HomeMy WebLinkAboutSB-989 RESULTS 6-23-13 #781SWRCB, January 2002 Page __ of __ Secondary Containment Testing Report Form This fonn is intended for use by contractors pe1jorming periodic testing of UST seconda~y containment .~ystems. Use the appropriate pages of this form to report results for all components tested. The completed.form, wrillen test procedures, and printoutsfrom tests (if applicable), should be provided to the facility ownedoperator.for submittal to the local regulat01y agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: tf7781 Fastrip I Dale ofTesting: 06/27/13 Facility Address: 40 13 South H Street, Bakersfield, CA. 93304 Facility Contact: Omcro Garcia I Phone: 661-703-4970 Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTesting: 6/24113 Name of Local Agency Inspector (if present during testing): Ester Duran 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services Technician Conducting Test: Frank Landa Credentials: x CSLB Licensed Contractor SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester License Type: CSLB I License Number:804904 TT#11-1756 ICC# 818071 ·-· Manufacturer Training Manufacturer Component(s) Date Training Expires UST 11/22/2013 Installaton/Retrofit UST Service ICC 1-28-2015 technician Star. Smith. Fibercast Fiber Glass Systems N.A. 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Pass Fail Not Repairs Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Component Tested Made Tested Made DSL Secondary X 0 n u n n 0 u 87 Master Secondary X r 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 Syphon Secondary X n [J 0 u 0 0 0 91 Secondary X 0 0 0 0 0 0 [J DSL STP X u 0 n 0 0 0 u 87 Master STP X n 0 u 0 n [] 0 87 Slave STP X u 0 n LJ 0 0 0 91 STP X 0 0 u 0 0 0 n UDC 1-2 X 0 0 n 0 0 0 n UDC 3-4 X 0 0 0 n 0 u 0 UDC 5-6 X [I 0 0 0 0 n lJ UDC 7-8 X 0 0 u 0 u n 0 If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: Water was gut back into test trailer and waste drum SPONSffiLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 'Octmtent are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements Date: 6/27/13 . SWRCB, January 2002 Page_ of_ 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Test Method Developed By: 0 Piping Manufacturer x Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer 0 Other (SpecifY) Test Method Used: x Pressure 0 Vacuum 0 Hydrostatic 0 Other (SpecifY) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" ... Piping Run # DSL Piping Run # 87 Piping Run #87 Piping Run #91 master Syphon Piping Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Piping Manufacturer: Smith Smith Smith Smith Piping Diameter: 3" 3" 3" 3" Length of Piping Run: 120' 100' 100' 100' Product Stored: DSL Regular Regular Premium Method and location of Test port in Osp 3-4 Test port Dsp 3-4 Test port Dsp 3-4 Test port Dsp 3-4 piping-run isolation: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. starting test: Test Sta11 Time: 9:00 am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am Initial Reading (R1): 10 psi 10 psi 10 psi 10 psi Test End Time: I 0:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Final Reading (Rp): 10 psi 10 psi 10 psi 10 psi Test Duration: I hour I hour 1 hour 1 hour Change in Reading (Rp-R1): 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Pass/Fail Threshold or 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass OFail X Pass 0 Fail X Pass 0 Fail Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to test in£. anc/ recommended.follow-upfor failed test:.) All Secondary/Primary pipe replaced with Smith Fiberglass SWRCB, January 2002 Page __ of _ 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Test Method Developed By: 0 Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer 0 Other (Specify) Test Method Used: 0 Pressure r Vacuum x Hydrostatic D Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts Equipment Resolution: ·····--· Sump#DSL Sump #87 master Sump #87 slave Sump#91 Sump Diameter: 38" 38" 38" 38" Sump Depth: 61" 61" 61" 64" Sump Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Height from Tank Top to Top of 24" 34" 19.5" 26" Highest Piping Penetration: Height from Tank Top to Lowest 12" 12" 14" 12" Electrical Penetration: Condition of sump prior to testing: Clean Clean Clean Clean Portion of Sump Tested1 18" 18" 20" 18" Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?' DYes ONo X NA DYes UNo XNA Yes DNoX NA lJ Yes DNo X NA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA NA NA Is system programmed for fail-safe shutdown?' ::=Yes No XNA 0 Yes ONoXNA rYes ...... NoXNA LYes DNo X NA Was fail-safe verified to be DYes lJ No X NA DYes DNoXNA DYes DNoX NA DNo XNA operational?' 0 Yes Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 5 min test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass D Fail X Pass DFail X Pass DFail X Pass DFail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes DNo DNA XYes DNo DNA X Yes DNo DNA X Yes DNo DNA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes ll No DNA X Yes ,...,No DNA X Yes ONo CNA X Yes DNo DNA verified functional after testing? Comments-(include information on repairs made prior to testing. and recommended follow-up for failed tests) All piping penetrations replaced with Smith Bonded fittings and all electrical/vent And vapor replaced with bravo FS-1 O.FS-2_0 and FS-30 1 If the entire depth of the sump is not tested. specify how much was tested. If the answer to MY of the questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or ·'NA", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) I I I i i I SWRCB, January 2002 Page __ of .. """ ... ,..,,&;J .... ,-~ • ....,.._a,;...l,...,_.'" __ ..... ._ ............ _.._ ... _ ,---J -----··- Test Method Developed By: 0 UDC Manufacturer x Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer D Other (Specify) Test Method Used: D Pressure J Vacuum x Hydrostatic D Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts Equipment Resolution: . ···-· UDC# 1-2 UDC # 3-4 UDC #S-6 UDC #7-8 UDC Manufacturer: Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown UDC Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiber~lass Fiberglass UDC Depth: 32" 32" 32'' 32" Height from UDC Bottom to Top 12" 12" 12" 12" of Highest Piping Penetration: Height from UDC Bottom to 12" 12" 12" 12" Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of UDC prior to Clean Clean Clean Clean testing: Portion ofUDC Tested 15" 15" 15" 15" Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?• DYes DNo XNA DYes ONoXNA DYes DNo XNA DYes DNo XNA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA NA NA Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown?· DYes No XNA DYes NoXNA 'lYes No XNA lYes DNo XNA Was fail-safe verified to be DYes rNo X NA DYes DNoXNA U Yes 'lNo X NA Yes DNo XNA operational?• Wait time between applying 5 Min 5 Min 5 Min 5 Min pressure/vacuum/water and starting test Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass D Fail X Pass DFail X Pass DFail X Pass DFai1 Was sensor removed for testing? XYes rNo DNA XYes DNo DNA X Yes ~No DNA X Yes DNo 8NA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes DNo :JNA X Yes ONo DNA X Yes L'No DNA X Yes DNo DNA verified functional after testing? Comments-(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended.follow-up forfailed tests) All Piping penetrations replaced with Smith bonded fittings and all electrical and Replaced with Bravo FS-1 0. FS-2_0 1 If the entire depth of the U DC is not tested, speei fy how much was tested. If the answer to !illY of the questions indicated with an asterisk(*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) I I I I 7781 4013 S HST 7781 4013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA 110-30722 BAKERSFIELD CA 110-30722 06/27/2013 9:27 AN 06/27/2013 9:07 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT OSL STP OSL STP TEST STARTED 9:12 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 TEST STARTED 8:51 AM BEGIN LEVEL 3,3288 IN TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 END TIHE 9:27 AM BEGIN LEVEL 3. 3291 IN END DATE 06/27/2013 Et.D iii'IE 9:07 AM END LEVEL 3, 3287 IN END DATE 06/27/2013 LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN Et.O LEI.'EL 3, 3289 IN TEST RESULT PASSED LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 91 STP 91 STP TEST STARTED 9:12 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 TEST STARTEij 8:51 AM BEGIN LEVEL 2. 1918 IN TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 EriD TitlE 9:27 AN BEGIN LEVEL 2. 1920 IN END DATE 06/27/2013 Et() TINE 9:07 AM END LEVEL 2. 1919 IN END DATE 06/27/2013 LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN END LEVEL 2, 1921 IN TEST RESULT PASSED LEAK THRESHOLD 0. 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED l'<3 \ 7781 11013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA 110-30722 06/27/2013 9:56 AM ALARM REPORT 06/27/2013 9:53 AH POIIER OOWN 06/27/2013 9:56 AM PO\IER UP 06/27/2013 9:56 AM SYSTEK MEMORY ERROR 7781 4013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA l/0-30722 06/27/2013 10:01 AM ALARM REPORT 06/27/2013 POVER UP 06/27/2013 POIIER 00\IN 10:01 AM 9:56 AM \ 7781 ll013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA 110-30722 06/27/2013 10:21 AM SUNP LEAK TtST REPORT 87 SSTP TEST STARTED 10:06 AN TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGW LEVEL 2. 9939 IN END TIHE 10:21 AM EtiO DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 2. 99ll0 W LEAK THRESHOLD 0. 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 87 NSTP TEST STARTED 10:06 ~~ TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3.3221 IN ENO TIHE 10:21 AM END DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 3.322ll IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 7781 ll013 S HST BAKERSF IELO CA 110-30722 06/27/2013 10:37 AH SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT 87 SSTP TEST STARTED 10:22 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 B£G Ill LEVEL 2.9939 w END TIHE 10:37 AM Etf> DATE 06/27/2013 EtiO LEVEL 2,99ll0 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 IN TEST REstn.. T PASSED 87 HSTP TEST STARTED 10:22 1111 TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3.322ll IN EUO TII1E 10:37 AH ENO DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 3.3228 IN LEAK THREShOLD 0. 002 Ill TEST RESUlT PASSED 7781 ll013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA IID-30722 06/27/2013 11 :oo Al1 ALARM REPORT 06/27/2013 POI/ER DOliN 06/27/2013 PO\IER UP 10:50 AM 11:00 AM ~:z.. 7781 ll013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA \10-30722 06/27/2013 11:31 Al1 SUtf LEAK TEST REPCRT UDC 1-2 TEST STARTED 11:15 AH TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 6, il656 IN END TIME 11:31 AM END DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 6. 4650 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED LOC 3-ll TEST STARTED 11:15 AH TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3. 7627 IN END TIH£ 11:31 AH END DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 3. 7636 IN LEAK T!J.RESHDLO 0. 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED uoc 7-8 TEST STARTED 11:15 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 6.3219 IN Ef.IO TIME 11:31 AM END DATE 00/27/2013 END LEVEL 6.3219 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED uoc 7-8 TEST STARTED 11:40 AH TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 6.3224 IN _00 TIHE 11:56 AM END DATE 06/27/2013 rNO LEVEL 6.3222 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0. 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 7781 4013 S HST BAKERSFIELD CA 110-30722 06/27/2013 11:56 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT uoc 1-2 TEST STARTED 11:40 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 6,4664 IN ENO TIM£ 11:56 AH ENO DATE 06/27/2013 EtiO LEVEL 6.4667 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED uoc 3-4 TEST STARTED 11:40 AM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3, 7631 IN END TIME 11:56 AM END DATE 08/27/2013 ENO LEVEL 3, 7625 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED \)q. ~ UDC 5-6 TEST STARTED 12:04 PM TEST STARTED 05/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3,5522 IN END TIME 12:19 PM END DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 3. 5522 W LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED UDC 5-6 TEST STARTED 12:19 PM TEST STARTED 06/27/2013 BEGIN LEVEL 3.5522 IN END TIME 12:34 PM END DATE 06/27/2013 END LEVEL 3,5527 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED