HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPPAC SEMIANN01(1) ecipi6nt committee campaign statement (Government Code Sec~ons 84200.84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Statement coyote pedod ~rom 01' 01' ~1 through ~" ,.~O - O ~ Date of election If a ~AKER '-23 PH2:I3 '=IELB CITY CLERK COVER PAGE Page / of ff For Oflk:lal U~ ~ 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Committees- Complete Part~ 1, 2, 3, and 7. [] Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee (Also Complete Pat14.) [] Ballot Measure Committee O Primarily Formed O Controlled O Sponsored (Atso Complete part 5.) [] Primarily Formed Candidate/ Officeholder Committee (Also Complete pat16.) [] General Puq30se Committee O Sponsored O Broad Based 3. Committee Information COMMITTEE NAME STREET ADORESS {NO P.O. SOX) CITY STATE ZIP COOE AND STREET OR FO. BOX STATE ZIF COOE AREA CODC~PHONE AREA COOE/PHONE OPTIOHAL: FAX / E-MAIL ADDRESS 2. Type of Statement: [] Pta-election Statement ~' Semi-annual Statement [] Termination Statement [] Amendment (Explain below) [] Quarterly Statement [] Special Odd-Year Report [] Supplemental Pre-election Statement - Attach Form 495 Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER MAILING ADDRE~ CITY STATE ZIP COOE AREA CO[:)E/PHONE NAME OF ASSISTANT TREASURER, IF ANY MAILING ADORESS CITY STATE ZiP COOE AREA CODE~PHONE OPTIONAL: FAX/E-MAIL ADORESS Reci'pient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page -- Part 2 Type or print in ink. COVER PAGE - PART 2 Page ~,~ of ~ 4. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE 5. Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO. AND STREE~ CITY STATE ZiP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: Llsranycommlrtees not included In this consolidated statement that are conrrolled by you or which are primarily formed fo receive contributions or to make expenditure, on behaff of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMIT[ER? [] ~s [] NO COMMInEE ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP COOE AREA CODE/PHONE BALLOT NO. OR LET[ER I JURISDICTION [] SUPPORT I [] OPPOSE Identify the conb'olling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE. OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Verification 6. Primarily Formed Committee ust nam, of officeholder(s) or candidate(,) for which thl~ commRtee la primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANOIDATE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE Attac~ con~nuation sheets if necessary OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD [] SUPPORT [] OPPOSE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD [] SUPPORT [] OPPOSE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD []SUPPORT []OPPOSE have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is tree and complete. I certify under penalty 0f perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on Executed on Executed on. By Executed on FPPC Form 460 (8/99) For Technical A~alalance: 916/322-5660 S~ate of California 0ampaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEEINSTRUCT1ONSON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. through SUMMARY PAGE Page -~ of ~ NAME OF FILER Contributions Received 1. Monetary Contributions ...................................................... Schedule A, Line 3 2. Loans Received ................................................................... Schedule B, Line 7 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ................................... ,~dd Lines ~ + 2 $ 4. Nonmonetary Contributions ............................................... Schedule C, Line 3 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED .................................... Add Lines 3 + 4 $ Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made .................................................................... Schedule E, Line 7. Loans Made .......................................................................... Schedule Fi, Line 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ................................................ Add Lines 6 + 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ............................................ Schedule F, Line 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment ....................................................... Schedule C, Line 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ......................................... Add Lines a + 9 + to I.D. NUMBER Column A Column B* Column C $ I~eo Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ................................ Previous Summary Page, Line 16 13. Cash Receipts .............................................................. Column A, Line 3 above 14. Miscellaneous increases to Cash ....................................... Schedule I, Line 4 1 5. Cash Payments ............................................................ Column A, Line 8 above 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .............. Add LInes 12 + 13 + t4, then subtrectl, ine 15 If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ................... Schedule S, Pe, t. Column (b) $ Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents ..................................................... See instructions on reverse $, 19. Outstanding Debts ................................... AddLIns2+Llne91nColumnCabove $ ' From previous statement Summary Page, Column C. However. If this is the first repeal filed tor the calendar year, Column B should be blank except lot Loans Received (Line 2), Loans Made (Line 7), and Accrued Expenses (Line 9). Summary for Candidates in Both June and November Elections lit through 6/30 7/1 to Date 20. Contributions Received ............ $ 21. Expenditures Made ..................$ FPPC Form 460 (8/99) For Technical Assistance: 916~22-5660 Schedule A · Type or print In ink. SCHEDULE A SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSEMonetary Contributions Received fo whole dollar., from ~rough ASSOCIATION OF ~ IND BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS D COM J ~OTH ASSOCIATION OF ~ IND BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS O COU J ~OTH BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS 0 IND ~ ~ ~.~ ~ OTH ASSOCIATION OF D IND BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS D COM / ASSOCIATION OF O IND BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS O coa / ~ OTH SUBTOTAL Schedule A Summary ~' 1. Amount received this period - contributions of $100 or more. (Include ail Schedule A sublotals.) ....................................................................................................... $ 2. Amount received this period - unitemized contributions of less than $100 ......................................... $ 3. Total monetan/contributions received this period. (Ad 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) ................... TOTAL $ / 5'0o *Contflbut(x Codes IND - Indivtduel COM - Recipient Committee OTH - Other FPPC Form 460 For Technical Assl*fance: ~)cfleaule A i,u. ol~'~lfluation lSr~eet) Type or print in Ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) ~lOnetary Contributions Received Amounts may be rounbed S[..:.~,.;;~t c,,,,ei~ ~rlod dAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER ~NT CUMU~TIVE TO CATE / CUMU~TIVE TO DATE DATE FULL NAME, MAILING ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIB~OR CONTRIB~OR ~CUPATION AND ~PLOYER RECEIVED ~IS CALENDAR YEAR ~ OTHER RECEIVED (IFC~EE,A~OENTERI.D.N~R) CODE a (IFSE~-EM~OYED. ENTERN~E PER~D (JAN 1 -DEC31)/ (IFAPPLICABLE) OF ~SINESS) t - ~ ~ - ~ I BAKERSRELD ASSOCIATION OF D IND I- 5' ~ I BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS ~ ASSOCIATION OF D IND V-~ %= I BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS ~ OTH ASSOCIATION OF ~ IND .~ / ~- ~- e ~ BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS ~OTH ASSOCIATION OF %- / ~- · r BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS D COM & ¢~ ~IND ~- ~ f ~ ~ f BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS SUBTOTAL ['Contdbuto~ Codes IND - Individual COM - Redplent Co--tree OTH - Other FPPC Form 460 (8/99) For Tec ence: 916A322-5660 · Schedule A (L;ontinuation Sheet) wp, or print In Ink. SCHEDULE A (CONT.) Monetary contrtl)UtlOnS Received A.~m, may ee roun~ea IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER A~NT CUM~VE~DATE ~ CUM~T~ETODA~ DATE FULL N~E. MAILING ADDRESS AND ZIP C~E OF ~IB~OR ~N~IB~OR ~CUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEDED ~IS RECE~O {IF~E,A~E~RI,O.~R) CODE * 6;SEL;-E~;O.~EnN~ PERIOD ~BLE) OF 6USINESS) A~nIATI~N---~ ~ OF O IND BAKERSFIELD POUCE OFFICERS DCOM ~-/y -. ( OOTH ASSOCiATiON OF ' ' O IND , ~COM & -~ 3- · ~ BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS 00TH ~ IND 0 COM ~ OTH ~ IND ~ ~o~ ~ O~H ~ IND ~ ~O~ ~ O~H ~ ~o~ ~OTH .' SUBTOTAL $ ,~)(~ ,.- IND-Ir~ldual COM - Recipient Commlltee OTH - Other FPPC Form 460 (8/99) Fm'TlchnlcM AIIIItlnce: 916~22-5660 SChedUle D Summary of Expenditures Supporting/Opposing Other Candidates, Measures and Committees SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. from through SCHEDULE D Page /~ of ? NAME OF FILER DATE c CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, OR COMMITI*EE TYPE OF PAYMENT '~- Suppod [] Oppose '~ Suppod [] Oppose ~ SuppoTt [] Oppose [] Monetasy Centrtbution [] Non-Monetary Contn'butio~ [] Independent Expenditure Contribution Contdbutkxl Expenditure ConMbution [] Non-Mone~aw Contribution Expenditure DESCRIPTION OF NONMONETARY CONTRIBUTION (IF REOtJ1RED) I.D. NUMBER AMOUNT THIS PERIOD CUMULATIVEAMOUNT Calendar Year Other $ Calendar Year Other $ CeJe~r Year Other $ SUBTOTAL Schedule D Summary .,,. o* 1. Contributions and independent expenditures made this period of $100 or more. (Include all Schedule D subtotals.) ........................................ $ ~ ..~ 2; Unitemized contributions and independent expenditures made this period of under $100 .................................................................................. 3. Total contributions and independent expenditures made this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Do not enter on the Summary Page.) ........ TOTAL FPPC Form 4GO (8/99) For Technical Aeslstance: 916~22-5660 Schedule D Continuation [ ~,.~%,~1 ! L!! lUaLl~,.a! ! ~,~1 I~=~LI S~HEDULE D ~CONT, Summa~ of ExpendituresAmountsType or print In In,may be roun~ ~;~;=,ent covers ~rl~ ~ Suppo~in~Opposing Other towho,.do,,r.. ,,om e/-~/- ~/ ~ Candidates, Measures and CommiUees · rou~ ~' ~0- ~ / Page ~ of ~E OF FILER I.D. NUMBER DE~RIPTION OF N~N~ARY DATE CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, ~PE OF PAYME~ CONTRiB~ON AMOUNT ~IS PERIOD CUMU~VE AMOUNT M~SURE AND JURIS DICTION, OR COMMI~EE ~F RE~IRED) ~ntHbuti~ ~ I~epe~nt ~ Sup~ ~ ~ ~pe~iMe $ ~n~b~ O~er ~Sup~ ~ OP~ E~i~e $ D ~ cale~r Year ~n~but~ ~ N~-M~ ~ O~er ~ Sup~ ~ Op~e ~re $ ~ ~ C~e~r Y~ ~ ~-M~ S ~t~ O~er ~ Su~ ~ ~ ~i~e S oO SUBTOTAL $ ~ ~ o ~ FPPC Form 460 (8/99) For Technical Asslstsnce: 916/;)22-5660 · . Schedule I Type or print in Ink. SCHEDULE I ~iscellaneous Increases to Cash Amount~mayberounded -~:~-~--+i~entcoversperlod ~EEI,ST.~TIONSO, REVERSE ~rough ~' ~O--~; Pag. ~ of ? DATE FULL NA~E AND ADDRESS OF SOURCE DESCRIPTION OF R~CEIPT AMOUNT OF Attach additional information on appropriately laboled continuation shoots. SUBTOTAL $ /~ ~ ~/' Schedule I Summary ., 1. Increases to cash o! $100 or more this period ........................................................................................................... $ 2. Unitemized increases to cash under $100 this pedod ............................................................................................... $ 3. Total o! ali interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Part 2 (b).) ................................. $ 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Line 14.) ........................................................................................................................... TOTAL $ / FPPC Form 460 (8/99) For Technical Asslstsnce: 916/322-5660