ROBERTA GAFFORD, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 3rd day of May, 2013 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4727, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 1St day of May, 2013 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 1.12.060 AND 1.12.070 BY ADDING ANNEXATION NO. 619 TO WARD 7 AND ANNEXATION NO. 624 TO WARDS 6 & 7. ROBERTA GAFFORD City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By: . ojaj% DEP ity Clerk S: \DOCU M E NT\FORMS\AO P.ORD.wpd p�OAK� �, RfG► ^' ORIGINA!