HomeMy WebLinkAboutJeffrey Tkac 12-22-2012 Contmi No, 341927 7013 MAR 18 P VI I ' 12 Public Service Ethics Ed,UqAt' Online Date of Completion: Dec 22,2012 duo, Training Time. 2 hr.g min. This course is an overview course on all public service ethics issues necessary to satisfy the requirements of Article 2.4 of Chapter 2 of Part`l of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code„ including the following:. m Laws relating to personal,firnancIN gain by public servants, including, but not limited to, laves prohibiting bribery and conflict-of-Interest laws. s. Laws relating to claiming perquisites("pmerke) of office, including, but not limited to,gift and tranrei restrictions, prohibitions against the use of public resources for porsonal or polifical purposes, prohibitions against gifts of public funds, mass mailing restrictions, and prohibitions against acceptance of ftee or discOmnnted transportation by transportabon companies. Government transparency laws,including, but not limited to,financial interest disclosure requirements and open government laws.. * Laws relating to fair processes„ including, but not limited to, common I'syv bias prohibitions,due process requirements, incompatible offices„ competitive bidding regWrernents for public contracts, and disqualification from participating in decislomµns affecting family members„and * General ethical principles relating to public service. The Fair Political Practices Commission and Attorney General have reviewed this course for ct urse smrifmciency and accuracy, By signing below, I reify that l fully reviewed the content of time empire online AB 123 course approved by the rne'y General and Pair Political Practices Comrnission and am entitled to claim two of s+er0ce ethics law and principles credit'.. ma.. Jeff ' rn Pa f i Participant tae qty of Bakersfield Planning Commission Agency Narmne NOTE TO PARTiCIPAN"i~~' Please provide a crmpy of this proof ofparticipatibn to time custodies for such records at your a ency. fn addition,we recommend you remake a copy of this proof offparfon p atfon for your own nacords to retain for at least five,years. To preserve the irnta nrtt of time online redtfs"cation process,these cerdficates are orrly available upon completing the online session. "To sad. ABI 1234 requirements, tfmis cerfifibata must reffectfeat the public official spent two hours or amore revie i the materials resented mn the online course, ff time certificate reflects lass than two hours,the pajcjeajnt should have on fife additional certit'mcates dernonstrati� ttmat time official' has satisfied the enfire two hour re mrirmaMent..