HomeMy WebLinkAbout11325 Park Square DrCommunity Development Department Douglas Mclsoac, Co unity Development Director Phil Burns, Building Direcfor Buillding Division Phone: (661) 326-3720 FAX: (661) 325-0266 ZE •� Andrew Fuller Fuller Apartment Homes, Inc. P.O. Box 30 157 Santa Barbara, CA 93130 RE: Notice of Decision -Site Plan Review (Project No. 13-0172) Dear Mr. Fuller* Jim Eggert, Planning Director Planning Di Phone: i661) 326-3733 FAK (661) 852-2136 The Planning Director, upon recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee, has approved your plans for construction of a 224-unit apartment complex in a WM/R-2 (West Ming/Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone) district at 3601 Buena Vista Road. Your proposal, with corrections as noted, meets the minimum required codes, policies and standards for development as adopted by the Bakersfield City Council. Specific items have been identified fsee attached Site Plan Compliance List) that you need to resolve before you can obtain a building permit or be allowed occupancy. These items may include changes or additions that need to be shown on the final building plans, alert you to specific fees, and/or are comments that will help you in complying with the city's development standards, Each item will note when it is to be completed and they have been grouped by department so that you know who to contact if you have questions. Your next step is to either apply for necessary building permits to construct your project, or begin your business activities dep,endingi on the request submitted. You must submit final building plans to the Building Division. The Site Plan Review Committee will review these final plans while Building plan check occurs to ensure that you satisfy the items in the Site Plain Compliance List. Please read them carefully. Failure to satisfy an item may delay your obtaining a building permit or commencing your project. After construction of your project but before the City can allow occupancy, the Building Division must inspect the development to find if it complies with the approved plans, and any other relevant permits and codes, If you have satisfied all of the requirements, the Building Director will issue a certificate of occupancy; of not, the area inspector will give you a correction notice, Once you have made all of the corrections, the Building Director can issue a certificate of occupancy. You may not occupy a development until the Building Director has issued! a certificate of occupancy, C'ity of Bakersfield a, 1715 Chester Avenue a Bakersfield, Califomia. * 933011 SPR# 13-0172 Page 2 of 18 In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners and boards ("City " herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of actions or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CPA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for City's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent f he Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action, or proceeding, failing under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. Any time after site plan approval but before the approval expires you may submit revisions to the plan. We will treat these revisions as a new site plan application subject to a new review and required fees. The Planning Director can only approve minor changes to the original plan without a new application if they are necessary to meet a condition, mitigation, or result from physical obstacles or other comparable constraints. Approval of this site plan expires on May 27, 2015 (2 years from the decision date), unless building permits have been issued, or on projects not requiring a building permit, the use has commenced. The project must be completed within 5 years from the decision, date. If the property is rezoned, site plan approval will expire upon the effective date for the rezoning unless the use is permitted in the new zone, The Planning Director may extend the expiration date up to one (1) year if you resubmit new plans for check against the code requirements in effect at that time and include a written request for the extension. We must receive this request before expiration of the project approval. We will not require a fee for this extension request; however, changes to the plans originally approved for purposes other than code requirements shall be subject to a new site plan review, including payment of all required fees. SM 13-0172 Page 3 of'18 In accordance with the provisions of CEQA, it was found that a previous Environmental Impact Report certified by the Bakersfield City Council on August 15, 2007 in conjunction with GPA/ZC No, 03-1544 is adequate for this proposal. Any person may appeal this decision. An appeal is limited to whether or not an adopted cleve opment standard, zo g regulation, mitigation, or policy applied or not applied to the project, was done c�onsistent with the authority granted by c�ity ordinances or the California Environmental Qualify Act [CEQA). The appeal must be in writing stating the precise basis or issue as noted, include a $700 filing fee, and must be filed within 10 OM of the decision date to the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission (c/o Bakersfield Planning Director, 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, C�A, 93301). The Planning Commission will hoId a public hearing on the appeal and their decision will be final unIess their decision is appealed to the City Council. Site plan approval is based on the statements made in the application and the plans you submitted. Any errors or omissions on these plans could alter the compliance list and/or void this decision. If you have questions about any of the items noted in the Site Plan Compliance List, you must speak to the contact person representing the department requiring that item. If you have other questions regarding general information about the site plan review process, please contact the Planning Division at (6611 j 326-3733. Sincerely, cc: All Interested Agencies - For your records. rma S:\B,ZA-SPR\Forms\spr_dotci\20,13 spr\1 3-0172,sprJtr.doc SPR# 13-0172 Page 4 of 18 Prior to review of improvement plans by the City, the developer shall submit a grading plan for the proposed site to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and Building Official (Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 16,44V 0) . With the grading plan, if the project is subject to the provisions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), a Notice of intent (MC l) to comply with the terms of the Generaill Permit to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity (WQ Order No. 99-08- DWQ), must be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento before the beginning of any construction activity. Compliance with the general permit requires that a Storm Water Polluflon, Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be prepared, continuously carried out, and always be available for public inspection during normal construction hours. 2. A grading permit is required prior to as plan approval. The developer shall submit 4 coip es of grading plans and 2 copies of the pre ary soils report to the Building Division, A final soils report shall also be submitted to the Building Division before they can issue a building permit. Please note that grading plans must be consistent with the finail building site plains and landscaping plans. Building p ot be issued until the grading permit is approved by the Building Division, Planning Division (HCP), and Public Works Department. W"Mor-TRIVE118112=4 lifin, ll ar • 4. Show on the final building plan pedestrian access from the public way and handicap parking. Private streets are not the pubiic way. 5. include with or show on the final building plans information necessary to verify that the project complies with all disability requiremerts, of Title 24 of the California Building Code. 6. The developer shall obtain all required approvals from the Kern County Environmental Health Services Department (27OiO "M" Street, Bakersfield, CA, 933,0 1; PH 661-862-8700) for any public pool or related facility before building permits can be issued. Disabled access to any public pool' and related facility shall comply with Title 24 of the California Building Code. SPRil 13-0172 Page 5 ql'18 7. Buildings or structures shall require installation of an automatic fire sprinkler system where required by current California Building Code and City ordinance. Before the BuHding Division can allow occupancy of this apartment complex, they must inspect and approve the placement and colors of the address numbers identifying each unit and/or building, and on-site building/unit location malps so that emergency personnel can easily find a specific unit when responding to the site during an emergency. 11. The Building Division will calculate and collect the appropriate school district impact fee at the time they issue • building permit. 10. Final Building plans shall show pedestrian access pathways or easements for persons with; disabilities from public 6ghts-of-ways that connect to all accessible buildings, facilities, elements, and spaces in accordance with the California Building Code. These pedestrian access ways shall not be parallel' to vehicular lanes unless separated by curbs or raHings. 11. Prior to granting occupancy, the Building Division will verify that a water meter serving the development is in place. Therefore, it is recommended that the developer contact the applicable water purveyor to inquire about their process for obtaining water service for the development as soon as possible. To determine who the water purveyor for the development is, you may contact the City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA, phone: 661-326-3715). 1, The minimum parking required for this project has been computed based on use and shall be • follows: (Note: 352 parking spaces are shown on the proposed site plan. By ordinance, compact and tandem spaces cannot be counted toward meeting minimum parking requirements.) 2, Minimum parking stall dimensions shall be 9-feet wide by 18-feet long. Vehicles may hang over landscape areas no more than 2-1/2 feet provided required setbacks along street frontages are maintained, and trees and shrubs are protected from vehicles. 3. All parking lots, driveways, drive aisles, loading areas, and other vehicular I access ways, shall be paved with concrete, asphaltic concrete (A. C.), or other paved street surfacing material in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Sections 15,76,020 and 17.58i.060 A.). Number Parking Required Use of Units Ratio Parking 11- bedroom units 128 units I space/unit 128 spaces 2-bedroom units 96 units 2 spaces/unit 192 spaces Guest Parking ---- +107, 32 spaces Total 224 units Required Parking 352 spaces (Note: 352 parking spaces are shown on the proposed site plan. By ordinance, compact and tandem spaces cannot be counted toward meeting minimum parking requirements.) 2, Minimum parking stall dimensions shall be 9-feet wide by 18-feet long. Vehicles may hang over landscape areas no more than 2-1/2 feet provided required setbacks along street frontages are maintained, and trees and shrubs are protected from vehicles. 3. All parking lots, driveways, drive aisles, loading areas, and other vehicular I access ways, shall be paved with concrete, asphaltic concrete (A. C.), or other paved street surfacing material in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code (Sections 15,76,020 and 17.58i.060 A.). SPR4 13-0'172 Page 6 oj'18 4, Lighting is required for all parking lots, except residential lots with four units or less (Section 17.58,060 A.), Illumination shall be, evenly distributed across the parking area with, light fixtures designed and arranged so that light is directed downward and is reflected away from adjacent properties and streets, Use of glare shields or baffles may be required for glare reduction or control of back light. No light poles, standards and fixtures, including bases or pedestals, shall exceed a height of 40 feet above grade. However, light standards placed less than 50 feet from residentially zoned or designated property, or from existing residential development, shall not exceed a height of 15 feet. The finial building plans shall include a picture or diagram of the light fixtures being used and show how light will be directed onto the parking area. Please note that staff can require additional adjustments to installed lighting after occupancy to resolve glare or other lighting problems if they negatively affect adjacent properties. 5. Because parking and/or access is being shared with adjacent properties, the developer shall file with the Planning Division before any building permits are issued a copy of' a recorded map, C�. C. and R.'s, or other instrument that ensures that drive aisles, parking, and access is legally shared in common with adjoining properties as depicted on the site plan for the 5fe of the project. 6. The developer shall include a copy of a final landscape plan with each se of the final building plans suibmitted to the Building Division. Building piermi will not be issued until the Planning Division has approved the final landscape plan for consistency with approved site plains and minimum ordinance standards (please refer to the landscaping requirements in Chapter 17.61). 1 yak I .............. 7. As shown, on the preliminary site plan, a I 0-foot wide multi-purpose trail shall be constructed along the site's Buena Vista Road frontage in accordance with Exhibit 4-7 of the West Ming Specific Plan. i. Evidence is required to determine that your parcel was legally created. P'lease provide a copy of a parcel map, fract map, or certificate of compliance. (Note: An Assessor's map is not acceptable since it is only for tax purposes and does not verify legal parcel status.) If a map is not available, a copy of a deed that inicludes the pa egal description dated March 4, 1972, or earlier is acceptable; however, you will be required to apply for a Certificate of Compliance before a building permit can, be issued (please contact the Public Works, Department at 661 - 326-3566 regiarding this ,rats lication)i. SPR# 13-0172 Page 7 of 18 Divisions and issued by the Building Division, is required for all new signs, including future use and construction signs. Signs must comply with the Sigin Ordinance (Chapter 17.60 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code.) 10. Habitat Conservation fees shall be required for this project and will be calculated based on the fee in effect at the time we issue an urban development permit (includes grading plan approvals) as defined in the implementation/management Agreement (Section 2.21) for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Upon payment of the fee, the applicant will receive, acknowledgment of compliance with Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (implementation/Management Agreement Section 3.'1,4). This fee is currently $2,145 per gross acres, payable to the City of Bakersfield (submit to the Planning Division). This fee must be paid before any grading or other site disturbance occurs. Forms and instructions are available at the Planning Division or on the city's web site at ww,.v.v..bakersfieldr,-,ily.�,j (go to DevelopmentSeirvices Department). The current Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitaf Conservation Plan (MBHCP) expires in year 2014. Projects may be issued an urban development permit, grading p�an approval, or bUding permit and pay fees prior to the 2014 expiration date under the current MBHCP. As determined by the City of Bakersfield, only projects ready to be issued an urban development permit, &A, ---------- . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . ---------- TQI*_T -7' E comply directly with requests • the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and the California Fish and Game Department. 11. Any well shown as abandoned on the final development plans shall be accompanied by written verification from the D.O.G.G.R. that the well was properly abandoned pursuant to its regulations. Any parcel containing an abandoned well shall be encumbered with a deed restriction specifying the exact location of such well and prohibiting any construction within 10 feet of the well. The encumbrance shall run with the land and be approved by the City Attorney prior to recordation. 12. A Park Development and lmprovement Fee shall be paid at the time of the building permit being issued. We will base the fee at the rate in effect at the time the permit is issued. The current fee is $1,716 for each independent residential unit. SPR413-0172 Page 8 of 18 14. In the event a previously undocumented oil/gas well is uncovered or discovered on, the project, the developer is responsible to contact the Department of Conservation's Division, of: Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR). The developer is responsible for any remedial operations on the well required by DOGGR. The developer shall also be subject to provisions of B,MC Section 15.66.080 fB). 15. Prior to receiving final building or site occupancy, you must contact the Planning Division: (staff contact noted above) for final inspection and approval of the landscaping, parking lot, ligihting and other related site improvements. Inspections will not be conducted until all required items have been installed. Any deviations from the approved plans, without prior approval from the Planning Don may result in reconstruction and delays in obtaining a building or site occupancy. 16. or to grading plan approval, the pp nt shall demonstrate to the City of Bakersfield and the Son Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District that all construction activities and operations will comply with local zoning codes, and District Regulation VIII (Rules 8011-8081) and implementation of al�l other control measures [BACMs) as stated in GAMAQI, (Mitigation Measure 17. Prior to the approval of building permits, the applicant shall comply in all respects with developer's obligations under that certain Air Quality Mitigation Agreement approved by the Son Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and entered into by and between the District and developer, a copy of which is contained within the appendices of the Air Quality Assessment in Appendix C of this Draft EIR. Developer"s compliance with the Air Quality Mitigation Agreement will result in a reduction of ROG, NOx, and PM net emissions to zero or in quantities sufficient to fully mitigate the project's air quality impacts to the extent that the development of the project will result in no net increase in criteria pollutant emissions over the criteria pollutant emissions which would otherwise exist without the development of the project, all as verified by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Accordingly, the Air duality) litigation Agreement will further reduce IRCG net emissions by 68.05 tons per year (from 68.05 tons per year to 0 tons per year),, will further reduce NOx net emissions by 19.20 tons per year (from 19.20 tons per year to 0 tons per year), and will reduce P lay n et e m iss ion s by 38.79 tons per year (from 38,.79 tans ns pe r year to 0 tons per year). It should be restated that approximately 39.42 tons per year of ROC, 28.22 tons per year of NOx, and 43,28 tons per year of PMio, from onsite agricultural emissions will be subtracted from the proposed project emissions, since they will phased out as the project is developed. (Mitigation Measure 5.2.C.2.) 18. Prior to grading plan approval on the approximately 2,182-acre site, the project proponent shall comply with all appropriate terms and conditions of the MBHCP to the City regarding San Joaquin kit fox. The MBHCP requires certain take avoidance measures for the Son Joaquin kit fox. MBHCP SPR4 13 -1172 Page 9 of 18 guidelines regarding tracking and excavation shall be followed to prevent entrapment of kit fox in dens. Specific measures during the construction phase of the project shall be implemented and include the following: 0 A pre-construction survey shall be conducted '! prior to site grading to search for active kit fox dens. The survey shall be conducted not more than 30 days prior to the onset of construction activities in areas subject to development to determine the necessity of den excavation. 0 Monitoring and excavation of each known Son Joaquin kit fox den which cannot be avoided by construction activities, 0 Notification of wildlife agencies of relocation opportunity prior to ground disturbance in areas of known kit fox dens. 0 Excavations shall either be constructed with escape ramps, or covered to prevent kit fox entrapment. All trenches or steep-walled excavations greater than three feet deep shall include escape ramps to allow wildlife to escape. Each excavation shall contain at least one ramp, with long trenches containing at Ileast one ramp every 0.25 mile. Slope of ramps shall be no steeper than I :1 0 AH pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent entry of kit fox. If they are not capped or otherwise covered, they will be inspected prior to burial or closure to ensure no kit foxes, or other protected species, become entrapped, 0 All employees, contractors, or other persons involved in the construction of the project shall attend a "tailgate" session informing them of the biological resource protection measures that will be implemented for the project. The orientation shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall include information regarding the life history of the protected species, reasons for special-status, a summary of applicable environmental law, and measures intended to reduce impacts, A report summarifing the date, time, and topics of the "taflgate" session, list of attendees and identification of qualified biologist conducting session shall be submitted to the Planning Director within 10 days of the "tailgate" session. 0 All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting kit fox or other animals, (Mitigation Measure 5.3.A.2.) 19, Since kit foxes, are known to exist in the general area, it is recommended that all construction personnel involved in initial ground disturbance receive sensitive species instruction prior to initial ground phases of construction. Any evidence, such as dens, should be avoided and reported to the reviewing agencies for resolution, (Mitigation Measure 5.3.A.3.) OPO. Prior to grading plan appro al for the approximate 2,182-acre site, the project applicant shall comply with the following rap for nest mitigation: (Mitigation Measure 0 If site grading is proposed during the avian nesting season (February to September), a focu!sed survey for avian nests shall be conducted by a qua Vied biologist prior to grading activities in as to identify active nests in areas potentially impacted: by project implementation. SPR4 13-0172 Page, 10 qll 8 If construction is proposed to take place during the nesting season (February to September), no construction activity shall take place within 500 feet of an active nest until the young have fledged (as determined by a qualified biologist). Habitat containing nests that must be removed as a result of project implementation shall be removed during the no�n- breeding season (October to January). Preconstruction surveys shall include a survey for burrowing owl'. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected outside of breeding season (September I through January S1' ), passive and/or active relocation efforts may be undertaken if approved by CDFG and USFWS. If active burrowing owl burrows are detected during breeding season (February 1 through August 31), no disturbance to these burrows shall occur in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 21. The applicant shall be required to survey for nesting raptors following the survey methodology developed by the Swainson's hawk Technical Advisory Committee (SWHA TAC, 20,00), prior to any disturbance on the project site that is within 5 miles of a potential nest tree (CDFG, 1994) to ensure that the findings in the FIR' are still applicable and no new measures are required. However, if new information is found that detects, an active nest of a Swainson's hawk within 5 miles of the project site and a potential significant impact could occur, additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 151 62 of the CEQA Guidelines. This additional environmental documentation may involve consultation with CDFG. 22. The applicant shall be required to conduct trapping prior to ground disturbance activities to confirm that the Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides) is not located on the project site. However, if new information is found that detects the Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides) on the project site, potential significant impact could occur and additional CEQA documentation would be required as outlined in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines. This additional environmental documentation may involve consultation with CDFG and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 23. Prior to grading plan approval within the project site, a qualified archaeologist shall attempt to find evidence of the previously recorded sites. (Mitigation Measure 5.4.A,1.) If the qualified archaeologist finds evidence of the previous recorded sites, the resources shall be evaluated for significance and integrity using the criteria established in the CEQA Guidelines for unique cultural resources and/or 36 CFR 60.4 for eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. If the resources are found to be significant, specific measures shall be recommended. In addition, the grading plans shall state that archaeological monitoring by a qualified archaeologist and a Native American monitor shall take place during construction excavation activities at the locations of the 10 cultural sites and 26 isolates that were previously recorded on the site within the project site. The archaeologist shall prepare a summary report of the monitoring activities and findings. The report shall be submitted to the City of W91=39M Page I I qf 18 Bakersfield Planning Department and other appropriate agencies within, 10 as of completion of monitoring. If the quald archaeologist does not find evidence of the previous recorded sites, the grading plans shall state that archaeological monitoring by a qualified archaeologist and a Native American monitor shall take place during construction excavation activities at the locations of the 10 cultural sites and 26 isolates that were previously recorded on the site within the project site. The archaeologist shall prepare a summary report of the monitoring activities and findings. The report shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department and other appropriate agencies within 1 Oi as of completion of monitoring. Following are the specific measures: The archaeological monitor shall attend a pre-grade meeting to explain the role of the monitor during grading activities. If cultural resources are defected within the project area, the cultural resources must be recorded using appropriate State record forms (DPR523 series) and following guidelines in the California Office of Historic Preservation's handbook "Instructions for Recording Historical Resources."' The archaeologist will then submit two (2) copies of the completed DPR523 forms to the Southern San Joaquin Valley Information Center f or the assignment of trinomials. If cultural resources are detected within the survey areas, they must be evaluated for significance and integrity using criteria established in the CEQA Guidelines for unique cultural resources and/or 36 CFR 60.4 for eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. If cultural resources are found within the project footprint, appropriate mitigation measures and recommended conditions of approval must be developed to eliminate adverse project effects on significant, important, and unique historical resources, following appropriate CEQA and/or National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 guidelines, A technical resources management report is required, The report must document the inventory, evaluation, conclusions and mitigation recommenclaf ions. Submit two copies of the completed report, with original illustrations, to the Southern San Joaquin Valley Information Center for permanent archiving. 24, Prior to grading plan approval, the grading plans shall state that if human remains are encountered on the project site, the Kern County Coroner's Office shall be contacted within 24 hours of the find, and all work in the immediate vicinity shall be halted until a clearance is given by that office and any other involved agencies. (Mitigation Measure 5.4.D.1) 25. Prior to grading plan approval, an erosion control plan for construction activities that describe the best management practices (BmPs) that will be used to reduce the potential for soil erosion and loss of top soil. The erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department for review and approval. The BMPs could include soil stabilizers and silt fencing as well as other measures. (Mitigation Measure 5.5.B. I. ) SM 13-0172 Page 12 qj l8 26. Prior to grading plan approval, the grading plans shall state that construction activities associated with development of the project site would be required to be in conformance with Section 9,22.05,0 of the City of Bakersfield Municipal Code which limits construction to the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 am. and 9 p.m. on weekends, where construction occurs less than 1,000 feet from residences. (Mitigation Measure 5.8.E.1) 27. Prior to grading plan approval, the grading plans shall state that construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and maintained in accordance with the equipment's' factory specifications. During construction activities, the construction equipment muffler and maintenance records shall be onsite. (Mitigation Measure 5.8.E.2) I M, E, MU III! :! I U-7, i a. All fire lanes as identified on the returned plans. Any modifications shall be approved by the Fire Department. Fire lane identification signs shaH be installed every 100 feet with red curbing when curbing i's required. All work shall be completed before occupancy of any bulilding or portion of any building is allowed. b. All fire hydrants, both offsite (nearest to site), and on-site. Include flow data on all hydrants. Hydrants shall be in good working condition and are subject to testing for verification. Fire flow requirements must be met prior to construction commencing on the project site. Please provide 2 sets of the engineered water plans to Dave Weirather. (Note: All new fire hydrants must be purchased from the Water Resources Department.) c. All fire sprinkler and/or stand pipe systems, fire alarms and commercial hood systems. These suppression systems require review and permits by the Fire Department. The Fire Department will issue guidelines for these various items as they may apply to this project. 2. The developer must request an inspection from the Water Resources, Department (1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA, phone: 661-326-3715) for any underground sprinkler feeds at least 24 hours before they are buried. The Prevention Services Division (1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA, Ph. 661/326-3979) must complete all on-site inspections of fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems before any building is occupied. 3. All access (permanent and temporary) to and around any building under construction must be at least 20 feet wide, contain no vehicle obstruction, and be graded to prevent standing water. Barricades must be in place where ditches and barriers exist in or cross roadways. Emergency vehicle access must always be reliable. SIT# 13-0172 ZV Page 13 qf 18 4. The Pipeline Development Policy of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department is as follows: (Mitigation Measure 5.6.F.4) * No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 50 Feet of a gas main, or transmission line, or refined liquid product line with 36 inches of cover; * No structure may be within 40 Feet of a hazardous liquids pipeline bearing refined product, with 48 inches or more of cover, * No habitable portion of a structure may be built within 30 Feet of a crude oil pipeline operation at 20% of its design strength; * Prior to or concurrently with filing of a final map, a covenant shall be recorded on all lots of this tract, or portion thereof, which are within 250 Feet of any gas transmission lines. Covenant shall acknowledge proximity of pipeline easement to said property and describe the name, type and dimension of the pipeline. Prior to recordation, the subdivider shall submit and obtain approval of covenant wording with the City Attorney, Office of Environmental Services and City Engineer., 5. Prior to grading plan approval where there is an existing drilling and�/or production operations of exploration oil wells and including disposal wells, the project applicant shall have the locations surveyed, located, and marked by a licensed land surveyor or civil engineer authorized to practice land surveying. A map shall be furnished to the Office of Environmental Services showing how all existing petroleum related facilities will be protected and integrated into the proposed development. The California Division of 00, Gas and Geothermal Resources and the City of Bakersfield development standards shall be met. (Mitigation Measure 5.6.F.2.) i , lf during grading and construction, a pipeline accident occurs or potential unknown buried hazardous materia[s are founid, and/or if unidentified materials are discoveredin the testing of the soH, health and safety procedures shall be implemented. These procedures shall include, at a minimum, emergency medical, evacuation of the site and/or threatened area, and notification action,. Notification shaH include but not be limited to the foHowing agencies: The City of Bakersfield, Department of To)(Ic Substance Control (DTS,C), Bakersfieid City and/or County Fire Departm- a w the Regional Water Qual w ,l Board (RWQCB). Evacuation and determination regarding the type of contamination encountered and best course of action would be determined by the ranking official and the required mediation measures shall be implemented. (Mitigation Measure 5.6. &) Prior to grading and building plan approvals, the grading and buHding plans 4 Ill state that all work will stop immediatety if any unknown odorous or disco orecl soil or other possible hazardous materials arise during any part of the testing, grading, or construction on the project site. (Mitigation Measure 5.6.G.7.) SPR# 13-0172 Page 14 qf 18 D. PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING (Staff contact - George Gill burg 661 -326- 3997) The developer shall construct curbs, gutters, cross gutters, 5-foot 6-inch wide sidewalks, and street/alley paving along Buena Vista Road and the west boundary street according to adopted city standards. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. 2. The developer shall install one streetlight along the west boundary street as shown by staff on the returned site plan. The developer shall be responsible for providing the labor and materials necessary to energize all newly installed streetlights before occupancy of the building or site. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. C The developer shall construct standard handicap ramps at the northeast and southeast corners of the radius return drive approach according to adopted city standards. Also, the developer shall construct a standard handicap ramp at the southwest corner of Buena Vista Road and the west boundary road according to adopted city standards. These improvements shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Buiiw Division before any building permits will be issued. 4. The developer shall install new connection(s) to the public sewer system. This connection shall be shown on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. 5. All on-sit,e areas required to be paved (ie. parking lots, access drives, loading areas, etc.) shall consist of concrete, asphaltic concrete (Type or other paved street material approved by the City Engineer. Pavement shall be a minimum thickness of 2 inches over 3 inches of approved base material (ie. Class ll A. B.) if concrete is used, it shall be • minimum thickness of' 4 inches per Municipal Code Section 17.58.060, paragraph A. This paving standard shall be noted on the final building plans submitted to the Building Division before any building permits will be issued. 6. If a grading plan is required by the Buiidinig Division, building permits will not be issued until the grading plan is approved by bgk the Public Works Department and the Building Division, 7. Before any building or site can be occupied, the developer must reconstruct or repair substandard off-site street improvements that front the site to adopted city standards as directed by the City Engineer. Please call the Construction Superintendent at 661-326-3049 to schedule a site inspection to find out what improvements may be required. 8. A street permit from the Public Works Department shall be obtained before any work can be done within the public righf-of-way (streets, alleys, easements). Please include a copy of this site plan review decision to the department at the time you apply for this permit, SPR# 13' -01 T? Page 15 of 18 9. A sewer connection fee shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued. We will base this fee at the rate in effect at the time a building permit is issued. 10, A transportation impact fee for regional facilities shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued', or if no building permit is required, before occupancy of the building or site. This fee will be based at the rate in effect at the time the building': permit is issued. The Public Works Department will calculate an estimate of the total fee when you submit construction plans for the project. 11. The developer shall either construct the equivalent fuill width landscaped median island in Buena Vista Road along the development's frontage or pay their proportionate share (1 /27Width) of the total cost for the future construction of: the median. Median islands shall be designed by the first development that occurs along an applicable street frontage. That developer sha onstruct the full width landscaped median island • pay the median island fee. The median island fee shall be satisfied by fulfilling one of the following options: (1) Pay the standard fee of $100 per linear foot; or (2) Pay the calculated fee based upon actual cost estimates prepared by the Project Engineer, which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. If the median island is not constructed by the first development along an applicable street frontage, the second development along that street frontage shall construct the fu!ll width landscaped' median island. 12. The developer shall form a new Maintenance District. Undeveloped parcels within, an existing Maintenance District are required to, update Maintenanct District documents. Updated documents, including Proposition 218 Ballot and C�ovena�nt, shall be signed and notarized. If there are questions, contact Manny Behl at 661-326-357& 13. The developer shall dedicate additional road righf-of-way to the City Bakersfield along Buena Vista Road to full arterial width according to adolofed city standards. The developer shall construct additional roadway, including expanded intersection and�/or right turn lanes, along Buena Vista Road to full arterial width according to adopted city standards. 14. All storm wafer generated on the project site, including the street frontage shall be retained onsite unless otherwise allowed by the Public Works Department (please contact the Public Works Department - Subdivisions at 661-326-3576). 15. This project may be located within a Planned Sewer Area. Please conta-M the Public Works Department - SubdMsions at 6611-326-3576 to d( whM t fees may a-*,ply. SPRii 13-0172 Page 16 qf 18 16. This project may be located within a Planned Drainage Area. Please contact the Public Works Department - Subdivisions at 661-326,-3576 to determine what fees may apply. 17. Prior to grading plan approval, the project applicant shall prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that conforms to the State Water Resources Control Board NPDES permit in which the City of Bakersfield is a co-permitee. The SWPPP shall specify Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent construction-related pollutants from reaching storm water and all products of erosion from moving off-site. The SWPPP shall require approval by the State Wafer Resources Control Board and verification of approval provided to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department, (Mitigation Measure 5.7.A.I.) 18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall pay sewer connection fees to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. The fees would be used to provide adequate sewer facilities to convey wastewater from the project site to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 as well as contribute to the cost to increase the capacity of the treatment plant. (Mitigation Measure 5. 1 2.C.2) I Street return type approaches, if used, shall have 20-foot minimum radius returns with a minimum 24-foot throat width,. All dimensions shall be shown on the final building plans. 2. Two-way drive aisles shall be a minimum width of 24 feet, If perpendicular (901) parking spaces are proposed where a vehicle must back into these aisles, the minimum aisle width shall be 25 feet, All drive aisle dimension shall be shown on the final building plans. 3. Show the typical parking stall dimension on the final building plans (minimum stal!l size is 9 feet x 18 feet) . i * i I , 4 FOIZAK 4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program as well as paying the proportional share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF). The intersection and roadway improvements that are required with the proposed project are as follows, The timing of these improvements is estimated below; however, all of these improvements shall be completed as the significance thresholds are reached. (Mitigation Measure 5.1 I.A.1) Measures 5.11.A.1 I and 6.8,1 1 .A. I (Regional Transportation Impact Fee - Regional Mitigation) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall a) participate in the current, full RTIF program as modified by the Construction Cost Index (CCl) or b) mitigate everything to Level of SPRfi.13-0172 Page 17 of 18 11 &JiLej r' r- ' -r 'r r r • r• • r r r -• r r r r r ........ ----- • ... 01-13 IRAQ ............ ttttlAq, and siigninig. Un,it costs used in the traffic study may be outdated due to recent rises in construction costs and shall be updated as appropriate. Applicant shall participate in the improvements reqed on a pro-rata fair share basis, prior to the issuance • building permits, based upon the approved estimates. It is the Public Works Department's decision as to ERM110144EIRRIM* 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project applicant shall participate in the Regional Transportation lmpact Fee (RTIF), program as well as paying the proportional share for local mitigation improvements (those not covered by the RTIF). The intersection and roadway improvements that are required with cumulative development (Le., the cumulative growth of "background-related"' traffic with the addition and contribution of project- generated traffic) in the years 2015 and 2030 are as follows (Note: All project-generated impacts and corresponding mitigation measures /)improvements are included in both Section 5.11 and Section, 6,111). (Mitigation Measure 6.3.1 1A.1.) Measures 5.11.A.1 1 and 6.3.1 1.A.1 (Regional Transportation Impact Fee - Regional Mitigation) Prior to the issuance of building permits,, the project applicant shall ) participate in the RTIF program. The applicant shall submit revised funding calculations for all improvements associated with the RTIF program pursuant to Table 10 from the project traffic study and the current policy of the Public Works Department for said calculations. Said calculations shall be updated based upon the adopted RTIF at time of further subdivision. Measure 5.1 1.A..1 I and 6.3.1 1A I (Local Mitigation) For impacted intersections and segments subject to fair share improvements (refer to Tables 6 & 8 from the project traffic study),, prior to subdivision updated estimates shall be submitted and approved. Unit costs, used in the traffic SI'Ri� 13-0172 Page 18 ql'18 study may be outdated due to recent rises in construction costs, and shall be updated • appropriate, Applicant shafl pa pate in the improvements required on a pro-rata, fair share basis, and prior to the issuance of building permits, based upon the approved estimates. Ink, Me'll 1 Cart service I cubic yard/week or less I time per week Front loader bin services I cubic yard/week - 12 cubic yards/day Roll -riff compactor service More Phan 1, 2 cubic yards/day 2. Show on! the final building plans refuse bin enclosures. Each enclosure shall be designed according to adopted city standard (Detail #ST25 A and B), at the size checked below 0. Before occupancy of the building or site is • owecl, 21 three cub • front loading type refuse bin(s) shall be placed within the required enclosure(s), -1 6'deep x 8'vvide (I biini) RI 7 - 8' deep x 15'wide (3, bins) D 8'deep x I O'wide (2 bins) El 8'deepi x 20'wide (4 bins) NOTE: All measurements above are clurb-to-icurb dimensions inside the I enclosure. If both refuse and! recycling containers are to be combined in the same enclosure area, this area must be expanded in size to accommodate multiple containlers/bins (contact the staff person above for the appropriate enclosure size). 3 Facilities that require infectious waste services shall obtain approval for separate infectiouls waste storage areas from the Kern, County Health! Deparfment. In no instances shall the refuse bin area be used for infectious waste containment purposes, 4. Facilities that require grease containment must provide a storage location that is separate from the refuse bin location. This shall be shown on the final building plains. 5. FaciRies; that participate in recycling operations must provide a location th-'-'m is separate from the refuse containment area, J 6. Facilities with existing refuse service must improve the service location area(s) to current adopted city standards (in, accordance with Detail #ST25 A and B). These improvements, shall be clearly shown on the final building plans, C %41 U, CD S" co c w WI—Okkm C? qNry P � l w5 S� ro u j LPN, VLSM VNine 4N CL 6 CL 16 Gp wa IIZI . ... ........ 1F131NSJ3�NiM I' ------------------- ya NI .Y. ffi